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Status Replies posted by Maya

  1. If you drive, when you are on the road, especially if it's a highway/expressway/autobahn/whatchamacallit, please focus on the road and be very, very careful. Don't text and drive. Ever! Don't be a reckless and care less driver causing harm to innocent people, especially the young/little ones. Thank you for reading and please spread the word.

    1. Maya


      So sorry for the little darling. Hoping for the best, and that she recovers quickly from her injuries. Her friend, too. 


      Drivers driving without concentration are a menace, especially when they're speeding!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  2. feeling down a little

    1. Maya


      I hope I'm not one of the reasons why, LOL! Joking aside, it can feel that way, with no whys to answer it. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. can we talk about how AsianNovel continues to shamelessly produce my translation into ebooks and pdf, yet they won't reply to my complaint emails? :nervous:

    1. Maya


      That's so sad. Which works of yours are they reproducing? How did they get your translation? 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. Crossroads.



    1. Maya


      @stroppyse, the road that looks less travelled might as well have a neon sign designed by "The Godfather". Hahaha!


      Thank you 😘

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Sigh....im 22 today. An age older :brb:Sweet twenty-two~

  6. Crossroads.



    1. Maya


      The poem came to mind because of crossroads. Either keep on the comfortable usual, or grab the unexpected new opportunity and go for a new adventure, hoping while the journey is underway that it was the right decision to take the risk.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Play that piece of memory,

    the time when a boy was crying out his mother gone and so he promises to guard his little stepsister,

    the time when a boy was in learning to be a responsible man by sat silently in the middle of the night tried to think what the next step of his family lived in the hit of crisis,

    the time when that man with a tired face rushing towards me then calmly took the knife out of my hand and said sorry that he made me feel lonely,

    the time that I blame my father when I'm spoiled because it felt unfair that he trained him much as my jealousy of him become an overachiever at age within the surrounding environment,

    the time when that man finally relaxed a bit and smile more as he was bringing a group of close friends to home that dumb said (I knew he just made an excuse to know more about her),

    the time when I found out his alter attitude in the forum and mock his shameless side,

    the time later when he introduced me to his very sick best friend made him shattered into pieces in a short time after confession,

    the time when I grieved my mother why she put those burdens on a man so he didn't have a chance to feel hurt bit by bit and it finally triggered to explode asking for recovery time,

    the time when I finally grow up and understand the face behind all the efforts including forced smiles to make sure my teenage life was still good,

    the time when I eventually admire his fight in life,

    by rewinds, there were enough storms to make a man panic and it should be tiring for him, isn't it? I was so clumsy before... Believe it such a pain to safeguard me and so on to keep promise.

    Recently it was his turns to make me, as they took him there to the safest place. I'm still made of greed, in the question of why it was so fast.


    Absurd, and unimaginable. It was like yesterday I thought I will be the next one, but turns that time was the last I can see him within the breath : seven hours from the last smile he made on Friday 5th February.  

    And I'm wishing hard to be able to make him rest in peace someday. He is my best brother. He still is.

    He will laugh at me by how melancholic and TMI I am, but doesn't he realize he was just the same in this place? I miss you, brother. And will always, just like mother, and father. But you are kind of a bit more painful at least for now, the longest two weeks I ever had @abnoch

    1. Maya


      So sorry to read this Bairama. I've had few interactions with your brother @abnoch, and all those were pleasant and funny. I still remember when I asked how you were,  and he gave the great news that you were much better. Take care always.


    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  8. I’m really tired...I’m in the spot where I can’t even turn back...so tiring...it feels like I’m dragging my body with my hands to pull through....><...



    1. Maya


      Whatever you're going through, may it be over soon. Take care ❤

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Woke up today and noticed that mentally I’m seeing my environment, surrounding me as black and white...no colours at all, feels so lonely...this is such a bad throwback to when I was in a state of disarray, crying non-stop. “It’s okay it’s okay.” I said to myself but am I okay? It’s back...I have relapsed...luckily for a moment my drama is sort of keeping me in check...Thanks guys, just couldn’t express it when y’all asked...it’s hurting internally that I couldn’t even express it. Sorry for not replying...

    1. Maya


      It happens, that we reach a point when breaking down is the only thing we can do...But hang in there, take some deep breaths. Whatever you're going through, it will pass. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. 1 more paper then I can say, Happy Holiday 

  11. All of you care for each other...great...but who is there to care about me?...

  12. So, professor said paper exceed 10% in similarity report will get a zero, I have 16% and this thing basically highlighted my whole references, will he fail me D: 


    i am so stresss...

    1. Maya


      Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, hun

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Today is JangHaven's 100th Day! JangHaven Fighting!

  14. i am crying while doing my assignment because i don't understand it :cry:

    1. Maya


      Take some rest, sweetie, if nothing makes sense, before trying again. You can do it!  Maybe not immediately,  maybe you'll be through a lot of frustrations first, but for sure, you can do it.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. Am I the only person who prefers long drama? 100 or 120 episodes? Dailies and end of the week (Saturdays and Sundays) 

    1. Maya


      I won't mind it if it's animated series. 😅 So far I didn't mind dramas with almost 60 episodes. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. mirmz

    mirmz    Maya

    hiya may may! <3


    1. Maya


      Same like you 😉 How's school? Are you ready for your campaign?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. mirmz

    mirmz    Maya

    hiya may may! <3


  18. when no one else is online 


    1. Maya


      Hi mirmz, I was actually online earlier. Talk to you next time you're logged in. ☺️

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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