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Everything posted by SnowBlob

  1. @mademoiselle indeed!! Are you sure you're not gonna use the same crying and fainting strategy this time???? Wow.. so far you're the only contender (I'm guessing everyone else is still sleeping and getting ready to work) Good morning~~
  2. Round 10 ~ Last Round The hero that you're facing this time is... So, get ready, get set, GO!
  3. Round 9 answer 2 points Surprise surprise..there are so many of you who could beat this Stranger duo I guess they're not as smart as we think?!?!?!
  4. @mademoiselle aiyo... never a fan of all things insects... I don't even dare touching snails and worms in my garden Luckily one of my friends like you grow their own chives and sometimes they share with me :P Why your villain fainting!!! @ktcjdrama LOL..smarttt...how did you even find that kind of pic NGM and his reflection? I think I'm gonna have an early night tonight~ We only have one more round to go after this. This event will end tomorrow at 12pm KST.
  5. @mademoiselle yikesss...that's a lot!!!!! Gehehehehhehe.... unfortunately unless I have the physical goodies in my hand...you can't bribe me But I'm even more surprised that you plant the chives yourselves~ Sigh..I haven't eaten dumplings in a while.... Your luck may be low.. but may dumplings satisfy you instead
  6. @mademoiselle mama miaaa... those are beautifully folded! My dumplings look like.... well..let's say nothing like that. I can never fold them neat enough they would end up just like a blob of something Thanks for the YouTube link (by any chance is that you???) .. Next time I make dumplings I better watch the video so I can fold them like yours!
  7. Round 9 The hero that you're facing this time is... So, get ready, get set, GO!
  8. Round 8 answers 2 points And @ktcjdrama is the only one who beat female warrior Mulan
  9. @mademoiselle I'm drooling at the thought of Pork and Chives dumpling. BUT...how many dumplings are you making exactly??? That looks like a lottttttt of chives Oh wowwww... so far only @ktcjdrama dared to be different looking to the left... @Dhakra is that picture turning to the right? The head is turning to the right but the eyes are looking to the left I'll count that as 'right' If you're up now..you shouldn't be missing next round!
  10. Wow ok... 5 turning to the right @mademoiselle @Chocolate @Alice Wonderland @katakwasabi @LaLa and ONLY 1 dares to turn to the left @ktcjdrama!! @Alice Wonderland so to make it easier for me..I'll just count your villain as JDH still :p @LaLaI don't mind Yui at all... but honestly I'm not much of a fan of the female characters in Conan. I like them alright, but not love them? Did you say which ones are your fav?? I ship Kazuha and Heiji so much though @katakwasabi HAHAHAHAHAHA... I think Kim Do Chi would be smitten with Mulan..he might surrender even before he starts the fight!
  11. Round 8 The hero that you're facing this time is... So, get ready, get set, GO!
  12. @mademoiselle true..but for some reasons I still always think Kong and Godzilla are the good guys Some ppl are guessing that the Godzilla in Kong vs Godzilla will be the bad gorilla (not sure what is...coz I don't follow the comics..shrugs). @LaLa actually.. I'm not a big fan of any of the police officers stationed in Tokyo. The 3 detectives I like are the ones that station outside Tokyo...let me check google for the name. Ahh..Kansuke and Morofushi! They're from Nagano. Come here during winter time... I'll show a you a little bit of snow @oppasaranghaeyo hahahahahahah you're so funny! Let's see whether Kong likes your villain because she's so pretty and she's in white (doesn't look like she's in distress though..so...) Round 7 - Kong's hand 1 point - coz he's all power and not so much brain :P
  13. @Chocolate you still have time to change!! go go go~~~ but if you die after you change then don't blame me ok @mademoiselle how's your facial masking btw? how come you're doing facial mask in the morning? I'm actually looking forward to the upcoming movie Godzilla vs Kong. I thought both of them are the good guys? (shrugs) Haven't been going to cinema in a while but I did manage to go watch WW84 in cinema a few months ago. gotta go do chores now
  14. @mademoiselle he looks so scared and tired already even before fighting Kong! HAHAHHAHA
  15. @SilverMoonTea CTH is very close with JIS I think. Coz Cth often called JIS during 1n2d filming. There was once he managed to get JIS come to the show!!! And the female staff were all smitten (and I was so happy nonetheless to see his beautiful face in my fav show!). I'll go check the trailer or something soon
  16. Wow... @Chocolate and @abs-oluteM combining power: sweet+ military to beat Kong ... Don't think Kong likes sweet though??? He likes meat? I actually don't know what he eats ... maybe he's a herbivore?? Facing to the right are the ordinary villains with guns and brains (and handsome looks) @katakwasabi @SilverMoonTea @Alice Wonderland Which side will you join??
  17. Round 7 The hero that you're facing this time is... So, get ready, get set, GO!
  18. Round 6 has ended. The answer is 3 points!
  19. Good morning from my time~ I just woke up @LaLa @ktcjdrama I love Conan too! Never collects the comic books though just borrowed from friends and library. But now I read it online Apart from shinichi..I actually love all the other detectives...like Heiji and the 3 police detectives (can't remember the name...one with a darker skin, a lady and a skinny detective). I also love the FBI/CIA like Akai etc. But I must confess it gets really confusing who is from what and whether s/he a baddie (I have to check wikipedia >.< ) @LaLa @SilverMoonTea is it good? I know he has the supermarket variety with CTH. I like both of them but the theme doesn't sound like it's interesting?? @Dhakra helllooo!! welcome to this event. Glad you decided to join :) Hmmm... I couldn't actually see your chosen pic but I'm guessing your Choi Seo Yoon is turning right??? @oppasaranghaeyo awww...'first' from behind maybe next time I should create an event where people should aim to lose!
  20. Aigoo....lucky I checked because I forgot to unlock the thread. Otherwise I'd be wondering why no one answers when I end this round LOL..it's really funny how the recurring 'theme' of this thread's conversation is: "I don't really understand how to play this game" . But as long as you all have fun - no worries at all It's getting late for me~ I'm gonna go and have a good night
  21. Ep 7 and 8 Hmm...first I agree that those babies shouldn't be there with smoke and flashing lights ( I mean I literally do not think they should be there for the shooting irl .... well but since they said there's no children harmed and that their well beings are looked after... but still... poor babies have to see a 'bloodied' stranger pushing them around with smoke and flashing lights...). On a positive note, they're not harmed by Zi O's blast in the drama (how come though????) I find the contrast between GR giving birth vs those surrogate mothers giving birth interesting. They're giving birth to supposedly the 'same' type of baby but under very different circumstances. GR was able to give birth in a loving environment and poor surrogate mothers had to scream alone and be treated like their lives didn't matter. Moreover, the end was really tragic for them too. @ktcjdrama oh me tooo..I also ship Lee Son and red-hair girl. Unfortunately I have a very strong feeling that happy ending is nowhere in sight for them. I think one of them is gonna die if not both. I also didn't see it coming: my fav ahjussi turned out to be the bad guy for now. Maybe he killed GR's parents in the past and that's why he was so adamant for GR to let go??? I think he'll turn to be good later on coz my fav ahjussi cannot be the bad guy Now... I'm not so sure whether I'm liking the change in ep 7 and 8. Although I'm glad the chasing has stopped until right at the end of ep 8, I don't quite like the change of 'vibes' - for me these two eps became a bit like melodrama for me. And now I'm not sure whether I'm gonna like it when the chasing game involves their baby girl in the next eps or so. Hopefully they'll find a safe place for the baby first before pursuing or being pursued by the bad guys.
  22. Round 6 The hero that you're facing this time is... So, get ready, get set, GO!
  23. @Chocolate poor chocolate went from winner to...ehemmm... @mademoiselle is correct.. so each round has different points...hence making the winners to be super lucky :) But worry not, direction and points are already pre-planned and we can confirm that at the end of the event that EO never cheats (well..but if we did get things wrong - because there are so many things to look at - we'll try to rectify it soon!) And yes...some rounds can go for hours and hours while others might go for short hours Round 5 has ended. Round 6 will start soon~ Round 5 1 point
  24. Everyone... I fixed the tally. I apologise for those who thought they currently won... actually... you do not Try your luck again in the next rounds. You can do it~ @SilverMoonTea now you'll be delighted to know that your dimple oppa is lucky~ look at your points! @katakwasabi fixed! @mademoiselle LOLOLOLOL... don't worry I'll be kind.. this round still has a good few hours to go~~ @joccu__ it's easy pick a villain..and just post his/her face looking left OR right on each round. Let me do the rest~
  25. @mademoiselle so yes...not supposed to turn to the same direction as EO's hand. Ok for example... if the round has this hand you will lose if your pic is Because my hand is pointing to the right and the villain's face is turning to the right (from our POV) Now I'm gonna fix the tally ~~
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