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Everything posted by Phikyl

  1. Pretty much 100% school and work. I took a day last week where I didn't do anything school related and just played creepy video games but then I had to spend all day yesterday on school stuff to make up for it. How are you? School has started back up for you too, right? How's that going?
  2. @bairama It's not just @TRaNz I haven't really spoken to, it's everyone. I'm actually back in school full time right now to finish my degree. Life is hectic with class and work and it's going to get worse over the next couple of years because my major is business and it's apparently one of the harder learning tracks. Next quarter for instance is all math. I have a feeling I'll never be coming up for air then. LOL. I do miss you guys though and I will definitely show up on Discord more during breaks!
  3. @mademoisellesia I saw this when I was browsing around late last night but I had to just put it on my plan to watch list. School started so I don't have the free time to pick any shows up right now. Remind me again when the show has completed airing. I might be far enough ahead in work at that point that I can spend a weekend binging.
  4. East of Eden @Lynne Captain Swan 100% but I also love Outlaw Queen. Still mad about how things played out over the seasons for them ./grumble..... Edit: changed title so we can stop with the 'E's for a minute.
  5. Exactly! It is lacking in some aspects and I did note that in my review for those who care more about those things but it didn't affect my overall enjoyment so it got a decently high rating from me.
  6. I find that some parts don't affect my enjoyment of the show much. As long as the story and acting are good, I'll continue to keep interest. I don't necessarily find most shows high in re-watchability [those that are, generally score as 10/10 for me] so that isn't really an issue for me. Same with overall production/OST's. If the story is good/entertaining to watch, I'm willing to bear with a lot of bad editing, cinematography, etc. To be honest, I probably wouldn't even add anything about the production/re-watch factor in my reviews if it weren't considered a necessity. Although, I did typo on the overall score as it was intended to be 7/10 rather than 8/10 In my opinion, if I continue through an entire show with no fast forwarding, it's a good show. And while I did fast forward a tiny bit in this, it was only during specific scenes that had no bearing in the overall plot and were mainly there to provide slapstick comedy.
  7. Lin Xi Chi and Xu Fang grew up competing over everything. Major decisions are made based off of the winner of an arm wrestling match and Xi Chi never thinks of Xu Fang as anything more than an annoying friend. Xu Fang, on the other hand, thinks very differently of Lin Xi Chi. Though he never makes any overt moves aside from staying by her side and protecting her, everything changes when they both end up in the same college. Gradually, long buried feelings start to come to light and they gravitate towards each other as they work to fulfill their dreams. Plot/Story: 7/10 It's a cute story that follows all the typical rom-com moments and packages it in a slightly different way. I do have to admit that I'm a sucker for this long-time friends to lovers type show so it appealed to me a lot strictly because of that alone. While there's no major surprises for anyone who has seen these types of shows before, it was super cute and definitely worth the time to watch. Cast/Acting: 7/10 The cast did really well with the characters they were given. It was easy to tell when feelings were being muddled as you could see it in the actors face, which made everything much more fun to watch. There was one side couple that was a bit too over the top with their acting and I did end up skipping most of their scenes but it was fun to watch the two main couples. Production Value: 5/10 It's a bit choppy in places and while I do love most of the OST, I found that there were times where it was overdone a bit, especially when it came to the archery/pet shop scenes. They spent a little too much time on the mundane stuff and not enough time on the character interactions, which is where the show really shined. Re-watch value: 5/10 I definitely would not re-watch this show as a whole but if someone put together a video with all of the main couple's scenes, I would 100% re-watch that. Overall: 7/10
  8. @jeijei I have to admit, I stopped in the middle with Twelve. I didn't like Clara at all so I'm stuck somewhere in the middle of her eps and just can't seem to power through it. Ten is my doctor but I have large soft spots for both Nine and Eleven. I also love Blink as an episode and I find the Weeping Angels to be the most terrifying villains but my favorite is actually the Silence in the Library set of eps. Basically, anything with River Song in it is gold. Favorite companion is a tie between Donna and Amy/Rory.... Though that's more for Rory than Amy. The beloved Centurion!
  9. I haven't watched the JP version yet but I have seen both the TW and K versions. To be honest, I watched both a long time ago and I don't actually remember much about the TW version except that it was really long. The K-version had some really good, memorable scenes though so that one is a bit more fresh in my mind, even though I technically watched it first.
  10. @im0202 Hahahaha. I use Gimp because it's free and I already had it for my signature banners. Lazy people unite!
  11. I'm not surprised. This book really goes in depth with the strategies used in League of Legends which makes it easier for newbies to read. I thought at first all the technical parts of the book would bore people but glad to hear that it doesn't!
  12. I know right?!?! And @Lynne knows I'm super impatient. Look at her forcing me to be patient because I actually like the story! Loving all the book adaptations that are coming out lately!
  13. I agree with this 100%. The boys have always appeared on the surface to be taking care of JJ but she's shown herself to be a lot more resilient and flexible than either one of them. Granted, she doesn't have the same abandonment issues that the other two do because her mother didn't voluntarily leave her while the boys were both left behind by one/both of their parents. I'm really glad that the girls patched up their friendship though. It was nice to see the drama be realistic about feelings being hurt and all that but at the same time, not making them turn into enemies because of one little thing.
  14. There's your answer @TRaNz! We are still a ship here.
  15. Hahaha. I did the same! Crown = Queen.
  16. I know I've mentioned the knitting on Soompi before a couple of times in the T/F and also in +/-. But the +/- one was so long ago that I didn't think anyone would remember/find it. Have I mentioned Emerald Green? I probably did actually. One of my joke answers when I have no idea what the answer is supposed to be. LOL
  17. @mademoisellesia That is impressive! ./kowtows
  18. @mademoisellesia & @-StrongTower- How did you guess #14 was me? I know how @TRaNz knew it but curious what gave it away for you two!
  19. I just realized that because you have my instagram, you saw things that would have given everyone the answer for me. Edit to say: Congrats to all the winners!
  20. Ugh. What a rude thing to do to his fans! He's not exactly young anymore either. There's supposed to be like 2 books left in the series still and he's over here writing tangent books before even finishing the main ones! He's wasted so much time at this point that I don't think we're ever going to get to read the completed story. ><
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