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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. How to quote a member At the bottom of the each post there are buttons for you to quote and even one that allows you to multi-quote ( the one with the + icon) from a few posts. What we recommend is that instead of quoting the entire post , highlight the section you want to quote and automatically a quote selection button will pop up. It is better than quoting an entire long post , only to respond with a few sentences or words after that.
  2. How to create my "Signature" This is how the signature looks like. It is at the bottom of every post you make. You can turn it off if you do not wish to see any. ( Just select the "x" icon) If you wish to create one , select "Profile" (for desktop) or "Account" (for mobile) and look for "Account Settings". From Account Settings , you will see "Signature" Select "Signature" and this will lead you to this. Here you can upload your images etc , but do note the restrictions in terms of number of images and size. Remember to "Save".
  3. How to embed Twitter ,YouTube and Facebook links Twitter - Copy the "link to Tweet" and paste it here. If you're on mobile it would embed automatically. On desktop , immediately after pasting the link , choose the option at the bottom of the post that says "Paste as plain link". YouTube - Copy video URL and paste it here. It would automatically embed for both mobile and desktop. Some YT videos may not be allowed for embedding by the content owner. Facebook -For images -copy image address and paste. FB, like IG, does not allow the embedding of videos anymore. You will have to leave it as a link.
  4. How to resize an image You can double tap the image and this will pop up: Use this to resize your image -this example is 300 by 300. We recommend the of use smaller sizes (such as 400 x 400), so that it saves space and makes it easier for the page to load. ( If you really want a big image, we suggest using the spoiler button.) Note that the alignment buttons allow you to decide where your images go (especially if you want your text next to the image). This, in the spoiler, is an example of aligning an image to the left.
  5. How to upload images If you are taking an image /gif off the internet, just copy and paste the image address , and it will usually embed. If this is not possible , use the "Insert image from URL" button at the bottom right of your post. Please remember to credit the gif to the rightful owner. If you wish to upload images of your own, you will need to use a third-party site such as Imgur or Tumblr to first upload your image. Then, copy the link and paste it here. For gifs, such as those on Imgur, you may need to copy the " original gif link" and paste it here.
  6. @katakwasabi yes can see now.... it's ok.. your ship actually got big fandom when the drama aired...still good friends till this day right? Ya @SnowBlob This will be my 3rd WG shipper thread lmao... I need someone else to captain it 😄 Woot woot @im0202 good luck on the new job
  7. @katakwasabi can’t see . It’s the case sometimes with gifs from certain sites . @SnowBlob we hv not started sailing yet ...we just put our anchor down only 😂 . Our thread we will do slowly...I’m asking @wallflowersforjane to captain the ship .
  8. Since Ik Jun is the captain of the WG ship, we will help you find crumbs ahahahaha
  9. @katakwasabi yes I love Go Joon... I sometimes covert @Ameera's husband ..hahahah...but it is nice to see that an actor who has played supporting roles for so long see recognition later in his career. Love your gif in the siggy @SilverMoonTea yeah I know you sure drop once the OTP gets together. Anyway hope the actor gets well soon and no one else caught it.
  10. @SnowBlob , we ( @wallflowersforjane @-StrongTower- ) will build our “garden” next to yours 😝....say hi to your neighbours ... By the way @SilverMoonTea which actor got Covid ? @Ameera Later I’ll start the drama thread for your husband 😝
  11. Dang it , how not to have SLS when HSJ removes his shirt like this 😝 Highlight reel More press-con photos My oppa .. @SilverMoonTea @Ameera Pictures credit to MBC http://www.imbc.com/broad/tv/drama/wheniwasmostbeautiful/index.html
  12. @UnniSara I have yet to even watch this one...really no time. I am only up to date with SF2. Got a few more episodes of The Model Detective to catch up on. Ahem , I wanna hard sell this shippers thread 😄
  13. So cute ...i'll call him my glare-glare oppa from now on 😉 yay...drama and our leads are getting good buzz...even glare glare oppa
  14. kkkk...knew it....just saw your post Godzilla
  15. This is worse ...this bread does not know what awaits his fate
  16. hmmm @Chocolate what is all this reserving about? For who? Naked Fireman....kkkkk...not an r rated drama ok...my oppa was in it
  17. I use giphy.com and sometimes tenor.com...I will type in key words...funnily this morning when I typed in "breakfast" on giphy , it gave me this pervy bread...maybe there are cookies attached to the site that can track my preferences for gifs 😂 Look at how cute this bread is.
  18. Gosh ever since covid, I can't remember the last time I went to the movies...are the cinemas open where you are? Saving Private Ryan
  19. Good morning ... Don’t worry guys, you can do it with the new threads ..no pressure, you can work on it slowly Also welcome aboard @jeijei @JeannieBean 😘😘
  20. Yay!!!! Yeah this ship will continue to S2 and beyond . We’re expecting wedding & babies 😆
  21. here let me shamelessly promote my synopsis and thread I don't know if HSJ will end up marrying her but from the teaser posters it may be that way..but man , does JS wanna be the bad boy that stole his hyung's wife...I can smell the tragedy a mile away... I liked him in Page Turner. Did not watch Angry Mom. I fell asleep watching the Netflix drama he was in - My First First Love 😝
  22. @Ameera there's a running joke on twitter among korean and international fans that Shi Mok never gets to finish his food... By the way @UnniSara I found this character chart in English ehhhh @SilverMoonTea this has subs...you will sure need for your shipper's thread You know who I need to gif...my oppa, the salesman...honestly, don't you feel like slapping SDJ...still because I am bias, I like his scenes. He is still so handsome...no, I think he's even more handsome this season 😄 Basically the Prosecution in SK is very powerful and they can override Police authority . So that's why there's a constant power struggle between the two enforcement agencies. The police want to have back some autonomy as their investigations are often wasted effort as the Prosecution will overrule their decisions. Both agencies constantly accuse each other of corruption to undermine each other's influence and authority. So this joint committee they are setting up is supposedly to repair the damaged relationship and come to a truce ...which of course isn't gonna happen easily since both Choi Bit and Chief Woo have been thinking rather strategically about who they are gonna have in the committee. I find Choi Bit's character rather fascinating. I don't know if she has skeletons in her cupboard, though smarmy salesman Dong Jae seems to have dirt in that department. But I do think she's very shrewd and knows how to play dirty too. Going to see the dead boy's father and holding a press con after that was rather sneaky but smart. On the surface it would seem that Chief Woo would be her nemesis , but I have a suspicion they will have each other's back later on.
  23. @SilverMoonTea i keep typing lawyerh 😝..I feel he’s actually quite open to her . She’s got a way with him .. maybe cuz she’s a warm person. I can’t really tell if it’s gonna be romantic but this season I’ll keep my eyes open. I’m ok if there are hints of it , cuz I feel they both are kind of lonely 😆
  24. Yes . If you see MBC site , Ji Soo followed by HSJ. I was 😱....I used to think I like Ji soo ...but when his “opponent” is HSJ ...I may not choose him after all 👻
  25. Same here...i am not a fan of the premise...but who knows. Some dramas I feel so hyped about ended up being a disappointment. And shows like this where I am half-hearted about may actually surprise me 😄
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