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Everything posted by Mouse

  1. I have yet to watch ep 2 but Song Kang has definitely crossed over from being innocent to SMEXY!! That fantasy scene was so HOT! And I don't think I can ever look at Song Kang the same way again. I feel like he went from PG to R in a flash. HAHA! I really hope Jae On turns out to be a decent guy because I'll be honest, right now, I would never go for someone like him. To me, he seems like a total player and I wouldn't want Na Bi to fall victim to him considering that she's already been through a bad relationship prior. In watching episode 1, I was getting a little annoyed at how easy she was making it for him to read her - in particular the scene where he offers her a cigarette and she ends up taking it bec of the other girl. But like most of you had already mentioned, she's still young and still learning so I give her that.
  2. I just watched the RAW version of Ep 15 and of course, didn't understand anything. I NEED SUBS! I'm so glad MM is back but I have yet to find out how. From the preview of Ep 16, it looks like MM might have become human? He seems to be able to sleep! Gah! I cannot wait! @mademoiselle I am surprised that it's very popular according to polls because I don't hear a lot about it. LOL
  3. I don’t think TDK was able to make a proper wish.l because she either wished for something that MM couldn’t grant or something that wasn’t allowed. I wonder if the owed wish is what makes MM come back…
  4. HAHAHA! YES! He also reminds me of Professor Snape! I am rooting for him for Na Ji Na. I think that Na Ji Na is just stuck in the past because she never got the closure she needed from Lee Heong Kyu. But Mr. Cha suits her better and I think she's beginning to realize her feelings for him. As for the contract, I am also confused as to how TDK gets to live. My understanding was that she dies either way and the contract between her and MM is that he will not let her experience any pain until she dies and that she gets 1 wish, but in exchange she has to doom the world or else the one she loves the most dies. MM's goal was to cease to exist since he deemed his existence as something resentful and bad. So by dooming the world, humans would no longer exist and therefore, his existence would also no longer be needed since his existence depends on humans. MM and TDK falling in love with each other was the unexpected consequence of their contract. Toward the end, MM started to appreciate the good in humans. I think he knew that TDK would not be able to wish doom upon the world and that even if she did, she would be unhappy in the end. He also understood that TDK ended up loving him the most and so he would "die" or cease to exist. I don't know if she ends up living because "doom" no longer exists and since death is part of doom, then does that mean death does not exist? This is what's wonky for me... I don't know if perhaps MM sacrificed himself exchange for TDK's life.. but who is MM making the sacrifice to? Female Deity? Also, MM is a necessary component and from my understanding, he exists as long as humans exist so he can't possibly disappear. Or if he disappeared, then is the world suddenly perfect now that doom does not exist? I suppose we will find out more in the last two episodes but I think this part is a loophole in the storyline...
  5. @Tofu I love all the badges you have on display Finally got to watch ep 1 and I can't get over this flirty version of Song Kang. I'm so used to seeing him play serious, mopey roles that watching him flirt and be so good with it, is kinda confusing for me. I have to say, he plays the role really well and he's got the looks and the charm to go with it. I have to say, Jae Eon's confidence is so attractive and I keep imagining how I'd react to his advances if I were Na Bi. A part of me wants to go with the flow and a part of me wants to punch him because... major player vibes! I still don't quite know if he's a good guy or playboy. He keeps getting these phone calls and he just goes to whoever is calling. And yet, he seems particularly interested with Na Bi. I am curious to find out if he actually met Na Bi by accident at the bar of if that was somehow staged.
  6. @mademoiselle @Warm Paws I think the flower represents MM but what part of MM it represents in not clear to me. And yes, the Female Deity is the most confusing character because it's impossible to figure out what she wants. She seemed so keen to see the plant finally grow and flower but then it seemed problematic when she did. But she also knew that it was only possible for MM to grow with TDK. Somehow the two are connected together. I watch the video previews you posted but I couldn't understand them without subtitles! it looks like MM disappears though...
  7. I was actually confused about this too. Also, why would the Female deity encourage Dk to go to the rooftop even thought she knew that MM frequents the rooftop? I feel like maybe Female Deity didn't really want them to completely forget each other but was perhaps interested in seeing whether they would find their way back regardless. I also think that maybe she just wanted to give DK the opportunity to make a different choice when it came to the bet. In the reset, MM actually offers DK the same deal but she turns it down. Perhaps that's what gets them out of their original predicament? Not really sure...
  8. @mademoiselle yes! It was so nice to watch DK and MM meet again after the reset. It's funny how they met again in the exact same way with them accidentally bumping into each other at the hospital. The 2nd time was even better in that it's obvious that DK is different from everyone else that MM has come across. Just the way she reacted to seeing him beating someone up in the parking lot. While others would have been scared, she was mostly curious as to who/what he is and how he was able to make the cars turn their lights on/off. I think this is why MM was so curious about her. The moment their memories come back and them seeing each other again was so beautifully done. And Seo In-Guk's eyes in the last scene when they see each other again.. you can see the softness and love in them which is so different than his eyes before when he didn't remember her. I can't wait to see how it's going to end.
  9. I am surprised to find out about the mountain spirit. I initially thought he was the evil spirit and yes, I too, am surprised that got resolved quickly. I do wonder if that is really the end of it. But it might be that the real challenge here is how Woo Yeo turns human before his time is up. I am soooo glad her memories remained intact. I wonder though why she didn't forget. Is it because she has a strong will/mind like her mom? I am glad that Woo Yeo is finally realizing how he truly feels about Lee Dam. I want to see him really pursue her and it looks like we might see that in the next episode. I CANNOT WAIT! I am starting to feel bad for 2nd male lead. In the beginning I found him quite annoying but he's growing on me. LOL
  10. Just started watching and I’m really enjoying it. The scene where Lee Dam is pooping had me laughing in tears. The mute icon at the bottom left!! Whoever thought of this scene is hilarious! and the subsequent clogged toilet situation!! I’m crying!!
  11. It honestly doesn’t look good for TDK. The likelihood of her dying is high but like you said, that’s going to upset a lot of people (like me!). My guess is that MM sacrifices himself somehow for her. Since Shin created MM, I think maybe she’ll just recreate him? I personally think she is capable of creating him again and that’s not really the issue. The issue is that he needs to learn to accept who he is and learn to love life even though everything is futile. I think it’s sad regardless bec even if they end up being together, TDK will still eventually die while MM will always live on. Kinda like Goblin. Lol
  12. @mademoiselle I’m surprised that there’s barely anyone posting here because among the dramas I’m juggling right now, it’s the one I look most forward to. we still have a number of episodes to go so while I don’t fully understand Shin yet, I’m sure we’ll get more clarity eventually. What is unclear is whether it’s possible for TDK to live and at the same be with MM. If MM were to disappear, couldn’t Shin just create him again?
  13. I am still watching! I haven't quite finished it yet but close! I think Ryan Ding is doing an excellent job with his character and I really love his relationship with Jiang Yu Cheng. I don't really care much about the side characters and really just focused on the leads and Zhou Chuan and Jang Yu Cheng.
  14. Gosh, I just love this drama... I think we have all said this, and can all agree that the chemistry between the leads are insane and they both play their roles very well. I am still not 100% sure as to why Shin (female god) has to suffer and die in each life time but the way I understood it in ep 10 is that she carries the "sins" of the world dies because of it so as to redeem mankind? Not really sure.. it's like some stuff is taken from Christianity but also not.. it's confusing. In any case, I think the point is that she understands her role and is happy to play the part as it is for "the greater good". This is in contrast to MM who resents his role. I think this is what Shin is trying to teach him? We all know MM resents his role and only seems to see the negative - the bad that he causes, the selfishness of humans, etc. - which is why he has no sympathy/empathy. Since all are selfish, all eventually comes to an end, there is no point in loving or being happy or feeling pity. But Shin does not see it that way. His existence is what makes humans appreciate the beauty in life and that while there is pain in parting or death, there is also joy and fulfillment in love. In meeting and being with TDK, MM is starting to see the other side - MM is making him look at the good rather than focusing on the bad. This is what I got out of that conversation they had while watching the old wedding tradition. MM saw it as something negative while TDK saw it as something beautiful. This is also represented by him walking through the garden of flowers and everything dying while TDK walks through the same path and everything comes to life. I think this why MM started to really pay attention to her and love her then - because she is opening his eyes to what he previously couldn't see. I especially loved eps 9 and 10 just because MM is finally letting himself feel all these emotions and letting himself fall in love and just go for it. I really enjoyed seeing him be all jealous every time someone touched TDK. My favourite scene in ep 10 has to be the ending where he tells her to tell him everything since she has a habit of keeping it all in. To finally be able to say out loud everything she's been repressing all these years must be of comfort. It's ironic that the one person whose thoughts MM cannot hear happens to be the one person who hides how she truly feels.
  15. Okay, so I've seen ep 7 and 8 but only the RAW version of 8 since subs aren't out for it yet. I still do not understand Female Deity's motivation. When TDK asked MM why he disappeared after the kiss, he responds by saying that it was because he "was chased away". Female Deity seems to have taken MM to every sad event in TDK's life as a reminder to him that he's responsible for all the bad. But I am unclear as to why she did that. Was it to make him feel guilty and therefore feel unworthy of receiving love? But then in the scene where he sat on the bridge for a whole day, Female Deity came to tell him that he's making the right choice but just sitting there without caring whether TKD lives or dies. This conversation then prompts him to go looking for TKD. So why would Female Deity even go looking for him if she was already getting what she wanted? A part of me thinks that she is doing all of this to make him accept who he is and to appreciate his role in the grand scheme of things. The reason I say this is because he seems to dislike his role but TKD is slowly making him realize that his job (of being doom) does not define who he is. And that despite the pain he causes, it allows humans to better appreciate their blessings. Here's what I liked about episode 7: The scene where TDK falls asleep on the floor as she's staring at the wall where MM's part of the house used to be and MM comes to see her secretly and holds her hand to fulfill his promise. It's so sweet that he never forgets his promise to her. When TDK finally finds him and she asks him to take her to his house so that she knows where to look for him the next time he goes missing is so sad but really emphasized the loss and desperation she felt. The scene where MM is sitting on the bridge and thinks to himself, "all this time, the rocks I've been throwing, I've throwing at myself after all.." I don't know yet how to interpret this but I think he's beginning to recognize that he feels sympathy and it hurts him to see TDK suffering. At the end of the episode, we flashback to the same sad scenes that MM witnessed except this time, we see that despite the sadness and disappointment TDK felt at each of those times, she was always cheered up or greeted by those who loved her which made her feel happy and grateful for the people she had in her life. I feel like this is the point the female deity might be making? That MM's existence, albeit it sad and hurtful, is a necessary evil and that after the rain is always the rainbow. As for ep 8, I'll have to wait for the subs so I can better understand what is happening but it seems a lot. Really, really loving the chemistry between the 2 leads.. you can really feel the depth. As for the 2nd leads, I have to say that I think this might be the first time for me to watch a drama where the love triangle is between the 2nd leads and nothing to do with the leads. LOL Speaking of which, who are you guys rooting for? As for me, I want the Na Ha Jin to end up with the editor.
  16. Haha! SAME! I'm so used to him being kinda mopey and serious and to see him playful and flirty is confusing me! I'm looking froward to it!
  17. Yes, I thought too that it was so interesting that only Dong Kyung sees the real Myul Mang - both in a literal sense and figuratively. I love that regardless of what MM tells her or shows her, she's still able to really see through him. He presents himself to her as someone who is not nice, someone who is typically hated, someone who is cold and uncaring. And yet she sees him as someone who is nice, who cares despite what he says and that he feels lonely. I think this is why MM is attracted to her - it's because she's genuinely interested in getting to know him and she's quick to see through the facade. That is why for me, the way she looks at him - really looking at him, is so poignant. It's because she's truly trying to see him and not just look at him. And MM too, he's also trying to figure her out and figure out his feelings for her.
  18. @JenL Yes! The way they stare at each other is (and that KISS!!) is so mesmerizing. And yes, as per their contract, he will help her not feel any pain until she dies and he will grant her one wish as long as she "dooms" the world. But if she breaks the contract, the person she loves the most will have to die. So she plans on loving MM so that should she decide to break the contract, MM is the one who dies instead of her brother. I think MM agrees to it because it either way, he gets what he wants which is to cease to exist. Which is why he also wants her to love him. One of the scenes I really loved was the one where he shows her his world and as he quietly walks through this beautiful path of flowers, they wilt and die. She then realizes that since he represents all things sad and unpleasant, he is lonely. And then when she walks toward him, the flowers come back to life. I thought that was such a powerful scene. It's as if she brings him back to life so to speak. I personally can't wait to see how the rest of it unfolds.
  19. Female Deity doesn’t seem too happy about MM and TSG being together but I don’t really know why. Is it because she considers MM to be hers? Is it because she doesn’t want TSG to wish for the world’s doom since they cease to exist of humans don’t exist?
  20. Oh hello Song Kang! I’m definitely going to watch this one. I’m not familiar with the FL though.
  21. I could watch the kissing scene over and over again and still get goosebumps. Honestly, that kiss was soooo darn good! I wonder if female deity considers MM to be “hers”. I noticed too that she keeps emphasizing that the plant in the pot is hers but everything else isn’t. I wonder if she created MM.
  22. I’ve just finished watching all 6 episodes and have to say I’m really enjoying this one. The chemistry between the leads is insane!! The way they look at each other, to the hand-holding and the almost kisses (to the eventual kiss!!!!)... all so good!! The kissing scene in ep 6 did not disappoint. I was worried that I would be let down because the almost kisses were so good. Thankfully, when they did finally kiss, it was worth the wait. I am wondering if MM was previously human. If he was, he doesn’t seem to remember or does a very good job of hiding it. If he was human before, I wonder he ended up becoming doom. I am not sure I understand the relationship between MM and the other god. I was under the impression she created him. I don’t think they’re necessarily opposites. Rather they just serve different roles. It seems to me there is an all powerful god who created everything and they are both Demi gods of some sort. so did MM want TDK to wish for the end of the world because if the world ends, he wouldn’t have a purpose and therefore cease to exist?
  23. Jasper is eye candy in this one The role really suits him and I really love his smile! I have to say I'm only invested in the OTP and not really that interested in the side characters' love stories. I find her brother cute but that's pretty much it. LOL The scene where second ML secretly helps Shuangjao cook soup was cute. I have to say that's the only time I wavered HAHA! But I'm Gu Renqi all the way.
  24. Ugh, don’t get me started on that poorly done flashback because it was misleading! In the beginning it seemed as though he was recalling a memory he didn’t know where from and then toward the end, he knew it was her all along. Did he know she was the little girl when he first met her at that fashion show? Did he realize it was her when he read her notebook? I have no idea! Aaaannndddd, he was already obsessed with her from the moment she left her notebook behind which made no sense whatsoever! Why he held on to her notebook was beyond me.
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