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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. In some ways , I think that is true - trying to combine all the possible end of the world scenarios into one. I think for me the drama is not doing enough to build emotional connection with the viewers. So many characters but nothing about any of them that would make me feel like I would root for their survival. Except LJH - but that is bias at play here . New stills
  2. There was this super hot kiss scene from there.... From min 7 if you wanna watch @JenL . The build up to the kiss was hot So while doing some mindless paper work just now , I finally watch Double Patty - the movie with Irene and Shin Seung Ho who was in Moment 18. Story is nothing much - one of those slice of life about young people finding their place & dreams. But I tell ya that guy's body is just perfect. He was a lightweight wrestler in the show , so you can imagine what a visual feast it was to my eyes
  3. @mademoiselle after seeing the 1st teaser , visually looks good together
  4. Thanks loads @stroppyse. Because the twitter handle has posted the videos on the same thread /conversation , need to copy the link for the 2nd video to paste. I have edited. ------------------- New stills....hmmm the Naver article says there will an interesting alliance between the two https://www.news1.kr/articles/?4307036 Working on the new case https://tenasia.hankyung.com/tv/article/2021051426924
  5. KJS still cuts https://sports.donga.com/article/all/20210514/106920150/1 They presented at the Baeksang
  6. So very happy for this drama which was well-loved here on our community and a personal favourite . At the Baeksang 2021 it won: Best Drama Best Screenplay - Writer -: Kim Su Jin https://tenasia.hankyung.com/tv/article/2021051317984 Best Actor for Shin Ha Kyun http://www.xportsnews.com/?ac=article_view&entry_id=1424128 Choi Dae Hoon who played Jung Je ( this guy was a revelation to me) and and Choi Sung Eun who played Jae Yi were nominated for Best Supporting Actors ( male & female respectively). The drama was also nominated for the Technical Award
  7. Queen for 7 Days ... a very underrated sageuk with palpable chemistry between Yeon Woo Jin and Park Min Young. Their love story grabbed my heart & made me cry buckets - not something easy to do these days because I am a jaded viewer. And this is coming from me who is super picky with historical shows Junggigo – Miss You In My Heart English Translation cr: https://klyrics.net/junggigo-miss-you-in-my-heart/
  8. Eid Mubarak to all those celebrating. @MayanEcho I think you celebrate? @bairama as well. Hope you're doing ok. It's a long weekend for me ...but with the 3rd lock down in Malaysia...I am just using the time to catch up on dramas . What has every one been up to? @ktcjdrama oh I didn't realise that JTBC cancelled Law School. @Darkarcana Mouse did air right? But when will they air eps 20? Next week? How is that drama...20 eps is too long I think. @SilverMoonTea I actually started watching Seven Day Queen over a week ago. I am still on my Yeo Woo Jin phase LOL ...I never expected to like the show as much as I did. The love story is beautiful and sad at the same time , but squeezes your heart. But ya the storyline is very melodramatic.
  9. @dream @Tofu omooo is this Lee Je Hoon heaven that we have moved to? ahahaha... I saw NF put up the trailer ...very excited! BTS stills http://www.xportsnews.com/?ac=article_view&entry_id=1424117 I am guessing JJH will be the boy's father , but who will Choi Soo Young play?
  10. @Tofu omooooooo! Like @dream I didn’t know he was hiding such a body . I will definitely be binging this over the weekend
  11. Thanks @Tofu for the recaps . I am still wondering about the reason for all this . I will put this writer on my ban list
  12. @mademoiselle ya the host is so boring....lol Confirm that @Chocolate is in love with Taec.....she opening thread as I type this ahahahaahh....wow can he replace HB one day?
  13. He is becoming one of my favorite male characters for 2021. Oh how the heck did they get locked up in this freezer room...and oh my the friend went to confront the Dohak boss about something , and after that a whole pile of wood fell on her at the construction site. Omoooo the mum came to save them ...how is that possible Preview
  14. Thanks @mademoiselle for the list! It has been fun watching together. First time I am watching live too - normally I just check social media for info.
  15. I just wanna check the cuts to see if this romance will inch forward or not ... Got hope gals...I mean she is already softening up..in the last bit she said sorry and gave him back the chain saying that is for him Hmmm she was definitely admiring him & his white pants here
  16. Yaayayayayaay BE ! Well done ----------------------------------- Wahhh how they all can last so long sitting there...I feel like SJK's nephews...so sleepy. Am gonna check out Daebak real Estate cuts...see if the romance went anywhere....
  17. They discovered her in Burning ( also with Yoo Ah In) . She was pretty good there but the story there is not easy to watch. I was cursing at the end of it. LOL! She had a scene where she was completely topless.
  18. Especially the lady....ahaah maybe she doesn't like LBH... @mademoiselle trailer does look good ...summore with Yoo Jae Myung. I am only waiting for best drama -- that one I hope is BE
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