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Everything posted by bai

  1. yeaaaaahhhhh that's the spirit! Tastyyyy ๐Ÿ˜‹
  2. #relate hahaha and its even better to eat it when rain is pouring outside!!! Ahahahaha ๐Ÿ˜† btw gurl the devil noodle from Devina's one actually tasty, just adjust the amount of chili ๐Ÿ˜‹ Btw! Thankful your result is negative ๐Ÿ’™ nah the salted egg, is really like a nightmare to me. Exactly like you said LOL and #relate, I can't stop to try though I don't believe it, still tempted to try it ONCE. Hahahah! Aaah this is in my watchlist! I watch snippets of Kwangsoo there hahaha he is funny there, his unconscious mind after long years in RM is adding the comedy. I miss Han Hyojoo as well You not reminded of another KHN with Kang Haneul there? HAHAHAHA
  3. to make it spicy, for me its better to add own sambal/chili to the original one like this excalated one for example ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ this is the extreme one called death noodle from abang adek I'm not recommending this tho, just for example if we want the best for spicy Indomie one: add more ingredient (can say basically I just need the noodle base + their chicken seasoning lol) ๐Ÿ˜‹
  4. Shy if the answer is not Divas on The Road (YY) lol maybe it is really your friend nah (what you type in the dabang) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Oh yeah? He expressed he is awkward? But I also find he likes to test/touch other guys abs & let other test him(???) lol??? But, Ikr. Aigooo. Why so complicated, most guys said girls are complicated but see them, see their way of thinkin' sometimes I just can't fully comprehend it (bf too sometimes, anyway) hshshs but yeah I can be soft sometimes, like, ah maybe yeah it just so weird for 'em
  5. no whale dancing is having sexc vibe.. That one just plain cute no sexc.. LOL yeah I want the handsome first. If I must really choose the colorized photo it is #1. *whispering #3 I wouldn't buy and ahhhh. I know it. At dabang when you asked, maybe you tell about his Diva On The Road yes? But I'm so shy to ask bcs waaaa if the answer is not, I'm so YY centered brain LOL xD (UGH I missed this mention, so I didn't reply last night) yeah that LOL us how naive he was thinking it would not getting variety show material attention ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…
  6. ah I just realized after playing it, they tried ALL the flavors available to them. I even haven't tried some of them. Shrimp flavor? What is that? LOL I agree with their taste! My Indomie note as far I'm living with around 'em (this is just my preference tho): - classic Indomie is still the best one. The original fried noodle + onion chicken flavor soup. That's it - the grilled chicken (BBQ chicken) flavor LOL it is actually my brother's favorite but I'm so against it. I always fight my statement that original fried noodle is far better. WHY JUST WHY he liked that Idk so weird to me. I just put my every time he ate it in my sight. LOL. It is like they said to me WOOO I'm so agreeing. Jolly ๐Ÿ’– - I never believe the premium label thing in Indomie. I agree with them it tastes horrible. If you want premium, it is better to make the classic + toppings that you need. For example black pepper chicken cuts + classic it is really mix well. SPARKS - I don't like the curry & soto flavor too. It is exactly like they said: you have candle scented one, but it goes wrong when you taste it, fail. LOL. SO dang far with the real dish one. I appreciate the real original curry & soto heritage - I like the hype series: seblak & chicken geprek tho, it is forgive-able and go to when you want something instant yet refreshing & so Indonesian. Chicken geprek level of spicy is not that bad, less than Samyang nuclear but the chili aroma is quite strong (because it is really bird eye chili sambal inspired)
  7. I just want to drop this beautiful gifset excerpt from ep 2: a country of rage. It might be because of the day. Or it might be because youโ€™re sadder than me. My heart is leaping and jolting. I wanted to be kind. sc: seawherethesunsets
  8. @abs-oluteM HEHEHEHE where is my most probably tandem @Mizv yeah?? To kneel on highness Junyeol in that aesthetic look I know he would cut it later (watch from the trailer) so I'm really enjoying it while it last. ๐Ÿ’— Junyeol as Kangjae la galeria: sc: becomeundone sc: deokmis sc: kimgoeun YEAAAAAHHH he plays a lot his hair but I can relate so much, when your hair in that exact length it just comes naturally? You can't help to when you have nothing to do/thinking about something. I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying it soooo well ๐Ÿ˜‚ P. S. Forgot to change the title to current, thanks M!
  9. exactly this is why it is.. UGH @TRaNz @Dhakra and even guys friend around me too. Sigh. And for a bit girl reason, she maybe feels worrier & finds you silly??? Idk Idk, nvm I'm nagging too much about this (promise this is the last) but I have to agree with moi said above! Lols oooh one of my pride LOL yesssss brb watch it, they love it YES?? NO?? PLS. HAHAHA don't worry too much ๐Ÿค— stress can lower your immune.. Sending virtual hug ๐Ÿค—
  10. ok ok I got it now thanks for the answer. For the pride of men-selves + it just too hassling. I'm just wanna checking, really afraid it will be girl related reason cause I want to smack IF IT IS ๐Ÿ˜‚โœŒ thankful it is not. Just look at us girls are more simply worrying here heheeeee but ok I believe you guys also have limit, as long is it doesn't really fade, you can just yup arasso arasso
  11. this this but also I can understand bcs vaccine already tested worldwide and there is so slim chance it goes wrong so @TRaNz tend to hold it & save face. BUT STILL WHY THO? Especially in the medic case, whos to prove? More on girls around there like nurse, ppl that also queue for vaccines or.. More like just men pride? Hello.. It sometimes just sound too silly you guys
  12. THIS I'm eating from this drama I love what I read here guys. Finally catch up to ep 4. I wish I had better vocabs to write this down BJ-father relationship is the purest. Awh For BJ marriage wow it is very heavy implied itss already over even still going on, like @SilverMoonTea said. Did you notice when she said I'm invisible, it was their marriage picture (which it is really describe her position in her husband + mother in law eye). There are a lot of unhealthy things there, be it husband lingering feeling + the ex arc (she thirsts for love & feeling happy bcs her sick husband), his reactions towards wife occupation (ugh where is your respect man), the communication, + also the shade of material share thingy. BJ seems so struggling with her dad while he has expensive car?? It is metaphorical pointed at the scene where he turned on the interview of the antagonist writer (I still can't remember her name, Ah-ran?) that couple shouldn't have material share boundary which is I think it also BJ-husband problem too. Soooo, if there is something happened between BJ-KJ, I feel I'm not in sin for rooting them to find happiness for each other as couple later. BJ doesn't have kid too anyway. Our main leads is just floating somewhere in life ๐Ÿ’” BJ: "Is this the bottom? Or is there a lower position from this? I'm anxious because I don't know where that is." KJ: "I don't know what death is yet. I don't know what life is either. Will I understand one day as time goes by? In the last moments of life, everyone is alone. Will I eventually understand that?" Gawd I feel so attacked at first minutes Ep 3. I also really love how the scenes + monologue switching over BJ<->KJ. It is resonating. And.. Ugh yes the introduction much more like they are so close to suicidal mind. Both of them. "Living unconcerned because nothing has happened yet. Will I be able to live like that again (like human)? When I cannot love myself even a little.. When I'm like this will I be able to start again?" This made me also kind of looking up the novel reference. Bcs I'm really afraid, yes, this may take route suicidal ending (it is inspired from the novel's writer life). Idk if I'm early to be that afraid but it feels so wrong bcs the promo always say it is about hope it will be really so wrong ๐Ÿ˜ฅ but then I stumbled on Goodreads and have kind of relieved feeling when reading this comment: Huffffff anyway I love love love this drama going on! It is bittersweet beautiful haunting. Now I get it after watching why one of the official poster is the two finally looking above. this feels so dark, yet funny (I like KJ cold jokes, KJ<->friends BJ<->KJ interaction), but also healing smh even it is so black
  13. this one is unexpected! I found his cameo thing in Twitter when scrolling around. Did I miss the news GY will be cameo? AAAAAAA hahahaha ok ok yes, yes, Alice in Borderland you like or not? It is really greaaat
  14. @mademoiselle the BW one I vote! SAD how it just have BW version! Hahaha gif will be more satisfying tho? DON'T make @Tofu trolls us picking this one to the market shop: it is funny but for 2nd badge later pls lol
  15. @TRaNz ahhh oh so it just today, heyy drink plenty of 'neutral' water for a while, if can coconut waterrr but thankful lah you seems ok with sore arms etc by far take caree
  16. YAAAAA @TRaNz but its already 1 week yeah? Hope its fine for the 2nd jab later!! Fightinggg
  17. so sorry to know that @JenL ๐Ÿ˜ฅ hope the result is negative for you so the status also can recovered quickly! ๐Ÿ’™ yaaaaa and @TRaNz seems you are so close to faint there, no no it is not embarrassing phleassseeee. You told the nurse right? But now you up for Gongcha, thankful you okie then (relieved). It just people have different reaction rlly my friend knocked after moderna one, a man, 22 yo, had sudden drop in blood sugar without any history of blood sugar/diabetics problem. He fainted after 10 mins
  18. it is a fan service I feel attacked. Oppas that occupy my mind these days are September babies. Hmmm Virgo mans bah he played twins there?? BHAHAHAHAH pls throw moi. Maybe I can harvest some too TEHEEEEE what about these or you have more killing? this one you throw me when I ask the sunglasses ๐Ÿ”ฝ
  19. HEYYY YOU DRAG ME HEREEEE I just need convinced by another his filmography in the future!! As you know he is a dark horse atm, it's a honorable place already
  20. yes ๐Ÿ˜‹ just having a warm cup of drink?
  21. can I quote you some @themarchioness because this exactly.. Ah will miss this show badly, very good one dose of a week in Thursday. It sometime hits so close to home, the patient struggles are hard to watch. But also there is another side, a nice entertainment & reminder why the heart of life is good. The mixes between are brilliant. Like I said on Twitter (I'm really no good in long words): ah.. That's how S2 wrapped, everyone. Hospital Playlist is like two sides of a coin dynamic, life/death, blessing/curse, the last episode stays true with the extraordinary in mundane days ++ hope circulating around 5 doctors friendship life that can be anyone role model ๐Ÿ’™
  22. kinda rainy these days like to eat savory sandwiches?
  23. the rain scene stills they are throwing so many!! The rain scene is indeed beautiful
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