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Everything posted by ktcjdrama

  1. Insemination due to wrong name of patient. Yes, she was in serious relationship with SDW for 2 years, I think (after 2 years of knowing each other). Both of them are in love, respect and cherish the other one very well. Think "relationship goal" level. But with baby otw, there were misunderstandings. Congratulations!! Hoping everything will go smoothly and minimal stress for you.
  2. Yes yes... I am holding off with Doctor Lawyer till I finish this one. I think she is not bad in this one. Gosh I so want SDW to get the girl as well, not to mention how sweet he is in his character setup. The thing is, Sung Hoon character is also a nice person, and he is the sperm owner of the baby.
  3. Anyone watching Jane The Virgin? It's actually quite good. Some mystery, some dark comedy, yet there are enough heart-warming stuff as well. It's almost finished now, aired 10/14 episodes, and I'm up to ep.7. Feeling so dilemmatic about who the FL should end up with.... It seems that there's no thread made for the drama, so I came here to share.
  4. This game is too hard... I don't have time to do the sleuthing these days, so I will sit this one out. Will enjoy reading your answers and learning more about SJK
  5. I replayed the "sinbal-sinbal" scene countless times while giggling non-stop The way they bumped into each other and fall to the ground was really well executed! Poor Yoon Jae... had to endure so many bad timings just to get a little bit sexy time with Hae Jun. His annoyed but helpless face is just so adorable.
  6. Sad to say, I feel the same way... I can only hope the story is more engaging once we're back to the present time. The Chinese forums are not happy with the writing too. Some already declared ditching the drama. Only a few minutes in, I was already impatient watching the whole court staring at a person very obviously having some kind of attack, gasping for air. Not until he fell on the ground that people panicked and the judge even has to order someone to get the AED... It really was not easy for me to finish 2 episodes. I was multi-tasking actually, because the surgery scenes were too long, when this is not even a medical drama. Me too. How could she have doubted him, I don't understand... He wanted to get married when the brother is better. Why would he want to kill the brother? Like what benefit he got from killing the brother? I thought the same. I'm excited to see SSR appearing next episode. But I probably am going to hold off watching this. Just checked out the other drama that Im Soo Hyang is in. Quite funny, so I think I will watch and finish that one first.
  7. I'm still at first half of the first episode.... LOL... The story is not as captivating as I thought it would be. But it's good to see oppa SJS again. Will try to continue soon. It was hard getting past the first half episode. LOL...
  8. I give this drama a 10/10. It surely is one of the best out there since a while. I have nothing to complain about and I wouldn’t want to change a single thing about it. The ending is just perfect because the journey of liberation goes on for everyone, so inevitably it will seem to be an open ending. And I am perfectly fine with that. The writing is amazing and the execution is even more awesome. The shooting, editing, acting, BGM ~ all falls in nicely for me. It is a drama that made me feel a lot. There are subtle scenes that if we don’t pay attention enough, we missed the meaning. For the finale, I immediately teared the moment MJ recounted how the phone call from Gu saved her from making a scene at the wedding. And definitely we see a different extent of liberation for everyone in the finale. The one I want to talk about for now is Chang Hee, because for me, he is the one who’s shown the most growth. It’s almost like he’s found the “calling” for his life and found peace. - the personal transportation that he’s always longed for is now available for him, although in the form of a two-wheelers instead of a four-wheelers. - he was able to restrain himself from spilling a personal secret he’d like to keep in his heart, instead of laying everything out to his two buddies. - he received an affirmation from his father, but most meaningfully I think is the pat on his back from his step-mother in the kitchen. - he’s stopped fighting against how life should be as he imagined it, and welcomed whatever life gave him. Live and let live. We see this when he decided to stay in the wrong class he walked in to. Hm, this thought was not on my mind. I think the money was to help his hyung? Let me know what you think after you have watched properly. But yes, he’s definitely decided to leave his drinking by leaving the bottle behind. And yes, you will find out the significance of the coin when you watched properly. Something the MJ taught him about. I consider this as one of those subtle meaningful scenes. Gosh... I tell you, the whole time watching the finale, I was dreading this! Whether he will die from alcoholism, or from being hunt down by his boss because of not doing his job well, or wanting to leave.... Even when that coin dropped and rolled away, I really was thinking, are we going to see the white truck of doom?? 😅🤣🤣🤣
  9. I just realised we've been watching the story taking place since 2018/2019.... The mother passed away in October of 2019... Remember at the end of ep.10, there is a Happy New Year for 2022 with Gu walking in the snow? I haven't been able to figure out whether the reuniting of Gu and MJ happened in spring 2022 or fall 2021? I am assuming maybe in the spring of 2022?
  10. You guys have said all that I wanted to say about ep.13-14. I thought this week’s episodes was one of the best. I started quite late into the night, wanting to only watch a part or one episode only, but ended up watching until past 2 am. to finish ep.14! A bit of pauses here and there to wipe away the tears and contain myself so as not to end up with too swollen eyes in the morning. There are so many great scenes and lines in this two episodes. Some are mentioned already. The ones that really stood out for me was when CH discovered his mother not breathing anymore. Then the wake. The part where CH wondered who will be standing at that side of the window when it’s his time to be inside. And especially the part where KJ asked TH to get married. The shoots and editing are all so well done. Both sisters not wanting to walk in on the important moment. The foot at the door, quietly retreating to close the door. The hand on the door handle, slowly closing it back. One sister already openly accepted, the other probably grudgingly resigned to the matter. Very artistically done. And great acting by all.
  11. You’re so right about this. From ep.16 and preview ep.17, that’s exactly the kind of person HJ is showing. Love how he reassures MR about their relationship. YN finally breaks and spilled the truth to Mom. I didn’t expect their scam to be revealed so early. But all the better. SJ and YN needs to start out new with no agenda if they want their relationship to work. Now I know why they cast Shin Dong Mi as Hae Jun. I cannot think of another actress who can act out Hae Jun’s various expressions. The part where Hyun Jae was confronting her about the sabotaging was so fun. Finally, I still have to rant here... Whose great idea is it for Yoon Shi Yoon to go cut his hair so drastically during filming?? Is he filming for another drama simultaneously? Or did his hair get caught in something like maybe a gum nastily stuck on it? How could the editor allow such hair length discrepancy for so long? 3 episodes now. And happening too often that I dread the changing of scenes for HJ, expecting to see different hair length again. *rolleyes
  12. Ep.15 - So proud of Hyun Jae for declining the writer's request to meet. But what's with the hairstyle editing still being a problem? I hope we won't see any more of that in ep.16. very distracting. Gosh, why can't they reshoot some of those scenes. It's not that many.... - Their names meaning present and future ~ Hyun Jae Mi Rae ~ it didn't register with me before until MR mentioned it. Cute. - LOL at the imaginary wedding at fitness centre. Bad idea... - It's so obvious that YJ has fallen for Hae Jun, just like his father jotted down in the diary. He was willing to do anything that she wants to do, no matter how silly it sounds. - From the preview, looks like we're going to have first hurdle for each couple. Hae Jun being found out about sabotaging YJ's TV appearance, although he probably won't mind anymore. Hyun Jae dealing with Mi Rae's insecurities. Soo Jae being mean to Yoo Na even though what she wants to do was to right the wrong.
  13. I think I will be like the mom as well, given the temperament and personality of KJ. She is so happy about it but has to control herself not to ask or meddle too much at this stage. Her smiles and grins though 😆
  14. I started watching already. So far enjoying it. A bit thrown off with the timing though because this is a 2020 drama, filmed in 2019, while the 2022 Master of My Own was filmed in 2018 😅😆. So LGX filmed this one after MOMO. I kept laughing at Yan Jin’s attempt to charm Xiao Ou. Her heart really is made of iron that she could ignore him so much and not be moved/amused/touched by him. I am not sure yet that I like the format of going back and forth with the separate character narration. You really have to pay attention which scenes/incidents come first, which probably is not the best in a story with a mystery to solve. Can still manage it, but cannot say I am thrilled by the format. One thing though, I see some crying scenes in the closing credit.... Give me a little bit of spoiler please... Will there be tons of melo and angst ahead? And I don’t even know if I want to ask if the ending will be a happy one? Considering there’s a tragic death involved in the story....
  15. I think it's the other way around. They don't mind legally registering their marriage quietly, but do not want to hold a ceremony. Whereas the elders want to hold a ceremony and invite people. I think so too. I think at the last minute, YN will change her mind and not go through with it, because even now, she is already feeling bad for lying to the nice elders who are doting on her. I think they will be on a break for a bit, where we will see more of YN and Mirae's brother, before SJ and YN got back together. For now, I am more invested in Hyun Jae and Mirae's story actually. But OMS is working his charm in during the latest episodes that the focus might just change for me. And, I just realised that the original drama title in Korean has the name of Hyun Jae, meaning the present time? Is that right @stroppyse, so it seems that they are the main couple in the drama then?...
  16. They're both still immature... but cute to see their developing feelings for each other. I laugh at how they talk about their real feelings, then switch to "business" talk and kinda changed the mood just like that. The "business" is kinda nullified since they do like each other now What's their plan? Get married within 6 months for the apartment, then get divorced and get married again "for real" and when they're ready? Yeah... it's just a one time encounter. And Hae Jun already explained that she is stressed lately. The way she wanted YJ to get married, she shouldn't be too picky, as long as YJ is happy, right? That's where I first saw him too! and fell in love with him and his coupling instead of the other two. Sunshine Couple. Their scenes are sooo little though. Each episode usually only a few minutes. So much so that I made a collection of just their scenes and opened my first youtube channel to compile their story/journey. But it got deleted because of copyrighted material, LOL....
  17. Hi everyone I had a late start because of busy RL, but am all caught up now to ep.14.... Yay!! Love all the couples. No issues with anyone, well except maybe the Grandpa's sister who is a bit loud and non-stop (but definitely still mild compared to the ladies in Gentleman & Young Lady) and her pesky DIL, for now. Since I binged everything in like 2 days, I really don't know where to start making comments, lol... like so much to say but kinda forgotten what I want to say. It's interesting that besides the maknae, both older brothers are not that motivated by the reward of apartment. A little bit for YJ maybe, but for sure not for HJ. Both are just not happy to see SJ being able to take it all easily for what they believed is just a lie, which kinda is. The youngest couple started out as a business agreement, and kept emphasising that despite having developed real feelings. I am not looking forward to the love triangle though... Also the ladies around HJ, sigh... One woman gone, a new woman appeared. Poor Mirae. Enjoy seeing the interactions of the Lee family. I love that the father is recording the happenings in his diary. I also love seeing Mirae and her mother's relationship. Kinda envy her to have such close relationship with her mother.
  18. Well, the ending of that Baek guy was so unexpected "easy" I feel that Gu was mourning (laughing) at his own "demise" as well because he left MJ and went back to his old life. I think he didn't have to say goodbye and return to Seoul had the death of Baek happened just a little sooner....?? Bad timing?
  19. I am at ep.4 now... Somehow the stories/cases are not captivating me enough... hmm.... should I continue or not...
  20. This part caught my attention most for last night's episode. I really love how resolute he is in trying to date KJ. He was assertive with her sister to leave them alone, then repeat, or rather, continued with his proposal to date. Made me fall in love again with Lee Ki Woo. I somehow always fell for his charm. Yes, I'm looking forward to how their relationship will progress. Not unbelievable. It really does seem like so. Both are so good in acting out their characters. Okay, I have to ask. Does anyone here think they did more than just kissing? I mean, what's with MJ washing hair in the middle of the night scene then? Are we supposed to think more about it?
  21. He’s been there for a year, right? That’s why I thought we started in 2021. We couldn’t be in the winter of 2022 already. And the most concerning thing is MJ’s narration as we’re shown the Happy New Year scene. @abs-oluteM I also thought the costumes for the characters were well thought of. That’s of course another point to love the drama. Notice that MJ been using a few bags alternatively but it’s always those same “boring” office totes. Her styles also basically the same, simple basic top and bottoms that I can see myself choosing and wearing to work. Yeah, I am that boring too for work haha.... Love looking at fabulous fashion, but definitely not one who will buy and wear for daily work.
  22. Yes yes... me too 😍 and the way he motioned to her to have that last piece 😍
  23. So true... although that might have changed slightly after this covid era. Everyone who has any relatives in the medical field must have worried a lot. All I can say is, they decided SJS looks better in suit than in scrubs. They prefer to show his face with a suit despite the title of the drama "Doctor" coming first before "Lawyer" Looking at the poster, it becomes Lawyer (slash) Doctor
  24. I had a good laugh because of CH this episode... He's so immature yet you can't hate him. I really love this too... First skinship!! So are we going to have a time jump then? I'm assuming we started at the summer of 2021, and then the weather grew colder, and now it's the end of the year 2021 and welcoming 2022? It worries me since Gu mentioned that he's going to decide whether to stay at the countryside or return to his previous world.
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