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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. I am watching eps 23 ...aish...I was so happy he came to save her on time. Then after that back in the apartment the cold air between them resurface again - she is still keeping him at arm's length . I understand of course why she is doing that cause LMZ's deployment is a real & practical issue. And then this LMZ gives her a peck in the hospital. This LMZ! I swear he kisses her to keep her from nagging ..ahahahah...I can forsee this would be his "weapon" of choice in the future each time he doesn't want to listen. And if anything, I appreciate his confession and her honest reply. Thought that was well done and made sense.
  2. I love this teaser...completely my kind of drama as I love secret agent shows !
  3. A very nice tribute to him @SilverMoonTea
  4. In Jeong Won I trust ..... I will not fall for the PD's teasing. Maybe Gyeol might feel a little green eyed if she sees it but I don't think new doc will be able to distract JW . :D @Ameera I miss your funny gifs...I hope you have a nice one of JW's fan service aahahah
  5. @ktcjdrama @-StrongTower- No way they can keep this a secret...JW's happiness is written all over his face . Ehhhh but so many happy scenes , would this mean some storm later?
  6. Second episode was great too and I laughed hard at a number of scenes - the kimchi terror bit was funny and I kept thinking what a waste of kimchi . Gosh I love those beautiful homes in that Hanok Village - they will definitely cost an arm and a leg. This episode also explored the difficulties of home ownership through editor Nam's house subscription predicament. It is such a catch 22 here for him given that his chances of buying these homes can only be if he gets married but he feels very pressured to buy one before he does since he knows his potential in-laws look down at him for not having one. In fact throughout the episode you can see people's different attitude towards money/ savings. I giggled when Editor Yoo told Young Won that buying is saving! I am sure all us girls have been guilty of that. And Shim Geun the free spirit , lives for the moment but then again he can since he has never had to struggle financially. I was so amused that Ja Sung now has become her money conscience. Actually the advice he gives is pretty spot on ( ahahah stingy me will not be caught spending money on coffee too !) , and I particularly liked that she took his advice to heart to the point of joining a community for support. I love the bit that he wrote in the thread where she posted and gave her the encouragement that she needed. When she started narrating her own sad past, I was surprised to see how similar it was to Ja Sung's . So he clearly understood how hard she has had it , and at the end of the day he didn't have the heart to let her pay for the burnt armchair . He is a fair boss - once he realised that Young Won was protecting the other staff , he retracted his decision. While I doubt I would have SLS @Sominah , I do appreciate SG being rather sweet and thoughtful and if Young Won was any younger , I would say he'd be the easier person to date. But I find Ja Sung a lot more attractive even though he is so prickly and difficult to deal with at times. I always admire men who are self-made as they won't take things for granted. He will give her a sense of security , not so much because of his wealth, but because he would help her find value in herself and push her to be better and smarter with her own finances. TBH I am surprised the romance is going to take off quite quickly - both male leads seem to have "fallen" for her. But that kiss in the preview so early on had me wondering if it was in her imagination or not . LOL. However something I have observed about this writer - she wrote two dramas I liked - Drinking Solo and A Poem A Day. She is quite good at driving the love triangle and she tends to do this : the FL is always kind & hardworking but struggling with finances, her 1st ML is always a prickly character (but soft inside) who is successful due to his own effort , and she knows how to get the viewers to have SLS.
  7. Finished work quite late and haven't had a chance to watch eps 3...but omoooooo look at the preview.
  8. Hmmm IkSong & Gom Gom nation...I think better clutch your hearts ...I will wait for @LaLa to explain....some spoilers Shin Hye is the ex wife of SH right? Preview
  9. Yes I am just zooming in on all the WG content. They normally drop the episode around 11pm KST if I am not mistaken
  10. Winter Garden is most definitely winning tonight! This is beyond what I expected @Jane @ktcjdrama @Tammy_fullofdrama @40somethingahjumma @left_phalange @-StrongTower- @akikisetsu @kiklaminho1 The back hug before them having dinner Some more stuff
  11. I am following your tweets @LaLa ahahaahah... So thanks ...this was what I was most eager to know. Sorry that I am so terribly bias. The back hug video Lala is recapping live ..... For you @SnowBlob @Lynne Later in the episode And for me...
  12. I like that every time she’s in grave danger, she remembers LMZ’s advice to her . Good girl !
  13. He is the guy who had a crush on Park Shin Hye’s character in Sisyphus. Aiyo , didn’t you have a crush on him then ? Looks like this crush didn’t make a lasting impression He’s going to be in Nevertheless too.
  14. The only "crumb" I can find on the latest BTS @SilverMoonTea ahahahaha...yeah just counting down to new eps this weekend
  15. Oh wow if Shrieking Cuzzy is gonna stay at the army base, pity the soldiers . LOL! BTS of the "memorable" 1st encounter between XX and TY
  16. @Sominah @Warm Paws The 1st episode definitely surpassed my expectations. Rom-coms sometimes can be a hit & miss. So I am happy this turned out well. The ratings weren't too bad as well because they usually don't get the high figures the other genres get ( averaging at close to 3.2%). Cracked up at the latest stills ....Poor Ja Sung ...looks like his life is gonna see a drastic change with his new employees on board - From pork slices to kimchi terror!
  17. D-day Reposted from JKH's IG https://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1111601238 Looking forward to his & JWan's scenes too...they always crack me up.
  18. I finally watched subbed eps 14 . I am not sure if I like the idea of them aligning themselves with Court Lady Kim , but SK's judgement has always been right - she knows how the politics work. Kim is the ally they need at this moment to stay alive. Too bad in those times women cannot rule the country, if not SK would have made a better ruler than her cousin the Crown Prince. So it looks like the King poisoned his own father in the past under Lee's advice. King and Lee truly have a complex relationship- formerly allies but now foes. Best scene for me was SK meeting her mother. I cried a river here. And the mother pretty much entrusts SK's life to BW telling him that there was no one else she trusts but him. BW's sister isn't so bad now. She's warmed up to SK and I hope in the days ahead , she'd somehow stand by SK though I know the mother has ultimate say. Honestly my blood was boiling at BW's mum scenes. And of course the preview guarantees more annoying moments with the ex wife coming into the picture. Please BaWoo , come home soon.
  19. I was surprised he had another nick name . His troop or friends call him Whale too right? ( a play of Johnny Huang’s name I should think ) XC can call him Whale Meat !
  20. This was fantastic . I watched it while it was airing. One of my favourites for this year. I started The Rebel till eps 3 but haven't had time to fully devote my attention to it since I have many other k dramas as well . A heavy drama but I like Zhu Yi Long in it.
  21. I really enjoyed the 1st episode. Just when you think this is going to be a typical rom-com , it isn't either. The plot moved very fast and there were plenty of funny moments and some moments that you can feel for the characters in particular Na Young Won. She isn't clumsy or lazy or does anything for that matter that warrants her to be in the situation that she is in. She is , like everyone else, struggling in this stifling rat race and is stuck in a financial rut. Her story will strike a chord with the majority of the working class who are underpaid , overworked and forced to deal with the never ending issue of inflation. That scene of her crying outside the police station after Ja Sung saved her from that intruder is not just meant to evoke pity - it is meant as a reminder of the painful reality that many live with. Of course as expected of any classic rom-coms, Young Won and Ja Sung's initial introductions were filled with funny dramatic moments and the protagonists had less than flattering impressions of each other . Young Won had a rough few months after losing her job and her rented place ( to which Ja Sung bought in an auction) But as fate would have it , Young Won ends up working for Ja Sung after months of not being employed. Haha I was wondering for a moment why her interview went so smoothly and she was hired so quickly . No one wanted to work with the stingy poker boss from hell who took over the magazine so that he could use it as a tool to sell his real estate. Since pride doesn't feed anyone, YW has no choice but to hold on to the job and write articles for Ja Sung to help him sell his properties. Yes she was pretty much a glorifed sales promoter. LOL...but anyway we were also introduced to other characters who work at the magazine including Mr 2nd Lead - Shin Gyeom who is an award winning photographer. Interestingly Ja Sung was his tutor ( so SG must be from a good family) and the two are like brothers. That was how SG ended up helping Ja Sung. As expected Ja Sung was depicted as the prickly & stingy boss who cared for nothing but money. But as the episode progressed perhaps he isn't such a bad person. His thrifty ways are probably a result of not coming from a rich background and what he has now is due to his own hard work. But working hard is not enough as Na Young has shown. Ja Sung clearly got himself out of the rut and broke away from the low income trap and I believe that this is the area where he will educate Na Young in. And towards the end when he offered Na Young rental of his spare apartment without asking for a deposit ( thankfully they didn't used a forced cohabitation trope here) and they showed that how empty his own place was, it somewhat helped soften how harsh he came across at first. So overall this show is promising in my opinion and I can see the chemistry between the leads. I was surprised at the tone towards the end since it went pretty dark after the initial lighter and comedic scenes. Very curious though who is at the door of this new place...what are the odds you will get intruders twice on the same night! Preview ep 2
  22. Oh my god @IpohBanana ...did you watch eps 22 yet? Like what in the world just happened? It went from really sweet at the start to being back to square one in terms of where they stand with each other, and then he tells her about him being redeployed! Hmm this is definitely the episode that needs a lot of processing. I was under the impression after the kiss and sweet mall date that they were officially an item. But a chance meeting with Dr Zhang who had gone to see Xia Jun & mum resulted in a conflict ( which actually does underlie their differences in some things) . I think like Xia Chu , I was somewhat surprised at how against LMZ was to Dr Zhang courting XJ's mum. I can understand he is protective of the mother & son, and I suppose Dr Zhang is somewhat notorious for being a serial dater of sorts. But still I don't think it is his place to decide for XJ's mum. In this respect XC was right. Anyhow it seems that both LMZ and XC cannot see eye to eye on this , and somehow it set off some really pertinent questions about where they stood with each other. LMZ is clear on his feelings for her. She wasn't as sure. As the audience we can clearly see she likes him but of course XC has yet to come to that full realisation. I will cut her some slack here. I do think with so many things going - her confusion about ZR ( not so much that she has any feelings for him , but more about who he really is now) , work pressures and LMZ's sudden kiss confession in front of shrieking cousin , it is hard for her to recognise if the feelings are true. It doesn't help that they are on a fake dating arrangement. Of course the discovery of the wire tap ( like finally ), LMZ's meddling mum and now LMZ tells her he's not going to be around - I am suddenly feeling quite bewildered myself on behalf of XC. Agreeing with you @SnT that LMZ should have properly confessed.
  23. Shrieking cousin's reaction to the kiss in eps 21 cracked me up So it finally took a super jealous LMZ to give in to his feelings . We should thank ZR for instigating him eh? It was a sweet episode especially in the 2nd half. I do have a question though. When talking to his commander , LMZ mentioned about his feelings for XC and the commander of course encouraged him to go for it. But he said he wanted to be careful about this given this time. And then he asked if the transfer has been decided. Oh whatttttt....don't tell me LMZ is getting transferred somewhere abroad ?
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