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Posts posted by Chocolate

  1. On 5/12/2023 at 2:07 AM, stroppyse said:

    I like this drama more than I thought I would. I think Kim Byung Chul is doing an excellent job with the loathesome character of Seo In Ho.

    On 5/12/2023 at 2:07 AM, stroppyse said:

    However, I absolutely don't think that JS should be back with SIH in any way, shape, or form. Leaving aside all of the betrayal of their marriage vows, SIH was the man who was okay with JS dying rather than giving her a part of his liver. SIH's mother also preferred that JS die rather than her son giving her a portion of his liver. This is an absolutely toxic mother-son pair for JS to be with, and they will never appreciate her enough, especially since they both looked down on her for so long. SIH is feeling jealousy because another man is paying attention to the wife he didn't want, but it's very much a dog in the manger thing. JS needs to be living for herself.


    His facial gymnastics is one-of-a-kind and oh so suitable for this drama. It contributes greatly to the comedy which is so essential for this plot. When I first started, I was skeptical because there were no "big name" actors. Then I googled dear Dr Cha and realised the actress is a well-loved veteran, whose real life is totally unlike Dr Cha (apparently she owns a lingerie line which raked $10M on opening lol.). They really "dowdified" her here.


    But thanks for the reminder that SIH did not want to donate his liver to her. I had totally forgotten and fully expected them to reunite at the end of the drama. That's what this type of drama always does right? Affairs can be forgiven, what more the children are grown. But you are right. Not giving his liver to his wife is heartless. So I hope the production remembered that too.


    On 5/12/2023 at 2:07 AM, stroppyse said:

    I think I'm more with @ktcjdrama on this one. JM's girlfriend is rude, but I think she's a chief resident and her manner is to be short and frank, even to the point of rudeness, to all of the more junior residents. If anything, I appreciate that she doesn't give special consideration to JS, either better or worse.


    Having said that, could she be less rude to everyone? Well, yes, she could be more polite and encouraging, but then again, she's probably tired as well and was probably trained under a similar system. So, she's doing her job by scolding the residents and giving clear (if rude) guidance. And she does give praise when she feels it's warranted. 


    However, I am looking forward to her finding out that JS is her bf's mother and her future MIL.


    I think this girl has character. She's not wishy washy like JM, who really, is quite weak. I don't know what she sees in him lol. And after the last episode, looks like her relationship with Dr Cha will be better. She's just one of those people who doesn't waste time being nice and just gets things done. But she can be sincere when she wants to be.


    In fact, I don't really like the 2 children - at the start, they were also quite selfish and took their mother for granted. They also did not do much to convince their father to donate his liver. And were they compatible as liver donors too? I forget. So I even like SH's daughter better haha - at least she was fighting for herself and her mother.


    On 5/15/2023 at 10:17 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

    I think SIH also having a severe mid life crisis that prompting him for having an affair, and looks to me he also kept forgetting some of the simple medical practice that he did before. And to add on, his hair problem too.


    His mid-life crisis very long leh! 😂 They should have done something to his head, because Kim Byung Chul has a whole head of hair so it is not very convincing that he is willingly suffering impotence due to hair loss medication lol.


    It's good to see that SH has decided to end the relationship in the last episode. Aside from all the reasons that she started up with SIH in the US, gave birth to the child etc, for an intelligent woman, she should have known not to hold any hopes for this man. His mother telling her to step aside must have hurt a lot - I was quite surprised by this as I thought the mother liked her over Dr Cha. I think there is also an arc for the mother to turn good - that male friend of hers is obviously trying to scam her and the building being in Dr Cha's name is somehow going to save her from that, I think.


    • Like 2
    • Haha 2
  2. 16 hours ago, Tofu said:

    @mademoiselle How do you feel about Seo Woo Jin's mentoring now after what happened in episode 3? I think it's a bit harsh. It's more managing than it is mentoring. 

    I don’t find Woo Jin very likeable in ep3&4 too. Aside from his mentoring, I don’t completely agree with discharging that athlete just because he was faking it. Dr Jang had a point about consulting psychiatric - he seemed to be experiencing stress himself and could perhaps understand the boy’s reason for faking it. Even if they couldn’t treat him at the emergency department, there should have been a referral to a psychiatrist/counsellor or the situation made known to the coach.


    14 hours ago, Tofu said:


    By the way, whenever I see scenes of how much Eun Tak's and Ah Reum's relationship has developed, I laugh thinking back to what @Chocolate wrote about Seo Woo Jin's and Cha Eun Jae's relationship progession.


    He’s probably trying to find a broom closet to kiss her 🙄😜


    • Haha 3
  3. On 5/7/2023 at 12:22 AM, abs-oluteM said:


    It’s his attitude that bugs me the most.  

    It is. You know, there are many shows where a horrible person becomes good and we all root for him/her to be a better person. But it is very hard here. I’m not sure if it is the way the character is written or the way it is acted. On my part, I’m hoping Dr Jang ends up being a spy for Prof Cha just so I can continue disliking him lol.


    Prof Cha is another issue. It is a self-created problem which is so unnecessary. (I still don’t understand why they had to hire him and why Kim Sabu agreed). It used to be that whatever politics there was, the emergency room was sacrosanct.


    I also don’t want to watch Eun Chae and Woo Jin fall out because of her father because there is bound to be some of that given how Eun Chae is around him. It’s such a stale plot and since this couple is not very interesting in the first place, the last thing I want to watch is them fighting and making up.


    A frustrating few episodes. Wonder if I can finish this drama.


    • Like 3
  4. 18 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    That one not much to update anymore. He's not active much anyway... just CFs.



    That's true. It's quite interesting to find out about someone new. Wu Lei seems like a saint too hahahaha!


    • Like 1
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  5. 1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

    @Chocolate the translation is all in he and his, I was confused 😆 for a moment...

    I won't check out the novel this time. I had so much expectations from LLTG after reading the novels and so many scenes weren't adapted. So sad! I totally wanna see the OTP doing all those scenes 


    Doesn't matter whether it is he/his, just read the action! Lin Yiyang sounds like the dominant kind :pandalove: But with the censors, likely most of these scenes won't make it haha. Anyway, not sure if he has improved enough since Nothing But You to carry out any love scene convincingly lol.


    I watched Reset recently. Neutral to the Zhao Jinmai but let's see. Do you like her?



    Found a better translated novel here (but only 2 chapters):



    Lin Yiyang seems like a man of few words. The conversation is not too interesting in these 2 chapters. But there's a lot of him looking at her 🥰😂


    • Haha 3
  6. 12 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Ahahahahaha start start start!!!

    Is it wishful thinking to hope that one day China would release Long Ballad in their original sound? I would be willing to rewatch (only) his scenes for his real voice.

    Hahahah, I barely have time to update my existing threads 😅


    Re LB, I think you have to wait long long lol.


    • Haha 2
    • Sad 1
  7. 1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

    I'm randomly rewatching LLTG. Argh! LBY and CSS are so swoony! 🔥 @Chocolate LBY is still the most 🥰😍

    I am also rewatching! In fact, I have been looping LLTG for the last one month 😭 I almost want to start a thread already 😅

    • Haha 4
  8. First thoughts:


    This was a very NICE start! The way the wind blows their hair 😘

    What I didn't like



    This actor was the suave NK soldier in CLOY, considered more handsome by Yoon Seri (Son Yejin) than Ri Jeong Hyeok (Hyun Bin) 🤣 After watching him in 2 dramas since then (Awaken and Dr Romantic 3), I gather it is because he seldom opened his mouth in CLOY. The minute he talks, he's a joke! I think he has to be very careful in the selection of projects. While his 3 fellow soldiers in CLOY have been progressing, his roles have been minor and irritating. And his acting is quite bad too. I don't know how he is going to redeem himself here - he has no ethics/morals for ditching patients who are critically ill for something frivolous - not sure if these things can be taught/learnt.

    I don't see the value of this character. Is he supposed to be funny? I find him super irritating, even more than Dr Jang above.


    Photo Source


    I also have no love for this pairing. In fact, I was hoping they would change the FL but alas! And come on, this is overdoing it! They've been together 3 years and living together now. What's a peck! 🙄


    Photo Source


    Thanks god these are all side bits.


    The drama is still focused on saving patients, the skills of the doctors and the camaraderie of the team. Han Suk Kyu is a joy to watch. (I hope he is not going to have a problem with his hands.)


    It baffles me why the Director wants to recruit this guy just because he is the top cardio, knowing it could create problems for Kim Sabu and the team. (How can Messi and Ronaldo be in the same team?) Wish they had found another way to create the angst but let's wait and see.



    Photo Source


    And, could the 2 have been rivals in love too? 😅



    Photo Source


    • Haha 2
    • Clapping Hands 1
  9. 39 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Don't know if it's me...but there's no really gripping k or c drama at the moment. I am only watching Bora/ Deborah. Unbreakable Family has no subs. Nothing else seems interesting. Hopefully next week has some good premieres


    @Chocolate @mademoiselle how are your respective trips so far?

    I’m on the way to Incheon for flight home. It’s the end of my holiday! Thought Korea would be more interesting now that I watch kdramas but sadly not. Think I won’t be back in the next 10 years 😂


    I watched an episode of Queenmaker. Looks interesting.


    @mademoiselle Where did you go?


    • Haha 2
  10. @UnniSara


    I’ve completed Magic Tides. Although considered a novella, at 200 pages, there was enough for almost a full fledge story. It was thoroughly enjoyable. I do miss baby Conlan who was so cute in the 10th book. And how Kate and Curran hope to keep a low profile is a mystery 😂 This book looks like a setup for their new life and a new pack.


    Looking forward to more but it will likely be a long wait since the authors have a habit of writing multiple series at the same time 😭 

    There’s an excerpt for the next novella:




    • Heart Eyes 1
  11. 25 minutes ago, Tofu said:

    A little randomness -- Throughout the drama, the cast would every so often wear things from On. It must be their nod to Roger Federer (tennis player) because this is a company he invested in plus has a line of tennis shoes with. 


    In case anyone is wondering, that expensive shampoo in episode 32 is from Le Labo. Haha! They have nice fragrances (what they are known for). 


    I have taken @Chocolate's advice and watched this drama in my usual style. I am almost done. :laugh:


    Haha, glad you persevered!


    Did SSC wear any shirts from On? Because I really hate his tennis get-up 😂


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