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Posts posted by liddi

  1. @abs-oluteM The montage is more bittersweet for me because we know where they are now. But yes, it hints so much to the evolving relationship between them both in the months leading up to that day on the snowy mountain. The only thing that feels jarring from the montage is the one overlooking the sea, because from the preview, it appears to be (I presume) her 1st love at age 24, not KHJ. And I am concerned from the same preview, as it mentions a wanted criminal, whom presumably SYG knows, and by the looks of it, is in danger from.


    @ktcjdrama You and me both about their handling of the potato bomb. I am guessing they dare not risk leaving it behind, knowing it is being deliberately planted, but the risk taken to transport it left me in a cold sweat.


    @movingwheel The brief snippet of "Yours" is so evocative and beautifully complements the poignant montage. Can't wait to hear the full version when it drops tomorrow and know what the lyrics say.


    Likewise, I feel that Kim Jongwan's "Falling" is such a perfect fit for that final scene, and the lyrics just breaks my heart even more. Not for the first time in a KEH drama, I am so afraid that she will break my heart in the end, though I cling to her promise that this is a healing drama. Please be kind, KEH-nim...


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  2. Ep5 is back in excellent form, holding me in its grip from beginning to end, running me through a gamut of emotions from shock to unbearable suspense, relief, tears and growing dread again.


    Despite revealing the killer's identity and providing us with enough clues to correctly guess the identity of the person holding the 3 potato bombs, the script still manages to throw me off with the twists that ensued, grandpa's suspicious behaviour and the reveal of the real intended victim. I was terribly afraid during the desperate race against time to save the victim which intercuts with the killer's terrible languidness as he slowly waits for her to die, not knowing if this would be the moment KEH's death knell sounds for one of her main cast, and was so relieved when it hasn't.


    LSW's list indicates that Sgt Kim was his first victim, and his cousin his latest. Does that mean that the murders started with Sgt Kim? We know that there is a shadowy mastermind behind him, and once again, the suspicion points to Capt. Jo who was not present when everyone else (including Park Il-hae and Officer Kim) was frantically trying to save Yangsun; was spotted in the mountains with the bloodied yellow ribbons near where LSW's body was found; and whose gloves (or at least ones similar to his) were seen crossing out Yangsun's name from the victim list and adding KHJ's. Is the red herring the real deal after all? Despite it being literally yelled in my face, I still hesitate to take it as face value, and am still waiting for the other shoe to drop. We know now that the mastermind himself wears the same gloves as Capt Jo. Are those standard issue? Yet which other ranger do we know of who doesn't already have an alibi, at least for this case. 


    At this point in time, we are no closer to understanding how the victims are chosen. Was it jointly agreed upon by both killers? If so, why was Sgt Kim the first victim? We know that this was Sgt Kim's hometown, so did it have to do with some personal grievance one or both of them had against him? While the rest appear to be illegal hikers, Yangsun certainly was not, but deliberately lured into the mountains. Was she LSW's choice because he resented her having a family which he did not? There are no answers yet. I cannot help but wonder if there are really only 7 victims as per his list, or are there others committed personally by the mastermind, thus not included here. Are the future murders still a joint effort, and the mastermind had successfully recruited yet another accomplice? I cannot imagine one man being able to take down both KHJ and SYG on the snow-capped mountains alone. Speaking of which, the preview bringing us to winter and snowy mountains had me in dread for a moment, until I remembered that we are still in year 2018, and KHJ was attacked Dec 20, 2019, so we still have about a year's reprieve.


    The last 3 mins had me in tears... the moment Kim Jongwan's "Falling" played as the drone flew over Mt Jiri, seeing KHJ roaming the expanse of the mountains, still faithfully placing the markers even as his own spirit is trapped, unable to leave, hitting even harder as we see his tears, driving home the desperate loneliness of his existence. And SYG's aching monologue... hinting at words unspoken, which may never be spoken if she never gets to see him again hurts so much, as we are finally beginning to realise what he has come to mean to her. That last scene, her starting at the glitches on the screen, to the growing disbelief in her eyes, gives birth to stirrings of hope that perhaps at last, at long last, her wish was granted and she could see him once more. The montage that follows of their scenes together, scenes past and scenes to come, just drives home all that was gained and lost, and the unbearable implications if KHJ can never be free to leave the mountain, just as she can never enter it again. Tears.


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  3. @Chocolate Thank you for the sneak peek! Yangsun's cousin is rattled by KHJ's pointed questions, giving the predator a taste of his own medicine... what it feels like to be the hunted instead of the hunter for a change. Still, wonder if he will be apprehended since there is no actual evidence tying him to the scene of the crimes apart from KHJ's visions.


    Has anyone watched the 73min highlight, which is also available on iQIYI? Apart from bookending with KHJ's narration - starting with what happened with Sgt Kim in the past, to his visions that came after, and ending with the focus on the scars on the suspect's hand at the town hall meeting, the rest appears to be just snippets from the 1st 4 episodes. I haven't sat down to watch properly (been tied up with espionage recently :shocked:), but did anyone detect any previously unreleased scenes? Will revisit once things are not as hectic.

    • Insightful 3
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  4. Okay - twists and turns galore, and I'm still reeling from it all by the end of Ep7. Some thoughts... please excuse the long and rambling incoherence.


    The list of NIS agents in China and North Korea exposed during Bloody Friday was leaked by Sangmuhoe during the Mar 3, 2015 meeting at Youngokgwan. Considering that only CCW, BMS and the North Korea Security Agency deputy chief were present at the time, I presume the list was brought by CCW. Did he avoid being exposed because he doctored the list by removing his own name prior to that? If he did, then why did he tip off JKS regarding the list and Sangmuhoe's part in it, unless it was because he had reported the leak to NIS, but the incident still happened anyway, which meant his intel was buried by either his handler or someone else, thus indicating a traitor in the organisation. That would explain why he went underground after that. My question is did he tell SSY about it? 


    HJH disappeared before the Bloody Friday incident, and SSY applied the transfer to Domestic Intelligence 2 days before his disappearance. OKS and KDW died when HJH disappeared, so her transfer could not have been due to OKS' death. If so, what was it? While we still do not know specifically what she intended to reveal to the press, it is very likely the Bloody Friday incident, or at least some intel related to Sangmuhoe, which until shown otherwise, were the ones that ordered the hit on her. In that case, why was it necessary to shut down JKS' exposé in the first place. I wonder too if the argument she had with Dir Kang had to do with this intel, which the latter had been putting her off with excuses after excuses because of clandestine dealings that he has with them?


    The other part I cannot understand is why the need for such an elaborate plan to frame JKS as a spy if CCW wanted to silence her so that he is not exposed as the informant. Actually, why even tip her off if he was afraid of being exposed, unless she later intended to reveal her sources during the exposé. Also, we know that CCW provided the doctored entry/exit records of JKS into North Korea but was it even necessary for him to do so when he could have easily just killed her off like he did her cousin? Since SSY was in the know about the doctored records, why was she colluding with him to frame JKS? I still cannot grasp the logic of this part of the narrative except as a plot device for HJH to find out about Sangmuhoe's involvement in the leak through JKS. 

    A little more than halfway through the drama, and we are still not privy to the identity of the person that exposed HJH's team in Dandong. Were they targeted because they went directly up against Huayang Gang, and by extension BMS? Come to think of it, why were they conducting reconnaissance at Youngokgwan? Could it be that they were on BMS' trail, rather than CCW as I had initially assumed? From the looks of it, BMS and Sangmuhoe are now standing on opposing ends, seeing they killed Chung Pyung-il without any hesitation. What caused the fallout, when just a year before, they were working together to wipe out NIS agents in China and North Korea. We now are also almost certain that BMS is YJY's father, the NIS agent who went AWOL in North Korea. Was he too, abandoned by the agency, and is now wreaking payback against those who turned their backs on him? The other question is, unless I totally missed it, who had sent the undoctored CCTV footage of SSY's shooting to NIS, after YJY deleted the first one? 


    Some things don't add up taking into consideration what we know from Moebius, which makes me wonder whether I'm missing something. Certainly, certain scenes from The Veil were reshot for Moebius and the context appears to be different as well. Of course, this could be deliberate since one is the interpretation of a 3rd party, while the other was depicting what actually transpired.



    However, this does not explain CCW's status. CCW made the decision not to return to the fold and was ostentatiously killed by SSY during the retrieval of Moebius in Jul 2012. Yet, in The Veil, he was listed as an active black agent for Foreign Intelligence as late as Feb 2016, when he provided the China entry/exit records for JKS. Was the killing for the benefit of NIS, or the Samhwa gang which boat was in the vicinity, so that he could continue working undercover? Yet, if he planned to continue working undercover, why throw away the phone, which indicates a severance of ties with the NIS. Dep. Commr Do slyly alluded to his death and unrecovered body which seemed to indicate that as far as NIS was concerned, he had died. Notably though, there was no mention of CCW during Dir. Kang's briefing of the Moebius project to the higher-ups. Going by the events in The Veil, I presume that NIS treated him as a gang member killed in the Moebius project, while keeping him on as an agent.


    The last of the mystery - no idea if it has any bearing on anything - who was SSY's mysterious lover at Vellani resort back in Jul 17, 2012 before she dated OKS? Is it mere coincidence that both she and CCW had the same picture of the resort? Yet, there are undercurrents between her and Dir Kang that hints at more than just a simple work relationship. Certainly all 3 men loved her. I don't know. Let's see if this is cleared up down the road.


    I realise I come from the more unique viewpoint of someone who is privy to SSY and CCW's past connection in Moebius ahead of time. I imagine my reactions might be far different from if I had watched the main drama first, and only gotten to know them more via the spinoff later. Regardless, things being what it is, because I knew and cared for them from Moebius, I am probably biased in being unable to believe the worst of them even when things look damning. Still, the drama itself has left sufficient clues to allow that element of doubt even without the spinoff. Case in point being when SSY was revealed to have been the one who took LCG's call to the NIS emergency line and Section Chief CIL killed for digging into the same identity. It is hard to believe that someone who clearly cared deeply about the well-being of their colleagues as seen from her repeated requests to HJH to prioritise their safety, would cold-bloodedly plot their deaths. CCW is harder to read, since he had been undercover for so long and, as HJH pointed out, could have been absorbed by the persona that he had embodied. Still, despite his cold, clinical ways and unflinchingly brutal methods, the fact that he was JKS' informant and his violent reaction to SSY's fate hinted at someone who had not lost himself totally just yet. His own terrible end and the significance of his final words to BMS broke my heart, particularly when we realise from Moebius who the originator of those words was.



    Am I supposed to believe that NIS with its obsession with secrecy, would have allowed Section Chief Choi's agency-issued laptop remain unretrieved 1 year after his death, thus allowing his son to hack into their system? Just as unrealistic is SSY's psychiatrist cousin revealing all her medical and personal details to HJH with utter disregard for doctor-patient confidentiality, and a mind-boggling trust in some random person who just waltzes into her clinic claiming to be SSY's colleague in the NIS. Next is HJH having crashed YJY's car while trying to save her from CCW, yet in the very next episode, the car is back in pristine condition. Love how SK replaces/fixes totaled cars at the drop of a hat. Also, much as I love the man, even with extreme suspension of belief, I cannot see how CCW managed to create the intricate LED QR code tattoo on his back all by himself. Oh, and YJY managing to spring the bedridden Chung Pyung-il all by herself from the hidden basement quarters of Daein hospital just boggles belief, when not too long ago, she could barely shoot straight and was easily trussed up in the boot of her own car. Next, the undoctored footage of SSY's shooting. YJY deleted the copy HJH sent to her. However, he still had the original with him, so what was stopping him from revealing it instead of going through 49 days cold turkey and waiting for some mysterious informant to send it to the NIS. Last but not least. Why does everyone persist in being cryptic in their words - even when there is no apparent reason for doing so. Then again, if everyone learnt to communicate properly, we would be left with 2 episodes instead of 12, and a full head of hair instead of most our hair gone by the end of the drama. And that simply won't do.


    I presume this marks the end of SSY and CCW's screentime, unless we get further exposition in flashbacks. I see now what everyone has been trying to warn me about dialing down my expectations, so in that sense, I was not as thrown off by the abruptness of their exits, particularly SSY's. With 5 episodes left, I only hope that all unanswered questions will be addressed and resolved satisfactorily, without any loose ends. 

    • Clapping Hands 4
  5. 5 mins into Ep7 and they're both dead?! :cry: With more than 5 eps left... seriously?? Did the production run out of budget after all the cars and locations they trashed? :shocked2: Will try to put my thoughts down sometime soon based on what I see so far, though some things don't add up, especially from what we've been told in Moebius. Maybe a good night's sleep will make it clearer... gah!

    • Clapping Hands 3
  6. Up to Ep3, and thus far, the plot is taut and hard hitting, with more and more added on to the wall of potential moles. It is disquieting to learn that one of his now-dead teammates might have leaked intel regarding their safehouse, particularly since both of them died. If so, why did the mole end up dead? Was he silenced by those he sold out to, or killed by those he betrayed? Not enough is known yet of any of them to know who it might have been, though I am hard pressed to believe it could have been OKS, especially coming from Moebius and knowing what he was like 3 years prior. Even so, I will try to reserve judgment until more is revealed, since almost everyone in the agency, including our greenhorn rookie, seems to have an ulterior motive, be it for good or otherwise. 2 eps later, we are still no closer to knowing who handed HJH the USB drive warning him of the mole in the agency. Hopefully we'll know more in the next 2 eps.


    I know I was forewarned about SSY's lack of screentime. Even so, less than half an hour in 3.5 hours' worth of 3 episodes is pretty bizarre, considering it's already a quarter of the drama gone. Thus far, she has not done much except to continuously show vested interest in HJH's lost memories while clearly resenting him. "That memory isn't just yours." Are those the desperate words of a grieving fiancée, or is it more than that? Unless SSY changed markedly in her core from Moebius, I am still inclined to believe that she really does mourn OKS' loss, and is seeking answers to what went down that fateful day. I still don't quite understand the situation she is in within the Domestic Intelligence Bureau, nor what they are expecting from her. Knowing there are undercurrents of rivalry between Foreign Intelligence, Domestic Intelligence and Crime Information Centre, does Domestic Intelligence expect her to obtain/leak incriminating intel from her former team? 


    It appears that Deputy Comm'r Do is up to her usual tricks again, being in possession of CCTV photo footage of what transpired in the hotel penthouse with the Huayang Gang. How and from whom did she get the footage? A shadowy puppetmaster Baek Mo Sa (was that him we caught a glimpse of entering the elevator as Hwang Mo Sool left?) is in the sidelines, pulling the strings, controlling even the loose cannon Hwang Mo Sool, so it is very likely the photos came from him. If so, is she colluding with Baek Mo Sa to further solidify her position within the NIS, or am I just overthinking it? Meanwhile, YJY's father appears to be an NIS agent who disappeared during a mission. Considering HJH himself too went AWOL, what is the real reason for her persistence to stay by HJH's side? Does she expect to find intel regarding her father's disappearance, or help from HJH to find him? Questions questions.


    So far, the plot is keeping me engaged, with the exception of overly drawn out violence which do not seem to serve much purpose except to continuously remind us just how elite an agent HJH is. Regardless, will be continuing on, keeping fingers crossed that all the twists and turns will lead us to a coherent conclusion. Oh, and please give me more than 30mins of SSY in the next 3 episodes with her motivations better fleshed out, and for CCW to appear at last as well.

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  7. @mademoiselle I see what you mean about similarities with Signal due to communication and multiple timelines being a theme, but I don't think so. For starters, communications are not between 2 timelines. We just privy to the past in terms of flashbacks, bringing us one step closer each time to understanding what actually transpired in the past. The markers were already a secret communication device between SYG and KHJ back in 2018, and is now KHJ's only means to try and save victims who are danger on the mountains, when he is no longer able to communicate physically with anyone. I do not know whether he left the markers specifically for SYG. Perhaps he hoped that she would see it and know what he was trying to convey, but if she didn't, at least someone, anyone will notice it and take action. I also do not see how these markers can be a means to save KHJ's spirit from an eternity roaming the mountains since there is nothing they can do to undo the past, unlike the walkie-talkie in Signal which allowed them to try and save LJH. Just my 2 cents..


    @SnowBlob Both cases in Eps1 and 2 were not linked to the serial killers, but was a genuine lost boy (YSH) and a victim murdered by his partner (HSG). The other cases since then, including the lost hiker from 2020 appear to be serial killings. Nonetheless, I don't believe there is a change of MO. Remember even in Ep2 when KHJ was wounded and almost fell off the cliff, he noticed that the yellow ribbons were deliberately tied to mislead hikers. This means that even back then, the killer was already operating, not by removing the ribbons, but re-tying them to point to a different, dangerous location where illegal hikers would meet with fatal "accidents". One thing that did cross my mind is that they employ different methods depending on who the intended victims are, how familiar they are with the mountains, and their purpose going there. The ribbons would work for illegal hikers who are not familiar with the area. For Granny Geum-rye, the ribbons would be useless as she knew the mountains well. Hence, the use of laced yoghurt drink with strong hallucinogenic properties that would make it easy to lead her to danger. The same goes for the herb collector rescued in time in 2020. Likewise with Private Ahn who saw the killer's face, and very likely Sgt Kim in the past, since both men were neither lost nor illegal hikers, but following their troops in a training exercise. As for the herb collector who died in 2018, a yoghurt drink would be less of an enticement compared to an unfamiliar item which might fetch a good price, hence the potato bomb? Am simply guessing here, and fully expecting my wild stabs to fall apart by Ep5!


    @Chocolate Love the new poster, but cannot help but feel sad looking at it. I remember KEH once mentioned in an interview that she wrote Signal based on a single premise - "Can LJH be saved?". I wonder whether she wrote Jirisan the same way - "Can KHJ's spirit be free?" I really hope he will be free from this cursed existence...

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  8. “Jirisan” Ratings Climb Back Up As “Chimera” Rises For 2nd Episode

    “Jirisan” Ratings Climb Back Up As “Chimera” Rises For 2nd Episode

    Nov 1, 2021
    by E. Cha

    tvN’s “Jirisan” is back on the rise!

    Last week, the new drama starring Jun Ji Hyun and Joo Ji Hoon premiered to the highest viewership ratings of any weekend drama in tvN history, then broke into the double digits for its second episode. However, after its promising start, “Jirisan” saw a dip in viewership for its third episode, which fell to an average nationwide rating of 7.9 percent.

    On October 31, “Jirisan” successfully turned things around with its fourth episode, which scored an average nationwide rating of 9.4 percent and took first place in its time slot across all cable channels. The drama also took first place in its time slot across all channels—including public broadcast networks—among the key demographic of viewers ages 20 to 49, with whom it scored a nationwide average of 4.4 percent.



    cr. Soompi

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  9. @SnowBlob The abuser was still alive and well, merely tied up and hanging from the roof of the pigsty, apologising and pleading for his life, after the bloodbath of the night before so he wasn't the one who was killed after sneaking in earlier on. From the looks of it, her abuse was no longer in the hands of just one soldier. Rather, her first abuser possibly set the precedence for other fellow soldiers to follow suit. She only saved the first abuser for last, because he started it all.

    • Shocked 1
  10. It is now pretty much confirmed that there are at least 2 people involved in the murders on Mt Jiri. One doing the actual killings, whom eagle-eyed viewers have identified as Yangsun's cousin through the telltale teeth and reaffirmed through the scars on the hand; and someone else he is communicating with in Ep5 preview, who by all intents and purposes, is another ranger who knows Mt Jiri inside out and has the skillsets to extract the poison from the mushrooms to be laced in the yoghurt drinks. Once again, Capt. Jo is the most glaring suspect with every incident over the years conspicuously matching his off days. Yet, despite this being driven home over the past 3 of 4 episodes, I cannot help but wonder again if it is way too obvious and heavy handed. Still, until proven otherwise, he is definitely the most possible mastermind of these intricate murders.

    I am not quite sure who Yangsun saw holding the 3 potato bombs in the shed, which set her going into the mountains the way she did. The hands appear to belong to a man, but the outfit is long and flowing so I cannot be certain, unless it is her grandfather who we see wearing a similar cardigan? Her cousin is attending the town hall meeting at the time and all the rangers we know of including Capt. Jo are present as well, while her grandfather is still talking to KHJ, so we are not privy yet who or what she saw in the mountains that shocked her so.


    The outcry and insistence of having someone take the fall for the death of the herb collector rubs me the wrong way, and while I feel for bereaved family, the subsequent baying for blood over consequences due to their own wrongdoing is frustrating. It is hard to accept how there is no sense of accountability, and those who uphold the law are forced to kowtow and pay the price for another person's blatant disregard for it. 


    This time, KHJ's visions are predictive in both the past and present - foretelling the death of the herb collector from the potato bomb in 2018, and warning SYG of the victim in Dowon Valley in present day through the marker. It is strange how he is unable to touch LDW (his palm discoloured where it attempted to touch her and his physical body goes into shock), yet is able to move stones and twigs to set up the markers. Is he only able to manipulate what is native to Mt. Jiri (the weather, nature) but not interact with the human beings that come to the mountain? There is such a sense of dejection as he tries and fails to make contact, and I truly feel KHJ's acute isolation as he watches LDW run off in terror away from him, being trapped thus with no hope of reprieve. With SYG no longer able to go to the mountain, and him not being able to leave it, will they ever see each other again in present day?

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  11. Now how did I manage to miss the non-existent reflection in the water? :shocked: That is scary indeed, and indicates an otherworldly presence. Now, I'm more convinced than ever that SYG's lightly mocking words to her about the shoes could have resulted in her physical state in present day :nervous:


    The killer that we see is definitely not Capt. Jo, though I have not written him off as a suspect working in tandem with the killer yet. Am still (unreasonably, for now) suspicious of the historical researcher, but not quite yet able to match his pearly whites with what we have seen so far. Hopefully we are accorded more close-ups of every other male character in Ep4!

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  12. @SnowBlob The rules are still true in Ashin. The zombies which are created after eating those who died of zombie attacks, will likewise turn others into zombies through their bite. These mutated zombies first came about when Youngshin fed the dead boy to the starving people. Those created via the resurrection plant e.g. the king and Ashin's dead family, will only attack and kill, but not infect their victims.


    In Ashin of the North, all the soldiers were transformed one by one into zombies by Ashin after they were killed (in their beds or elsewhere) with the use of the resurrection plant. That is the only method she knew to bring them back to life as zombies. As such, none of the zombies in the camp were infectious. The very first zombie we saw was not her abuser, but merely one of the soldiers who woke up after being transformed. The subsequent zombies that overrode the camp were not infected victims, but the other soldiers who transformed and started attacking the rest. As for her abuser, she cut off his limbs but left him alive and human, to be fed to her family in the end.

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  13. @SnowBlob It won't work unless the scallion pancake company renames itself to Gamnamu restaurant or the drama shows SYG's grandmother renaming her restaurant accordingly :laugh: 


    You're right. KHJ did not see any visions pertaining to Granny Geum-rye or Private Ahn. Could that be the reason he failed to save Granny Geum-rye, even though the younger man was saved in time? Hopefully the rules will be apparent down the road.


    Knowing the identity of our ghostly figure, I am more afraid of smirks and black gloves than any supernatural apparition. Am currently staring at every character's teeth so far, but no real conclusive findings yet if anyone is clearly the killer. Must pay more attention tonight! :thinking:


    The 2nd soundtrack is out! Much more upbeat than Destiny for sure...


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  14. @Chocolate @Rina @abs-oluteM I truly love the spinoff - so well delivered and emotionally resonant despite how short it is, leaving me wanting more. However, am getting a little apprehensive hearing everyone's advice to temper my expectations regarding the main drama itself so I have considered myself duly warned as I embarked on Ep1 :nervous: 


    Was certainly not expecting the opening bloodbath on board the boat, which left me thinking for a moment that I had watched Voice by mistake. Still, after being overwhelmed by the initial sensory overload, I am slowly finding my bearings. So apparently, Ep1 begins 4 years after Moebius (2016), during which time OKS had gotten engaged to SSY (didn't see that coming since he was like an eager puppy around her in Moebius), and had been HJH's field partner for 3 years before he was killed. SSY is far colder here... which I currently attribute to her loss, and her confrontation of HJH reflects suspicion and resentment (still unclear whether deserved or otherwise), that his actions could have caused the deaths of his team whose safety she specifically asked him to prioritise. Dir. Kang is surprisingly protective of HJH, even to the extent of allowing himself to be stabbed in the palm for him. In this hotbed of intrigue that is the NIS, I do not know yet whether he is genuinely concerned for him, or has ulterior motives, but thus far, he appears trustworthy, remembering how he too had been protective of SSY in Moebius. HJH is running around with memories wiped clean, but someone has provided him his own video message warning of a traitor in the agency, which indicates there is at least one person he trusted with this incriminating intel. Is it a familiar face, or a new one? It remains to be seen.


    As of Ep1, the foundations have been laid for an interesting premise. There is a pervading sense of isolation around HJH, both due to his missing memories as well as the wall of suspicion that surrounds him, which can feel rather claustrophobic. Am unsure yet who is friend or foe, but very surprised that the powers that be would saddle him with an apparent greenhorn agent, particularly since he is currently like a ticking timebomb. Definitely intrigued enough to continue watching for now, while waiting nervously to see if or when the execution does slip up for me.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

    There are people who sing it praises after praises, saying it’s the best drama of the year. I am not one of them. I would say just give it a few episodes try, and do share your views here. I’d like to know if I missed something that made me unable to enjoy it fully. 

    @ktcjdrama Oh dear... that does not sound promising. Will give it a try then, and see which side of the fence I fall, even if just to see a little more of the two characters I have come to care about and find out what happens to them in the end.

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  16. Despite not having watched The Veil yet, I caught Moebius:The Veil these past two days, and am utterly glad I did. Gripping and tightly paced, it is textbook perfect with no wasted moment and stands perfectly well on its own without the need to reference the main drama. Against the backdrop of a world that is rife with betrayals and counter-betrayals where loyalty is not necessarily honoured and everyone is dispensable, the drama manages to flesh out the backstories and relationships sufficiently in 2 short episodes to make me care for SSY and CCW and root for their unique bond, and ache for WGP's fate as he remains steadfastly loyal to the end. There is barely room for pause as we are set hurtling to the showdown at the pier where a sliver of a lifeline is thrown, a choice is given and made, while the epilogue hints that the intangible bond that was built remains unbroken despite the separate paths in the darkness they have chosen. Am so thrilled to see PHS nailing such a strong role after loving her as Yoon Bowon in 3Days previously, and truly impressed by JMS who delivers every facet of Chang Chunwoo's desperate journey as he tries to reclaim his own life in a world where he is but a mere pawn. Bravo to the cast and crew for a well-made production and strong strong performances!


    Having said all that, should I follow up and watch The Veil after this? Is the main drama just as well-crafted?





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  17. In true KEH fashion, previously conceived theories are seemingly confirmed, then shot down at the next instant.


    KHJ's visions do not appear to adhere to a specific rule. We now know that it can be either predictive or reactive. What is telling is that his visions surrounding Baektogol are predominantly of what happened one year ago during the training incident, which he now realises to be the handiwork of a killer who is still operating to this day with laced yoghurt drinks as a weapon. He had believed that his visions were given by whatever being that is in Baektogol so that he could act upon them and save those in trouble. Now that he knows the truth behind his comrade's death, is this the reason his spirit would not or could not leave the mountains until he puts an end to these killings? However, is it that straightforward? Not all of his visions revolved around the killing spree e.g. YSH and HSG. Even if the killer / killers were finally stopped, could he leave, knowing that there will be others to come who will face danger on the mountains?


    By the same token, my earlier theory about illegal hikers being targeted do not appear to hold water anymore. While Granny Geum-rye falls in this category, this excludes both Private Ahn and Sergeant Kim unless the soldiers marching across Baektogol are also viewed as trespassers in the mountain. However, if that were the case, why were they the only ones targeted? My only explanation is that they saw the killer's face (definitely true in Private Ahn's case), and therefore had to be silenced. The MO of the killings are to disguise them as accidents. This is true in the case of Private Ahn, with the killer driving him to the edge of the cliff. However, I am not clear how Granny Geum-rye's death was meant to work out. Was she supposed to drown or simply succumb to the elements in her frail, weakened state? Still, her last moments, while hallucinatory, were happy as she was finally reunited with the mother she had desperately missed all these years, so that at least, was a kindness. As for the identity of the killer, Capt. Jo is highly suspicious, but could be a mere red herring. His presence is unaccounted for during Granny Geum-rye's disappearance so it could have been him. However, from the smirk and the incriminating gloves, we don't know enough yet to be sure, and it could be a 3rd party (either working alone or as an accomplice) out in the mountains. 


    The chilling encounter with the little girl from the invocation ritual appears to foreshadow what would happen to the two rangers. Were her words to KHJ a curse or a prophecy, seeing there was an strange talisman in the waters where she was? KHJ is technically not dead yet in present day, and I fear that he is fated to never be able to leave the mountains even in death. And while she said nothing to SYG, did the older woman's references to her pretty shoes somehow seal her fate as far as the loss of the use of her legs go?


    We learn more of the ghostly apparition in this episode. For starters, contrary to what we believed previously, LDW did not see him at all, merely the rustling of the bushes when he approached. Yet, others have caught sight of him in the mountains. Clearly he is able to manipulate physical objects (the markers, bushes), so perhaps he too is able to control who he appeared to. If so, what is the criteria that determined who he was visible to?


    On a lighter note, the effects of sweet potato makgeolli are finally revealed - a rambling, first hand account of her exploits from age 6 onwards for SYG's (literally) captive audience. KHJ, please take one for the team and find out her story at age 24, even if you have to squat by the roadside the whole night to do so! :laugh:

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  18. @SnowBlob Since we're on the subject of PPL, are scallion pancakes part of it too, since we have so many lingering shots of SYG making them for her clamouring customers? :laugh: But yup. I don't have any issue with hiking gear, coffee, mineral water, or even the sandwich (which made me really hungry actually!). On the other hand, I did think the collagen powder was a bit heavy handed, but I've come to accept PPL as part of kdrama life. (Still remember PHY being force-fed Subway sandwich by CSH's mother in Signal to thank him for doing the chores about the house!).


    Wonder if these shamans will also be targeted by the gloved one(s) since they are conducting their rites in a prohibited area :thinking:


    As for KHJ's visions, my assumption from Ep1 was that he knew their current location, since his visions showed Sangsuri Rock before there was any storm, and he got those visions when the storm was already raging for them (indicating that the boy was already there). Yet in Ep2, he saw where he would be later that night, while he was still on the peak of the mountain in broad daylight drinking PPL mineral water. Definitely with you in hoping that all these questions and more will be cleared up as more is revealed, without character updates! :mad:


    SYG's quiet moment of respect for the dead - the lighting of the 3 joss sticks and the offering of soju, is a sobering one. Each culture is different, and I wonder whether this depiction is an actual reflection of the practice of Korean rangers (and any in the frontlines).


    I appreciate the little moments of humour amid the tension. Had a good chuckle when KHJ groaned because the shoes JGY haphazardly grabbed for him didn't fit (it would be far-fetched if they did fit actually!). Still, I think despite all the nail-biting suspense, my greatest moments of stress are actually for JGY back in 2018, each time SYG gives him the evil eye :laugh: 

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  19. Jun Ji Hyun, Joo Ji Hoon, And Other Rangers Team Up For A Disorderly Battle Against Shamans In “Jirisan”

    Jun Ji Hyun, Joo Ji Hoon, And Other Rangers Team Up For A Disorderly Battle Against Shamans In “Jirisan”

    Oct 30, 2021
    by L. Kim

    tvN’s “Jirisan” has released new stills ahead of tonight’s episode!

    Written by Kim Eun Hee, “Jirisan” is a mystery drama starring Jun Ji Hyun as Seo Yi Kang, a top ranger at Mount Jiri National Park, and Joo Ji Hoon as Kang Hyun Jo, her rookie partner who is hiding an unspeakable secret. The drama follows the rangers at the national park as they uncover the truth behind a mysterious accident that occurred on the mountain.


    The rangers of Mount Jiri impressed viewers with their passion and diligence as they worked hard to save lives, even in the heavy storms. They encounter all kinds of incidents on the job, but the next one just might take the cake.

    In the new stills, Kang Hyun Jo, Jung Goo Young (Oh Jung Se), Park Il Hae (Jo Han Chul), and more are led by the imposing Seo Yi Kang. They are overflowing with determination as if they’re about to launch a huge operation.



    The big operation in question involves shamans, who are illegally attempting to perform an exorcism in an off-limit zone in the mountain. The rangers raid the area where the procession is taking place and desperately try to stop the ceremony. Despite the people’s protest, the rangers, especially Park Hae Il, stay rooted to their spot.



    The next episode of “Jirisan” airs on October 30 at 9 p.m. KST.


    cr. Soompi

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