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Everything posted by SilverMoonTea

  1. Longer trailer of Happy Camp, good looking couple look gorgeous!
  2. Your darling @JenL. Storyline quite interesting.
  3. I love how small she is and he can easily swing her like that. In the poster of their modern drama, CY also offer and open his arm for her to hug him freely. Sorry just gushing on OTP and not on drama story lols. Thanks for the explanation @IpohBanana@40somethingahjumma , actually everyone else have conflicting motivation and mood swinging most of the times. Only our girl RY is always stay devoted and give good balance in this drama.
  4. @NiteWalkerSo the title is okay? Or will have change? Anything important from here? Sorry it's a god language to me 😅
  5. Oh no... sigh... According to Nielsen Korea, the August 23 broadcast of KBS 2TV’s “Police University” recorded average nationwide viewership ratings of 6.9 percent. Cr. Soompi
  6. Yeah heavy rain with thunder and so dark too... make me want crawling back to bed. Ikr their fav place is toilet. Saw 2 last night and quite shocked. Seldom saw them. Wonder what went wrong lols. I pretty sure clean house weekly. Today will be a long day?
  7. I post each BTS on the right thread actually... haha... but yeah OT could happen when fangirling too hard.
  8. Btw do u guys often have insomnia? Any tips to cure? I watched those political palace, cos they're like telenovela with daily episodes, I lack of sleep, and now when I try to sleep earlier also can't 🙃
  9. I miss @Olivia Kateto spazzing Cheng Yi with me @Tofualready start to get stress with my too many CY post update
  10. Make sense to call one, normally they fix rotor / turbine in airplane? Maybe your fan then can fly to the ceiling The day just started, hopefully? I got bit insomnia last night. Yes need sth warm @NiteWalker, today a bit cold. You freak out seeing cockroach? Share your method to kill it? I hate to splash that with slipper, cos will dirty the floor & the slipper 😬
  11. @IpohBananaActually I'm a bit confused with Liu Misha's importance. Is she princess from other country or state? I guess because she have some troops attached her, so everyone kind of interested on her? Actually I felt Lu Zening is the worst version of Liu Misha. She seems to be more cunning and have more tricks on her sleeve. But even she seems by now already realized Qi Yan really won't coming back to her. You were right about Qi Yan being quite fragile. When ZN left him, he actually put himself on vulnerable position by saying that he will wait her for 3 years. I guess actually ZN didn't consider him really important for her life.
  12. BTS 🙈🙈🙈 @40somethingahjummaThis couple chemie really killing me. Help!
  13. I sort of slowing down on reading books lols... too many distracting oppas I keep buying books just to stack them on my room. How ah?
  14. CY on the set with the kid : CY always study hard the script :
  15. @IpohBananaWah so fast already watch the latest episodes? I need to wait for subs tomorrow 😅 The pain for not knowing mandarin ... My favourite scenes will be these from ep 25/26. The flirty emperor on strike again . After he launched the bomb telling he's going to married Lu Zening 🙃. He actually looks more hurt than RouYu who heard about that statement 🥺 But not long, he's back at teasing her again... OMG! Actually I'm also quite worry with his psychological state, he seems to start losing his mind too? His love for RY also seems quite time consuming for him. A lot of time he just in despair thinking about her. Once it's revealed that QY is the one shot arrow to her in the childhood, I can't imagine their reactions. Can she forgive him? Or will he become obsessive ? Let's see.
  16. 101 Things to love about Cheng Yi : @Tofu@Olivia Kate@NiteWalker I always appreciate hardworking actor, and he doesn't want to accept monetary gift for fans too. Glad he doesn't give up acting despite people telling him to do so.
  17. I'm on the historical war currently. Emperor & prince fight for my love, ahahaha.... Sorry SSH, next time 😅 Cr. Tofu 😆
  18. Tell me any drama of Cheng Yi, where he's not sad, crying, and miserable ? Any ? Since this is republican war drama, I think almost like granted bad ending? 🤧🤧🤧
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