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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Favorite Girl Group released a song AND will have merch available next Monday. Next week will be A MA ZING Such a good drama, very atmospheric, but definitely more of a heavy meal. And the music Btw Noonalicious, hoooow much ep have been released of 'Mine'?
  2. I agree. The first and second half of the drama felt totally different. The first half had a darker, more ruthless aspect. The second half was sometimes a little bit too silly and implausible. Do Ki felt like an unbeatable cyborg, who doesn't need to rest and can't be harmed. I mean, he got beaten several times hard by a baseball bat and still could defeat a whole army, drive and continue fighting the next day. I did like the drama aswell, but the second season needs to have a little more fine tuning. Well choreographed fights are good, but if every episode is about Do Ki fighting dozens of guys while none of them learning anything over several episodes, it's a bit.... Adding to my text above, this is another issue I have. Team Rainbow Taxi just felt superior, nothing bad happened to them over the course of the drama. I mean, I am the happiest that nothing happened to Go Eun and I would have go nuts if she would have went through something similiar like her sister, but for example, CEO Jang had so many bad guys in his apartment through the course of the drama. So many thugs broke into his home. Cho Do Chul, Baek's thugs to just name a few. And they suddenly went all soft on him. Park also survived his small adventure with Miss Lim, somehow got rescued after being thrown into the ocean and is probably the first who survived the truck of doom. I am glad he survived, but sigh..... I really need to close my eyes to not rant too much. But wouldn't it be better if they don't need to make movies out of it at first? Well, racism definitely exists her aswell onfortunately, classism to a certain degree aswell, but not in front of the law. At least I do not know any cases of forced confessions in Germany. I did a bit of research on google myself and haven't found anything aswell. And even if people did it, it was pretty much revoked quite soon, cause it wouldn't stand the actual trial. Yeah I never understood that either, with methods of dissolving, hiding or burying it well, I can't understand how it can't be murder if they don't have the body. The murderer can literally confess, but if they don't have a body, it's not murder. Anger, revenge or the complete opposite, playing it either cool, being just stonecold or reject it. We saw him being quite methodic while killing, playing with his victims. So him being soft, submissive and weak just doesn't fit. Now that you mention it, that's true. OYC pretty much showed what he thinks of types like his son, by actually bullying and hurting weak younger man. I also wonder, since OYC is a known serial killer, who knowingly brutally murdered several people, it's clear that he would be under heavy guard. Why was Han Dong-chan so helpless and defenseless? Since OYC most likely is imprisoned in a high security prison, why wasn't han at least able to defend himself even a little? He should know how to handle a prisoner. Then at least let Do Ki and Ha Na have a kiss at the end I mean their talk about faith and trust was so cheesy.
  3. Let's not forget this also wasn't the first time Rainbow Taxi used the kids of the criminals to apply pressure. Mr.Jang also mentioned the daugter of Cho Do Chul to make him compliant. I also agree that it was good that CEO Jung revealed it to him, especially in the chosen form with a picture. Do Ki mentioned that he didn't want to give OYC a picture to yearn onto, because it would show him also a little bit of mercy. But now CEO gave it to him so he can visually see his actions, every day in the form of a picture. Do you know the YouTube Channel "JCS - Criminal Psychology"? The Channel ist about investigating and talking to criminals of famous cases in the interrogation room and tactics to get a confession. So when they showed the behavior of the psychopath, I actually was reminded of a video that was released a few days back which showed the case of a recent shooting at a highschool in Florida. The offender pretended to be crazy and mentally ill, but for comparison purposes they showed a "real" psychopatch who wasn't able to feel remorse or guilt. He was totally calm and rational. He didn't try to look crazy, he just was. I put it in a spoiler with a timestamp. So the case of OYC was really odd, because I think his character was based on tropes in the end. I don't buy it. Especially the last scene of his where he falls on his knees, asking for forgiveness and begging. That doesn't look like a serial killer, who murdered several people before and couldn't care less. He doesn't change his character so quickly after years of being imprisoned and being a serial killer. All in all it looked a little too much of KDrama Christmascandyland. Honestly, I think it's another case of the drama not willing to make the last step. The drama started by giving us the impression that our Team is willing to make any kind of sacrifices and do every means possible to get revenge and get the bad guys. But slowly and steadily we learned that they don't, they lack of professionalism, pretty much everything relies on Do Ki and even the first so highly praised Mrs. Baek, who looked like the queen of the underworld, is only a woman who has too many untalented thugs and two big babies. They really didn't want to harm Deluxe Taxi in any way. More than once Do Ki looked invincible and unkillable. Even Ms.Baek, who always looked like she knows no mercy, seemed to fail and go soft on CEO Jang. His eyesight looked very normal at the end. Btw is Park the first person in KDramaland that survived the Truck of Doom?
  4. Oh? Thank you, that's so nice of you. Always doing my best. LaLaLand It's not a drama and I probably never saw you in any thread before, so I am totally not qualified to answer that question, but that never stopped me before answering one. So here you go. Always ready to give my unqualified answer.
  5. Episode 15 Two minutes into the episode and I am already angry again! That poor girl on the ground, her poor kids, killed in cold blood. How fast the brother turned at each other. That's something one should always know, there is no honor among thieves, thugs or criminals. They turn on you the moment they need to save their own skin. It's good to see Kang Ha Na being in the driver seat though, finally she holds the cards to victory. Do Ki showed Ha Na pretty much everything, he is very open to her and doesn't hide anything, he truly trusts her and want's to repent for his actions. But I feel like she is very disappointed of him, I have the feeling to some extent, she actually likes him, not in a romantic way, but could see why he did some things and that it was necessary and imminent. But after seeing the prison and realising he was co-conspiring with Baek and actually knewing about the prison, she realized that she needs to lock him up and that there is no way around it. "This isn't the Do KI I know" was a very deep look into Ha Na's mind. She acknowledged Do Ki's acts. She even began to like him in some way. She also tried to protect Do Ki, knowing what he went through after the death of his mother. Seeing him pass out. So getting a confession under torture is actual possible in korea? Oh boy.....I mean I guess it was done behind closed doors.....but.....man those drama always make the korean law look really bad. It's even more sad that it seems this was a real life case and some cops fabricated a murderer. How Do Ki's body language and facial expressions changed after Ha Na told him about the claims of his mom's killer. He suddenly changed from being a man into a confused boy. He completely lost his defensive act and became insecure. The scene of her death was so sad. Poor mom. Even on the edge of dying she protected her son. "Will you end up being a murdered?"......Well technically....... he already is.... Episode 16 I really wonder about the stature of limitations though, so murder can expire in korea? I only know about the german law and here all kinds of murder will never expire. No matter how long it has been, you will always be charged here. That's why we even charge some very old people (like an 90+ year old recently) who committed war crimes in WWII. Do Ki.....dude....if Go Eun knocks at your door.....you open up. The usual: "One last job" Do Ki shrugging with his shoulders was so funny after kicking these punks. The moment he began to talk about ramyeon and starting the first step of taking revenge felt huge. It was similiar to the line Young told Do Ki about his mom. Damn.... I don't know, but whenever I hear someone talk in a Kdrama about transfering someone from a hospital somewhere else to a "foundation" and helping someone, I automatically get a bad feeling. I mean we know Do Ki is genuine and Blue Bird is a good foundation, but after watching so many dramas, I automatically expect stuff like that to harm or kill people. I mean just take Ep1 and Maria's case. So Young beat up his own son? And later again? Oh man......so in the end......his actions killed his own family....his wife and more or less his son. " Mr. Kim, you're worth it"......well I have seen worse love confessions in dramaland I really wouldn't mind a second season with them being a team and develope this further There is an empty desk in her office, Investigator Wang sadly passed away, but Do Ki would probably be a good match for the team. So Kang decided to bury the cases, let them go free, even thanking them for the service they did to the victims and is ready to resign and take the fall, but Prosecutor Jo beats her to it and resigns first, taking the fall before her, telling to make up for this by catching 100 big fish like that. Jo looked at the start as the usual corrupt boss, but later looked like he was a guy the his heart at the right place. And even now he protects Kang, his old friend, Rainbow Taxi and the victims. He truly is the MVP at the end. Baek got 10 years first and 20 years later, and she already mentioned her revenge on Kang before......second seaaason, hellooooo. She mentioned it is easy to kill people from the prison. So in the end, they reassembled Deluxe Taxi after a year, Prosecutor Kang joins and she now has pretty much her own investigation Team. Do Ki worked alone and continued to catch bad guys. It also looks like he helped Kang in the past occasionally. They all have "real" jobs now though, which gives them a lot more options. Honestly the last 5 minutes set the stage for a second season, especially since a murder case popped up and all of them reassemebled with Kang on board. I think I give my final verdict of the drama in a few days. Still deciding if I am going to preorder the OST of the drama on Makestar.
  6. Champions League Finaaaaaals! WHOOOHOOO! THE CHAMPIOOOONS! Bro.....we both know how the KPop Industry works, we both know BTS themselves probably never had anything to do with the menu. It was most likely a deal between McD and Big Hit Company, using the faces and names of the group. We both know that it's as simple as slamming faces or names onto a product and suddenly it sells. Innovation? Making something special? Why bother? As long as it has the name or faces on it, people will buy it and resell it later for incredible amount of prices. It works with everything, noodle soup cups, flip-flops, hell, companies slam their groups on the most random stuff and we all know, there are people who are going to buy it worldwide. And due to the pandemic companies have become especially greedy and lazy, because they need moneeeeeeey cheap and fast , everything that was kinda free before the pandemic, is now behind a payment wall.
  7. Didn't watch ep 15 yet, I watch both episodes on Sunday combined. Hey.....it's Champions League finals today! Well I don't mind the showy dance itself, I wouldn't mind it, if I would see it somewhere else, it's just weird when the end was totally tense, episode ends with a cliffhanger, you are on the edge of your seat and suddenly there is a pretty girl smiling, dancing in front of you, while the other screen next to it still shows desperate or crying people....or back then the death of the Inspector. My anger goes in every direction, no matter who it is that harms girls. It makes me go. It doesn't even need to be physical. People who treat women bad in any way are scum. If I witness someone harming a girl, physically or mentally, he is done. Instead of Do Ki, I would have never stopped punching them. Violence between gangster is fine for me too, violence against men doesn't affect me much either (in a drama at least). But abusing, especially sexually, is something I can hardly endure and which makes my blood boil. I always feel like I need to do something and want to step in to protect. When Do Ki began to punch them, I'm sure I had tears of joy in my eyes. Well, let me answer that with a quote about the difference between the bad and good guys from one of my favorite video game characters: "They will stop at nothing to destroy everything, but we will sacrifice everything to save it." You mean people are actually starting to talk to you? I imagine how it would be if one would suddenly begin to talk to someone in a men's toilet. Maybe a confused murmur, people jumping into hiding, everyone being confused at what just happened, somebody broke the holy silence.
  8. Naaaaah! Absolutely not, you rather try to hide everything as best as you can. That's why a toilet next to the wall is always the sweet spot. It's also rude or gives you at least weird looks if you use a squad toilet next to someone. Always one free squad toilet distance between two guys in a public toilet. Every guy knows that. Only if all are used, its okay. Here you go, some other insights.
  9. Overconfidence? Maybe. Still, they preobably are the only organization in the whole underworld who seemingly don't own guns. I mean, I like good choreographed martial arts fights, but when I see Do Ki beating the same guys over and over again, I question myself why none of them came prepared the second, third or fourth time. I mean, Ms. Baek has an injection to cloud someones eyes, but nothing to incapable Do Ki? At least Do Ki, a woman in her position, should have a gun somewhere. That's what you get for your....oppatism! So you had "unimportant" conversations in the toilet? I don't know how it is in women restroom's, but male restrooms are probably the most silent, calm places on the planet. I've never seen a guy talk in there. There are two unwritten rules in every public male restroom, eyes straight and don't talk. Besides flushing, you could hear a needle drop. It's like everyone else is invisible to you.
  10. Exactly! I also wondered, after all this time, did no one else except Do Ki got at least basic combat skills? Especially from Go Eun I expected some basic skills to defend herself. I mean, although at this point Do Ki is more or less superman, he cannot be everywhere. I thought at the start they were kind of an elite group, but as it seems, once Do Ki is taken out somehow, the group is done. And for Go Eun, omg, I totally forgot to write about it too. That's another thing that was taken directly from drama-tropes, she is our special hacker girl that gets into any system, takes down whole servers in the matter of seconds and once she discovers that there still exists a copy, all she does is throw it at the ground and stomp on it? You know that doesn't do anything. The harddrive will be still intact and you do not know if he maybe did some backups and uploaded them into a cloud. You destroy evidence, pretty much THE SOURCE so carelessly? Defeating people bare hand also takes quite a few hits if you don't plan to kill them directly. With the metal knuckets it does get easier and deadlier. When he fought in the dark at their base, at least we saw that he always aimed towards the head with the spanner. Some of them definitely got a fatal blow. But it's totally unlikely that he would be able to defeat them without any sort of help. I mean, even John Wick had a lot of guns while fighting multiple enemies. And why did never thought about just throwing the knife at Do Ki instead of going into a melee fight? It didn't even make any difference. It probably only made it worse. Especially if you think about the fact that they handed them over to the police. She maybe destroyed THE main evidence. But they're thugs! They do organ trafficking, kill people, doing TONS of illegal stuff, even say they have connections to some very mighty people and you think they care "if they are not allowed to carry or own guns"? I don't think Baek and her minions are people who obey to the law very much. How many thugs have you seen in Kdrama land who wore a gun and weren't officials? I mean she was able to hide criminals in an underground bunker and later took them to a freaking ambassody. They bought chemicals to dissolve bodies! There is no way that she wasn't able to get her hands onto a few weapons. I knew how he found them, but it's so unlikely that in that short amount of time, he would have told the random green minion about the storage. I mean they could be happy that they stayed together and didn't split up. If the one guy would have taken Maria somewhere else, she would have been gone for good. But like I said, the reality aspect of the drama is gone since quite some time. PERFECTLY said. I totally sign this.. Yay, nothing is wrong with me I think she wasn't treated like this very often, she even hesistated to open up her heart. But well, at least we got rid of her.
  11. Episode 13 Cha Ji-Yeon's voice is so beautiful. I really like her performance on stage. As Baek is noticed though, her gaze was very cold and she almost felt hurt. It looked like she meant what she was singing. It looks like, she really does love the Chairman. And what did we learn today while driving? Look at the street and not at your co-driver! So they actually didn't let the people die, like the insurance worker for example, but imprisoned them all. Is it weird that I'm a little....disappointed about it? It makes me worried that they are transported somewhere else and may roam free at one point. Especially the guy who was still talking about Maria, the world would be a better place without him. Gosh, all the stuff he did to her. And now they're all free again and can be anywhere! How can both parties be so unprofessional? Seeing her on the phone, being all worried, seehing him, put me at such unease, that I pretty much skipped the whole section. Episode 14 Do Ki saved Maria and Go Eun. I don't care how he find them in time, it doesn't make any sense that he was able to find them so quickly but boy if something would have happened to them, or if they had recorded some weird shit, I would have dropped the drama faster than anything before. I skipped a lot during the scenes because I wanted to see them being rescued fast. I can't bear it watching woman/girls get hurt. It makes me want to cry and furious. It annoys me so much that I thought they were so professional and cleaning cold at the start, but lack so much professionalism at the end. And seriously, if you don't kill them for good this time and bury their corpses, I don't know when. Look at what they did to Marie and Go Eun AGAIN! Gosh, it makes me so angry! Seeing Cutie-Beauty with so much blood on her face, I would never stop hitting him. I always knew if I ever would kill somebody, it would be to protect my mother or any girl/women. Said it from the start, Baek isn't someone you want as an enemy. She really stabbed Jang into the eye and made him blind on one eye. Holy ....... I think I rarely saw so much brutality in a single drama. The accident of PJE was so sudden. Another reason why I hoped they WOULD HAVE KILLED THEM ON THE SPOT, back then. Now they cause more death and pain to innocents. Goooosh, Taxi Driver, you disappoint me. Honestly, Mr. Baeks people got beaten up so often by Do Ki, I wonder why they wouldn't just play dead the moment they see him. Just throw yourself on the ground the moment you take eye on him. Saves time and pain. I think at one point Do Ki turned into a super hero. He can be kinda happy though that no bad guy ever thought about getting/buying a gun. He is a bit like batman. Kinda cool how he "tricked" Baek though, I mean at this point we can pretty much throw away any point of realism, and just go for the entertainment. Do Ki can be very cruel too, the way he sliced a little bit on Baek's face. That was kinda insane and badass. Kinda fast how Do Ki fought out of the jail with all the baddies around him to stop Baek. Maybe NOW they took the "play dead" approach and agreed on a "oh no, please not again". Glad he is invincible though. Well kinda thought Ha Na would show up, or I hoped so. "Please make a false move, so I can shoot you!" That one line was enough to make her worth being on the drama. ..... yeah sure he looks totally like he could drive.....I mean why not.....he just got beaten up close to death, I'm sure some parts of his body are broken. He is like a video game character who just takes a few health potions or med kits after each fight to restore some health. And how bad must you be if you can't fight off a half dead Do Ki with 4 people? Seriously, Baek always says how much money she made, but she never thought about affording a gun. At the end Do Ki looks and walks like he was straight taken out from a zombie movie! "I have faith in you" was straight out of the drama-trope book. I wonder they didn't kiss afterwards. So I wonder how the last two episodes will be, it looks like Do Ki will confess everything and go to jail as an accomplice. Well I kinda liked how they worked together at the end, but it looks like the "final" case will be about Do Ki's Mom. I really hope they don't do any Baek breaks free again shenanigans or recycle any of the old criminals again. I swear I don't survive anything anymore if it hurts Go Eun or Marie. Sorry if I am a bit harsh to the drama at this point or make a little too much fun about it. I do like the drama, but I'm honestly a bit disappointed. And I was so mad during the last half and the first half of ep 13+14, violence against women is a red flag for me.
  12. Thank you! Arrogance is a well chosen word for Kangs behavior. I hope that Rainbox Taxi will be her immediate help in cases where the law is either too slow or powerless. Turning a blind eye on something that requires help right away.
  13. Missing 9, Just Dance......all dramas I dropped at the end. Sometimes it's just not about time invested, it's rather about not giving the drama the honor of finishing it. And when I feel like dropping it, I drop it. Especially when the plot turns bad or there is a unnecessary break-up at the end. Fun & Fresh? Did you have too much sunday-cake today? It's far from both! Nah, I wouldn't say it's more feminine, hairstyle doesn't have anything to do with being more feminine. I do know one or two idols with short hair and they are really feminine. I just think long hair is prettier. It looks nicer. I like it more.
  14. Episode 12 Mr.Wang is dead. Sad sad, but......I have a few questions. He attacked GYT upfront, why not call the police first or call them over? He knew he would endanger his own life. I mean he put up a good fight, I didn't expect him to have the upper hand and win, but after such a long fight, the police should have arrived in time if he had called them. Getting stabbed by his twin brother is very unfortunate though. Oh man, when I think about it, he pretty much got killed because the police DID arrive in time, because of this DK wasn't able to finish the fight. The rage of Kang Ha Na is probably what will drag her towards Deluxe Taxi and who knows.....maybe she will sit in the taxi of Do Ki soon. (okay she did.....but I was writing this before the scene....Sigh.....) But she definitely went there on her own behalf and not due to some prosecutor business. They arrested him, but her rampage sent a clear signal. What's kinda "interesting" to see is (I don't know how to phrase it differently), last episode Prosecutor Ha Na was kinda at the sideline watching someone cry in desperation in front of her. You were able to see that she didn't really know how to handle that kind of situation. This episode she is thrown in the same position as the desperate crying sister. Honestly, it was quite satisfying to see how Ha Na hit him in the face. I'm also sure, she will be the next target of the twin brother and potentially Baek. I mean, as much as I love seeing Ha Na in the taxi and her playing the "Do you wanna get revenge"-game, it's pretty bold of DK to pretty much reveal everything to her. That's pretty much like a confession. They are so careless sometimes. It's a wonder they haven't been caught a long time ago, if they are slacking to hard to be cautious. But on the other hand, I love it SO MUCH to finally see Do Ki and Kang Ha Na working together. She is such a valueable asset aswell. I hope it stays like this. With this addition, I wouldn't mind a second season. So not even half an episode after Kang Ha Na hired Do Ki, she finally made some progress and actually managed to solve a case. Deluxe Taxi immediately provides results. So Baek knew about everything. Her shocking reaction was a bait and Jang believed it. She knew what they were doing, knew about the organ trafficking and planned their escape. She did say she never touched civilians, but in one of the first episode we saw her saying to someone who lend money off of her, he will pay with his eyes. He wasn't a criminal, but she took his organs aswell. I wonder if Prosecutor Ha Na will now stop chasing Deluxe Taxi and Do Ki and to some extent, appreciate the work they're doing. Her apology towards Do Ki kinda showed me that she understood Do Ki motive's and that he just helps victims, that cannot do anything themselves. It's kinda like she said during the interview we saw at the start of one of the episodes. Deluxe Taxi is immediate help, who can save and protect a life. The law is a long-term help. So maybe they will work hand-in-hand. In the preview Do Ki said that he wants to find the criminal first, but Jang intervenes saying they don't have a prison anymore. I guess Do Ki will hand them over to Ha Na and give them a proper sentence. I don't know how it will turn out though if they did. It's also unclear yet, if DK will tell Ha Na about all of this. War is on. Jang vs Baek. Baek vs Jang. She uses the captured criminals and puts them against Jang. She enters his home and abducts him.
  15. Episode 11 Maybe we shouldn't give up the idea of Kang Ha Na being involved with Deluxe Taxi yet. The Cold Case could be a door opener for her to see. The officer in charge repeated the same words as Do Ki and maybe she needs to be confronted with the relatives of the victims and helplessness of the law. I mean, even she can't deny that looking at a sister, crying in desperation in front of her, asking her brother to be revenged and finding those who killed him strains your heart. She is about to reach her limits with Gu Young Tae, she sees first hand how someone plays the law and is slipping through her fingers. And then there is the death of Mr.Wang. We said a couple of times in the thread already, that Ha Na won't join Rainbow Taxi because no one close to her died, so she is unable to feel the pain every employee of Rainbow Taxi has within them. She never felt the injustice before. Now with Mr.Wang's death, that may change and she will do down a darker path and eventually support the path of Rainbow Taxi, especially if they can't find the murderer or indict him. The twist that they are twins, was amazing! Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. But it made sense after seeing him being released from prison. Why should Baek's Right Hand be in prison? Her slapping him looked kinda cute though. I also think that the case of the cannibal who killed 20 people with a hammer will also play a role in this. Maybe he will escape aswell and threated Ha Na. Isn't taking a potential cold case from the prosecution involving a father who seeks justice for his son, just after being searched by even those prosecutors, the most obvious bait ever? How can you even think about taking this job, knowing that Kang Ha Na is on your trail, just waiting for more evidence to show up? Am I the only one who always things the commercial at the end with the dancing girl is so incredibly misplaced? Especially in this episode Ha Na mourns on the death of her co-worker and suddely there is a girl dancing next to it.
  16. Of course I don't She had such beautiful long hair before, every strand of her hair looked like it was made out of pure silk. Absolutely! Long hair is always better! There are only very few exceptions!
  17. Kyung Soo Jin cut her hair https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3moLcrBlL/ Hello Darkness my old friend......
  18. Not yet You know my rules. I just finish one drama and then move on to the next. So you will see me in about three weeks. Prrrrrepaarrrreeee.
  19. I followed every single word of his. Now I just need gold rings, gold chains and a fake pelt coat to go along with it. I found it even more smooth how he avoided the question about the restaurant of Madam Lim and completely changed the focus of the topic. He was such a fast thinker. I guess this will be our last case aswell. Do Ki will join, but probably destroy it from within aswell. And I have to say, I'm a bit sad how Baek's "company" changed over the episodes. During the first few episodes she really looked like someone with big influence and someone who is involved und a lot of illegal, dark and horrible stuff. Her whole presence and company felt so big and influential. She looked like a big player. But during the past few episodes that crumbled quite a bit, with DK just walking in, beating everyone up and threatening Baek easily, she also just feels like a backyard gang being involved in some shady stuff. Don't get me wrong, I still think she is the type of person you don't want to be involved with, but her company doesn't have this big aura anymore. Honestly? They couldn't. Let's have a few mind games. If all of this happened in a single day, we can assume that by the time they threw him off the ship, it must have been close to sunset already. They were also quite far away from the shore, so it was open sea. DK later showed a video of them dealing with Park, which I can only assume was taken by either Go Eun or CCK. Normally I would say, with enough air in the barrel, it should float on the surface for quite a while, but only IF the barrel is completely sealed off and no water is able to enter the barrel. In this state Park would have been able to survive for quite some time. But finding a floating barrel in the dark or dawn is hard, like really hard, especially if you try to not get caught. They must have been already on the sea or closeby. Cutie-Beauty also mentioned that they had to deal with sea fog. BUT! We are shown quite fast, that the barrel was sinking after it was thrown into water, which means the barrel wasn't sealed off completely and water managed to enter the barrel. Let's also not forget Park 's hands were tied behind his back. Even if the water somehow managed to open the barrel underwater, I doubt Park had the navy skills (Drown Proofing) to keep himself alive somehow. So the time-frame is a lot, lot tighter to avoid Park dying by drowning. Since the water is cold, he wouldn't be able to survive for more than 15 minutes? He would also get unconscious even sooner. So either they were pretty much closeby, had some sort of gps tracking device on him or Park having the biggest lungs ever. Any way, it is really KDrama-Dreamland that Park magically survived in the dark there. Maybe he just jumped into the water and swam to Park directly. KHN probably wasn't able to chase him swimming Is she though? So far she hasn't done anything that I would say is enough to make her paycheck worth. So far she is a really slow cat in the cat & mouse game. I think she would have joined if she also had some background of someone close of her dying, but we know barely anything of her. I mean, we are 10 episodes in and barely know any background-story of KHN, did we even see her apartment once? So either she has her shining moment in the last episode by catching everyone and putting them in jail, which I somehow doubt will happen or the crew escapes. And then she will go down in the history of KDramas of Prescoturs who achieved absolutely nothing.
  20. Or when they put him in the barrel and threw him in the ocean. You know how hard it is to find something underwater? What if the tides had turned or the waves carried it away. Park surely didn't have much air for long. This stuff also looked highly risky and unprofessional.
  21. Oh.....mhm......we have six episodes left of Taxi Driver right? So three weeks. Maybe I'm gonna start it somewhere around next week or wait until I finished Taxi Driver. I am definitely going to watch it, I just don't know when.
  22. Episode 10 CKK new hairstyle is kinda funny.....but for some weird reason I like it. This is definitely CK best role so far, I love his dark, husky voice. It also sounds so funny, but has a nice touch. He really plays the snob very well. How he gained Madam Lim's attention was so well played. She was hooked the moment she entered the booth. He also knows how to be charming. I can learn one or two things from him for sure. I should take notes. I really loved the part about "there are three things you must never show a woman". I totally liked it. And how he dealth with those punk was quite satisfying aswell. The date between DK and Madam Lim was so goddamn funny. And later at the bank where he suddenly turned from the mysterious, badass snob to this kinda dorky guy to make Madam Lim laugh. He totally played his charms perfectly. They knew that CKK was being following by Prosecutor Kang, but still all of them decided to join them one evening at the fishing spot. Mhm. Cutie Beauty in sunglasses, smiling, the syntheziser song is playing, that's how heaven must be like. I love that theme so much, I TOTALLY need it to add it to my gym playlist. I really hope they release it soon. I wonder what they would have done if she put the bag the other way around.....or on the ground. Her sad face in the end made me a little sad. What's wrong with me? I really do have a soft heart when it comes down to woman. She was a girl in love, I can feel her pain somehow. But she ruthlessly killed people, scammed honest people and took their money. She erased existences. She deserved what DK did to her. I just fear that somewhere else she will open up a new business, be even more cruel and do worse stuff. And maybe even try to get revenge. A sweet 2 episode case, I liked it, a little lighter and funnier than the usual heavy stuff. I really wonder if Prosecutor Kang doesn't even recognize the car that saved her from U-Data car attack. I mean yeah, she was flashed by the light, but she must have seen the back of the car. I also begin to wonder how DK or the company will end. Jail? Death? Flee? I think at this point we can say that Kang & Blue Bird won't work together and this is a cat & mouse play.
  23. Ahhh, that makes a lot of sense. It explains her outstanding acting.
  24. Episode 9 The start of the episode was very interesting. Go Eun's worried look broke my heart when she asked DK what they should do next. She looks so cute, worried and almost innocent, I can imagine why DK chose to act different. It also speaks for her that she didn't want to kill him directly, saying that they wouldn't be different than them if they do. I wouldn't have thought Baek and her minions save Mr.Jang. She creeps me out everytime, they way she fed the fishes and talks in the meantime. Glad they were able to catch Choi though, I hope they lock him up again. I also wonder if they called the ambulance or really just let Mr.Jang left behind stabbed and bleeding. On a sidenote, I looked up the actress behind Baek, since I absolutely adore how she plays the character. I would really love to see her in a brighter, nicer role, but it seems she doesn't act that much. Which surprises me, because her acting is superb. DK was punched multiple times, got smashed with a baseball bat several times and fighted with multiple people. His ability to still drive is already.....questionable.....but he even runs at the hospital. Seems like he doesn't need healing at all. It seems they already used Choi for organ transplant? Looks like they took his eyes. Do-Ki beating up all of Baek's men was kinda funny tbh. All those bulky, mean looking guys being on the floor. I wished they would have showed how he whopped their asses. He just casually walked in, beat them all up and checks the prison. Pretty lame security standards for something so valuable. He was SO badass breaking Baek's cigarette. But damn did it worry me when he did it. She was all nice and funny the moment the realized who was in front of her, but I really would not like to be on her bad side. And GOD DAMN when he did it the second time. Is he crazy? The way she stared at him in the end was horrifying. The U-Data CEO was even more scum than we thought. They really had a company to blackmail the victims in exchange for distributing the video? And once they stopped paying, they just continued to upload it. Gosh, after that press conference I wished they could have killed him a second time. They went waaaay to soft on him. The advertisement is strong in this one. The presentation of CKK was so cute, I liked how Mr. Jang supported him. He is completely right aswell, victims of voice fishing are always blamed. Gosh, DK new role will be SO MUCH FUN. Rich snob will be AWESOME. I think we are going to have an interesting case tomorrow.
  25. Gosh seeing the cat in this, I can imagine how much Johnny would hate it.
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