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Everything posted by IpohBanana

  1. @SilverMoonTea I'll start watching same time next week. I just started watching I'll add in my comments next week when I begin. Yang Zi is here, so I'm definitely watching, for sure! [There's also the other one with Jeremy whom I'm buying time for as well.. heh heh ]
  2. @Tofu I loved your look as you were gazing adoringly at Jeremy, it was pretty apt! And the gifs of the two that you posted - ok, all I see is the FL in Ms Truth...sigh.... @abs-oluteM Thanks to the both of your reviews, I am liking the sound of this more and more....
  3. Credit: MDL Looks like Season 1 has only 22 episodes and ends on April 1... They are using the same ole icons to tease viewers about what the episodes contain...
  4. Oh dear, what's to become of this drama then? He's been blocked from social media accounts and gonna be put into the notty list.
  5. @movingwheel how did you find it?? I am apprehensive of watching the minute it airs. I'd like to give all of them a decent run before I begin.
  6. @abs-oluteM indeed, what a cute opening! I hope her (the FL's) acting has improved since the days of Ms Truth. I don't know if it was the script or the character or her acting back then. To be fair to her, she was a relative newbie then and I hope she will make a statement for herself in this show. Or else, there's always the Prince to fall back on! He certainly ought to be the saving grace. I just hope the show doesn't go downhill like Love Script...the two have a rather similar sypnosis..
  7. @NiteWalker oh, it's the guy from Chang An Youth and General's Lady!! I quite like him. And I absolutely hated her guts in TSATB, which goes to show, she's a pretty gud actress! Two minutes per episode you say? Ok, I'm gonna binge watch. You know, lately they have quite a few of these 2-3 min web-dramas. In particular, I really enjoyed Please Don't Spoil Me, the trilogy, pity the ending was meh (like someone said, if it's gonna be a fantasy, the ending shouldn't be so darn practical.)
  8. sigh.... it keeps saying Coming soon on iQiyi and it's been saying that since December last year the VO isn't too bad, but it's terribly obvious that the trademark voice is missing.
  9. wah...I hope it doesn't disappoint you! I assume you got all these from the novel?
  10. ikr, the forums should be coming alive too! No exams around the corner in China?? You know, from a certain YT channel, She & Her Perfect Husband, South Wind Knows My Mood, The Ingenious One, A Dream of Splendor, Yue Zhao Ji, Meet Me in Your Sound & Hua Rong are supposed to also air in March. My goodness, hearts will be afire and my, my, won't March be a busy month, even April if some of these spillover! Miles Wei, anyone? LOL
  11. well till we see the posters with dates, and even then it's happened before, it can be pulled off the 'shelves'. So, fingers crossed. 17 days left to this month.
  12. @movingwheel lol, I had to use my phone and a google translate function...for me, the most important message was that it's scheduled for March as stated in the headline. I am excited!
  13. @Tofu they dubbed his voice! Why???? sigh. Now I'll have to go back to TAB for the voice fix. On a bright note, glad that this is coming so soon. [by any chance have you got any news on My Wife is a Thief?]
  14. @Tofu @abs-oluteM @40somethingahjumma I have to confess I have been watching here and there, stalling till it ended before I decided whether I would embark on the whole thing. There's this thing about a bad ending that puts me off a show till I have really nothing else to watch (and because of Jeremy's voice, I was wanting this to be so badly a good story). So, finally, it was Sunday, and just past 8pm MY time, which is China time. So, there I was, watching the beginning of E34 (me thinking to myself "This doesn't look too bad, nothing like the preview"), then as usual I fast-forwarded till the last 10 minutes (me thinking "oh, so this is the scene where the mother dies...hhmm"). Then off she sits like a hobbit or Gandalf (whichever) on the back of a cart with her feet dangling, making her way into the world.... (hhmm... this isn't going to end like that right???). Then I see her trying to publish her works (this looks really lame and whose kid IS that??). And then comes Jeremy dressed in a strange attire and his hair looks erh odd (does that look like a Japanese costume, well the bottom-half-like-skirt/kilt looks like one). And then he finds her, there's the look of amazement in her eyes and the smile (gee, isn't this like half of the Korean shows, "Faith aka The Good Doctor" comes to mind" where they just stand and stare at each other???) Ok, I might just hold my horses a bit or watch and stop where it's still good. sigh. I heard March is going to bring with it a couple of interesting ones, Drama Gods??? hello??? will you make sure 2022 does better than this fare?
  15. I think he was ok as Da Ren, though tbh, it was Seven Tan who really brought out the best in that drama. Even in Crow & Lizard, he was decent; even then it was the likes of Fair Xing who (strangely enough exuded the Seven Tan kinda personality) made the show enjoyable. Well, let's see...considering how much flack the drama has drawn for the fake muscle suit.
  16. I know right? There should be more to add to that list...
  17. @NiteWalker wah based on that list, I am looking out for 5 out of 6...the merman one...hhmm...I will watch because of Reba, not sure about the ML, though I know he is very well received.
  18. @NiteWalker I think it's called A Dream of Splendor. I wonder if we'll get to see it in the 2nd quarter, what do you think?
  19. @abs-oluteM nope, this isn't his first lead role. He's been the ML in Legend of the Phoenix, Legend of Dugu and Novoland: The Castle in the Sky 2, but I think those dramas didn't propel him to fame (for example) the way AOL did for Deng Lun (you know the kind that shoots one to stardom). Perhaps, this one will, it's doing quite well in the rating charts, not #1, but top 10. FYI, I enjoyed The Imperial Coroner to bits as well. I am still hoping they shoot a sequel but seems like all we got is a 8-minute sweetener. :P I must say, I like crime-solving dramas as well as those with a good dose of fantasy/magic.
  20. @40somethingahjumma Yes, I recall reading your forum comments in Soompi about Ms Truth. Till this day, I fondly turn to the online chapters and read my favourite parts, had the script stayed true-r to the novel, I think the show would have done far better. From the ending, it sounded as if there would be a sequel but I think the lukewarm response from China audiences sealed its fate. @Tofu between Yang Chao Yue and Meng Zi Yi, I'd much prefer the latter. I saw her in Legend of Two Sisters In the Chaos briefly and felt she was pretty good for that role. Let's hope they both complement him and give the drama (and him) the much needed boost. Here's something (video in spoiler) I found discussing why some male actors are still stuck in the second-lead rut and even if they made it to male lead, have yet to gain fame. I believe the translations are done by a bot, but it's good enough to understand. One of the actors being discussed is Jeremy. The other I like very much is Liu Xue Yi. As the narrator in the video said, I think it's a matter of getting a script and a character that audiences will like. In terms of acting and looks, neither fall short. Even Chen Zhe Yuan is pretty decent, though he is still young and has room to grow. [oh and need we say more about Han Dong, hehe?]
  21. @40somethingahjumma I think you've nailed it, it's certainly the drawl that she puts on. I couldn't quite express it in words, thank heavens you've gone right out and said it! And you are right, when she acts demure, it doesn't quite sound so contrived. I am supposed to have seen her in NIF, but for the life of me, I can't recall her appearing in that drama. Other than that, I've not watched any of her other works before. The one thing that stands out about her is her height; she certainly ain't petite, so looking like a damsel in distress won't work for me as far as she's concerned. @Tofu @UnniSara All said and done, I will stick through it because of the ML, and of course the storyline ain't that bad after all. [Incidentally, Jeremy's soon to appear in Be My Princess (BMP) with Zhou Jie Qiong, who I first saw in Ms Truth. It's coming soon in iQiyi. Her acting in Ms Truth was passable but not memorable, I was definitely more into Toby Lee than her; I loved the story, Ms Truth, so much so I google translated the novel which was nothing like the drama. This drama, BMP, sounds terribly like Love Script - I just hope the writing for the former fares better than the latter did.] I've watched E29-30 trailers and I like to name such episodes as "The Empire Strikes Back". With four more episodes to go, the adrenaline is bound to flow for us and the good guys. Hwaiting Team Liang Yi!
  22. @Tofu Yes, I watched a BTS and realised that it his his real voice, oh my, I could listen to it all day. LOL Thanks @40somethingahjumma for your write-up, as ever, your POV is such an enjoyable read. @abs-oluteM I think it's the way she pronounces her words (at times), it's as if she purposely articulates them and it sounds a little unnatural to me. It doesn't arise when she's drunk or tipsy, it's only when she's explaining certain things and is supposed to sound 'smart', that's when something sounds off. With regards to her character and how she's been tango-ing with the ML to pull fleece over other people's eyes, that's fine. I don't get off the charts chemistry as well, but then again, maybe that's how their characters are supposed to be. I'll wait till the episode where he's
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