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Everything posted by SnowBlob

  1. Did you by any chance comment on an online 'news' article or something? I just read a 'news' title and summary a few hours ago on how a person got forcefully 'castrated'. Then I skimmed the comment section. Some said that he got what he deserved but there was this particular person who said what you said above... well.. not exactly the same coz this person didn't actually agree with the other commenters but based on what you said...what about if they got the wrong person!! LOL.
  2. Yay! Finally the first 2 eps are subbed @abs-oluteM @40somethingahjumma Only watched the first ep but I think it's off to a good start. I think this will be quite a ride.. I can already see the angst and distrust coming.. I just hope it won't be like FoE (although I must say after watching ep 1, I somehow get a similar vibe). On ep 1..the winners would be the ahjussis in this drama First is the handsome JJH with a very lean muscular body. Next is Heo Jung Ho ahjussi with a bicep bigger than my two arms combined together. After that is Jeong Man Sik ... the shot of him when he lifted up that rude young man and gave him a fright ... (honestly I felt happy that rude young men got beaten by an 'old' man HAH). So far I like how Yoo Seon Ho portrays Han Seung Soo who I'm guessing is somewhere in the spectrum (ASD maybe). Ep 1's pace is pretty good. Very soon I already got some ideas about several characters' background and can somehow guess where this drama is heading to. So I'm gonna stay tuned for now~
  3. Unfortunately, ep 7 and 8 are still not subbed but ep 9 and 10 are. So I decided to skip the unsubbed eps and went straight to watch ep 9. I applaud the writer that dared to address a certain sensitive issue in ep 9. It showed the problem that I'm guessing still exists currently in Japan. During the ep, the detective lady said the situation in the housing complex will be how Japan will be in 10 years time - ageing Japanese population and a lot migrants. It particularly addressed the issue with certain country/culture (not going to name it here but you can watch for yourself). Once one of the character said that people who came from the said culture/country are very loud and inconsiderate of others. The main issue with victim was also because he was a war orphan who was raised in the said country. He's a Japanese but due to war, he got separated from his parents and he was raised in the other country by the local. He was able to return to Japan later on but he's not able to speak or understand Japanese nor read or write in the language he was brought up with by the parents who adopted him. He's really caught in the middle (something I can somewhat relate to)... so he was discriminated when he was in the said country because they said he's a Japanese and yet he's also discriminated in Japan because Japanese thought him as one of the migrants. This ep does provide somehow a balance. Although it was mentioned before that the people from that country are inconsiderate in the eye of this character, it's also revealed that the people from that country were willing to adopt Japanese orphans and were also going through the hard time because the neighbours looked down on them. The son of the victim later also said that before if people know he's born in that said country, ppl would look down on him, but in this day and age, it's such an advantage to be born in that said country. Anyway, I really like how the writer courageously and somehow truthfully portrayed this sensitive issue. I did enjoy the episode although as with all other Cold Case episodes.. I hardly ended up feeling happy when I finished.
  4. @mademoiselle I wonder if it's a making drama after all
  5. You're not! Because if you are..then what am I?? (believing what you said straight away) ...
  6. Everyone has said whatever it is I want to say So I'm just gonna throw a few light comments @Chocolate how did you even have time to notice the discrepancy in which bed side that sleazy old man was on!!! @ktcjdrama I just looked away playing with my iPad when those horrible scenes were on (but the good thing was even when I looked away, I didn't feel like I missed anything important when I turned my eyes back on TV again... coz those scenes didn't contain any important clues pertinent to the flow of the story HAH..or else I would be really upset that I had to force myself watching those scenes only to avoid missing crucial information) If there should be any romance in this drama.. I opt for Do-Ki with the hacker! Oh and I was just glad that the illegal videos weren't showing child abuse .. although any kind of sexual abuse is just a no no but it would somehow feel a lot more disturbing if it's done on a child . Why oh why... I feel like crime against a child will be shown somehow in future eps. I really hope not though ...
  7. Hahahahha @Chocolate am I bloodthirsty? I second @Seung-Min his remorse isnt his... (Again..unless the drama decides to give us another twist later on that BR isnt the psycho after all ....) It's nature all right..but still.. I just can't pity the psycho BR at all I suppose if he lives with YH conscience and be tortured from unbearable guilt all his life behind bars...then yea..that's alright maybe :p will BY still love him or not? Because if she does..it's not the old BR she loves... It's most likely YH's ... Whatever it is..that she likes @Darkarcana ah yes 7 IF i watch the special hahahahahaa
  8. Hello myself, Haven't updated this thread for a while. I'm def up to date to the latest episode Hmmm.. what did we have on last ep.. AH! The 3 teams of two (the Variety Dinosaur, the Horavi??, and the Married man). Seriously nowadays, I always hope KSH loses and YJH wins coz KSH is just too lucky! And it's proven again during the last 2 eps how he won every single game... EXCEPT the important one which was to find the golden ginseng. Oh my... what a twist! How is it that Din Din was able to find it with only one piece of puzzle! Btw, anyone knows which ep is that when they played that game where they have to show a series of action in order and at the end points to someone else? That was a really funny game and I want to rewatch that again.
  9. Agree.. there's no happy ending in sight...def for LSG's character.. but then when MC finds out about the truth he won't be happy either..nor BY. In a way.. I don't want LSG to die... I feel like dying is an easy way out for a psychopath. He should be in jail and suffer HAHAHAHAHAH Like @Seung-Min I have grown tired of guessing so now I'm just enjoying the ride (and without thinking too deeply about this or that (and to certain extent ignoring some inconsistencies >.<) coz since it's only 5 eps away from the end I can't possibly drop this
  10. @Chocolate I like Seok Soo too !!! Too bad he isn't in a lot of drama (and even less that I like). @Dhakra You've got a very extensive list there... Have you seen Hot Stove League? or Live? @Jane I was going to continue watching Arashi's Diary only to find the site where I go to watch them... is going through sth atm TT_TT Good morning everyone~~ And I shall go back to doing my assignment
  11. I hope this will be more than just a side story.... coz it does take a considerable amount of air time..and if it is a side story.. it is a very 'annoying' side story ohhhh.... I can't remember very clearly.. but wasn't Yang Joon Hoon questioned about the missing laptop during SBJ's murder investigation? So that's why I thought they might be investigated as potential suspects next week.
  12. After 4 episodes in... I think the drama is still so-so for me. I do like ep 4 a tad bit better but I still haven't grown attached to this yet~ It looks like the pattern will be each time we will be presented someone as the likely culprit and then it turns out that s/he isn't. So last time it was prof Yang and then Joon Hwi.. next week it looks like either the Vice Dean or Kang Sol B. But then if it's following exactly the same pattern as the first 4 eps, it means both of them aren't the culprit either. What's still a mystery to me is how the rapist is going to tie in nicely with all of these? I mean we know how he's related to the past crimes but the current one? I honestly think they can ... but who knows ... anyone is practising law here?? I totally miss these scenes again... face palm
  13. @oppasaranghaeyo how is it you can find a subbed ep 1? Like @abs-oluteM I can't find any oww... OST is nice
  14. The premiere is tonight everyone! I wont be able to watch it until Sunday I think so I'll stay away from this thread until then. But I hope it's off to a good start
  15. Is Lee Bo Young's character's husband cheating on her???
  16. @Darkarcana i might... It probably will clarify things not shown previously. But let's see whethet i feel like being made to watch sickening crimes done by someone who felt no remorse (just make me feel angry at times ) Dont tell me they ll end up having another twist in the end that reveals BR is never a psychopath after he dies or something
  17. I pitied Hong Ju's baby so much It broke my heart when I saw how he got pushed and told off like that and he nearly cried. When I saw that, I actually didn't like how the drama used a toddler .. well I know that they couldn't possibly use a fake one.. but then that kid truly looked like he nearly cried and sad... now how did they possibly make him do that???? Now back to the drama again... I also resented Hong Ju to a certain degree that she let her baby suffered like that. Although I understand irl.. you can't just fire the nanny without real proof as it's quite hard to find a new nanny. But this is a drama :P ..and she already heard how that nanny disliked her child when the nanny talked to someone on the phone! And it's not helping now that we know SYH wasn't the predator and the child has to suffer like that. In saying that, that child could still very well be a psychopath if he's truly Head Hunter's grandson. If the child turns out to be one, I wonder whether we would still pity his mistreatment when he was young??? So when Hong Ju married Yo Han, she must know he's the Head Hunter's son... but did she marry him anyway because she believed he's a good person? Then, I want to know too whether BR truly had feeling for BY prior to the brain transplant? I also somehow pitied Ba Reum... but then I don't like that the show is making me feeling that because his past actions were truly horrible and he felt no remorse at all. Although maybe the emotions are his punishment because now he's feeling like dying but can't I can see no way out for BR..he must either die in the end or end up in prison.. but either way, I don't think he'll physically suffer as much as his victims
  18. @mademoiselle @ktcjdrama now why are we talking about head disproportionate to the body??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA (you know who else I thought has a 'disproportionate' head-neck ratio?) I really hope hope hope NOT. She's such a cutie.. and how smart too!
  19. I was going to point out that curl at the end too and found @Chocolate and @mademoiselle thought the same. I really can't stand that tail!!! But tbh I don't like his whole hair style here -.- Oh my chocolate... you even create an excel sheet for watching dramas Alright I finished ep 3. I must say I'm struggling. I think this will be one of those dramas where I want each ep to end faster but I dare not drop the drama because I'm afraid this will turn out to be a great drama. I found the details and the twists and the possible connections among all these mumbo jumbo interesting... but at the same time they sometimes become too much the drama becomes too draggy. Let's see after ep 4 whether I want to continue~ Also found out that Dean Oh after all is a good character? I hope so...that will be a nice change of character for actress Gil Have Yeon (and I really like how she's so different than her character in Beyond Evil here!). My question is... Why YJH didn't insist on his innocence from the beginning? And then let the truth out about the sugar when they replayed the crime scene. And revealed about he lost his laptop a while later??? And I wonder whether him being stabbed in the prison would amount to anything apart from him possibly receiving blood donation from a child rapist? If.. If.. there's any loveline in the drama.... I actually want Joon Hwi to be with Kang Sol B for now.. Don't quite like Kang Sol A's character (at least her as a law student anyway). Although I find Kang Sol A will make a cute pair with YJH's public defender @ktcjdrama I think the BGM/soundtrack do make this drama similar to Sky Castle. The other small thing is also the title's font..also very similar to Sky Castle. I think the way they shoot some scenes also give off Sky Castle vibes but can't exactly remember what since I watched Sky Castle a long time ago.
  20. Wow @ktcjdrama .. what a deduction! So meaning both Yo Han and BR are Sung Ji Eun's sons (well one birth son and another step son)?
  21. I second third fourth fifth@mademoiselle argument @SilverMoonTea! Gasps... @ktcjdrama you re still playing animals crossing? I knew u r playing it since 1 or 2 years ago?
  22. @Darkarcana eeekkkk that's true BY now has committed crime too. Hasnt Hong Ju seen that flash drive too? Who is Choi Ran again?? As the matter of fact ..all 4 leads already committed crimes to varying degrees.. So none are actually totally goodie goodie. But still..among all of them, Moo Chi is the most 'innocent' for me so far (I'm just biased after all). Lol...I must say the necklace was the best 'surprised' for me this ep among all the other revelations about BR.
  23. @SilverMoonTea but ur beloved thread will earn you 3600 points in a week or so? what about 1200/3 ? Hahahahahaha
  24. Hahahahaha @Chocolate i gave you confused reaction not because what you wrote is wrong or anything...is just my brain refused to process anymore explanation on why or why not BR is thr serial killer. Gahhhh.....For now I ll take it as BR is the psychopath because ep 14 said so. Although true as @ktcjdrama.. Each ep ending is often or not very misleading..so who knows? Can psychopath feel remorse? Can they? I for one wouldnt mind a loveline between moochi and bong yi.. Coz if BR truly is the serial killer..it doesnt make sense that he has a happy ending. And Hong Ju...... Mmmm.... Character wise sometimes she can be annoying... Although I did get annoyed too at BY when she decided to flush that drive in the loo and that she would love BR no matter what. Really? I expected her to be more sensible..and if BR is truly the serial killer and she found out about it...i really wish she changes her statement then. I just want moochi to have a happy ending...
  25. @SilverMoonTea please throw us some 1200 pts as @Chocolate said...then i MIGHT attempt to write a good review of a book I read when...dont know when a longggg time ago I wish you would allow me to just write sth about what we read recently (not necessarily book)... @abs-oluteM her shipper thread struck gold! It's like the most flourishing thread in the whole JH world!
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