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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Subbed the Final IG Live with the cast...it was a test of my Chinese for sure!
  2. Wow, that is a short time to quarantine if you have it! Previously it was 10 days for us, but now it's 7 according to my friend who had it but just got over it. The rules keep changing here and it's driving me crazy Awwww, it's real!!! It turns out the shippers were not delluded I love these 2. They always seemed to have good chemistry. Twitter friend says media is already reporting on it: https://www.elle.com/tw/entertainment/gossip/g38752429/ni-chen-george-hu-love/ But I did think it had to be real after that steamy shower scene in Love Now
  3. Wow that scandal is really something. I have to it is one scandal after another. He's been a real piece of work Was he your Oppa abs? I've never been a fan of Lee Hom, so don't have anything to say. I just hope my Oppas are clean. But to be honest, I feel like I just really like super introverted, workoholic types who have a lot of creative side projects and dogs (This describes Jasper Liu, Paul Fu...I think Chae Jong Hyeop possibly)....people who like dogs can't be bad right? Hahaha he needs glasses. I don't they look alike at all! Edit: Maybe the eyebrows. But not even the eyes. LOL
  4. Now moving onto the other oppa because I have no loyalty....Thanks for all the videos @mademoiselle! I'll have to watch them proper tomorrow. I really hope someone subs these videos with Nam Yoon Su and his grandma! I wonder if he's big enough to have fans groups who sub his videos. My Korean is pretty junior so I only understand sentences to do with eating annd food. Anything else is... Hahaha even though I don't eat spicy foods, I thought it looked ok. It just looked like your average Korean stew like maybe Tofu soup or something but with more ingredients. The space in Korean apartments look tiny! But maybe it depends on where they live. I was watching a Youtuber show his apartment in Incheon and it was huge (4 bedrooms which he shared with 1 housemate) and he said it was cheaper than his tiny place when he lived in Seoul. Still needed to take out a loan because it's like you have to put down a huge deposit even for rent
  5. Hello! I've been so quiet on JH because I'm (still) hyped on the tail end of promotions for Rainless Love in a Godless Land and didn't want to subject you all to my spiralling fangirling...But I can't stop myself, so here I am I forget how I get with Taiwanese drama casts because they're all pretty funny/ charismatic, have great cast chemistry and promote soooooo hard, even when the drama has finished. It really gets deep into my fangirl heart . The drama ended on the 2nd of Jan, but they had their final fan meet on Sunday 9th of Jan. And then they've still been putting up goodbye messages all of today and Paul Fu just did a 2 hour live answering a bunch of questions because he felt like he didn't get a chance to talk to fans properly the other night He is definitely on my VIP/ God tier. The crazy extent of my fangirling: I made someone go to that fan meet and get autographs (They were super nice and recorded some tiny clips of meeting the stars for my sake even though they probably did not care to actually meet them) Hahaha wow, you pieced together the story from clips alone! I'll put the ending under a spoiler because it'll take time to explain and might get long and confusing for those not interested:
  6. You too? Well, I'm kinda glad it's not just me. Maybe it's just that nothing amazing is out at the moment Wow you've gone 3 months with no Chinese drama? That is unlike you - normally you're skim watching several at the same time...I rarely ever watch Chinese dramas, haha but I'm half hearted watching Youth because Simon Lian was the lead. The story is ok very much a typical school romance. The episodes are only 45 mins, but I feel like they're longer for some reason (How I feel about Chinese dramas in general)....have you seen it before @Tofu? So glad you're watching Racket Boys! That's such a fun series and to be honest, I like the innocent little romances between those kids...they're so funny as a team too Oh. Maybe I should watch Prison Playbook now Hahaha I barely remember Heartstrings, but every time I open a clip and hear that main song, I remember why I liked that drama and Yong Hwa so much at the time Hahaha, I'm not marking up the number - I know you will reach my expectations soon...I am just pre-empting your adoption rate I'm back also But I do like work...it's just that I also want more fee time Oooh you also! Maybe there's just nothing super amazing on lately...or we all needed a drama break. Glad you enjoyed Yumi's Cells! I remember you saying you loved the webtoon as well. The animated cells looked cute! J-Dramas - that might be an idea! I haven't watched one in soooo long! I think the last one I watched was Good Morning Call 3 years ago while lounging around at my Aunty's place. Izakaya Bottakuri actually looks pretty good! I love community and fooood and could do with more receipes. I think I'll check it out
  7. Hahaha looks like Alice was celebrating an early birthday with Greg Hsu and some SOOD friends minus Patrick
  8. What's everyone been watching lately? Has anyone adopted Oppas aside from @SilverMoonTea (Have you already adopted like 5 people?!)? I can't believe it's back to work for me this coming week I'm feeling a little uninspired with Kdramas at the moment, not sure why. Still haven't seen The Silent Sea yet, but not sure if I'm in the mood. Is it good? Will I like it @mademoiselle?...I'm sure I'll enjoy Gong Yoo anyway I'm still watching Our Beloved Summer but I think the main pair is wearing me out a little with their constant prickliness but not open communication, though I love the drama for how beautiful and nostalgic it is and I do enjoy the romance as it's not soppy when they stop misunderstanding each other for 2 minutes. I also need to finish Melancholia, but again, haven't been in the mood much. Haha, if you want to sell me something, now is the time (though no promises I will follow through )...I know Tea was still trying to sell me her idol drama with Jun...I'm still considering Just been watching a lot of Taiwanese films, not even dramas...maybe I should post on movie recommendations ....Oh and slowly watching one Chinese high school drama Youth because I decided to get my free trial month with iQiyi out of curiousity and now I feel it's a waste if I don't watch something . No new Oppas - just re-watching everyone that I (and @Tofu ) have liked/ admired in the last 2 years: Simon Lian, Greg Hsu Fu Meng Bo.
  9. Hahaha thanks for updating @mademoiselle - this trailer only just reached me on Youtube. I'm looking forward to it though
  10. Hahaha it would have been funny if there was 2 more hot guys that came into the school. Maybe they would become F4 Hahaha I saw a few good looking tall guys on the subway. They were staring into their phones. And once I met an ex-actor here (not Korea) and he was quite pretty...he was actually an extra on Train to Busan. He came here to study and switch careers because acting was too hard to break into...haha I made him be my Instagram friend and he liked some of my posts...that is my claim to fame
  11. Maybe it has something to do with rituals? This is what came up when I did a search https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Four_Ceremonial_Occasions
  12. Yes, I have! I think a lot of CEW fans were really hating on NYS in the comments saying he was arrogant and that that 'CEW' would never say anything like that because he was a kind and humble soul Haha, while I think NYS is talking about his own good looks at his own peril, I also think it's refreshing to see some celebrities own up to the fact that they are good looking rather than the somewhat fake "Who me? Noooo!" reactions - it kinda gets old when some of them have an unhumanly beauty that we'll all only ever aspire to...I mean, I'm sure most pretty people understand that they have pretty privilege, especially in this day and age when privileges, including pretty privilege, are being talked about a lot. As long as he's not abusing it, it seems fine to talk about the funny experiences of having always looked attractive
  13. Hahaha then what kind of a journal is that? It's just a tiny book for keeping lists
  14. Hahahaha, I can relate. Actually I really like it when your Oppa is fairly new-ish, but starting to get popular. If you discover them in that golden window, there's less fans to be weird and possessive, the fandom is more chill but often there's a few super fans who will sub things AND your Oppa has more time to interact with fans Some Korean and Taiwanese Oppas repost fan art or reply to fan comments. I discovered Jasper Liu in that window and it was fun - he use to like fan's posts. Also I'll never forget that day at work when I openned instagram and was weirded out by my 500 likes only to find it was because Jasper had liked and reposted one of my pictures. It made my day Now he's too popular to do any of that (and has been swallowed up into the hectic C-Dramaland) which is fair, but I do miss early fan days! Yesss!!! Are you enjoying it @Jane??? It's just so cozy and I'm so in love with that dreamy bookclub! Hahaha, yes, sssshhhhh, he's not that young. (But he totally is). Yeah he's played characters in their 30's a few times. I think it's because he can be styled to be more mature....also on an unrelated note, but related to what everyone was saying, you'll definitely like Our Beloved Summer. It's so pretty and nostalgic Purpose tracking journals: I have a journal to do the '3 good things' exercise (where you think of 3 things that made your day that day and why) and I have other exercises like that. 3 good things is good for getting you out of a rut and it makes you more grateful for little things Prompt based journals: Or what you can do is look up good journal prompts - which give you a 'topic' to focus on each day. ie. what was your earliest memory as a kid? If you could move somewhere right now where would you go. Write the prompts on scrap paper, put it in a jar and pick out topics...or if lazy just google a prompts list and go down the list answering one question a day Crafting journals : hmmm, depends on the size of journal and if you like to stick stickers/ picture more than write...if motivated you could do aesthetic/ crafting journalling? I sometimes make them for dramas, or pets or special occasions, or memories Here's one I made for SOOD. Actually I made a journal page for Hyun x Dami from The King's Affection too to get that out of my system also LOL...I just can't find the notebook at the moment... Hahaha I will never understand reality TV. Especially not Australian reality TV.
  15. Hahahaha I have all the same ones as you except I think my Oppas are top quality...because I didn't adopt 32 last year I think that's a lot of us too! Trust me, no one knows what they're doing - even the ones who seem like they have it all together. I go through an existential crisis every few months These last few days I've been questioning my whole existance as well. Totally agree! I think my 100 books list has only had like 2 books ticked off Hehe...I actually knew about this one awhile ago since someone on Twitter was going forward to it. I don't know many people in it, but I look forward to zombies in schools, since we've already had zombies in trains (Train to Busan), apartments (Happiness, Alive), countryside (The Odd Family: Zombie for Sale), detective agencies (Zombie Detective) Awww, we are thankful for you too...I think I speak for everyone who's interacted with you here when I say you are always good at making everyone feel welcome and remembering their drama habits Totally fair! And I can relate on some level - sometimes social interactions can be hard under pressure. I totally retreated with a lot o bad personal stuff that happened in 2021. They are scary. I try to stay away from the most extreme of fandoms... Hahahaha where we each accumulate Oppa harems? I don't know if I can choose between the top 7 that I loved last year: Move to Heaven, Taxi Driver, Racket Boys, Squid Game, The Witch's Diner, The Uncanny Counter and Superior Shaman Ga Doo Shim But if you pointed a gun at my head and really forced it upon me, I think the winner by a hair was Move to Heaven . Maybe that winning magic was Lee Jae Wook as well as Lee Je Hoon
  16. Totally agree with this! Maybe it's just the post covid look that is popular But I know LJW was saying he really really wanted to cut his hair but the filming is still on-going for Return. Feels like that drama has been fiilming forever. But the title sounds more spicy than Bachorlette How is it going? It sounds like you're moving in a positive direction. I'm a number of years past 22 and one pearl of wisdom that I've recently come to value: If you compare time and money, time is the more limited resource that you can never ever make more of - so if there are things you're interested and things you want to do, do them before time runs out in your life otherwise you're going to regret it. If things don't work out, it's fine at least you learnt some lessons and you don't keep wondering 'what if'. But often things do work out or you get guided to things that are more suitable to you. Also people who tell you not to do things often have agendas or feel threatened due to their own issues, their advice is not everything. Anyway, hope that helps! YES. It's reached my inner circles. I have a close group of friends and a few of them have it or are a close contact. I haven't been to crowded places much and definitely haven't caught up with a lot people!
  17. This is me also...but I had insomnia last night which made it worse because I don't know if I actually slept at all. Today has been a blur Still have to watch this actually! I will get onto this before my leave ends! Haha that is true, I have watched a movie since end of lockdown and there's noooo social distanncing. Luckily the films I did see were quiet so had a lot of space naturally
  18. I haven't written my feelings on the last episodes yet...I actually like when it takes awhile for the main couple to get together. Haha, @SilverMoonTea and I like when there's slow-burn romantic tension so that's definitely not my issue. In this series, it's not the getting together that I think is hard to watch...it's just a little frustrating (as an observer) to watch them misunderstand each other over and over again because they both won't let go of things in the past and won't openly communicate their problems. This series shows this more than other love stories due to the storyline being about a couple who broke up so there's a lot of hurt they need to get over (if they could only do it properly) before anything has a chance of happening. But I also think it's pretty realistic in that most people have had experience of being hurt by an ex or even spliting with a friend and feeling lost/ angry/ hurt about what went down before it ended.
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