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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. @mademoiselle I saw you created this thread and I have been avoiding it since. Hahaha! I can't get behind the two male actors cast, but I'm ok with Jeon Yeo Bin. Li Zi Wei is such a complex character, I don't know if Ahn Hyo Seop's current acting abilities have the range to play such character.
  2. OMG! I forgot to respond to you! I'm soooo excited to see that he's doing ok and is looking at scripts! Not sure if I like his haircut (probably still trying to grow his hour out) but it does make him look really young.
  3. Mr. Noh Manner is starting to recognize Shin Ah....so cute! I have to be honest, if I was her, I would have quit a long time ago. I can't believe he made her clean all his rooms just so he can "spend" more time with her. Haha! I'm happy to know that he is aware his business partner is the person behind the threats. I wonder what happened to make him turn against Go Jin? Is it because Go Jin's emotional intelligence for others declined? I honestly thought that this episode was not going to be crazy and then the pillow fight happened. These two.... The ending of this episode....it made Go Jin question his feelings for Shin Ah. I know he said it out of spite, but I believe he started seeing Shin Ah in a new light because she didn't abandon him. Episode 10 Preview Episode 10 Pre-Release
  4. Yes, and it's unfortunate because the scene where Haraboji walks into YS's dad's office to tell him off was pretty epic. YS's dad is worried that SH doesn't have money and Haraboji is all like, "His face is worth a million dollars!". I also like Haraboji better in the manhwa. He was never against their relationship, but would purposely talk about it like he was just so they would hang out with him -- like go with him fishing, watching his dramas with him, etc. Haha!
  5. @mademoiselle I can't really see these costars be on-board with doing heart signs like that. Hahaha! Is he the youngest out of the four of them?
  6. Maybe more work on his hand placement too. Those were a bit awkward in the clip...I don't think they needed to be moved around that much. 😬 Taemu just needs to go all in for it like Sung Hoon did. Hahaha!
  7. You're not alone. Before I read the comments here, I was telling my friend that AHS's kissing scenes have always been a little on the awkward side including this one. At one point, I thought he was going to drop her after lifting her up.
  8. Same here! I just know HIY is in it and that means I should watch.
  9. Yay, season two!! Thanks @Kriysw and team!
  10. I'm glad they are bringing awareness to this even though it was not under the best circumstances. Blood supply is short here too. I get an email and phone call every time I'm eligible to donate (a person can donate every two months). I don't have a rare blood type, it's a very common one. However, being O+, anyone who has a positive blood type can receive my blood. That's unfortunate that they cannot donate for weeks. When I donate at the American Red Cross, they test for COVID and still accept donations. I'm assuming those COVID positive blood donations are going to patients who are in the hospital for COVID.
  11. @mademoiselle There is still hope! @Chocolate is watching Business Proposal and that's a rom-com. @SilverMoonTea might be a little harder. I think she has subconsciously dropped BP.
  12. Instead they threw in many finger hearts in the drama. I would like them to somehow convince Lee Soo Hyuk's character to do one too. Ok, @SilverMoonTea, the romance level in Tomorrow is however you like it. You always find ways to link people so you choose the romance level and it'll be there. Hahaha!
  13. Yes! I remember watching this episode when it first came out. Hahaha! I think leaving was probably the best thing that happened for him because he met Rain afterwards. Speaking of Joon, he's coming back in May! @SilverMoonTea I think Tomorrow is a good drama to watch, not much romance. It deals with heavy subjects like depression, suicidal ideations, etc. If I can't convince you, maybe @mademoiselle's oppa can.
  14. I finished the drama this past week. I think it was an easy drama to follow. When they were not communicating effectively, most were resolved quickly. I think the issue at the end of the drama was probably the one issue where I thought dragged on a bit. Gu Wei thinks that he is protecting her if he doesn't share his struggles, but it was doing the opposite of that. Actually....now that I'm writing this, there were major communication issues with all three couples. The first couple, the guy was too afraid to express his feelings with the girl even those they had been dating for over 10 years. The second couple, the guy hid the fact that he mortgaged the café in his investment. Instead of talking about it with the girl, he ran away. With the main couple, Gu Wei never talked about his struggles even though she was very open about hers. They eventually separated for a brief period because he refused to tell her even though she asked him about it. Nevertheless, it was still a fun and light drama to watch amidst some of the heavier stuff I'm watching.
  15. Here's the teaser with subs...
  16. @abs-oluteM This has been such an emotional roller coaster. Haha! Ming Wei recognized that the person she fell in love with was Tai Fu, not Mu Tingzhou. When he woke up from the accident, she wanted him to be Tai Fu, but he isn't and she had to learn to accept it. Ming Wei knew what she was getting into when she accepted the marriage proposal; however, I do feel a little bad for her. Mu Tingzhou's family gladly accepted her help when he was "sick" and when he came back, they tossed her aside. I know Mu Tingzhou tried to compensate her, but she didn't do it for money. She genuinely loved who he was during that time, so really she probably just wanted acknowledgement and closure. I don't understand the need for the sister to be around Mu Tingzhou that much. She's practically glued to his side and he doesn't even see this as a problem considering what kind of person he is.
  17. @abs-oluteM With the exception of the soon-to-be ex-husband's family, I really like all the characters so far too. The three brothers are very different and it seems like they will each have interesting love lines. After watching both episodes, I feel like my parents and grandmother is yelling at me through the parents/grandparents in this drama. Hahaha!
  18. I wonder if they plan to delay the release date because a bus carrying staff members got into a big accident. One of staff member died and others were seriously injured.
  19. First teaser and the English title was changed to Bloody Heart.
  20. Maybe it's to show that the storyline has something supernatural about it? Hahahaha! First teaser!
  21. I saw the spoiler and while I expected that kind of ending, I still feel a bit disappointed that it happened. 😩 The little nod to Search WWW was cute at the end though!
  22. I watched the episodes today and I liked it! I don't think I agreed with how Goo Ryun talked to girl, it was a lot of victim blaming. That is not the right approach to talk to someone who is standing on the edge wanting to jump. They are already in an emotional state and something like that would push them over the edge. It's not like we all have a grim reaper to save us if we fall.
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