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The Elders
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Posts posted by bluepebbles

  1. Watch episodes 1-3 and wow , I am liking the story so far. 


    And dropping my theories ~




    It's too early to reveal the HH 's son to be Jae Hoon. 

    I guess episode 4 confirms it. 

    We have just began hah.




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  2. @Alice WonderlandYes , I am quite sad to with the ending, not sure if they drama will show it later on. Or just teasing us what could have become if they follow the summary religiously. 


    We still have 11 episodes, and from the first eight , the drama is compact with a lot of events and plot development, which I am liking so far. It reminds me of sageuks like Six Flying Dragons (which fall i trailed to 50 episodes ) and Queen Seon Deok. 


    The reference of Jumong was also spot on!


    Knetz talks about the two shot of Actor Na Inwoo and Kim Sohyun for 'River Where The Moon Rises'.






    Post response : 1845


    Netizens comments :



    - Ah!! Is it photoshopped? Did they take it together?



    - Their eyes ㅠㅠㅠ



    - ㅠㅠㅠ It's amazing. 



    - It looks good. 



    - Oh my ㅠㅠㅠ I like it ㅠㅠ



    - Sohyun smile makes me flustered. 



    - They looks so good together. 



    - Na Inwoo ㅠㅠ



    - Wow, you look so good in the new actor Ondal.



    - Wow the image looks good. 



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  3. @Jane i heard about some watchers not favoring NIW for the role yet overall including Naver talk have positive and encouraging responses for this drama. Apparently Naver Talk shoot from 40k comments to 60k after the new Ondal was announced. 

    While I am anticipating for more Inwoondal on episodes 7-8 I really appreciate the director decision to focus on Go Geun. Maybe we have more scenes of Ondal-Ga Jin on these episodes but the shift made me appreciate the Go Geun character even more. Lee Ji Hoon is breaking my kokoro while mourning for his rejected proposal 😭.


    @mademoiselleeven before the change of actors, the drama is so good production wise—the cinematography and costumes are so well made. I am glad despite the editing made in 7-8 the production quality was intact. I was initially worried about this but wow to director Yoon Sang Ho for redoing the material in a short period of time.


    speaking of last minute changes, when PD offered the script to NIW and decided to appear, he went directly to filming the following day. Definitely insane when we think of NIW immersing on the role, memorize lines, talking to a camera imagining he is facing with his co-actors. Majority of the review articles came out say that “as if he is destined as Ondal from the very beginning”. He also got nicknames like puppy ondal :GrimChamp:


    @Alice Wonderland i miss PIE when i saw that gif 😭😭 

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  4. This is so funny.



    Kidding aside, this week is dedicated to Go Geun, and how he will be torn between serving the Princess versus loving her. It worked, given the hurdles behind the scenes, and In Woo's patched scenes were effectively done. 


    I also like the dynamics of Mo Yong and Ga Jin, who represents different country , but having the same goal--of not being overpowered by scheming tribes. They still have a long way to go .



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  5. (From VIU subbed)

    To show her disagreement , Ga Jin kneeled in front of the King's quarters until she passed out. Crown Prince is worried and asked the nanny to bring Moyong. Meanwhile , Moyong talks to his father that the marriage must not push through. Afterwards she was requested to see the Princess. Yes girl power please !


    Mo Yong went to check Ga Jin 's condition.


    Next day in the Ghost Village, Pung Gae and the twins went back. Omma is looking for Dal. Pung Gae lied. Truth is he's at the capital looking at the announcement of wedding. 


    Gajin wakes up , with Mo Yong who slept in the room overnight. These two, join force will you!


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  6. The Queen is appealing with the King , all these talks with the Crown Prince. 


    The Crown prince and the king talked for a while after the Queen walked out. 


    (my streaming was cut)


    Back to the Chief Assassin's tavern, the chief is again brewing on his large pot. (Is he a witch or something ? ) 


    Gen Won Pyo is having flashbacks with Ga Jin's speech at the royal court, while staring at the arrow he used to kill the former Queen. Flashbacks to the Queen 's final words to him before she died. 


    The next day, Ga Jin went to see the King, asking for appeal about the people that were abandoned  . He also mentioned about Gen On Hyeop's tribe living in the Ghost Village. Kang Ha Neul we miss you!! 



    Go Geun and Won Pyo having conversation, is this about the  marriage ? 


    Seems like Assassin Chief disguises as fortune teller , that he accepts customers at his tavern. 


    Back to Mo Yong, they are all well, saved by the mercy of the King. Meanqhile in the Royal court, another debate between the tribes about the long lost Sunno tribe. Won Pyo agrees with a catch--the inter marriage of Go Geun and Ga Jin. 


    Screen pans to Ga Jin and Go Geun. The news arrived about the inter-marriage. Ga Jin is clueless to her surprise about the news. Ga Jin disagrees. She wouldn't be marrying someone from the Gyeru tribe. Gajin rushed to the court for disagreeing. 


    The King did not accept the proposal. But Won Pyo did not back out and talk about the odds with Mo Yong. 


    That night, Won Pyo made a visit to King's court, bragging about the arrow head he used to kill the former Queen.


    King is frantic to scream for help, but no one bothered to come. Won Pyo is really a powerful figure in the court. King and Ga Jin is helpless at this point. 


    The official King's order is out--Ga Jin and Go Geun's marriage will push through. 


    Note: VIU premium uploaded first half of episode already. Everyone is working hard!




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  7. Incoherent recap for Episode 8 


    Royal family gathered wondering where is Pyeonggang. 


    In Ghost Village, new found friends assassin twins 


    Go Geun went to Mo Yong and asked about Congju. But then viola not only he was welcome but Mo Yong, InwooOndal is here!! 

    Back to Go Won Pyo learning about what happened to the captives. 


    Ondal learned about Ga Jin being captive. Not sure what happened and why Ondal was suddenly in the palace but he volunteered as a tribute to go to Silla. 


    Mo Yong was dragged by Go Geun 's men.


    Ondal and Go Geun having a horse race to rescue Ga Jin


    Shifts to the captives, the knife fell from Gajin and here comes another Ga Jin in action . But one of the thieves got hostage and killed in front of her ! The rest of the girls are fighting back to protect Gajin. Omo they were saved !


    Here comes the horse back racers, catching up. Ondal and Go Geun were late though. 


    Here's the trick, this is not yet the first meeting of Inwoo-ondal and Gajin. The camera editing did a good job there. 








    Team went back to the palace with the kidnapped girls. 

    And seems like that 's it ? No suspect yet who is the mastermind ? Ga Jin gaves assurance that they will no longer feel afraid. 


    At the court, Ga Jin is condemning the perpetrators. Gen. Go Won Pyo is having a rebuttal in the court to save his face. 


    At the herbs store, they find golds that made Go Geun pissed. It seems like an orchestrated scene. Mo Yong 's father is dismissed. 


    Mo Yong and his dad is somewhat punished but not that grave. 








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  8. I think it makes sense for VC to remove the VODs of episodes 1-6 (and chances are these will be refilmed if there will be an option for export--also it affects the continuity of those materials sent overseas like VIU) 


    This is the result of the weekend madness. Props to the editing team for the smooth transition. They really made it appear that it was NIW who made those fight sequence. I guess this will happen on episode 1-6 if they will repatch all JS ' scenes. 






    • Clapping Hands 3
  9. Thanks to Naver bees, the location for the first and second teaser is filmed in Mungyeong Saenae Open Set located in Sangcho Village Gyeongsangbuk, Korea. Other dramas filmed here were Mr. Queen, Record of Youth, Hotel de Luna, Mama Fairy , and Six Flying Dragons. 


    The bridge in particular is the highlight . 







    How to get there 



    If going by public transport from Seoul, take a 2 hour 10 min bus ride from the Express Bus Terminal (고속터미널) to Jeomchon Intercity and Express Bus Terminal (점촌시외고속버스터미널). At the Home Plus bus stop (홈플러스 정류장), about 173m away from Jeomchon terminal, take the number 21 bus for 35 stops (~1 hr 16 min ride) to Mungyeong Saenae Provinical Park bus stop (문경새재도립공원 정류장).

    Note that the open set would still be a 1.5km distance away from the bus stop, however; so best to take a taxi from Jeomcheon Terminal, if available.


    source https://koreandramaland.com/listings/mungyeong-saenae-open-film-set/ 


    According to this post, they are now currently filming episode 13 . 





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  10. On 3/4/2021 at 7:57 PM, mademoiselle said:

    I hadn't come across this being mentioned on SNS. I'll tag @bluepebbles coz she often post filming locations in drama thread.


    Hi @bluepebbles, this is the scene. ktcjdrama wants to know where this place is where they make rings together. If you come across it, please let her know. Thank you in advance. :taebtsthanks:


    The place where they created their personalized rings was filmed in Ring University 





    There are few branches to choose from, but based on the drama BTS, thanks for the letter tree , they filmed it in Ring Uni Gangnam branch. They also have in Hongdae.





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  11. @abs-oluteM I totally agree. The pacing of immersing himself in the next two weeks will be crucial because he did not attend the script reading,no interactions with KSH etc. Imagine he woke up one day and viola a new character is on his plate to consume immediately. Dropped like a hot potato.


    That is why there will be nuisances on the transitions, that will be expected. If only plastic surgery happens in goryeo to justify the change of face. But hey it happened in Nirvana in Fire so why not :GrimChamp:





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