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Everything posted by Mouse

  1. I agree, Houye looks absolutely dashing in black. And the costumes for everyone in this drama has been so good! The details are well done. So much so that I even admire the buttons on the Shiyi’s neckline. Whoever is doing the costume design for this drama deserves an award. The robe Houye is wearing is a muted mauve which is almost brown. Tbh, I recently bought a blouse in the same colour. It looked more vibrant online when I ordered it but when it arrived it was that same muted mauve that Houye is wearing. It didn’t look that great on me either. It just doesn’t go well with certain skin tones. Needless to say, I returned the blouse. they may have dressed him in that colour to symbolize his settling happily into married life. Not to that married life is dull but rather quiet and peaceful in that sense.
  2. From what I’ve seen, you have to charge it and there’s insulators built into the jacket that retain heat? Not really sure how it works but it does sound lovely especially in the dead of winter. @SilverMoonTea KFC here doesn’t sell coffee either. Seems strange to sell coffee with fried chicken?
  3. OH MY HEART!! It’s been such a busy day so I’ve only just finished watching both episodes and my heart is so full right now Love all the scenes between Mi Ka and Kelei. @Tofu the translation I watched said “I love you” which I also thought was fast so I figured it’s probably “I like you” and they just translated it wrong. I’m curious though, when Kelei woke up, he said he heard her say that she loved him for a long time? Was that correct? His confession was so sweet because you can clearly see how much he wants to be with her but he’s also so very shy! It wasn’t the smoothest confession but you can feel and hear the sincerity in his voice and his words. How sweet too when he recited to her what he had written in his notebook. And yes! They should just do their own thing and not listen to the advice of others!! They are both new to dating, a little shy and awkward but that’s their “thing” that makes them perfect for each other. And I love that they’re discovering and learning together. I love that they’re figuring it out on their own bec it forces them to be honest with each other. Like how adorable is that scene where Kelei admits that he was faking it with the cast so he would get some sympathy from her?! The way he admits it and the way she reacts is just pure sweetness. Is it awkward? Heck yes! But also just so darn sweet!! I think Kelei hesitates a lot because he doesn’t really have dating experience and so he’s being cautious with how he moves forward since he doesn’t want to offend or lose her. What I like with both Mi Ka and Kelei is that what you see is what you get. They don’t play games. Oh my gosh, that scene where he’s trying to find ways to hold her hand and how he ended up holding her hand as though they were shaking hands was too cute!! and their date! I love the look of pride on Mi Ka’s face as Kelei shot those balloons one by one. Her face totally said “oh yeah, that’s my man. He’s a sharp shooter”. It was so cute!! I think that clip of the 3 couples eating together is in the next episodes bec according to this video, it’s a preview of ep 20-22.
  4. I love love love that clip of Wenbo chasing Xiao Xia.. they both look so good! As for the separation, I hope it's just because of work/study and not a break up. After all they've been through, they need to stick to each other like glue! From the previews, it doesn't look like they break up. It looks like they spend time apart because Mi Ka has to study abroad but she has the key chain with her.
  5. @Tofu I want to rub oil on his beautiful arms
  6. Ohhh he looks familiar but I can’t quite remember which drama he’s from. I might check this out too.
  7. This comment literally had me laughing hard! I like both men so I’ll probably check this out at some point too.
  8. Don't know if this has already been shared but I really like the song. Also, love love love seeing all our pairings in this one!
  9. At the wedding night, Houye actually made a move to kiss Shiyi but she turned away (or got up? I can't quite remember). If they had done the deed that night, we would all interpret it as Houye doing it out of obligation. Much in the same way I imagine he did it with the concubines. I actually appreciate the fact that the writers of the drama made it so that they only consummated the marriage with Shiyi once they had both fallen in love with each other. In this way, not only do we see them develop feelings for each other first but it also sets Shiyi apart from all the other women. Houye "made love to her" and this is the only interpretation we - the audience - can derive from it. This makes it even more meaningful. In this sense, we also can't ever imagine sleeping with anyone else other than Shiyi since his heart truly belongs only to her. @Mizv you are not alone. I also rely on subs and so I've only seen until ep 30. I've technically watched up to ep 36 but I have no idea what is actually happening since there are no subs. I am glad to hear you are enjoying YAMH and Love Is Sweet! I actually wondered about this too. Wang Yu did have a bad reputation - drunkard, philandering, abusive man. But some men do change after they fall in love (albeit very very very rare). With Wang Yu though, he seemed rotten to the core in that he showed a lack of respect even to his mother. So even if he had fallen in love with ErNiang and she hadn't tricked him, I think he would have still treated her harshly. Also, ErNiang's personality isn't necessarily sweet or thoughtful. She acts a bit spoiled too so I think it was only a matter of time before things blew up.
  10. Xing Kelei makes my heart go thump thump thump

  11. HAHA! MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!! I was so giddy when Kelei says "can I ask you some questions?" thinking about all the potential questions he could possibly ask and then he proceeds to grab the medical equipment and asks her what they're for!! I was like, OF ALL THE THINGS YOU COULD'VE ASKED OR TALKED ABOUT!!! THANK YOU for this @Xiaopz_pj and for the translations!! Gah! Did they really have to cut it right when he was about to kiss her?! DYING!! They're so ADORKABLE together!! I cannot get enough of these two! Sometimes certain dramas portray innocent/naive characters in a cringy and uncomfortable way but these two are so believable!
  12. In my building where I live, we have heated underground garage and I've really come to appreciate it so much because of our very cold winters. It's still a little cold when you get in the car but not that bad. Also, you don't have to scrape off ice/snow on your car and it takes less time for the car to warm up when you turn on your heat. My SIL even has seat warmers (we call them butt warmers LOL) that you can turn on so the seat warms up and it feels so nice and warm on your tushy. You can also install heated toilet seats here but it's not that common. What I really want is heated jackets/coats. I've never seen them in person but I saw online that they exist.
  13. Thanks ladies! Really appreciated the insight. I’m surprised at how well Danyang took it though considering how terribly she reacted when she found out about the son.
  14. Hey guys, I am a little lost with LingKuan sleeping with the maid.. Can someone please explain what is going on? The way I understand it is that LingKuan was too drunk and didn't intend to sleep with the maid. But did the maid do it on purpose?
  15. Just finally watching subbed episodes 28-30... gosh, 28 was just so heartbreaking.. The hurt in Houye's eyes.. Although episode 28 was hard, I thought it was well-done in that the "separation" was logical and it highlighted just how much Lingyi loved Shiyi. Regardless of how hurt and misunderstood he felt, he still loved her and put her well-being ahead of anything else. Houye, I LOVE YOU!
  16. YAMH new episodes are coming!!! 

    1. NiteWalker


      hehehe....i definitely pressing refreshing at 8pm sharp tonight lols

  17. Um, so are you!! In the mean time I am catching up on S&B subbed episodes. Work has been busy so I haven't had a chance to watch ep 29-30.
  18. I actually have a friend with heated bathroom floors. It was so nice!! I'm not really sure how they do it but yes, it's possible to have heated floors. Typically, driveways to underground garages for buildings here are also heated. Some underground parking garages are also heated.
  19. As we get closer to the new episodes I can hear Mi Ka's voice in my head going "Xing Kelei Xing Kelei Xing Kelei..."
  20. @NiteWalker any chance you could translate the ep 19 preview? Also, here's a preview of ep 17-18
  21. yes! I caught that too!! I wonder if this means that Shiyi possibly gets pregnant later on? yes! I love these arches too! And also the room where Shiyi is alway sitting with the round window behind her that has flowers. So pretty!!
  22. Waaaahh!!! DYING!! Xing Kelei is just too cute!! Awww I actually appreciate that. It’s nice that he takes a personal interest. Welcome @N3buLa84! Glad to have more people spazz with us!
  23. @katakwasabi I feel like as soon as you pass 35, it’s all kinda the same. My SIL is 9 years older than me but we don’t feel the age difference. It only comes up when we compare our skin, hands, etc. (Oops did I just reveal my age?) I’ll just say that I can still date SungRok or LSG haha! (The delusion is strong in this one) But seriously find them all so funny!
  24. @katakwasabi I adore LSG so much! His face is just so expressive! That episode with Rain and Ciipher was just so funny! And Sung Rok and LSG just staring at that wall was hilarious. And LSG eating the chicken just to get things moving along. Are Sung Rok and LSG close in age? Is Kim Eun Woo a regular member?
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