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The Double 墨雨云间 [Current]

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One of the major arcs of this reaches a climax in ep 23 - 25 . Having found her father, A-Li goes through plenty of hurdles to get him a retrial. I feel terrible for her father who probably has some sort of PTSD. He was an upright official well respected  but he got accused of corruption and both his children died. Anyone would go mental. For outsiders who don't know Jiang Li is a XueFangFei, they would think she is reckless and crazy for going to such lengths to get him a retrial at the risk of capital of punishment and risking the Jiang family's position. But of course for XFF, this is only the beginning of her revenge and to reclaim everything that her family has lost. 


With her excellent advocacy skills ( I swear she would have been a great lawyer in modern times) , some behind the scenes intel and help from none other than Xiao Heng, and the guilt that Shen Yu Rong carries, Li not only got to clear her father's name but was able to prove that she was indeed Jiang Li. After the father's name was cleared , Princess Wanning had come storming into the palace court  accusing Li of not being the real Jiang Li and how she looks very much like SYR's dead wife XFF. The entire scene was really well done and all the arguments and counter arguments were very good. The decisive moment always ended up in SYR's hand (just like that competition in the early episodes) where Wanning asked him if Li was not his wife. And of course SYR laden with guilt , says she isn't.  Wanning was then grounded by the King for creating a ruckus at the trial.


Anyway, it is clear to at least 3 other persons that A-Li isn't Jiang Li. We all know that Xiao Heng has known this for a long time. SYR of course knows but would deny it till the end. But now Jiang Lis' father , Prime Minister Jiang also has some inkling that Li isn't his daughter. Regardless, he will not openly say it because he there's some guilt on his part for abandoning his daughter in that women's hall for 10 years.


I have actually watched till eps 27 where they have dealt with Jiang Li's ex-fiance and also with the 3rd sis and the cousin . It is a side plot that I don't care for since it has nothing to do with the real XFF, but that fiance is a terrible man and I was happy he ended up being paralysed. 


Anyway some previews - the next thrilling bit is XFF using herself as bait to trap SYR and Princess Wanning. XH isn't happy as he doesn't like her using herself as bait because XFF is not longer a chess piece or a pawn for him. He's admitting openly to the king  in preview ep 34 that he likes Jiang Li




Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Finally the confession I have been waiting for. The romance here is truly a slow burn. But I think it is okay given the plot and all that Li and Xue Heng have to achieve. 

Their flirting ( and push pull ) was always done nicely - never too much. Just enough to keep our interest and investment.


  • Heart Eyes 1

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Am pretty much up to speed. Just that Youku is such a money sucker ...they are charging a bit too much for the last 4 episodes + the 5 min extra (featuring their marriage life). I guess I will wait :laugh:


Although the CP has a lot of banter when it comes to communicating their feelings to each other, you can see they are 100% devoted to each other and they trust each other fully. I love that they communicate quite well. I do wish we have more scenes of them. I have to say, that ALi is very fortunate that Xiao Heng is able to come to her rescue many times when her plans go a little awry, thanks to his foresight and that her plans often aligns with his.


The character of Xiao Heng is written for this generation of women who want to be recognised and respected for their own decisions and abilities, and at the same time have someone in the background supporting them. I guess that is probably one of the reasons this show appealed to so many apart from its plot which overall has been interesting.  Wanning said it best to SYR - SYR was willing to sacrifice his wife (XFF) to survive but XH is willing to give up his life to save A Li. 


Preview for eps 37


Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Though I already know what happened I am still waiting for Youku to unlock the final 3 episodes plus that 5 min special showing their married life. Overall I really like this show and still obsessed with the CP . See the kiss bts :hug:


This show became the  top web drama for the first half of 2024. A true dark horse cause no one expected anything - there wasn't much hype. WuJingYan had taken a break and didn't get any dramas for 2 years till this came along. And WangXingYue isn't the kind of household name like other MLs in the industry. Through this show, he became very popular. Not much scenes between them. and even less scenes for him but he made every moment he had on screen count. So I am very happy for them and for him especially. I didn't expect the chemistry between them to work so well given their 11 years age gap, and he's a lot less experienced. WJY also went for training for 3 months under a famous drama teacher before they started filming - I think you can see her improve a lot as a result. 

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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