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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. What if that's just one of those dreams he has of them together?! I would be so sad for him if it was! Mu Yun is hilarious! I can't believe he Googled up how to tell when you like someone. I guess being from the Ning Dynasty, it's not easy to express your feelings especially since most marriage were for social status reasons. I really like this instrumental.
  2. @mademoiselle @SilverMoonTea Let's not talk about Crazy Love because I have a hate/love relationship with that drama right now. The pacing is really strange and I don't really like any of the characters, everyone is horrible in their own way. It finally gets better in episode 6, but ugh...why did it take so long?! I love Kim Jae Wook too. This is because it's a nod to the webtoon. Hari imagined him as those three concepts. I remember showing someone the part for this so I'll find it and post it here.
  3. First stills of Joon. (Thanks @mademoiselle!) Han Na's first stills.
  4. @mademoiselle Hahahaha!! Yeah, some of the guys in Chinese and Japanese dramaland are soooooooooo skinny. I think that's why out of the Chinese actors I adopted last year, Wu Lei is my favorite (and youngest LOL!). He's not a stick skinny like majority of the actors. Yes! He is really adoptable, @SilverMoonTea. I liked him in Mad Dog too, have you seen that? I think Im Si Wan is adorable! Why don't you like him, Tea?! I think he looks ok with the permed hair in Tracer, but I know @mademoiselle dislike it. LOL! I don't know if Lee Do Hyun will ever do it for me too. Every time I see him, I automatically think ahjussi. She did! Tea loved Jun for more than a month (which, how come he is not on your list?!). I think that was her last long oppa. After she moved on from him, she's been exploring many oppas within a short amount of time. Looking at the timeline and Tea's list, Jun lasted until January, so from then until now, Tea has gone through about 10 oppas. LOL!! OMGGGG!! Yes, I will! It has Jang Hyuk in it too! Are you going to watch it? I created a thread for it not too long ago. I shall go post his photos in the drama thread. Hahaha! He was a dormant oppa until recently. I continued to watch Bulgasal for him and @mademoiselle, even though the last couple of episodes were so hard to get through.
  5. @Chocolate You can read the webtoon on Tapas: https://tapas.io/series/a-business-proposal/info. That's the original website the English translation is uploaded on, but I think you have to pay for the last couple of chapters. Honestly, if you searched the name, you'll probably find a few different places with the completed series. Although, there is an English translation of the Korean text and then there is an English translation of the Chinese translation of the Korean text. You can tell the difference because in the English translation of the Chinese translation, the characters have Chinese names. I love hearing River Flows in You every time it's used in a drama/movie....anything. I would love to see the BTS of AHS playing this! I hope SBS filmed it. Going into the last four episodes, I am looking forward to Haraboji's scenes the most. I really hope the drama include them (and do not try to change them too) because he is the best -- he will purposely oppose their relationship just so they will go fishing, play this one game, and watch dramas with him.
  6. OMGGGGG!!! That means our love, Kim Jae Young, might have a chance at being a male lead!
  7. I think I have a hate/love relationship with this drama, @SilverMoonTea. I do not like the pacing of this drama. I think some scenes with the workers are not necessary to have. I skipped through most of them because I really do not feel like watching colleagues gossiping about each other. I still do not understand the past secretaries and cleaning lady angle -- maybe I won't ever understand it. I can understand why Shin Ah wanted pay back for all the suffering she went through, but at this point some of the things she's doing are looking a bit petty. I don't think she needed to go that far like how she's messing around with the company. I'm all for her making him feel her pain, but I think a line is drawn when she's using the company's resources. Instead of using the company's money on clothes and company meals, if she had to mess with the company, she should have used the opportunity to give people raises. The first five episodes were a struggle to get through. At the end of each episode, I would question what I just watched -- nothing made sense and I couldn't grasp what was going on. I never thought I would dislike this many characters right away, but I found myself not connecting to any of them....until episode six. I think this episode might have saved this drama for me. Haha! In episode six, we finally see a bit of Go Jin's human side and Shin Ah is not so hell bent on making him suffer. Go Jin hired an private investigator to follow Shin Ah to see what she's up to. She was pulled into a department store by the rival CEO and while there, his wife mistaken her as the mistress. Go Jin came to her recuse. Even if Go Jin did it because he wanted to shut the rival CEO up, it was the first time he stood up for her. All the other times, he just watched her and didn't do much to help. After they left the department store, they ran into the ex-girlfriend but she did not see them. In a panic, Go Jin hugged Shin Ah so his back was to the ex-girlfriend. Speaking of the ex-girlfriend, what is this?! She didn't appear until episode five and decided that she's going to get back together with him. Basically, taking advantage of the fact that he has "amnesia". Please do not cause any more trouble for them, they already have enough trouble of their own to figure out. What I liked the most about episode six was their visit to Shin Ah's hometown. Her father and uncles were so welcoming of Go Jin. When her father found out she was engaged, he didn't even make a big deal out of it. He just accepted it and before he even found that out, he had already told Go Jin to view him as a father. It was also during this visit that we started to see that Go Jin is not all that bad. It's too bad Shin Ah did not hear him say, "you must have been scared too" when he found out she lost her mom when she was really young similar to him. In his journey to fame and success, Go Jin lost himself. I hope that this episode will be the start of many like it where he start getting in touch with his human side again. Go Jin and Shin Ah are more similar than they are different and I hope the drama continue to explore this. Episode 7 Preview. New OSTs.
  8. Will you like him more if he does? Hahaha, he does play the piano. He was an idol trainee before and I feel like it's almost mandatory that they know an instrument.
  9. @Chocolate SBS is such a tease ending that clip right before there is supposed to be another kiss! If this scene happens the way it is supposed to be, Taemu is asking that Hari takes responsibility for his "lip service" when she kissed him earlier. They don't agree on anything so he's all like, "how about I pay your lips a service" before kissing her.
  10. Same, I loved this too!! Taemu never once thought about the difference in their social status. He simply found Hari to be charming, unpredictable, and adorable. Even when he found out she was an employee, that did not stop him from liking her. Actually, in the webtoon, Minwoo referred to Hari as being easy. He asked if Taemu was with her because she's easy. It rattled Taemu so much, he let Minwoo have a piece of his mind. If they stay true to the webtoon, it won't be a problem!
  11. WAHH?! Why didn't they show if they ended up kissing or not in that second teaser?! Wow, that consort guy has a bad temper. I understand that what "Mu Yun" did was wrong, but I didn't think he would react like that. I guess I should have expected it especially since he had motives for taking that project.
  12. Luo Yunxi in a historical/costume drama is so ethereal. BUT he is too skinny. I wished he would eat more. OMG YES!! When I saw L's casting news, I thought of you and was like, "Why no Sejong casting news still?!" I don't think he would sign with a new agency if he wasn't planning on coming back too. Maybe he didn't want to play a lawyer and is waiting for something else? Hahaha! I don't think anyone here will love Sejong or Do Hwan more than us. For @SilverMoonTea to adopt them, they need to be in a scandalous forbidden love drama. Haha! For AHS...
  13. @mademoiselle For me, it's a Baek Yi Jin thing. If Nam Joo Hyuk looks at me like that, I would feel . But if Baek Yi Jin was looking at me like that, I would be more like . Same, I can see her be in some sort of social justice or maybe she'll join all the lawyers we'll see this year. Haha! I wonder if they will show us in the end what became of everyone? I would love to see what happened to them.
  14. Wow! I guess the cast were not messing around when they said things are going to heat up! With Minwoo, Hari was always a comfortable place for him. He became complacent with their relationship and stopped valuing her. Now that someone else is seeing what he failed to see, suddenly, he's starting to care. Hari doesn't deserve to be Minwoo's second option. If I was Hari, I would choose Taemu too. That limitless black card is very enticing! By now, I think @abs-oluteM and @SilverMoonTea are probably tired of me talking about what I dislike about the drama that I loved in the webtoon. Haha! However, there are some things I like more in the drama than the webtoon -- one of those is the drama choosing not to have a love triangle with the second couple! In the webtoon, the second girl (the lady wearing the same clothes at Youngseo) was her love rival. They separated these two for a good couple of chapters before they got together. I remembered I was more sad reading about them than the main couple. In case anyone is curious -- Youngseo's reaction to their first sleeping encounter is exactly how it happened in the webtoon. She couldn't remember what happened so she ran away from him the next morning. Haha! The second sleeping encounter also happened after they both confessed their feelings BUT the second time was sooooooo much hotter than what they showed us in the webtoon. Why did SBS not show the whole thing?!
  15. In episode two, we are given more information about Tae Jin. He is an ex-convict who was recently released. Prior to getting released, he was already interested in the rich girl killer. The drama has not told us why Tae Jin is so interested in the rich girl killer but whatever it is, it's enough to kill others to find out who the killer is. Ho Chul had the security guard (who built a bond with his daughter) help him. While helping him, Tae Jin ended up killing him because Ho Chul did not follow his orders. The strange thing about this episode is that Shi Woo visited the crime scene and the people there did not question him. They automatically assumed he was a bystander who is curious and wants to know what happened. The preview for episode three looks good, I hope the pace picks up a little. Lee Won Geun plays Shi Woo so well. He looks innocent but he's actually pretty sadistic.
  16. Yi Jin not only have love for Hee Do, but he has so much admiration and respect for her too. It's heartwarming to watch how much he cares for Hee Do coupled with how he looks at her with so much love. I even get butterflies watching him watch her! As much as I liked watching the kiss scene at the end, I love the conversation they had under the umbrella more. I also liked that they showed Seungwan's mom supporting her decision to drop out of highschool. It's almost unheard of for a parent to support a decision like that, especially when it's highschool! The next episodes will be them in their 20s, it seems?
  17. @mademoiselle I think it's in their best interest to continue to take acting class and also researching the characters they want/plan to play. I think this is partially why I feel conflicted with AHS. I like him and he's had some works where he's been good, but with his recent projects, his acting has just been mediocre. It's the biggest reason why I'm not looking forward to the Korean version of Someday or One Day if he's the confirmed male lead. I loved him in Dr. Romantic too, but he didn't have that much scene time. I like the projects where I can see more of him. All three of them are amazing and I think that's why I continue to re-watch this series once every year. The complexity level of each character, their amazing acting, the crazy storyline, and their bromance makes this drama one of my favorite. I also agreed that the last scene did not need to happen. They could have just carried on with their life, but I feel like if they did that, it wouldn't be true to who they are. I'm just sad most people will probably never see this because it's so politic heavy. Maybe because we've been talking about it, some members here will watch it? Any takers? Credit Ever since that happened to Kim Seon Ho, I have skepticism about everyone. Hahaha! It's because my love for Ren Jialun is taking a backseat for now. I will probably watch after the series is done airing.
  18. The pandemic making it rough on everyone. Hahaha! That's also very true about the writer. I hope this one is good because I like most, if not all the actors in this.
  19. @abs-oluteM That birthday gift scene made me laugh so much! Hahahaha! Hahaha! Maybe he needed to warm up his muscles so he doesn't drop her after catching her.
  20. I love their energy together!! Everyone needs a friend like her who lighten up the mood and makes you laugh. @abs-oluteM Those comments they made about things be sweeter/hotter is very true. Things will start to heat up for Taemu and Hari, but Sunghoon and Youngseo will always be a step ahead.
  21. Yay! I can binge episode 6-8 now that all of season one has been subbed. Thank you, @Kriysw!!
  22. I remember seeing this and thought it was very nice of him. I agreed that it's heartwarming seeing this while the drama is airing. Here was Xiao Zhan performing his OST from the drama the same event.
  23. She is very patient with him to the point where sometimes she lets him just do whatever he wants. I was happy to see that she started setting up boundaries with him. It's not easy having to take care of someone who's from another time period plus think everyone around you is dangerous. The ending scene for episode 10, I wonder how much of Mu Yun's "memories" he retained. Will he remember that the consort is the reason the princess killed herself? So cute, these two.
  24. I finished all the available episodes today! I would like to point out that there is a TV and a web version of this drama. Be careful when you're watching to make sure you're always watching the same version each time so you don't miss any scenes. The TV version is shorter (roughly 35 minutes) and the web version is longer (roughly 45 minutes). Right now, the web version is only up to episode 7 and the TV version has 8 episodes. To clarify the comment @SilverMoonTea made about the little theatre scenes at the end of each episodes, you'll normally find those in the web version. The TV version will not always have those, if not have them at all. I had a hard time getting through the first two or three episodes. There was something about it that didn't really capture my attention. It wasn't until both leads resolved their misunderstandings and started building a friendship for me to enjoy what I was watching. Yang Zi is definitely the stronger actor of the two and it shows in many of their scenes, but I don't think Xiao Zhan is entirely bad either. I've only seen him with long hair in a costume drama so it's nice to see him in a modern drama for a change. I laughed so much watching this especially when he made the comment about wanting someone to take care of him too. Xiao Xiao is so oblivious to his feeling. Even in the previews where he's forcing her to research apartments for him and go with him to see them, she didn't catch on that he's doing that to spend time with her. I hate it when the second leads use the parents. That's so manipulative. If they've been together for that long and he's still not interested, he probably won't be any time soon. Gao Xi is rigid and selfish in her thinking whereas Xiao Xiao is free spirited. If I was Gu Wei, I would be more drawn to Xiao Xiao too. By the way, we will get lots of hugs in this drama!
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