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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Yeah many of my past laptops died from this forever I laugh at Baek Yi Jin, but I also do not have Nam Do San's Tech skills
  2. Totally agree! I don't think he likes her romantically yet as well. I think she's still in the little sister zone. I feel like they're both aware that they have a deeper connection to each other than they do to others and he admires her because she's so high spirited and is full of perseverance and grit. And I think it reminds him of a time when he felt like anything was possible - she's like a ball of happiness that draws him in. But I don't think it's romantic love just yet and it's probably due to the age/maturity thing since he still thinks she's cute and naive at times, like when she had her boyfriend. There's quite a difference to a high schooler vs. uni kid's views of the world. But the groundwork is there for an attraction because they already have such a strong understanding and empathy to each other's situations and he already spends so much time worrying about/ caring about her. But the beginings of any kind of attraction would be unconcious and dormant in the present Haha, I felt the need to respond to a comment, but my thoughts were not unpopular either:
  3. This is true. I think there is something beautiful in the bittersweetness and sometimes people don't need to stay in your life forever to have made a meaningful impact to it. I think I just don't want to see them hurting each other. But if it was a matter that they had to split up say for their careers and then Hee Do met someone suitable for her, then I guess it is just a bittersweet ending. But then type I hate is if they had a fight and then could never talk again. Those kinds of split up hurt my heart I can't decide if I think Yi Jin passed away. I'm in 2 minds about it with the mother saying she met him. And I know from interviews that both Kim Tae ri and the director have said that this is a sad story, although I don't know if that refers to moments in this story...or the ending! Hahahaha, so far it's just me who is ok with death Well, I always prepare for the worst case scenario so I'm not shocked if it happens...but if he's alive I'll be happy as long as they didn't fight or have some horrible break up LOL people be talking about how Yi Jin is like Do San with the mixed up identity of being an internet friend, but he can't fix his computer
  4. Hahaha in my city the weather can be pretty unpredictable. Most of the time they're right...but I have had some experiences where they forgot to give us an update on a major shower in the afternoon But I think we forgive the weather people because we know the weather in our city is pretty unpredictable Hahahaha. He is a super handsome man who deserves to better treated better as first lead! As much as I miss seeing Yoon Park and miss talking to you @SilverMoonTea (It's been awhile since we were watching the same drama!), I think I'm going to have to give this one a miss. Not drawn to this one and not sure why (Those movie posters might be to blame ). Hahaha, nah, been busy lately and I'm very much deep down the Twenty Five Twenty One slow-burn romance rabbit hole. Those two are so cute!
  5. Hahaha my thoughts about this... Given they were so close, it would be likely Yi Jin and Hee Do really had to hurt each other bad to be at the point where they can't even keep in contact anymore. Their not keeping in contact would be because they made a choice not to see each other anymore . Whereas if he died, that would not be a choice. It'd be likely that they continued to love each other...it was just life being terrible life. It would be painfully soul crushing to watch for sure. But somehow I almost prefer this because I don't like the idea of them hurting each other...
  6. Hahaha that ending line where Hee Do tells Baek Yi Jin she has to have him is really something! But I can't help but feel that if they didn't end up together then he probably died (And Hee Do's mum visited his grave).... I mean as a romance, it would be wayyyy worse if they literally just dirfted apart and lost contact to the point that Hee Do's mum would see him but she wouldn't see him in person...That would be worse than death in my opinion
  7. Hahaha I agree, I did think of this NJH for the role before! Aside from Chae Jong Hyeop, I think NJH was one of the first people I thought of. The only character I couldn't imagine for the both of them was the older character from the future since they're both so youthful. But I did think he would be a better choice than the AHS. Still, a remake will always be controversial, so maybe it's good he didn't take it on. Looking at the disapproval going towards AHS, I don't envy him haha That's probably what will happen if they make it a longer scene Like, "You're a big boy, look after yourself!"
  8. I don't know what it is about this this series, but the humour is really good. I totally laugh when they do these silly scenes because there's a grain of truth...I mean how is poor Moon Ji Woong supposed to get out without being carried???
  9. I forgot to write my comments on Episode 5+6, but will go back and do this later since I have so much to say in Episode 7!!! Episode 7 I love love love love love this drama BUT ARGHHHHHHHHH!!!! That was my scream of frustration for most of the episode because it was sooooo unfair for Hee Do. My heart just broke for her when the controversy happened. And you know what? I feel like I totally would have reacted like her if reporters were saying that about me too. It was totally unfair that they vilified Hee Do in favour of Yu Rim - without even hearing both sides of the story they had already decided that she had 'bribed the coaches.' Honestly, you would think they would be happy that their country won the medal regardless of who won. But I do think sometimes when an athlete kicks up a fuss about an appeal, it really sucks for the winner. This all kind of reminded me of when Naomi Osaka had her thunder stolen from her the first time she won a major title because Serena Williams threw a fit at the ref...Naomi cried as well because all the news stories were about the controversy and it realy overshadowed her victory. In fact, I think she even apologised for winning, which was not fair to her at all. I think you do have to allow an athlete to appeal, but it seems really petty if that second athlete then makes a huge deal about it, especially if they are already a multiple title holder. I rarely ever cry in dramas, but this episode felt sooooooooo lonely for Hee Do that I did shed a few tears. Yu Rim was super petty - I mean I understand appealing if you think something was wrong, but I didn't like her attitude and pettiness and then blaming Hee Do for her attitude to the media...also as an athlete, I'm sure she would have benefited from a coach making the wrong call in her favour sometime in her past matches as well But I will say that I like the episode showing that each girl sees that the grass is greener on the other side. Hee Do feels sad about not having a dad and thinks Yu Rim is lucky, whereas Yu Rim sees Hee Do as being well loved and well off and is insecure. I have to say this is one of the few dramas where I feel like the second lead is the'poor girl' which is refreshing - I like that Hee Do is not from a super rich family, but is definitely comfortably middle class, which is more realistic (ie. it's nice that not every drama lead has to be super poor or super rich!) Then Hee Do's mother's actions was also terrible. I know she had to do what she had to do for work. But you would think she would try to get out of it due to a conflict of interest or she would at least try to comfort Hee Do first. I think this episode really showed the power of the media and how much behind the scenes bias we don't see before we're exposed to the news. What I do like however was the scene with the older uncle at the restaurant who validated Hee Do's victory and said that she must have felt so hurt I was bracing myself for him being mean, but I loved that everyone in the restaurant was kind and understanding and empathetic of her struggles. As for the ref, I laughed so hard that they said he was Australian Um, not with that accent he's not unless he just moved from the UK or France or Canada or something. He did not sound Australian one bit at all! ALSO I THINK I OFFICIALLY LOVE BAEK YI JIN Honestly, even though he's closer to Yu Rim than anyone in the public, I love that he was in Hee Do's corner without any questions or doubt. I hate it in dramas when a male lead wavers because they're in the middle of two people they care about. But in this series Yi Jin just believed in Hee Do wholeheartedly. What's more the boy waited all night to get an interview with the coach to try to set things right with the public. He is just everything in this series!. Hahaha but I laughed at the ending - Hee Do is going to be suffering from major retrospective jealousy Poor Yi Jin can't help that he once dated other girls BUT ALSO this was the first episode with a mention of her daughter's father!!! Please let this be Yi Jin!!!
  10. @Tofu I really love these trailers. Everything. The music is nice, the chemistry is cute. Mostly I like it for Chae Jong Hyeop though
  11. So is this the recipe we need to follow to attract rich CEO husbands? I like this too. It feels like you're just watching 2 romances happen instead of side characters beinf squished in because they need a subplot. I've never seen this second lead before, but I agree - she has a very natural bestie vibe with KSJ which adds to the story Your favourite scenes are my favourite scenes for sure! I laughed when he fake laughed and turned around - all of them are pretty good with their comedic timing and expressions! Totally agree. I think the 10-13 episode dramas are often higher quality since there's less fillers and draggy storylines. This series is also definitely fun and colourful and webtoon-y. And I get what you mean about old school too. But old school in a modern way? Even though the CEO seems cold, so far he doesn't actually seem like a jerky character either....just very amused by everyone below him
  12. Have to go back annd read everyone's comments but this is surprisingly good! I was undecided about whether or not I'd enjoy this one due to the stereotypical romance storyline and sub par posters, but so far it's sooooo fun. I'm loving the comic elements as well as the humour Episode 1 I love Kim Sejeong. She's quite cute and funny and I find that she's pulling a good balance of likeable and silly at the same time. Totally agree that she's good with the comedic timing and expressions. I think she's quite an animated person so she shines in this. I also wanted to say I had no idea Byung Chan was going to be in this seriies...haha these on screen siblings are such a stunning idol pair And if you add in both second leads, this is an incredibly good looking cast! I'm not a huge AHS fan, though I think he is really suited for the cold tsundere CEO role. But damn I'm liking KMG the seond lead. I realised I've never seen him before because he's always done projects that I've actively avoided - Backstreet Rookie, Nevertheless, So I Married an Anti-Fan, Snowdrop - His past projects are like a list of dramas I've not been intereted in at all In terms of the actual storyline, it's got a fun fast comic pacing. I love that they do those ridiculous type scenes like when she was thinking about her male friend had put her out of the friendzone, I love that her best friend was in the background tellnig her to run to him. So silly, but funny as well And then the outfits and the trying to be a turn off was funny as well - I do feel like asking a guy to get a room with you is not actually going to put him off though since he'd probably feel like he was going to get something out of it? I love that he's so decided on his marriage chhoice though. If only everyone had that sense of certainty in theiir dating lives
  13. Hahaha aren't we all? I mean, I am still 18 *coughs* This made me laugh so much. My expression was like Yi Jin's...like what is wrong with you people?! Yay glad you're watching this @Unnie0110 I can't help you because I'm totally bad at maths But I am so happy you love this series too. I think something about this type of romance reminds me so much of Dodosolsollalasol...like a deeper, meaningful, more slow burn type romance with a lot of humour and warmth as well # Hehe, all good. So this is a summary of the theories I compiled on my Podcast: 1. Yi Jin changed names and then had to leave due to something with his family issue/ Hee Do had to leave for safety/ practical reasons. So the kid doesn't know her dad is him and that's why she has a different last name. 2. The daughter is not Hee Do's daughter, but is Yu Rim's or Seung Wan's and Hee Do adopted her. Then of course she wouldn't have a adopted dad if Hee Do didn't get married. Hee Do and Yi Jin drifted apart and could be brought back together by this daughter. 3. Hee Do got pregnant, but left Yi Jin either because of a misunderstanding or noble idiocy or something like that and the kid's last name is made up or changed to prevent her from looking for her dad. Hee Do and Yi Jin drifted apart and could be brought back together by this daughter. 4. Hee Do and Yi Jin have a kid but Yi Jin dies young (there's a lot of foreshadowing here - the fact they mention Romeo and Juliet, that line where Hee Do talks about laughing when things are sad etc.). The kid has a different name and doesn't know Yi Jin because Hee Do remarried and she thinks her stepdad is her dad. 5. Hee Do and Yi Jin never got together - either because he died before it happened or they drifted apart. The kid is from a new relationship in her adult life. I'm hoping it's not the last one out of all of these As for NJH as an actor, I think he's a very good actor in certain roles - he definitely pulls of college kid type roles very well and he can also do sad/ numb characters quite well. But I think his expressions and projections of emotion are very subtle rather than really animated. I think if he was to play a super lively character like Hee Do or a very extra type fantasy character or mafia boss, I don't know if it'd be belivable...he'd have to work harder. I have not seen that one where he's a water god, but I heard a lot of criticisms there...though it might also have been no chemistry with the female lead. I agree with @mademoiselle. I think also 'criminal' can be used broadly as the IMF crisis was caused by Chaebols over-borrowing money for their businesses. This was not really their fault as the government made the value of the Korean currency, the won, the same as the value of the USD, so they were mistaken. But there was also an element of some Chaebols who kind of knew about this and were involved in corrupt activities as usual. So Yi Jin's dad, in using a minor and over-borrowing might be viewed with distain.
  14. I agree! It's nice that it's like 2 romance lines and 2 male-female friendship lines as well, but so far *knock on wood* it's not complicated like Do You Like Brahms style. That was such a love pentagon. This feels refreshing and clean, and even if there's angst, it feels like it'll be life issues rather than unrealistic love traingles etc I hope not too! ....But I really wouldn't put it past this being the reason. This is the perfect way to put it I think. I always feel that nostalgia dramas and coming of age dramas (and this both) have this thing where the characters have to get over some really painful moment...and then they grow up. And things will never be the same again, but life also moves on and it's a different type of happiness. But I did see an interview where the director said this would be a sad series. But not sure what that means?!?! This is so admirable! I think he looks like a really hard working person. He seems to always have so much on his plate! Hahaha...I feel like that quote about laughing when things are bad is a scary line because it sounds ominous like Hee Do will have to take her own advice Thanks for sharing this! The stationery lover in me is soooo charmed by this. I love that she actually kept a diary and it was made into a real prop for her character. So much more meaningful I think it marks the change in time. Like no one would think a pandemic was going to happen in 2020...and as it just happened, we see it and realise clearly that this is our time...but then when we see box computers and TVs, we understand it's 1998 again I totally agree! I love this style of romance. It's so beautifully slow-burn, and there's an unspoken romantic tension where the feelings are so present and meaningful. It's not about dates or presents or kissing (although that will come with time), but about the actual mutual care and deep connection they have with one another.
  15. Episodes 3 + 4 Now that I haven't been writing my thoughts each week I've become so slack at it! I'm really enjoying the coming of age aspect of this series. There's something so cute about all the character's interactions with each other - obviously Hee Do and Yi Jin are cute together, but even if you look at Yu Rim and Yi Jin // Seung Wan and Ji Woong // Ji Woong and Yu Rim, I find all the interactions endearing! There's something about the way they talk that is a bit quirky, but also warm and not over the top or alienating (which I felt was the case with Run On for me personally, even though the dialogue was fun). For example, I love every time Ji Woong is trying to get close to Yu Rim Or Yi Jin told Yu Rim her first love was his sports car and not him. Even though it was a rejection, it felt quirky and funny with a reall truth to it. I feel like that sounds about right too because damn when I see his sports car, I also feel a rush of love Also they keep shoving Nam Joo Hyuk into suits and it's making him look good. Like I don't consider myself a diehard NJH fan, but he's really doing something right in this drama I love how Hee Do and Yi Jin really look out and protect each other. Like even though he didn't really outline everything happening to him, Hee Do was so aware of his situation that she tried to protect him from creditors. And then when she made that mistake since it was his dad, I really liked that was so empathetic and in pain about it that she ran around for 2 hours trying to fix her mistake. Also his reaction to it all was so gentle and making sure she wasn't hurt from the whole ordeal - I mean, when I started watching K-dramas, a mistake like that would mean the guy would be yelling at the girl even if he 'really liked her'. But Yi Jin's character was so fully aware that Hee Do was just trying to help him. I felt so bad for Yi Jin in terms of the job interviews - I hate job hunting. It's such a depressing process but all the more because he was already in a low place with all the creditors bullying him. But as depressing as it gets watching Yi Jin's life at times, I am loving the humour in this series - like there was something so hilarious in that scene where Hee Do was running from that guy she was in a fight with and then Yi Jin was driving alongside her asking why she was running away. WHAT ARE LOACHES BTW?!?! They look like slugs and I was highly disturbed by that soup And then I'm in love with the romance in this series -tit's so slow burn that it's just my thing. The whole banana milk replacement and fencing in the dark together was so cute! And all those sweet things he said about her being such a strong spirited person as well as how he wanted the best for her Yi Jin is definitely the one who'll know his feelings before she does!
  16. For everyone triggered by the fact that Netflix translated 'Baek' as 'Back'...it seems the issue was not Netflix
  17. Been a bit busy, so I haven't had time to write my thoughts but... I LOOOOOOOVEEEE this drama It's probably by favourite for this year so far.. Everything about it is my cup of tea. From the nostalgia elements to the music to the messages abour perseverance and grit to the super sweet, super cute romance which is so healthy in terms of how empathetic and supportive these 2 are of each other. Also Baek Yi Jin is correct...I'm not sure if I'm in love with him or his sports car No, it's definitely him. I have not felt this way about Nam Joo Hyuk since Weightlifting Fairy...he is just looking so damn good...also the fact that he's so aware and looking out for Hee Do is melt worthy. Anyway, while I've been lazy to write, I did weirdly enough make time to create a podcast episode about some of my thoughts/ answering questions for newer drama friends. Maybe it was just easier to talk I feel self-concious to share so it's in the spoiler, but it seems to be going ok so far...so if you can stand listening to my voice for 45 mins, here are some thoughts about things to do with Twenty Five Twenty One
  18. Wait, only 4 episodes?! I might watch it then. I like Park Hyung Sik, but not sure about Han So Hee. Maybe because I associate her with Abyss and Neverthless & World of the Married are both the types of dramas that you could not make me watch to save my life. But if only 4 episodes and the stories is somewhat like Happiness maybe I'll try it (it would be more fun with zombies though )
  19. Hahaha I haven't adopted anyone this year yet too! My on-going obsession with Paul Fu has continued from last year and has been pretty all-consuming I just love him. And even though I'm back in Kdrama land and have enjoyed All of Us are Dead and I'm loving Twenty Five Twenty One, I can't say I've had that strong a feelings for anyone to the point of obsession. Nam Joo Hyuk is an old Oppa who floats around somewhere on eyecandy tier, but may get promoted to Significant tier since I keep retweetin pictures of him. I really like him, not as much Weightlifting Fairy yet, but he's good. Aaaand he looks might fine in a red sports car Also I just realised why Kim Bum dropped off the Oppa list...where is the romance?
  20. This is looking cute! I'm really looking forward to this...I think it's just that thing about cute romances and sports dramas. And Chae Jong Hyeop of course I'm still not sure about the female lead, but if her character is good in this one, it might wipe away my annoying memories of her in A Piece of Your Mind.
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