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Everything posted by IpohBanana

  1. @NiteWalker i saw the trailer for E27 & 28...lol, from a light hearted drama, it suddenly becomes so serious. (Esther attempts to speak in Cantonese which is quite hilarious. ) These two go undercover looking for people who trade illegally in wildlife (must be her bird thingie lah). Bin Bin looks so funny with his unkempt appearance and wearing an appalling looking yellow shirt. And even in that moment where they are in the face of danger (a bunch of thugs), he has to tell her he owes her his confession that he likes her. Me thinking - friend, in that place, at that time, you sure you wanna say that ?
  2. Anyone here likes Wang Yu Wen or Zhang Nan? The trailer looks intense. Short sypnosis can be found here: https://mydramalist.com/77851-feng-yu-nong-yan-zhi-luan @NiteWalker this one? https://mydramalist.com/people/15214-zhang-xiao-wei or this one https://mydramalist.com/people/32993-xiang-han-zhi
  3. http://koalasplayground.com/2022/09/30/yang-zi-and-dylan-wang-reportedly-cast-in-upcoming-period-c-drama-with-liu-yu-ning-as-the-second-male-lead/ @Tofu @OsmanthusTea @NiteWalker @SilverMoonTea curious as to the story that Di Di is supposedly being paired with YZ and the story is here. Apparently a detective investigation kind of story, someone said sounds a bit like The Golden Hairpin (LOL). If DD-YZ pairing doesn't sound interesting how about Liu Yu Ning-YZ? Haha, those are the two supposed male leads. I can almost imagine the chemistry between Liu Yu Ning and Di Di. As for Goblin, wah, if those two come together, that would be super amazing! Who would you all choose for the FL?
  4. He is the villain in an online novel she wrote. And the reason she wrote it is because she was fangirling over her uni senior who became a successful author, with her as the FL. Netizens criticised her work for not having a villain, so she created a villain that , according to her mother in the drama , is more charming than the ML. Lol She makes a wish by a fountain and accidentally wishes for an unforgettable love encounter and her wish is granted. The villain she created, appears in her lap, literally. My grouse is that the villain isn't villainous. And the storyline is really quite boring, yawn. Well it's funny watching how he tries to
  5. @TofuChen Zhe Yuan's CPU wasn't working that day when they did the interviews I've never watched Shen Yue before, first time for me, I find that there is a certain awkardness to her looks, some people look less photogenic on camera and IMO she is one of those (when she smiles, it looks like she is smirking). I still prefer him with Rainbox Xu, they were truly adorable together, in Our Secret, and reminiscent of school going kids. I find his acting less natural than in that drama. I heard that he has done Hello Dear Ancestors, similar time travel trope, so this should not be too difficult for him. They look far more relaxed here
  6. @Alice Wonderland @Tofu @NiteWalker @themarchioness watched first 6 eps... am not particularly excited nor am I particularly put off by anything. ML's acting is ok but FL's feels contrived. And despite the title Mr Bad, he isn't bad, just happened to be a villain in a novel she wrote but frankly whatever he did wasn't that villainous and his behaviour may not have made him prince charming in her world but wasn't that despicable either.
  7. @Tofu @SilverMoonTea @NiteWalker @OsmanthusTea rumours, rumours everywhere! Wow, if this comes to pass Zhao Lu Si will co-star with Yang Yang and Wu Lei again??? [tbh I don't like the wuxia one, those days, the endings are not HE right? and it would remind me too much of Who Rule the World feels...] @NiteWalker counting on your antenna to let us know if you hear of anything more concrete
  8. @NiteWalker show show the video! You can't tell us it's there and not let us watch it.
  9. @NiteWalker ah, a bit OCD, I can relate to that, I have a habit of arranging slippers at my front door. haha and when I get stressed, the fork and spoon have to sit properly in the storage container. So I know what that means. I dunno if it's in the drama (coz I missed a few eps), or this is from the novel, but the ardent fans of the Prof (Bin Bin) engineered an incident where she he misunderstood her or they had a mis-com, which resulted in them not meeting before he left. Well, I saw this on a YT channel, so I am not sure which is which (ie novel or drama). When he went to Europe (?) for his convention or meeting, he told his sifu's wife that he wants to dedicate his life to research. I think up to a point while he was there he still thought that he would lead his life that way. It wasn't until she told him how his sifu courted her with a fortune cookie message and gave him some advice that he had a realisation. Which is why I said he needed more love hormones, oxytocin, actually, as he was still thinking like a bachelor. As for the classmate/schoolmate/brother's friend's route, I am thinking of YAMG (and the upcoming Hidden Love), where both YY and Reba's characters were schoolmates or classmates? But I am sure it's an overused route/trope. I think this happens in k-drama too, in fact the k-drama trope is to show a short ending scene that they knew each other as children or had an encounter before! Asian dramas like the theme of fate/ destiny...
  10. @NiteWalker @SilverMoonTea @Tofu unless this is faked, they answered the same for 9 out of 10 questions! I can believe they are dating.
  11. @NiteWalker booting ceremony on 13 Sept! https://baike.baidu.com/item/永安梦/60772328 @Tofu netizens have expressed their concern about the FL, apparently her acting skills are questionable and the age gap between Jeremy and her have been pointed out (37 vs 22).
  12. @NiteWalker watched E23-25 trailer, our dear girl can be mean when she wants to be, haha. I like how she gave him a pair of chopsticks that were mismatched, and she dirtied it intentionally? She has turned 'sober' indeed, and spiteful. But he is such a calm and stable personality that he seems to be taking it in stride.
  13. You mean the actress herself? I think she is indeed a refreshing change, she is authentic - it takes courage to behave like that and not cave in to social pressure to conform. I know what you mean. I can't wait for her to turn him away (which i hope she will do and not relent the minute he comes after her), it's time he pay his dues and do the chasing.
  14. @NiteWalker I like the word you used, sober. Haha BuT imagine watching the goddess xi yun for 24 episodes, I shudder a little. Somehow even if she is a bit over the top, I think I have associated her face with that kinda role oredi.
  15. @NiteWalker I watched this and the first thought that came to mind was "wait, isn't that Li Chang Ge?"
  16. @SilverMoonTea I know you know I know...but I have to come right out and say this. Sigh. can someone teach our ML to deliver his lines with a bit more emotion, pitch, volume, and how to pause and rate? lol, someone on YT said, at least he has improved, he doesn't start with a sigh and end with a sigh anymore. I couldn't agree more. As for our dear girl, I think someone was right when they said she's speaking as if she's in a theatrical performance, it's too much for TV. They both need to mix their skills together and each take half of the other.
  17. @SilverMoonTea you think our wait is nearly over? But hoh, I can't stand his voice lah, it reminds me so much of Xuan Ye in Immortal Samsara, that devil.
  18. @NiteWalker you can watch the beginning few, then wait for ending. The in between is a bit boring and Bin Bin's character is really old tree that cannot blossom (needs lots more growth hormones). sigh.
  19. @NiteWalker eh, correct ah? some parts I 'tembak' only because you know-lah my standard. Wah if this comes to pass, DFQC will get jealous. keh keh keh I tried to look for the novel sypnosis somewhere, about a guy, Gong Zi Yu whose father and brother are killed and he is forced overnight to become head of the family. I think the female lead is a character known as Yun Wei Shan and she is forced to stay by his side (spy?). And she sways between her freedom and love.
  20. @Tofu @OsmanthusTea @NiteWalker yah I saw online before I came to this forum. I think ZLH is a mild-mannered person and I can see why there might be some draw between the two of them as opposites attract. Bai Lu is the more outgoing and noisy one whereas he is the more quiet and probably calmer personality. @Tofu so ZLH has a cameo in that drama? Rough translation lah, I bet @NiteWalker can do a much better job. Ryan Ding is sitting there admiring the scenery (some auspicious night, might be cow herd and weaver girl meet once a year kinda night) and Yang Chao Yue (YCY) makes a wish. So, when Ryan tries to eat the tang hulu or sugar calabash, she says she had a sweet dream with lots of things to eat. And then Chang Heng makes an appearance asking for directions to Lu Cheng. Ryan says it's over there, once you cross the mountain. YCY comments on the uniqueness of the stone on his sword and he says it was once a gift to someone special to him (like a sweetheart) BUT.... (looking rather forlorn). Then he adds that he's said more than he should and takes leave. Ryan looks at YCY who seems to fancy CH and tells her that she can only have eyes for him. As for the alarm, it's the initial bell ringing that woke me up - his voice isn't that attention catching, it's too deep. LOL
  21. @OsmanthusTea just for the heck of it, I installed as my alarm ring tone and it was quite funny waking up to a voice.
  22. @Yana just download, don't click on open. After downloading, as @OsmanthusTea explained, you need to extract as it's a zip file.
  23. Haiyoh I must have been half asleep, my bad @OsmanthusTea Glad I was able to help @SilverMoonTea why both ur names got tea ah? You both like to drink tea ah???
  24. @OsmanthusTea in episode two when she asks him his name, she uses the term Er Fang, which sounds like second room but it means concubine or the second in the family. And in comics, as a pun for little wife, mistress. I suspect because the rooster is the first husband. LOL
  25. @SilverMoonTea sorry ah, give me sometime, I stole a few glances tbh. I didn't really sit down to watch so I can't answer your questions yet. Will get back to you. @SilverMoonTea 姨娘 or Yi Niang can be aunt or concubine, the second wife of a feudal lord. I don't know the background about first or second hubs, but if as you say he is the second hubs, then because Deng Deng is the feudal lord, this is why they address Lu Yan as Yi Niang, or the concubine.
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