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Everything posted by Dhakra

  1. Honestly, and this is probably just me, but as much as I LOVED Healer, the three traits you mentioned wouldn't be actually things I would link to Healer. Meaningful? Depth? Substance? Mhm. It was very entertaining, cool, a beautiful love story with a fantastic actor, even heart-warming and something I will remember as great drama that I will definitely watch again in the future. But when I think about those three keywords you mentioned, I would rather list dramas like "Mother", "One Spring Night" or "Children of Nobody". I agree you on this one and understand what you mean. I guess that's a benefit of not having any oppas at all and so few really actresses? noonas? I like. The only actress or roles that really disappointed me over and over was Kyung Soo Jin and after "Radiant Office" I was also a bit sad that Park Se Wan, who only had a minor role, also only got roles in teenage dramas, which are totally not my thing. I honestly don't know why I tried to watch it, I guess I wanted to find another good Slice of Life drama, since they are really rare and good ones are even harder to find. That what I meant with stereotypes on my list. Outdated tropes or stereotypes like pretty much all Chaebol dramas are just.....so ugh.
  2. The decisions she made It's all coming back to me now. Another reason why I enjoy Taxi-Driver so much currently. It actually reminded me of "Transporter" with Jason Statham. The simple car, the lil tricks like changing licence plates. The sunglasses and cool shots of everything. It's also a bit different, since the character in Transporter transports whatever he is paid for and doesn't ask any questions, but he also kinda fights against the bad guys later in the movies. I really dig the style so far, the sounds and OST are fantastic, I just hope we get a lot of cool cases and cool stuff of people getting revenge. I mean, after all, it's a drama, so I enjoy a bit of vigilantism and kicking the bad guys in the nuts. I think you would notice Yep, TOTALLY a creature of the night aswell. My days start late and my nights go long. I hope that doesn't change soon. Talking to me before noon is a mistake many people make only once. You don't get a straight sentence of me. A few people even wait until sunset before talking to me with specific topics. Ohhh booooooy I can already see them being sold on ebay for tremendous amounts of moneeeeeey. Kpop Stans pay crazy amounts of money for limited stuff like this. I know that, because I sold them stuff aswell
  3. Episode 5 Cutie-beauty Go Eun was so sweet at the start, caring so much for Do-Ki. I loved her piercing gaze towards them, making both uncomfortable, although she fought for Do-Ki. I really wouldn't mind a little romantic story on the side, their scene on top of the roof was already very cute, so I would not mind if they take this a little further. I mean, the taxi scene WAS SO CUTE aswell. I don't know if I saw it correctly, but it looked like he was in front of her house already. Seems he had the same idea of contacting her. I just love classical music in dramas. Antonio Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons - Winter" makes the scene of Mr.Jang talking about the family of Do-Chul so much more powerful. It was such a power move to confront him with his own daughter & family. I wonder if Kang Ha-Na is actually at one point, maybe not fully, transfering to the work Deluxe Taxi is doing and providing some legal advise or action, because she sees how powerless she actually feels right now. Todays case is actually about some powerful Manager having enough power to not be charged by the law and even having the necessary means to just have prosecutors work in his favor. Sometimes I wonder if companies or stuff like that truly exists in korea. So our team takes this case without having an actual client, working behind the victims back to take down the company. Kang showing up at the U-company will cause trouble, that's for sure, I just wonder if that maybe changes the plan of them teaming up and this time take them down the legal way. Maybe this will be the first bigger case that takes more than two episodes? I mean we probably have to assume Do-Ki going through some suffering, pain and other stuff tomorrow, I just wonder if it will be going as smooth as before now that Kang is involved. The Epilogue made me so sad. I hope we learn more about what happened to cutie-beauty's sister.
  4. Me too. It was so hard to endure. Like @JenLsaid, just the fact Maria having mental disabilities created such a big gap of power imbalance. It made every scene, every abuse even harder than it already was. Her suffering was so cruel, that I caught myself thinking everything Do-Ki is doing is more than suitable and deserved. Especially after it was revealed that Maria was raped and given birth control pills as "Happy"-Pills. In the same scene she also says to the younger brother that she needs to know before if he needs a "plaything" or a "workthing", and to not switch them up, which suggested me that she also did this in the past and brought him girls only to rape them. He did so many cruel things, that I felt bad that not a single baseball hit him and that he got away quite fine. I mean I think he got the same fate as the insurance woman, who probably just froze to death, by just dying in an underground garage. I asked myself the same question too and realized that this is all about short- and longtime justice. Seeing all of the perpetrators so far, I always felt like something has to happen asap, someone has to rescue them, deal with them or protect them. So whenever Do-Ki punished them, it was immediate satisfaction which didn't last very long. Doing it by law is probably the better way to deal with them permanently, but takes way longer and gives them the chance to escape the law somehow. So it's really hard to tell, in the first case the immediate punishment and violence was actually all I asked for, I wanted them to suffer. The things they did to Maria were horrible that I honestly forgot my sense of justice myself. I'm sure at one point we will be exactly there. Either someone abuses the system, telling a lie of some kind and killing/hurting someone innocent or a client will be someone who is currently under the pain of Baek. Baek is abusing, hurting and torturing so many people, that they actually could end up as clients for Deluxe Taxi. And I feel like Baek is not an enemy you want to have. Especially since it always feels like Do-Ki isn't averse of working for Baek.
  5. That's a statement. Are her dramas really so bad? I checked her list and she did a decent job with DotS. Although I didn't like the part where they were back in korea. If only every drama could be in 4k. Logical-wise? Yes, make sense. Fanservice-wise? Nooo. I want to see them reunited! The majority of the drama was about Ji An looking for her mom and ahjumma-hottie missing her daughter. I want to see that stuff, I am really no fan of "imagining stuff". Give me clear & cold visualized proof that they met as mommy & daughter. Oh gosh, how much I disliked City Hunter for so many reason. Oh yeah, I remember that weird airport scene with the fake death and everything. She always was helplessly.
  6. Sassy, cutie-beauty and having a heart at the right place? Who could have thought Ah not the syntheziser Oh right, today is ep5 airing? I totally picked up the right time to watch this drama
  7. Sigh, here I am, thinking I finally overcame Beethoven's Virus song being stuck in my head for days (seriously, the english language needs a proper translation for the german word "Ohrwurm"), only to have you bringing it all back again. I didn't know it was a drama too though. I remember I tried watching 'A Gentlemen's Dignity' a few years back, I guess it was recommended to me aswell as some kind of all time classic, but the moment I started it and saw the old style I turned it down. It looks so staged and unnatural. But on the same page, to be honest, I am such a spoiled brat, I even begin to whine when there is no 720p available. Oh I remember, they never reunite as mother and daughter right? Although I remember they met at one point, they never stand in front of each other or hug as mom/daughter. That's still some kind of flaw imo. But KDrama were never good at creating satisfying ending. I think I could count endings on one hand that I was truly happy with. One Spring Night also had an ending that left me with a bad taste of not wrapping up everything perfectly. But everything is better than an open end.
  8. Hey ya, everyone finally watched the first four episodes so far and glad I can join you here. I really enjoy the drama so far, so I want to write down some of my thoughts I have so far. Episode 1-4 I realized in ep3 I really can't wait to see the perpetrators crawling on the floor, potentially bleeding, asking for forgiveness. The stuff they did to the boy and later to the girls aswell made me so angry, that I was like: "Can't we just beat the crap outta them already please?" This feeling of payback is really satisfying so far. I really don't know why Mr.Jang involves prosecutor Kang in all of this. Sending her the file looks like the most obvious mistake he could make. I wonder what his thoughts were behind this. It will backfire so much. I mean, it's just a matter of time until she will find out who's all of this. So we're just 4eps in and it feels like we are already running away from Ms. Kang. So either we pull her over to our side somehow, which most likely won't happen soon, or she will blow this all up and everyone is ending up in jail. The same kinda goes Godmother Baek. She is so far the person who make me umcomfy the most, she is the one you should be afraid about. It also looks like we are on some kind of countdown until she will be our enemy or some plans of her are crossing with the plans of Mr.Jang. I have the feeling she will be the greatest issue at one point and there will be blood, death and suffering. I have the feeling one of the team might die or suffer a lot. And I SWEAR, if that someone is cutie-beauty Go Eun, I will go . She's such a nice, fluffy person. So far it's pretty clear that we totally not work according to the law, so we take justice into our own hands and for that, I sometimes feel like we are a little bit too careless. Kim Do-Ki drives and acts like he is pretty much always on a mission, drives the secret car way too often even during missions that don't require it. If it's like this, it won't take long until Kang finds it. I really hope some cases aren't about beating up innocent girls, otherwise I will have a really, really hard time. The synthesizer song is probably one of the best things I've heard in a drama for a long time. I can't stop grooving and dancing on my seat whenever it plays. I hope it's part of the OST and will be fully released at one point.
  9. Exactly. Just the old look of dramas are already enough to make me not wanna watch it. Maybe we're spoiled from all the HD stuff and overall high quality pictures, but I just can't watch old stuff anymore. I am totally fine. I remember the second OTP was killing the drama for me over and over again. I liked her role and overall task in the drama, being the only one who truly knows everything about JCW, she definitely had SWAG. but Do Ji Won was just such a pure warm hearted soul, so nice and pretty. And the amount of cooking she always did. Sigh.....I begin to swoon again Fairy was just a nice watch, something that you could turn on and just feel warm and fuzzy. No bad guys, no life threating things to fear, no one to defeat, just a couple of people struggling with everyday problems and two people discovering love. That combined with the interesting world of sport and we had a perfect fit. Well, like I said, I totally loved Lee Yun Hee's role as cute, struggling korean foreigner in France trying to "survive" and live her life as a travel guide. The shots were beautiful, the nights were always calm and meaningful and it many conversations were quite interesting. Although I did not agree on every outcome or how they handled solutions, I found a lot for myself. And on top, they played a german classical song at one point and it felt magical for me. When the syntheziser started for the first time and the camera moved around the taxi, the lifting ramp went up I was TOTALLY grooving on my seat back and forth, totally ready to get these baddied. I actually was surprised that this drama is really (so far) about taking law into their own hands and not stopping at death. They really killed all of them. The did to them what they did to their victims and I actually enjoyed it Putting that insurance lady into one of those barrels, letting her freeze to death like they tried to do to Marie? Absolutely felt good somehow. Hahaha yeah. I do that with a lot of things. Fun Fact, I sometimes even wait on text messages until the sun went down and then reply, because I know with the sun going down, I am totally in a different mood.
  10. I was totally surprised when I saw his face, it was a very pleasant surprise. I will join the thread later tonight when I finished the latest episodes, Taxi Driver is one of those dramas that you need to watch when the sun went down for more atmosphere. Chances are that this was also recommended to me by @abs-oluteMback then, but I loved it so much. I actually even participated in a rewatch event not too long ago for it. Healer is definitely one of my faves. But how could it not? Mysterious agent like lone wolf beating up bad guys with his team and falling in love with the girl? I remember talking about JCW's acting a lot, that his acting was so superb, you could have placed monkeys in every other role than his and the drama would have worked aswell, since his acting was so insanely good. I also developed a HEAVY ahjumma crush back then on Do Ji-Won I remember talking a lot to abs back then about the drama and continuely swooning over a back then 50y old ahjumma being the prettiest. But I mean..... Come on!
  11. @LaLa @JenLWatched the first two episodes of Taxi Driver. Absolutely loving it so far. Totally my kind of drama. Cool Main Lead (I didn't even know it was the main lead from Signal), a team of cool people to get the bad guys and a synthesizer soundtrack that gets me grooving on my seat. It has this agent vibe, that I loved in so many dramas before ( Man X Man, Healer). I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but I really, really hate violence against women. It's so hard to watch for me, so I really needed to pull myself together and endure some scenes from the first two episodes. There are two scenes from Healer that haunt me till this day because they displayed a similiar topic. It's so hard for me to watch. I have a really protective instinct and I can't relay on my chair watching stuff like this. I felt so sorry for her, so I was totally involved in punishing the baddies. I will watch Ep 3 + 4 tomorrow and head to the drama thread afterwards and join you there. For now, I have to sleep. Oh you poor, poor stropp. Could be way worse. BTS is having a coop with McD and one of my girl groups had a collab with noudle soups. Don't you dare to complain.
  12. Well, technically I found it on my own....so~ Exactly, that's another reason. Watching stuff that has already aired feels like you are always late to the party and you talk about stuff that was relevant to other people weeks or even months ago. And their reaction of trying to remember the stuff you just watched feels so weird. Yep, especially old dramas with all sorts of filters, flashing bright colors or bad equipment in general stuff feels so wonky. That's one thing why I haven't finished Coffee prince yet after 5 attempts of watching it completely for once. I actually enjoyed the first 7 to 8 ish hours, especially the episode where he is dead and sees others moan over his death was a really good episode. But around the half it got so bad and towards the end it was like an accident. Not even talking about the ending. A L I E N S. And even when she knew her "boyfriend" was the baddie and got back, she still was close to marrying him. This church scene was the most dumb stuff I ever saw in a drama. I still can't decide if Manhole or SWDBS was the worst drama I ever watched. @LaLaImagine me with a big black pencil already crossing every drama out you mentioned, except Taxi Driver. Ghosts? Time Travel? Fantasy? Finished? No. No. No. Hell no. Choi Kang Hee does sound interesting, haven't seen her in a good while, but nah. But I have at least two dramas now for testing, so I'm good. I don't like to have more than one drama to watch at a time. Noted.
  13. Urgh, ghosts. No wee José~ It doesn't necessarily need to have LBY, but I will always have prejudice against actors/dramas I don't know Yesterday while researching new dramas I read about an upcoming drama that started with the "handsome" main lead "being a 999year old nine-tailed fox" I was a bit sad, because the female lead was Hyeri of Girls Day, which was one of my first Kpop crush when I way young(er). Well, can't blame you. I think it's also hard to find dramas nowadays like PNB, Fairy, Radiant Office, Signal, MXM.....gosh you recommended me so much I should be more grateful........ ......but naaaaaaah Uhhh, we have some potential neck on the line. Now things get exciting, NOW I am interested. Or to use my Hans Landa impression, Uhhh, now that's a BINGO. Okay, okay, okay, I give it a shot. I try to squeeze in one or two episodes during the weekend. If there is neck and it passes the list, I watch the first two episodes. Monsters? It's dead- I listen to some songs of it pretty much every day. Yep to both of them. Slice of life dramas or thrillers, crime stuff, action, agents, law, judges. I also like a sweet romance on the sidelines or ship the leads of a thriller/crime drama if it's done well. Queen of Mystery for example. LBY is like a joker card or royal flush. It just wins. LBY could act in a RomCom filled with cheesy monsters, who travel back in time with a manhole to Joseon Dynasty to fight bodyswitching aliens singing fancy poems. I would watch it. I loved "The Package", it totally flew under the radar back then. It sometimes struggled a bit with pacing, but it was such a well written drama with beautiful locations, exceptional dialogues and the prettiest, down to earth main lead I can imagine. It had some story flaws, but it asked some very interesting, good questions. And I will
  14. It's not that hard, come on. Three simple steps. Step One. Take your drama, compare it to mentioned list above and make sure to check regularly, since it's always up to date. Step Two. It's not only about what the drama doesn't need to have, it's also what the drama needs to have to be interesting to me. That's a list on it's own. I can you provide with this one aswell of course. But for starters, the basic is more or less an (un)likeable female second lead (which I ofc will like to death, haters always gonna hate the real treasures). There is ofc more. Step Three. A little bit of neck on the line. What does that mean you ask? I am a man of time, I always try to be effective and make the most of my time, that's a german thing I guess, if I would blindly watch every drama that gets thrown at me, I would have wasted HOURS, DAYS or even WEEKS of my life. So I trust people who I know their opinion on dramas is realiable. Or to put it simple, you gotta have to earn it noona. If you recommend me something, I have to know if you are willing to put your neck on the line for it, which means, I give it a shot, if I like it, good for you , I will pay your recommendations more attention in the future. Buuut if I don't like it........ You think @abs-oluteMbuilt her status over night? Do you know how often she had to put her neck on the line for dramas she recommended to me? Hell, I'm sure she suffers from neck stiffness to this day. Dramas that finished airing. I like ongoing dramas a lot more than dramas that are already finished. I rarely binge-watch stuff. Simple rule, the older the drama is, the less I want to watch it. Hey even Barney Stinson once said "New is always better"- Uh, so we had a connection yesterday and you felt like I responded. Good stuff. Hey, I was sleeping! That doesn't mean anything! It was around midnight here aswell in Europe. But okay, I give you this. If I don't like Taxi Driver, I give Navillera a shot.....if you put your neck on the line. ...yes......there are.....Manhole Some of us here and I in particular have a story with this drama. Gosh it was so bad.....
  15. @mademoiselleMhmmmmmm I actually read about Taxi Driver today and put it into my Want-to-Watch Folder and plan to watch the first episode today. Revenge Action Story with a beautiful second lead? Hell yeah. That one I will check out. Yeah KSJ is in mouse currently, but....... I don't feel her as an actress currently anymore. I like the eye candy when I see her on Instagram or somewhere else. I melt when I see her previous roles and she will be always the one who dragged me into Korean drama/actresses. She like the hot ex gf you cannot forget about. Yes, LYH was in Reunited Worlds in 2017, shortly after she played the main lead is "The Package" aswell.
  16. Ahhh, gather around and let me tell you @mademoiselle As @abs-oluteMalready noted Lee Bo Young is my go-to actress, simply because she's the GOAT. I have huge respect towards her acting, whenever I watch her, I can see why it's considered a craft. That's why "When My Love Blooms" was such a great watch, she in combination with another heavy weight actor in form of Yoo Ji-Tae was amazing to see. Two professional actors, pleasure to see. The other one @abs-oluteMwas correct about is Kim Seul-Gi, a bit unknown, few leading or second roles, but overall great actress. Reason why is because I have seen her in so many cameos throughout the dramas I watched and her roles always stuck in my head, no matter how tiny they were. She made an impact. And who can forget this scene? She's also a bit of eye candy and while we are talking about it....the one who noona forgot was Lee Yun Hee. Pure eye candy, good actress, buuut I am honest, I mainly watch her because she is pure eye candy. She had a few main leads, but overall she sadly doesn't do a lot of dramas. So as long as the drama doesn't sound completely bad, I watch it. Which sadly means the last drama I watched with her was "The Package" 4 years ago. But holy hell, she is PRETTY. Kyung Soo Jin is still on the list aswell, she kinda was my first KDrama love and she is still eye candy and probably the most beautiful actress there is, but acting wise I sadly have to say her roles aren't able to catch me anymore. Fairy & PNB were her peak.
  17. Hey, at least you tried It could have worked. Hello? Sky high? Only because I don't like dramas that involve the following things. Time Travel (back and forth) Time skipping (more than a year) Dramas that play in the past Dramas that play in the future Idols Ghosts Monsters Fantasy Aliens Manholes Some sort of inhuman special power Body switching Being young again in any way, no suddenly he/she is 20 again Same goes for old Daily dramas Dramas that run over an hour per episode Finished dramas. Dramas that only focus in love stories RomCom in general, there are some exceptions, but if your main focus is love, my main focus is to avoid the drama. Dramas that try to be fancy Cheesy stuff Costumes Chaebol Pretty much any poor girl finds rich asshole stuff and turns him into a good guy Drama stereotypes Hospital dramas Dramas that aren't able to teach me something. OTP already living together/Being married too many children in dramas If Lee Bo Young is involved though, all points above do not matter. Otherwise yeah, one of my fav hot/cute actresses, favorably in a second lead role, would be awesome.
  18. Loving the poster. Will be watching this for sure. Can't miss a Lee Bo Young drama.
  19. Mhm. Mhmmmmm Mhmmmmmmmmmm. Naaaaah. No even a second lead. Huh? Who do mean with Queen? Lemme check the link LEE BO YOUNG? HELL FREAKING YES. OH YES! FINALLY! Count me in. Oh yeah. I never missed a drama of hers.
  20. I'm actually dramaless since quite a while now and so far nothing sounded like it was able to end this drought. I mostly rewatch dramas currently and every now and then read some upcoming drama plots to see if they sound interesting enought to give them a try. But I'm very, very picky. Even the slightest things can annoy me enough to drop dramas. Yep. The drama was so interesting and completely turned my life upside down that I looked for a place to go to talk about it. So without the drama I would have never looked for a place to go, I would have never met @abs-oluteMa few years ago. The drama taught me so much and gave me life so much beauty and warmth. I completely agree. It's always such a great, light watch that puts you in such a calm, peaceful mood. I remember back then I described it as window into another world. The whole drama felt like a normal every day story between people that could really exist like that.
  21. OH HELL YAY! It's everything you said and more. The OST is so cheerful aswell, it's fluffy and cozy like a warm winter blanket. I could spent DAYS talking about how great Fairy is. The drama is the reason why I'm here! I can't deny it. She's correct, I dropped more dramas than people dropped hot cups of coffee. It's my christmas tradition to at least watch my favorite scenes. If I have the time I watch it completely.
  22. Yeah, quite a while ago actually, but we're super slow and the planning process didn't turn out very well. Then it turned out that the vaccine potentially causes (lethal) side effects, brain thrombosis, which stopped vaccinations for a few days until it was researched properly. After that was issued and researched for a few days, european scientiest said the danger for a very, very small amount of people getting side effects isn't worth stopping at all, so it slowly began again, but to be sure, only for people above 60+. So it will still take a lot of time.
  23. Life's good. Cases are rising again and the lockdown will be hardened, but from my pov I am doing good, nothing to complain about. I am currently re-watching the 8th Season of "I Can See Your Voice", totally missed it this year, I guess afterwards I will start watching KSJ. That picture fits perfectly with the picture I have from you in my mind. Doing a few sushi rolls on the side, being totally connected with everything, guiding your students through life.
  24. Hey ya, haven't been here in a while, did I miss something important?
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