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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. I think I might have to bow out of this drama. I feel like I can only have one crazy drama in my life this year.
  2. Haha! You're so funny! When you both get the Indo subs on Saturday, please let me know why Aki-chan ended up crying after taking care of a sick Momose-san.
  3. @mademoiselle Haha! Yes, they do that here too! Every time I order, I usually have to specify to that I want the Asian version of that spice level. Anyway, the banner of the week is of the drama Reflection of You. If your life needs a little more drama, you're welcome to join us in watching the drama unfold in these characters' lives.
  4. O.M.G!!!!! I have to go to work so I can't watch right now but wow...so many things happened!
  5. I commend you on your bravery to even start this drama. 👏👏 I never watched it because I heard so many bad things about the female lead. I have no idea how they justified her behaviors at the end but from the things I heard, she's easily one of the most unlikable female leads this year....maybe ever too. @mademoiselle Hahaha! My "to-watch" list is actually quite small. Or at least, I don't remember much of what I said I would watch. I think right now, it's just She Would Never Know.
  6. I love that Eun Bin is moving her legs back and forth as if she's walking with him.
  7. If I counted how many dramas I finished from beginning to end, it's probably a third of that list. Haha! I have a short attention span so many times I watch the first two or three episodes and then the last episode. I tell @SilverMoonTea all the time that completed dramas are meant for me because of how quickly I move on. I get the introduction and the happy ending with none of the stress.
  8. I can't do anything super overly spicy. Tteokbokki is pretty mild to me. Someone once told me that they like their foods to be so spicy that they sweat.
  9. Agreed. Maybe they can do a post-drama interview or something. All their characters are so intense, it'll be good to know their thoughts on conveying those conflicting emotions, their personal opinions on their characters, etc. @abs-oluteM I heard that their characters are a bit more palatable in the book but still equally as evil too. That still of HW, she looks like she so over whatever is happening there.
  10. I think so too, @stroppyse. LDW is "bad" and WHJ is the "crazy" one. I mean, just look at these photos of him! Screams a bit crazy, right?
  11. Do you not like spicy foods? I love it because it's spicy. The cheese one that Abs talked about earlier is literally just putting cheese on top of the tteokbokki.
  12. If you've ever seen him in a variety show, he is super cute. I laugh so much every time I see him in one. He's hilarious!
  13. Were you reminded a bit of this drama when you were watching this? I completely thought about He's Beautiful the entire time I watched this. The concept is so similar. Haha! It's because three of them were in the same competition, Produce 101. I watched that with my friend who's obsessed with KPOP.
  14. These posters are cute and funny at the same time. Haha!
  15. There are lots of characters because of the storylines they will go through so click here for the pictures of the other cast: https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4704091189544645 https://m.weibo.cn/detail/4704091693910661
  16. In the drama he is. In real life, he's a rapper. The one with the most vocal range that should have been the main vocalist is the drummer. So in real life, the vocalists are the drummer and pianist. The rappers are Tae In and the bass player. The fifth member is an actor. Haha! Same. I have no patience for rude behavior and would ultimately ignore his existence which would make me a really bad in-home psychologist. Not only Tae In, but I do hope all the characters get their own development.
  17. Lee Kyu Han has stepped down due to his severe panic disorder. Jung Sang Hoon will be replacing him.
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