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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Haha that video is so funny! Thanks so much for sharing @taebinfan Oh right, in case you were wondering, I was done subbing that behind the scenes video, but then a found another few seconds of another scene that was not included entirely in the AStory behind the Scenes video again! It's so weird that they cut their behind the scenes down when there was more content. I'm wondering how this fan found the content. I'm guess they had a Korean VPN and it could have been initaially posted by ENA since they've now blocked or privated a lot of their WYW content Anyway I'll add the new scenes in as well, but I just need to check something before I finish. Sorry to summon you once again @stroppyse, but just wanted to check one line in the picture below: does it says 'harmless behind the scenes'? I'm confused at the words
  2. Nah, I don't think this is the sentiment I'm seeing with Western and Korean fans on social media including Twitter, Reddit and Instagram. Most people know that PEB is careful with her image and that WYW is a drama with sensitivities because the character has autism. Also once a drama ends actors are often not under scrutiny or obligation to talk about their last drama, characters or co-stars anymore. In fact, on twitter lots of fans have been pleasantly surprised PEB said she missed all the cast of EAW in some of her recent interviews (since that includes KTO) I don't think there'll be any negative comments or embarrassing situations about KTO due to anything PEB says or does. The only reason KTO talks so much about Jun Ho and Woo Young Woo and the drama, in interviews and videos,even after the drama has ended is because people expect that of him - interviewers always ask him question about playing Jun Ho, or what he thinks about WYW and they make him say the Seop Seop lines. It's his most well known character and one of this first main lead roles since his other roles were either second lead or very short main lead roles. Anyway, KTO doesn't actually mention PEB in any of his interviews either - he only talks about her character, Woo Young Woo - not the actress. I think most people understand that PEB was very tired in this role since she mentioned this in all her exit interviews when the drama ended and her official fan meet - people know that she wants to protect WYW too and that's why she doesn't talk much about the drama.
  3. Hahaha so true, I think it's been awhile since DYLB and so most people look back at it fondly, but not in a strong shippy way. I think this would be less of a thing with TKA as well if RW's last drama had been a new romance or if PEB had had more of a gap between TKA and EAW As for Min Jae being a ship seller...to be honest, I enjoy these kinds of celebrities (though I know everything is in good fun and if he's publicly posting this stuff I don't believe it's actually happening LOL). At least fans are not anxious about whether he gets along with his co-stars. Maybe I like this because I come from the world of oversharing Taiwanese celebrities LOL. But even though they feed the fandom, there's genuinely a real friendship with those celebrities because they are often very good friends (sometimes to the point where they promote dramas by hosting events and livestreams from each other's houses!) Today I was getting a drink from that Korean dessert store Sul Bing and I didn't realise Min Jae was on their ads Mildly, implied war, I think. It's not like the Start Up NJH v KSH type thing...but people are sometimes a little snippy if someone posts up a TKA edit when people talk about KTO or an EAW edit that mashes up scenes from TKA. Haha, I don't believe until I see hard evidences But I feel like there's enough hard evidence that they at least have a good time together. I feel like people sometimes get a little paranoid in shipping like they either can't look at each other because they're in love ad hiding it or they hate each other. And I think honest, most of the time it's not that extreme - actors have built a good bond together from months of intense filming and they are often at least friiends from the experience. I apprecite KMJ and Rowoon as performers in their own rights and I think they're good looking and all, but I never felt strongly about them when they were paired with PEB the way I have with KTO. Haha, I think everyone was way too excited to show they knew KTO & PEB...but you're right, given that PEB was getting a lot of questions about how close she was to KTO, it would have been nice not to have another voice to add to the paranoia. Hi @Kismet_06200904 Welcome to this thread I found that video awhile back too and was surprised they did a commentary on episodes 1&2 together. I think the reason it's not been subbed as far as I can see is because the video is 18 minutes long which is a lot of work! But I do love that video and if I have time I'll try and sub the sections where KTO and PEB talk together the most - though I'll need someone to check the Korean is correct as well. (Sorry can't do a full 18 minute sub.. That would take weeks or months! Though you could fundraise money and ask someone on Fiverr to sub it. I did that for a Dodosolsollalasol 30 minute interview once. Like 15 people donated and it took a week for the people to fully sub it. I'm glad I did it though!) Good question! I need to learn how to quote too Yes! I totally agree I think it's nice that someone sees past the surface stuff. KTO is obviously a very funny guy and PEB does laugh a lot with him when you view the Swoon video and when you see her in the behind the scenes videos as well when they're working out the romantic scenes. And also at the fan meet when KTO started fake crying, she was so on it But I think it's lovely that she seems to know another side of him too from working closely with him through one of her most challenging roles. I think that these were the traits that she appreciated about him the most I also really enjoyed My Liberation Notes and I like it when actors compliment each other more than just looks - it's obvious everyone is pretty in Kdramaland...but what else is there? It's nice to hear the more substantial compliments
  4. Ep 1 I just started watching this! I'd been keen since I heard there was going to be an adaptation of the book. As a lover of classics and a keen reader, I was excited but also unsure. See book adaptations can go very wrong sometimes. But when I saw the trailer I realised that this would be a verrryyyy loose adaptation with a lot of room for creativity. I remember the writer saying she wanted a sexy version with corruption and greed . For the first part of the fist episode I wasn't sure if I liked it. I don't mind anti-heroes or a world where everything seems rather cold. And I really love films and dramas with social commentary that look at the issues with captialism. But I did feel a little bit like every second word was 'money' and it felt a bit too obvious what the theme was - like it was literally being shoved down your throat that this was going to be a story about poverty v. wealth. I prefer a more understated show-don't-tell approach with themes....Also some of the character changes were grating like with Mamie? However, the characters intrigued me, and I liked looking for the interactions with the book (ie. seeing NJH as 'Jo' go to the rich aunt's house) and found it interesting that I had no idea where the story was going to go. Towards the end of the second half I was sucked in. Nothing like a mysterious death of an outcast character and a ton of cash for our favourite anti-heroes to get me on board Also curious about the alcholism with NJH's character - I spent the first half wondering why she was drinking mouth wash and then when it was revealed, I was like LOL, well that makes sense
  5. Hahaha @SilverMoonTea you are not wrong! Lately, I can only be found on the whale couple thread How have you been anyway? I'm glad you adopted NYS, he's pretty even though I'm not a fan of his hairstyle in this drama. Also his character is annoying, but also relatable since I also sometimes think what's the point of doing things when you're not sure what will happen in the future instead of being passionate and enjoying the process I forgot to tell you that I have started Today's webtoon I'm on episode 3...I didn't realise it was a remake of the J-drama till today..explains why you like it I don't mind it - I feel like the drama is meaningful and I do like slice of life dramas...but with that said, something feels like it's missing in this one which is why I think the ratings are so low Between real life social life and fangirling/ doing fan projects over EAW/ Kang Tae Oh / Park EunBin/ Greg Hsu, I haven't had time to really write on all my threads lately Hope to update them soon though!
  6. Had a busy last coupleof days so haven't had the time to respond properly. I'll do it tonight. Just wanted to show this new picture which is one of the stickers that come with the drama OST if you bought it
  7. Crumbs from the past And also, these are the diff past characters PEB played at her fan meet...funny how KTO also plays multiple characters recently for Subway. They could sooo do another project together.
  8. This Korean fan wrote a piece about how nice desire is normalised in Jun Ho and Young Woo's relationship as one being of 2 people in their late 20's You can read it by Twitter translating it :)
  9. Yeah, it's interesting for sure. Maybe they balaced it out since the biggest fan wars probably happen between RW and KTO shippers. There was a long scene wth KMJ, but most of his fans turned into fans of one or the other or both It does seem odd about Rowoon since he himself is an idol. But I guess it's because usually stars don't pick up projects quite as quickly after a drama...whereas PEB was on EAW like 2 weeks after TKA wrapped up. Also because PEB and KTO are hot property, everyone who once worked with them wants to appear close to them anyway. Soo Young + Run On crew also caught up wth KTO even though she's currently on screen with Ji Chang Wook. I don't mind them having friendships, but it definitely doesn't help if they keep talking about it when there's strong shipping involved in past projects v current projects He looks fineee in those photos Hiiii~ Welcome to the thread Nice to meet you and to chat about PEB and KTO! Haha, so I got the chance to re-see this and I get why people think that way, though I think it's not personally related to KTO and I tend to keep an open mind about how they feel about each other unless I get hard evidence that suggests she really likes or dislikes him (hard evidence is like a convincing Dispatch photo at the grocery store or a press release , not things like not taking selfies together which I can see having many explainations, but only seems to have many fan speculations). To me, a lot of PEB's reactions with EAW have been because of the sensitivites around playing a neurodiverse character. She was really hesitant to take on the project and once she did it, it was very taxing on her and I feel like she was aways very nervous about sending the right messages and not making things hard for people in communities with disabilities. I definitely don't think she disliked doing the project, but I think there's a lot of pressure when she thinks back to the filming. I also feel like her inability to watch the screen is because actors often don't like watching their own acting in their most recent projects - most actors when asked about it will say if they had the chance to play the character over again, they would do things differently. KTO has said that in multiple interviews that he had more ideas to add to Jun Ho and I feel like PEB felt that way as soon as she saw and heard herself (not KTO) on screen. As for her other projects, the characters were not nearly half as challenging or controversial and a lot of time has passed that it's not as critical for her when she watches them compared to this. To be honest, it must be a lot of pressure to watch yourself and then to have a whole bunch of people watching you watch yourself! I feel like that's why she turned around and laughed it off with the audience - because she felt a little embarrassed watching herself. Totally agree with all your points I think the different reactions between KTO and PEB to the drama and how much they mention it is because KTO doesn't have to be as careful since his character is not neurodiverse and it really helps for him to be the romantic one. Whereas PEB always has to be careful with what she does with WYW as there's so many consequences, even with the romance which most people like, it could be criticised. So she's walking the fine line. But I do see her acting receptively towards KTO and teasing him a lot. I don't think KTO would have continued being friendly with her in public (ie. talking to her during the fan meet) or in the behind the scenes if she was freezing him out, so I'm pretty sure he knows what she's thinking or doing. Also I recently saw an interview where PEB said she had to stay in character a lot between takes - so often she tried to be in her own world, to understand what WYW's perspective was - she did this by not looking so much at others and eating lunch alone. I found the interview on twitter, but not sure if I saved it! Must look for it again. This is another reason why I think people thought they weren't close, but I think people are missing a lot of context around the filming of this drama Haha, I'm actually working on a podcast episode that will explain a lot of these things, so stay tuned ~
  10. Yeah, she cried when she saw the birthday messages and fans holding birthday signs and they brought out the big (fake) cake Here's some pictures from Namoo's CEO: https://www.instagram.com/p/CiC-BOLpoM7/ Haha, so I'd say people were happy to see all her co-stars, but the excitement for KTO was slightly more. It could be because in that clip they played, there's one frame that just says KTO smiling by himself before it shows both of them. And that sequence is just so cute. The clip with Rowoon was short and it was the confession - like 'don't come any closer' type scene. But it was pretty short and in the dark.. And then the sequence with Kim Min Jae was longer - it was when her character confessed to him, but people were more focused on PEB as she was the one doing the confessing. All in all, people are still excited by EAW bcause it's her latest project and they like KTO too No, don't think she or her agency would ever invite her co-stars. PEB keeps a pure image that makes her avaliable to all fans and I think she wants to keep it this way. Not to mention, she does have a lot of male fans in real life - The crowd was full of them! So I don't think she wants to alienate them As for her lifestyle - she's a maximalist, but I think she meant with cute and sentimental objects. She doesn't often show off brands. I get that - I'm also a maximalist with lots of stuff, but not branded stuff. People get the wrong idea of maximalism because minimalism is in vogue at the moment, but both styles are just up to th person ALSO forgot to mention before, they asked PEB what type of drama she'd like to do next and she said she's never done a romcom soooo...(In my mind, pls, pls, pls do a romcom with KTO!)
  11. Yep for sure! Hahaha, aside from Youtube and here (and occasionally twitter and reddit), I'm very wary of posting drama stuff on other sites due to polarising opinions on fangirling Not sure if anyone filmed/ screen recorded that. I totally would have, but my phone doesn't have enough space. I'd assume TikTok wouldn't care about reposts because they live off that type of stuff? This Subway ad made me laugh. I think while PEB has to be really sensitive for her character, KTO doesn't because Jun Ho is boyfriend material/ guy next door and so he is getting pulled out in a lot of CFs and basically every video Hahaha, ahhh, I love this interview. It has sent most of the Taebin nation into a frenzy I've seen so many videos and pictures that quote something he said from this video. Everything from he doesn't care about age when he comes to dating, to the eye contact thing etc. KTO came off as very adorably cheeky in this interview. He thought people nicknamed him as fox due to Jun Ho...no, it's because he totally is one Hahaha KTO's taste works out conveniently well here...
  12. Welcome @buguz, so lovely of you to join us! Yay, totally understand the lowkey ship! Feel free to share any thoughts or gif or content you like. I also really like both actors and their characters and their chemistry together Heyyy, you're right, I never noticed that! I've always known them to use the actors name for all their drama videos because it's more shippy and probably more people search for the actors names their the character names on Google search (for video views). I don't know if it was a request due to shipping - I think Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo is just different due to the sensitivities around the characters. It might feel wrong to use the actors names when there was already some controversies of an actor portraying a character from the neruodiverse community. So I'm guessing they used the characters names to encourage everything to think of Woo Young Woo's journey in her own right. It makes sense because the topic of this drama is so much more personal for a community of people than say, Alchemy of Souls (though I did enjoy that drama as well and Lee Jae wook is one of my favourites. But it's different because it deals with fantasy stuff rather than something very real) - So there's a lot of precautions around language and the actors avoid giving any lines or acting as the characters outside of the drama.
  13. Park Eun Bin Fan Meeting Recap I watched Park Eun Bin's fan meet and it was so cute. I don't think you'll find anyone sharing the full video in public because it was a paid event for the stream and it'll infringe copyright - I don't doubt Namoo would bring a lawsuit on anyone who shared it openly and they have definitely already warned about it too. But I think people who were there and took their own photos are allowed to share and that's what's being reposted on Twitter. There wasn't that many crumbs of course because the event was totally about celerating Park Eun Bin's loveliness in her own right, but there were some nice Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo moments. So the fans voted the endng scene of WYW going through the revolving doors and telling Jun Ho about her sense of fulfillment in EAW their favourite scene of all her projects and Park Eun bin said that they actually filmed that scene first when they were filming episode 16, so she had to build that sense of fulfillment before overcoming the obstacles There was also a cheer when KTO showed up on screen because that felt at least a tiny bit like he was at the fan meet They also voted their second favourite of PEB's lines as the ones that WYW said to her mother in EAW. She talked quite a bit about working on EAW at the start and she talked about how the pink mittens that WYW wears is actually the mittens her mum bought her in real life. Apparently, the scenes where WYW was in high school and waiting for Geu Rami at the school were shot on Christmas day and as it was freezing, the director told her to wear those mittens. Those are currently her favourite things. But she's a bit of a maximalist and likes owning a lot of cute and sentimental things. PEB also made a video where she pretended to interview many of her past characters from Hot Stove League, Age of Youth, Do You Like Brahms & King's Affection. The video started with a little text message conversation between all the past characters and WYW saying she was working late and couldn't come to the interview. Later in the fan meet, she explained she had deliberately left WYW out and hoped everyone understood. I think more than not feeling like acting as WYW, it was because in an interview she told influencers who had imitated WYW not to cause misunderstandings and there was some backlash of 'you can do it, why not me?' Also I think she was just careful and didn't want to give WYW unscripted lines the way the other characters had been given due to the sensitivities around EAW. They also asked PEB what type of Kdrama she wanted to do next and she said believe it or not she had never done a romcom and was keen to try. It's not that she never got a chance, but whenever offered, another project which seemed high quality would also get offered and she'd pick that over the romcom, so she wouldn't mind trying one day when there isn't a clash. (Me, internally: PLS DO A ROMCOM WITH KTO!) I wish I could say that there was more of an appearance with her past co-stars, but I know that K-drama stars face more scrutiny and also craziness from their fans who ship or don't ship, so PEB didn't have any stories about her co-stars. In fact even when commentating about the scenes on screen (Because Kang Tae Oh, Kim Min Jae and Rowoon all appeared on screen at one point or another), she didn't even mention their names to keep it fair and focused on her experiences My net did cut out at some point, so don't know if I missed anything, but I doubt there was any references to her male co-stars. Her agency asked mainly her past female co-stars to make her birthday video messages. The only 2 males were EAW related, but both are actors from her agency and not people she was paired with. It seems weird to add someone who only cameoed in her latest project rather than her co-star, but this is the way it rolls with Korean fan meet that are much more careful Female Stars - Han Yeri & Han Seung Yeon from Age of Youth - Park Ji Hyun from Do You Like Brahms? - Also from same agency - Jung Chae Yeon from The King's Affection - Joo Hyun Young & Ha Yoon Kyung from Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo Male Stars -Kang Ki Young from Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo -Koo Gyo Hwan from Extraordinary Attorney Woo Young Woo (cameo) She cried when they sung her birthday song and showed these messages and wheeled out the cute giant fake cake Other things she did was sing songs. She sung the Blue Jeju song from EAW as a special present to fans and she did it when she did the costume change from her white sweater, pink lacy skirt to white tulle skirt, white jacket. It was all very pretty. She probably sung at least 2 other songs and played games with the audiences too.
  14. wow someone wrote a Wooho fan fic on a twitter thread. I'm impressed! the word limit on Twitter is too hard for me
  15. Hahaha might be a lot of videos...I'll see if I have time. Here's one someone did of the Swoon games People are really going to hunt down every video where they even glance at each other for a millisecond Here's another one @taebinfan
  16. I need to watch this ahread of he fan meet tomorrow I keep seeing snippets and it's cute. Poor guy does not know that much korean though so it's funny watching him struggle and try
  17. No worries! I think there's official bans on sharing so not youtube videos, but I'll do what some fans of TKA have done which is give their commentary of what was said in the commentary Hahaha I'm working on a few Taebin projects you'll probably like but it'll take me some time to finish... One of them is these mini photoshoot parallels Here is a teaser, there will be more to come in the next few weeks: Also still subbing that Behind the scenes video: Also also making another podcast episode :) hahaha...stick around for goodies But it's a bit slow because it's currently the Korean Film Festival in my city and I'm watching like 2 films a day. Shame Kang Tae Oh's new film isn't out or it probably would have been included in this line up! I think I read it might have been even more...it's nice that he's really blown up as an actor He probably thought this would be a good role, but this is next level! Haha also I love the new interview that was released. Haha, he's still so charming
  18. APAN is an Asian awards ceremony for exellence. I only know of it because my other favourite, Lee Jae Wook won rookie of the year a few years back at this ceremony. Yeah that seems unfair not to include KTO I also agree- while I like Rowoon, I don't know if that particular performance was outstanding by any means. It's hard to know what they judge by! Maybe it's because KTO would be in the army? Seems like a weak excuse So sadddddd Only 20 more days with our baby Hahahaha, nah, I will fine-comb for crumbs in the DVD couple commentary an additional content when it's released! I hope they give lots of behind the scenes because a lot of filming scenes were left out! Like did they laugh when filming that office hand-touching-through glass scene??? Important things I want to know .
  19. Hahaha I never had a tik tok account till tonight...and I'll probably never use iit again unless he does another one of these Yes! Haha I did laugh when he did the WYW 'sense of fulfillment' scene He is shy often, but also quite funny when he was being himself.
  20. I watched the fan meet as well as was so sad when he announced it - it seems so unfair just when he was having so much success and love from his fans. Also hoping those in the army won't haze him for his newfound fame I was having EAW withdrawals, but there was so much KTO content to keep me afloat...I'm going to have double withdrawals onces he's gone Hahaha, they made him say the ep 7 episode lines again and he has the emotions and tone on speed-dial now Also the cringe after he finishes Totally over used in every fan meet/ interview, but admittedly, I still love that scene
  21. I like this post using KTO & PEB's insta posts - looks like another sunset date
  22. Haha, oh that fan got it wrong then I'm still impressed by the details in both their rooms Those scenes were always really pretty I also appreciate how these scenes were not just freeze kisses which would be safe but unbelievable - they were pretty kisses that showed an intensity of emotions. Oh me too! I have watched that scene wayyyy too many times. And as much as Iike the actual kiss scenes, my favourite romantic scenes might possibly be this speech at the end and the first time they flirted/ first 'I'm disappointed' scene - I feel like there's something beautiful in the way they both expressed Jun Ho's very intense feelings towards Young Woo, as well as her feelings of recieving them oh yeah, I saw all the drama online yesterday when the interview came out. I only want PEB to take it on if she wants to do it, and already she seemed quite pressured the first time around. I don't think she disliked doing this project, but she was under a lot of stress for sure. I don't think this CEO is making wise choices in the way he's doing publicity - I can't decide if he's naively just excited which is why he's prematurely commited to a season 2 and naively believes it'll happen without consulting PEB or if he is driven only by $$$ and company growth and this is some lowkey pressure tactic as he would have known everyone would want to do it (other than PEB) and there is demand for it for media and fans, so he thinks she would look bad saying no (which is untrue). That interview did seem really numbers driven, but I do also think he is a CEO so would focus on these things. However, he does look foolish by not consulting the most important person in this project which is PEB. Also, as such an estalibshed actress, PEB has more of a say than most actors and if she doesn't want to do it, I think she'll just commit herself elsewhere
  23. I'll be watching this! Someone tag me when it's happening I know it's taking over from Alchemy of Souls, so probably next weekend
  24. Ahhh Thanks so much @stroppyse!!! I really appreciate you looking it over for me so I can hardsub it. Thanks so much!!! The dream would be to learn Korean properly so that I can read properly one day...but I took a long break from my classes when my teacher decided to move back to Korea and I would have to find a new class and so I have backtracked and not continued. Oh well, it's still hard learning a language to the point of fluency. Thanks again for lending us your skills Ooooh it would be nice if they could do a CF. I remember way back in the days of Boys over Flowers...they gave Kim Bum and Kim So Eun a CF that was pretty much taking pictures as if on a date and they made a free calendar for fans to print out. It was so cute...wouldn't it be nice if they could do something like that? Yeah an ad would have to not be linked directly to EAW for sensitivity reasons I think. It wouldn't be fair to sell on it. Yeahhhh ~ So happy they had a good time doing the commentary together. It's just like old times. Here's a gif that someone made of that little video. Wonder what other things will be on the Blu ray...other Blu rays often have to lobby really hard to get made and tell you what kind of goodies are included. This one so far has only said cast commentaries and interviews. Fingers crossed for more behind the scenes stuff....
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