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Everything posted by ktcjdrama

  1. Indeed... I love everything about this drama. There were some words of wisdom too for life. Not draggy at all for me. It is slow, but I'm enjoying every seconds of it. So it turned out that MJ is sort of Gu's life saver, indirectly. I had guessed the two cups that Gu is using while drinking is probably like he's drinking on somebody's behalf. Like someone is dead. So that second cup would be for his girlfriend then? Loving all the OST too! OST#7 --- MV of Worship Couple
  2. I just started watching this and only caught up till ep.5 now. Totally enjoying it so much. I really don't know how to describe this drama... It's so unique in the delivery of the story. There are soooo many scenes with hardly any lines and dialogues, and yet you don't want to miss any of it. The team really did good casting these actors and actresses, because only those with strong acting skills can carry those wordless scenes well. Haven't read any previous posts yet since the drama started airing because I want to savour every moment of this drama pure. Will come back after I'm caught up with all aired episodes.
  3. Whaaaat?? He’s good and has definitely improved much. At least that’s what I saw in the first episode that I checked out a few days ago. He’s got the comedic timing well too. I haven’t continued because Liberation caught my attention more. 😱 I got Hwarang too!! I didn’t even watch that drama. Maybe I should, to find out what the character is like.... That or the quiz has been rigged 😆
  4. You’re spot on right! We’re going to have a season 4, which is unconfirmed. So it’s either we settle for a super hanging ending, or welcome the birth of Season 4. This is like a daily drama masked as a regular drama. 16 ep x 3 seasons is 48 ep... With another 16 ep, that will make a 64 episodes, which is really nothing compared to 100 episodes 😆😅
  5. Wow, I spot a reporter holding up a tripod with multiple handphones on different angles... 😆
  6. Definitely didn’t see this part. Touching is a no-no! That’s invading personal space! Unless of course there’s an emergency... duh? If I were there, I would ask HB to put YJ’s golf bag on his trolley, so that she can maneuver her trolley easier without the bag sticking out at each side 😅
  7. I've been so busy this month that I hardly have time to keep up with anything K... but, youtube recommended the clip of their arrival in LA, and I was very very very surprised to see just the two of them, no personal staff/security at all! Wow... they're brave, really... I think I probably didn't see the unedited one, because the clip I saw, I thought the fans were considered okay, which was surprising for me too. I can understand the excitement, but seriously, give them their space. I would try to get close if possible when they're close, but definitely not following all the way like what I saw in the clip. Taking a video right in front of them... how invasive. It's not like these fans are reporters. But I guess these celebrities are used to it, and as long as it's nothing physical, they're fine with it. I really have to give it to them for being calm all the way and not losing it by showing annoyed face. Just wow... Still, I very much appreciate them being real and just travel by themselves, not bringing staff/security. They really wish to be "alone" with each other. Why can't those fans understand that?
  8. Beautiful wrap up! Beautiful drama! Beautiful couple!! This is truly a hidden gem. It’s been a while since a rom-com made me feel so satisfied from all and every aspects. Will come back to write more since it’s wayyyyy past midnight here and I need to go to bed already.
  9. Our couple is so sweeeeet with each other.... I really love seeing their interactions and don’t get tired of it at all, although tbh I might not like such a clingy boyfriend in RL, lol... OSG - urgh, no sympathy for him at all. I get that he was grieving his sister’s death but she chose to commit suicide for who knows what reason. Did she leave a suicide note saying it’s because of NGJ? Even so, I blame it on her weak will to fight and to live, because with such mentality, just about anyone can drive her to commit suicide, not just NGJ. Granted he did say harsh words but she did do something very wrong. Just like what Ma shiljang did. OSG is just a greedy person. If he was pure in his intent to seek revenge, he wouldn’t have collected slush funds and wait until Go Top is so successful to take over. He just want to take advantage of NGJ’s ability for his own gain. Exactly like what his sister did. In short, stealing from other people. 🙄 SY - another urgh! You left someone 12 years ago with no explanation and expect people to not bear a grudge, wait for you faithfully and be still devoted to you?? After those harsh parting words in the rain?? 🙄 Even if you have explained and asked nicely for a person to wait for you, 12 years is super long time to return. Only a fool will wait so long while no news no contact during those long years. She should not be surprised even if she were to come back and find him married with children, yes plural children. And it explains her princess mentality too. If I can’t have it, no one can have it and I will destroy it. Pffftt 😒 However, I still enjoy these formulaic stuff from the drama. NGJ is a hard and strict person, because of what happened to him, but I see that he is a righteous person. When you did something wrong, you should be punished. That’s how he sees it. Lacking of compassion, yes, but I think it’s because he’s experienced the real harsh world himself so he expects others to measure up. LSA has softens him a lot but it’s not easy to just change like that, and I appreciate the drama not giving him a personality transplant just because he’s in love.
  10. I am ecstatic!! 🤩 We know what happened recently to one celebrated couple who was cast in 2 productions 🥰 That’s what I am hoping for this couple too!!! 🥳
  11. 😅 Did they not watch the show/ending? I still cannot get over the fact that we the viewers were shipping hard for a couple that didn’t have a happily ever after together (keyword is: together) How could they do this to us???!! How cruel... I cannot wholeheartedly recommend this drama to other people without attaching a disclaimer. I cannot see myself rewatching the drama 😔 I know not every show has to be about romantic storyline, but this drama sell itself as so with the synopsis. If they’ve had promoted more on the rivalry and friendship of YR and HD, and the gang, I would’ve taken the romance as a bonus and not focus so much on it, but yes, from the beginning, I see this as a romantic drama 😒
  12. Love this quote from ep.14: “Cutting edge technology can never surpass the human brain in identifying complex human nature and everyday objects” and Shen Yi continued “I have faith in my eyes and hands.” Also love what Shen Yi taught his students from the madhouse painting, about the society being the one defining sanity and insanity. Judging and being judged. LOL, at first it was Shen Yi’s teacher asking Du Cheng to persuade Shen Yi to quit police force, then we have Du Cheng’s sister asking Shen Yi to persuade Du Cheng to quit. And the way these two defended or speak up for the other separately... they’re like soulmates already, LOL... Interesting that I find the name Shen Yi 沈翊 has a similar (not exact) sound to 神艺 which is translated to Divine Art. What he has is truly a special talent, in drawing and in seeing beyond the surface —> Under the Skin.
  13. So in ep.12 we finally are given the backstory of SeGi... I am guessing that the girl who bumped into SA could be the sister of his? And he is on his way of revenge towards NGJ because of what happened to his whole family...? Unless the sister is dead, so that girl is also working on her own. Anyone remember how many years has it been since the establishment of GoTop? @Angelia welcome to this thread and to JangHaven!! 🥳
  14. Thanks for the tag! I will watch this, lots of my favorites here and story seems refreshing, but I decide not to start now. Too busy, and since this is a 50-episode long drama, I can start later 😆 I still have to go see my King of Pigs 😆 I should have more free time around end of May.
  15. I think the whole series that art school case is my favourite. It's quite haunting, sad and beautiful. Lucky my school never asked us to draw real life human skull 😅 I remember I draw my own finger and shoes as task. Still only halfway through, but so far that is my favorite case too. Then it’s the abused women case, although I don’t understand why the girlfriend has to involve another person. She could just do it all herself? Maybe to gain strength and confidence, but I still think she shouldn’t have involved another person. I am always anticipating the finished drawing whenever he starts sketching on the pad 😃
  16. Yes, I love it! I've been so busy that I only have started binging it to ep.5 now. I like that they give us a backstory to the criminal's motive. The case of the art school students was really poignant, I thought... I think I would keep binging this if not for some RL calling again, sigh.... Gotta stop first and continue soon! Btw, the male lead, from various angles, looks like Vic Zhou, haha....
  17. Finally...!! That's a nice MV btw, nice song too I fell hard for him I think in Voice, but been noticing him since Who Are You (2013, starring So Yi-hyun, Ok Taecyeon). He hardly speak any line there, but each time he's on screen, you can feel so much... He was just okay in Marry Me Mary (2010), didn't really catch my attention, maybe because I was in Jang Geun Suk phase....
  18. Kyaaaa the end of ep.10.... This guy saved her twice, then apologized to her twice already as well. That must not be easy for a person like him, haha.... It’s sad though that he has the fear of abandonment that he held back from being close to SA. I wonder what is written in that diary of SA that he read to change his mind. @Tofu @SilverMoonTea Same here, I wasn’t as excited about BP as this one. In fact, ep.9 took me 3 sittings before I finally finished it, lol...
  19. So the cast is finally confirmed.... I am still on the edge about watching because I love the original so much. Let’s see how the initial reviews go.
  20. I kept forgetting to come here and make comments.... So busy that I watched and then went back to my work. Anyway, I love this drama! Always looking forward to it. The typical tsundere ML who has the softest heart for his beloved. @Alice Wonderland that’s what I like about the story. Also that I once worked in a similar setting, helping and preparing students for school works/exams, so it’s fun to see the premium scale of the business. Pre-release so cute. He saved her again.... swoooooon...
  21. Savage.... You mean to practice with him?? we've watched one too many making out scenes.... for sure more than AHS. @Chocolate I saw that part and thought he was touching her boobs as well, but on closer watch 🧐 his hand was at her back, just that the excessive fabric of her clothes got moved up, making it seems like some action was going on there.
  22. 😅 looks like I might be the only person not that impressed with the bed scene. Some part yes, but mostly, I felt it was not executed well. Trying to be sexy but kinda failed, because of the awkwardness? Well, to be fair, it is their first on screen making out for both of them. But I think mainly because the sequence leading to the bed was unnecessarily too much/long.
  23. This was very sad for me... Couple luggage that never got used for the initial purpose
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