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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. @SilverMoonTea I don't understand the importance of the past secretaries and the cleaning lady. I think they are supposed to be there for comedic relief but I don't get it. It seems unnecessary to have them. I love Kim Jae Wook but I still don't know how I feel about this. I think some of the comedic scenes are a bit too long or overdone. I'll wait one more week, maybe it's slow to start like Dali was too. Kim Jae Wook on Rain's YT channel. BTS of Kim Jae Wook -- he's so cute. Haha! Episode 5 Preview
  2. We pretend this drama never exist for him. Haha! I think he's traveling right now, probably filming for that Marvel movie still? My heart has been in other places so I haven't been keeping track. He is no longer my only love. @mademoiselle I'm not because there's no English subs yet. I might not even watch it now because by the time the English subs come out, I would have moved on to a different drama. With the amount of dramas coming out in Korean and Chinese dramaland, anything without subs is quickly removed off my list. Did they CGI his abs?! Hahahaha!! Xianxia dramas have lots of CGIs because it's set in a fantasy world. I love this type of genre but the CGIs can make or break a xianxia drama. And @abs-oluteM is 100% correct! Jeremy is all I see right now. But I think Xiao Zhan is cute too. I finished one episode so far!
  3. @Rina Hahaha! I was wondering why those moves look so familiar.
  4. I know! I finally went back after a year to finish the last episode of Record of Youth. Hopefully, @stroppyse will watch this after knowing who the writer is.
  5. Can I wait a little bit or must I change it? LOL!! For those of you curious, this drama's English title was The Speed Going to You 493km, then it was changed to 493km to You. Recently, the English title attached to the drama has been Love All Play. @LaLa was nice enough to help explained that the words "Love All" is a badminton/tennis term. The word "love" means zero. A game start with the scoring of "love all" which means 0-0. Here's another explanation for why it's called "love all" too: The origins of 'love' as a score lie in the figure zero’s resemblance to an egg. In sport, it’s common to refer to a nil or nought score as a duck or goose egg, and the French word for egg is l’oeuf - the pronunciation of which isn’t too far removed from the English ‘love’. There is another theory. In Dutch and Flemish, the word ‘lof’ means honour, so in the most sporting context, anyone struggling to score is still playing for honour. (Credit)
  6. They have great chemistry together as a group. @Chocolate She's an idol and a pretty good singer. I think she sings quite a bit of OSTs after her group disband a few years ago. For those watching 2521, Kim Sejeong covered the song the drama is based on awhile back. And if you're someone who likes Eric Chou, she even covered his famous song (Unbreakable Love), hahaha!
  7. I only have SLS when it counts, which is more often than not lately....LOL! The second teaser.
  8. I don't even remember who the male lead is in this drama...who was it again? @mademoiselle I already told @SilverMoonTea but I dropped Doberman. It got a little boring...haha! Wow! That was so short-lived for AHS! I wonder how long this Xiao Zhan love will last. Haha! He has a historical drama coming out some time this year, hopefully. It's called The Longest Promise. He does have long hair in this and I know you're not a fan of that. Since you're watching The Oath of Love, this is one of my favorite performance of them singing the OST. As @abs-oluteM mentioned, my current favorite is still Xu Zhengxi. I have not moved on from him yet....
  9. @SilverMoonTea I have a 2 or 3 self-help books. Some of them provided great information and some didn't. I can only remember a few after reading them -- retention was not good.
  10. Sorry, @mademoiselle. I can't find a nice quality video of the preview so it's not that great.
  11. New teaser. BTS for the poster shooting. Making of...
  12. @IpohBanana @NiteWalker I am also curious to see if they will treat him differently from FBB. That's unfortunate because I read somewhere that he was given a warning to pay the fee before it became public. He's a very popular star so even if he has to pay all those taxes, he can easily earn more -- work is not limited for him.
  13. Wait, he doesn't have amnesia?! I have not watched episode four yet, but I'll have to now.
  14. An airing date has been confirmed! It'll be released on April 2nd. @stroppyse @abs-oluteM @SilverMoonTea
  15. OSTs. I didn't realized our female lead sang this one! The OST during the historical parts. Stills.
  16. Yes! I got mine back in December. I'm not sure if they will ask people to go back and get a fourth one. I did not watch the video as I find myself buying things whenever you show me what you buy too!
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