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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. Curious...I think internationally there are shippers for sure like here...but do domestic audience also have that sort of thing? Do they see that they are compatible?
  2. I do think he is a good actor. Is he oppa level yet for me, maybe not. But I think I would be happy to check out his next work. This month is Johnny Huang month ahahahaha I go through this every time he has a new drama. @mademoiselle Not my oppa but I am gonna watch his new drama with Lee Se Young. Looks like a melo sort of Sageuk It's okay....we can spazz with you on your unnie loves too....
  3. This is true....our @SilverMoonTea enjoys forbidden love
  4. Aiyooo I pity him. Now, I know why @themarchioness called her the Shrieking Cousin. She just yells . LOL...and omg is her parrot's name - Okay? ahahahaha... Poor Xia Chu. She will never get proper rest. LMZ is terrible leaving his crazy cousin to her. This guy - he definitely knows the power he has over XC....he went up so close to her face!
  5. @SilverMoonTea you are indeed the queen of hard selling. Respect! I have so many dramas , that I am barely catching up with the ones I have YOM, Dark Hole , Daebak - done or last eps. . But still look at my upcoming schedule next week: Mon - Tues : Racket Boys , Doom ( this isn't exactly priority watching , but can't drop it yet) Wed - Thurs: Monthly House, Thurs: HP2 Friday- Sat : Undercover - last two episodes, Sat : Nevertheless Sat - Sun : Mine, Bossam. c-drama: My Dear Guardian , The Rebel.
  6. PP reunion! Will start this soon now that Youth of May is done
  7. The action scenes in eps 13 were superb. And the close combat fight scenes for both LMZ and Tian Yong were next level. I just finished eps 13, and I am laughing my head off. At first I thought poor Xia Chu is stuck taking care of LMZ's looney cousin. Dear god ...this girl is just a spoilt brat. Anyhow now I think the one in danger is Tian Yong. The crazy girl has instant crush on him after he saved her at the basement. . Haha wasn't he always wanting to find a GF...I bet this isn't what he imagined!
  8. @mademoiselle I thought Jang Ki Yong was going to have a revival in her heart what with her trying to sell me Gumiho. Looks like Tiger Sunbae ( he looks more like a cub though , I don’t see the “roar” factor in this guy 😆 ) is ( or should I say was ?) the new attraction.
  9. @Tofu @themarchioness oh it was two episodes. Lol! I thought they only released eps 14 . But I just realized that eps 13 is also new 😆. It was so late last night when I checked
  10. Sadly BW had to trade in his life to be the King's "sword" in order to gain freedom for him and his family. It is going to be a rocky journey ahead . The King has no issue using and disposing. Even SK doesn't trust her father as per preview. Plus Left State Councillor Lee will find every opportunity to kill him. Am also not a fan of mum and sis . With subs, they annoy me even more. Wait till they find out that SK is the princess..... Anyway on to happier things .Eps 12 had many OTP moments . Their chemistry is no joke. Just them next to each other in the same room, you can feel the tension. He was so sad initially that they have to separate for awhile, fortunately things changed. In some ways I was glad the King came to see her and that paved the way for her to follow Ba Woo. At least now we will have cohabitation fun scenes! ahahah they don't know what to do here...may I suggest having some passionate scenes ?
  11. Helllooo @SnT nice to see you watch this too. I was initially not so hot about the romance because felt so forced with the overuse of tropes . But I think from eps 10 , when they were together at the floods, I found myself warming up to it. I think he already had interest in her when he started lip reading. Can't remember episode number , but I felt that it was an indication of jealousy that she would be talking to another guy. @NiteWalker Oooo I will watch tomorrow . So now they are just releasing one eps a day? What????
  12. @SilverMoonTea aww he has nice voice. So many OSTs...they should get them to do a duet. I just finished both episodes with subs. I love all the scenes...this one cracked me up ...my secret hope for bed scene in a sageuk
  13. This was quite freaky.....I think what scares me most is very realistic exorcism shows. Daebak has a more cartoonish feel
  14. Yeah I like melodramas still...I will complain about sad endings but I prefer a sad ending than an open one . And I rather a sad ending than a forced happy ending. In this case , if the story had not started with the skeleton and the watch , it would not be far fetch to have a happy ending. But I believe the writer wanted to send a message about how this dark period in SK's history affected many lives.
  15. Ya la ....let's have a happy drama next. I am depressed seeing this ending. Yes - GMS IG post...her last two dramas also very heavy - Sweet Home and Secret Boutique. But she is the sort of actress who can handle this genre well
  16. Soldiers... this was in the forest when she and Hee Tae split up to look for MSoo. Looks like he kept looking for her long after...they did not find her body then. See how much he miss her Think for the longest time , he couldn't move on with his life .Seems like he tried killing himself But he did become a doctor as played by Choi Won Young He wrote her a reply letter to the one she wrote for their wedding. This made me cry buckets
  17. Yes @mademoiselle Scouting Report reunion. So sad I see the spoilers This I think is the last hug. I wish they didn't split up to look for Myung Soo Hee Tae was saved by Ji Ah's bro but looks like MHee got shot . Myung Soo was told to go by Kyung Soo So damn sad....MHee
  18. No preview @mademoiselle... But I am following spoilers on twitter... Major spoilers They got married in the church...just the two of them Bittersweet What happened to her father Hwang Ki Nam set a trap to get MHee to "meet" Hee Tae. The man tried to shoot MHee but Jung Tae protected and got shot instead.
  19. When you bought it , did you “buy & use” or “buy & store “ ? If you bought and store , check in “your items “. Also did you use pc or mobile ?
  20. I have to say because I have a thing for melodramas ahahahaha, I won't mind seeing this. It will definitely spice things up for Gom Gom ship :D
  21. Hello all...love JSM and have seen a few of her shows. Fave is still Because this is My First Life. Just in case you are not aware we have a sweet badge of JSM on our Members Shop available for purchase https://janghaven.com/membersshop/view/80-jung-so-min/ More about our Members Shop and how to earn Haven points to make "purchases" Tutorial / FAQs about the Members Shop
  22. Can Hwang Ki Nam just die by the end of this show? Not only was he abusive to Hee Tae, he beat HT's photographer friend to death when the latter was being interrogated. And Hee Tae's step mum released Hee Tae. HKN found out and he hit her too. It wasn't shown but she told Jung Tae to go to another room, and you can see him cry upstairs and sounds of coming from downstairs. Something bad is going to happen to Myung Soo and the father too. Stills for tonight In the photo released on this day, Kim Myung-hee, without blood, and the man with a gun aimed at him were put. It is not known what the pitiful expression means, which creates tension. Hwang Ki-nam is also caught standing blankly with tears in his eyes with a shocked expression, raising curiosity about what kind of story there will be. The production team said, "The final episode contains the message that the tragedy trampled on by the devastation of that day is not far away, but exists close to us. It would be nice if you could sympathize with that pain even a little." https://newsis.com/view/?id=NISX20210608_0001468796&cID=10601&pID=10600
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