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Posts posted by Chocolate

  1. I've finished this too. S1 has left us hanging so if there is S2, I would likely watch it.


    GKP is quite eerie as the psycho. Looks like he and Z would likely regenerate in some manner since they now have part of DS attached to/in them. Maybe GKP will take the eye that belongs to the dead surgeon.


    Dong Soo, I find has been quite irritatingly naive sometimes, doesn't seem to think through before he does something. Irang makes a good partner to him, but I'm not sure if she is good because she seems to have plans to dominate the world if they are unaccepted. Anyway, they could build an X-Men type community haha.


    On 12/9/2022 at 4:43 PM, mademoiselle said:

    But it's actually Go Kyung Pyo's bed scene you should be asking the "how many people on the set" question. FYI,  no private parts were revealed in this bed scene though. Hahaha.


    This scene was quite well done I must say. No private parts revealed to us, but definitely the actress had to show her boobs (unless covered in front) to the chap below her lol.


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  2. 7 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    Taec quite impressive here. He got adopted by me just by few episodes because the kiss was an electric shock.


    Which episode is this?


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  3. I'm done! Then I went on to watch Something in the Rain - somehow it is more watchable now 😆 I will try Connect again after this hahaha - @mademoiselle did you finish Connect?


    I liked S2. There is less bullying scenes compared to S1, which I suppose introduces you to that aspect of military service and the reason for DP. S2 was meant to see the effects of the work of DP and if there could be justice (which we all know there won't be).


    I have a question though.


    After Jiseop was caught on camera hitting Shin Ahwi in ep4, nothing happened to him after that? I thought that was a plot by General Jawoon to bring him down.


    24 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    We knew he was married but didn't expect that Seo Eun would be his ex-wife. LOL. What do you all think of her character?


    Not good at the beginning lol. I thought her character was not very well developed but I guess this being 6 episodes only, there is really not enough time for the side characters.


    Her conversation with the human rights lady provided another perspective - most times I would agree with Seo Eun, but in this case, the human rights lady had a point - for some issues, we need to attack continuously even if the effect/result is minor, and hopefully one day, things will change.


    24 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Anyway, I was wondering if Han was actually pretending not to speak but he genuinely couldn't. He's definitely having PTSD. 


    In Singapore, we have a slang "keng". Means pretend to escape lol. Not sure if Ho Yeol has PTSD, he seems pretty level headed to me.



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  4. 18 hours ago, gilaswan said:

    Actually, not just a proposal. He went ahead and got certain things going to get King Hotel to become an international hotel chain than just a local luxury hotel.


    Great! Did this at least take 5 minutes of the episode?


    18 hours ago, gilaswan said:

    Which is great and all, but back to the plot and holes - lots of them - how does anyone just pick up the phone, make calls, and ta-dah! Hotel is on its way to become an international chain with international offices.


    Perhaps not 😂



    • Haha 4
  5. On 7/28/2023 at 8:48 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

    Sorry guys tried ep 1 and not into this. Not feeling the bromance nor liking the story or the 2nd character detective. 


    I've tried 2 episodes and don't like the 2nd ML too. His acting is sub-par.


    Are the cases/mystery as good as those in A League of Nobleman?


    On 7/28/2023 at 9:30 PM, OsmanthusTea said:

    Darling!! This is Cheng Yi! CHENG YI!! 😂😂


    Is he a special actor? Not very good looking leh 😂


    • Haha 6
  6. @abs-oluteM Yes, I've finished this too.


    It reminds me of the HK triad dramas/movies, where there is a crooked division in the police. It all depends on the leader. Taekrok was strong enough to leave. His friend had already lost his leg and could not continue as police. The rest I think would be caught up along with CDY since they just blindly followed.


    I was surprised though that CDY turned out to be a true villian. Non repentant to the end.


    But why did Taekrok end up in the village police station? But that was one h*** of a beachside station - I wouldn't mind working and living there 😆



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  7. 10 hours ago, peperomia said:

    I am curious if you all thought most things got explained and tied up.


    As I watched, I had some questions. But forgotten now haha. All in all, I think the drama had a good flow and most things were logical. Definitely one of my favourites this year.


    It was nice that this part was included. Sanyeong's life was miserable at the start of the drama, even without an evil spirit, those circumstances could have led her to depression and suicide. Aside from finances, part of it I feel is caused by her mother, who was a burden to her. I've never felt a caregiver has to take care of a mentally ill person at her own expense, so I am glad to see that San Yeong recognised that she had to take care of herself too. (I wanted to clap when Hyangi called her mother "whiny"! 😂 From the start to the end, I find her the most unlikeable character.)



    2 hours ago, peperomia said:

    Off topic, but I started Longing for You. Title is a bit misleading, but it is a mystery, prosecution/detective storyline with some humor and I think...hints of romance. LOL. I noticed there is no thread for it here, but based on the first episode, it has potential. I like the female lead. She is a spunky prosecutor.


    Thanks for the tip. I'll try this.


    15 hours ago, liddi said:

    @Chocolate I agree about her crush on the art teacher. Wonder whether he is the same one she later killed in 1973 for publishing the artbook "Understanding Art"?  


    This was not me. Was it @peperomia?


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  8. 23 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    I think the actress playing Lee Hyang Gi is the one who played the younger version of Jung Eun Hui in Our Blues.


    She's not bad. In this one episode, she was totally convincing.


    18 minutes ago, liddi said:

    One more thing. The shaman actually singled her out from the start, marking her as the chosen candidate for the juvenile ghost. How is it then that she never sought her out when Mokdan showed up with the hair accessory instead? She would surely have known that was not the girl she handpicked. If so, why continue on the preparations with Mokdan? If Hyangyi had not shown up at the doorstep with the money, would she have attempted to use Mokdan instead? Knowing the requirement she herself spelt out for secondborns, I can't imagine she would have settled for the younger child. Or was she laying everything in place to fuel the desperation, fury and grasping survival instincts so needed to successfully create a vengeful juvenile spirit by stripping away everything, every sliver of hope Hyangyi had in her brief life?


    I'm inclined to think it is part of the shaman's plan. She needed a starving and ANGRY child. Mokdan was not angry, and was a 3rd child, thus she was likely a tool to incite Hyangi.


    18 minutes ago, liddi said:

    I understand the significance of the hair accessory that marked her fate, the black band which her mother killed herself with, the glass bottle which embodied her passion for art, and the broken jade hairpin which she used to try and survive before she died. However, I still cannot see how the broken blue pottery piece comes into play.


    I re-watched the scene. I think this pc is part of broken roof through which Hyangi saw the moon before she died.


    18 minutes ago, liddi said:

    Last but certainly not least. How did Chiwon know to contact and admit the possessed Sanyeong at the hospital to deliver the final punishment to Haesang's grandmother? Is he working in tandem with the spirit now, and has a new pact been made since the old one with Haesang's grandmother is now void?


    Oh, this is worrying 😅


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  9. @liddi Wow, you got a lot of the points right!


    Re my earlier post of a tweet showing the dressing of the possible ghost as a clue, well, this ep shows almost everyone dresses the same in that village 😂


    Ep11 shows us who the evil spirit is and how she became one. After knowing Lee Mok Dan's story, one would think that Lee Hyangi's story would be similarly sympathetic, but surprisingly not. She was a greedy and selfish girl from the start, even if she did regret later.








    The scenes after Sanyeong left Grandma's house were very exciting. All that door knocking! 😬 






    2 things learnt:

    - The prohibition line not only keeps the spirit from coming in, it keeps it from going out as well!

    - The spirit can come out when it rains, doesn't need to wait for night. So is she worried about pigmentation? 😆


    Now that all the 5 items are found, the spirit seems to have become one with Sanyeong, since the shadow's hair is no longer frizzy lol.




    A few questions:


    The spirit knows what Sanyeong knows right? So why did it not know they were planning to trick grandma?


    On 7/27/2023 at 11:49 PM, ktcjdrama said:

    My question is more on how evil grandma is still hoping for benefits from the spirit when it is not within the family anymore, but with an outsider. 


    I also wander about this. If I were the spirit, I would have killed grandma once I no longer needed their family's bodies because she knows her secrets. There's one more secret that grandma says she hasn't told - what do you think this is?


    All gifs from @silvertrhee.


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  10. Has anyone started this?


    It starts with the army trying to hide Suk Bong’s case as mental illness. But there’s a new shooting and the soldier was smart to use a live stream to say he was bullied.


    Jun Ho and Ho Yeol are back as a pair. But HY can’t talk.


    I am still unsure if Son Suk Kyu’s character is supposed to be good or bad, but leaning to the good side I think.


    At 2 of 6 episodes so the pace is decent.



    • Clapping Hands 3
  11. Transferring @mademoiselle's query here:


    On 7/26/2023 at 4:07 PM, mademoiselle said:

    Was it ever explained why Gu Gang Mo ended up with the evil spirit? Did he really ask to be transferred to him?


    I'm not too clear on this too. I think he was not doing well at one point in life and wanted the spirit to help him. Can anyone confirm/clarify?


    I'm also a bit confused. Did the spirit go from YHS's father to GGM?


    Who will she be?



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  12. On 7/26/2023 at 2:17 AM, Tofu said:

    I also use my ipad, which I prefer to my kindle because it has color. LOL!

    Aren’t most books in black and white? Why do you need colour? 😂 But noted that sometimes it’s just convenience because the iPad has everything.


    Thanks @SilverMoonTea I read will the synopsis and reviews and try one when I next have free time.


    • Haha 3
  13. 24 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    And my current reading is murder in dorm college. The rich It Girl is the victim, and the suspect died in prison. But perhaps it was a wrong accusation by one of her friend that mistakenly hide the true murderer ? I had not finished this. I hope the ending is satisfying. I think this novel quite famous, had seen it circulating among bookstagram lover.




    I like mysteries too but has to be really good. Hard to find.


    Is the writing for The It Girl good so far? David Baldacci says the author is “The Agatha Christie of our generation”. That's high praise. I will try one day.


    1 minute ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    I did not know where the desktop version @Chocolate. Oh so Kindle also able to download free library books? As I thought in Lazada most reviewer said it can't be done in Kindle. I tempted to buy Kindle, but I think for now handphone is suffice for me and quite convenient. 


    I read Atomic Habit physical book, but I felt the book had not been a big grand revelation? Just kind of need to make a good habit by creating tiny but achievable goals. I might need to re-read it, I'm not a good student maybe I sleep on the whole book and get so little take home points 🤣


    Haha, that's why I didn't buy the book and still waiting for the library version. Maybe should check out the book summary instead, cause the book is quite thick.


    Oh, Kindle cannot read library books. Must buy from Kindle store or if you have a epub or pdf book. I used it before I discovered the online library.


    Yes, handphone is sufficient if you are comfortable with the small screen. I seldom use the Kindle now too because there is a Kindle app for the phone, so no point carrying an extra gadget out. The only bad thing is if you are by the beach or pool, the reflection from the sun is really bad for the phone - the Kindle with the e-ink screen is much better then.



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  14. 37 minutes ago, JenL said:

    Hahaha, well I really like Heartbeat  But I knew it wouldn't be @Chocolate's cup of tea - she likes a lot more dramatic series I feel and Heartbeat is relatively tame compared to makjangs


    Hahaha, I lasted half an episode for ep1.


    37 minutes ago, JenL said:

    Is the Revenant scary?!  I wanted to watch, but I felt like I would be too chicken to get through it at night.


    No, it's not horror scary. It's more a mystery thriller. Very good.


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  15. 23 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    Btw nowadays I read all my books online borrowing from library and downloaded into Libby apps. I miss flicking an actual books, but this apps had helped me during commuting as carrying heavy book is not my favourite thing to do. Do you guys read in handphone or carry physical books with you ?


    I started reading from the Kindle in 2011 and never went back to physical books. Like you say, it is so convenient because you have all the books any time and it's just one thin gadget versus a thick book. And if you like to read while eating/drinking, just a tap and you can flip the page vs holding a book open with one hand and trying not to spoil the spine lol.


    But convenience is also a bad thing. It used to be that I bought books at the airport before a holiday. But with Kindle, I could buy books online at anytime! I remember buying 50 books at a go in London, because there was no access in Singapore so I was stocking up. Then I kept reading and work suffered. Really needs a lot of discipline.


    Same as you, now I try to borrow the books from the online library if they are available. Except you may have to wait for the popular ones - I'm waiting for "Atomic Habits" and am 4000+ in the queue hahaha. Saves so much $$$. The Libby app is great to use, except do you know if there is a desktop version?


    I've donated hundreds of books and kept only about 20 of the ones I really like. Saves a lot of space too.


    Don't think I will ever go back to physical books.


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  16. @UnniSara


    In the first 10 books, Jim was written as a good Security Chief. In that position, he just had to do what he was good at. But not everyone in that position can graduate to be a good overall leader. I can't remember how he became leader - was he selected by the pack or appointed by Curran? To be fair, no one can match up to Curran, so whoever took over would have a tough time.


    In any case, you need respect and ability to be able to manage the pack. Without ability, he can't get respect and once the pack rebels, he will also not be able to manage them. So he was probably under immense pressure. Plus he clearly wants to keep his position. So he chose to compromise his character.


    It's a good thing I was not too immerse in Jim's and Dali's story 😅


    But I like that Curran is the bigger guy here. He may not trust Jim anymore but he also does not want to be the one to bring him down. Just another reason to love Curran!


    It looks like the composition and rules will be different for the new pack compared to the previous one. Excited to see how it develops.


    I am also excited to read Julie's next book, because there was high tension with Derek last time!


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  17. I'm up to date too.


    On 7/14/2023 at 6:12 PM, mademoiselle said:

    There are a lot of yelling in this episode, I'm not sure it's entirely necessary.


    Yes, I find this drama very noisy 😅 DJ is always shouting!


    On 7/14/2023 at 8:20 PM, abs-oluteM said:

    Now I understand why when Kai called DJ in the earlier episodes he said he didn’t like the ending since I think how DJ concluded the story is not what Lee Ha Neul had in mind.


    Do we know what was the ending that DJ wrote?


    On 7/14/2023 at 8:35 PM, mademoiselle said:

    I forgot to mention also why Kang San can't read Dong Joo. It's weird and needs explanation. There's also someone else he can't read. I forgot who it was.


    He couldn't read the "girlfriend from the past" too.


    On 7/20/2023 at 9:14 PM, mademoiselle said:

    I'm starting to think Kang San is not the one with the power. The stone gave him the power, but where the stone came from is another mystery.

    On 7/21/2023 at 6:52 PM, mademoiselle said:

    Teleporting - at the moment, I'm not sure but I think with Dong Joo exposing to the stone maybe it affected him as well since his hand was buzzing before. Still, the drama hasn't explained why Kang San can't feel Dong Joo's emotion.


    But where did the stone come from? I don't remember seeing it at all except when it suddenly appeared in the recent episode when KS had the terrible headache in the "girlfriend from the past"'s shop.



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  18. 9 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    This Geumjang society thing reminds me of another crime drama - Watcher ( starring Han Suk Kyu, Seo Kang Joon and Kim Hyun Joo.) I remembered we watched this together @40somethingahjumma. That show too had this elite group of cops who seem so powerful and untouchable , manipulating everything from within. The leads were trying to figure out who was part of this group too. Not sure if you watched it @Chocolate - I liked it,  though  the storytelling there was a tad too complicated. Here the pacing is better and story makes more sense. 


    Anyway, I believe that when Choi continued running Geumjang , he had good intentions. As in I think he sincerely wanted to root out corruption etc and make a change from within the police force. I don't actually think he craves power for power itself. Unfortunately he got trapped by Lee Young Ho then and didn't have a choice but to "work" with LYH. So Choi started playing the long game. He knew that to achieve his goals , there are sacrifices and compromises to be made. Sadly, along the way he ended up perverting the course of justice.


    Yes, I watched Watcher a few months ago. Not bad, but Shadow Detective is much better.


    I thought Choi was already involved in some drug thing before he was "caught" by LYH? Or did I get that wrong... oops.


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