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Everything posted by JenL

  1. I gotta catch up! Been busy because of real life social commitments! But I'll try and watch an e before I go to bed
  2. Wow how is there already 4 episodes of this drama out??? More importantly...how did you get to 8 pages on this thread??? (But I know it's mostly you fangirling Rowoon @mademoiselle )
  3. I DON'T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS. Honestly, this gives me more pain than the 2521 ending
  4. Yeah I don't understand people's obsession with who Min Chae's father is. Is it because people just want Yi Jin and Hee do to have slept together? I feel like it is because people are hopeless romantics and want them to have had a kid together somehow But I do also see comments saying what's the point of her having a husband if he was going not be in the picture anyway (given that she broke up with Yi Jin because he wasn't around). So I guess they want proof Hee do is happier with someone else or he treats her right. But for me, it's as you said, I don't actually care because the guy isn't Yi Jin. I only know about Yi Jin and can only have nostalgia for him like Hee do does
  5. I have to say this tweet did make me laugh. I don't think it was any of them in the end. I feel like she grew up and met someone else entirely which is why we don't get to meet him. He's from a different time in her life. I also really liked this tweet essay which I found comforting - Click into the tweet to read the whole thing. It's like 10 tweets or so.
  6. Totally agree. I think he cared about her, but was just constantly drained, especially as he didn't want to be without empathy like his co-workers....but caring too much made him so tired and depressed. But I also get the feeling that he wouldn't have been able to share the horrors even if he wanted to. This kind of reminded me of soldiers who could not talk to their wives and kids after coming back from war. Describing what you saw would not do it justice because it was so disturbing. I also don't fully understand his choosing to stay either. I mean, I get that he felt he had a sense of duty. I think he wanted to share important stories for overseas koreans that might not be told properly. But at such a large personal cost to himself? I feel like his staying for 7 years might have also been because of the break up as they appparently lived close to each other. Not that he couldn't move to the different city, but I guess he didn't have a real reason to go back except to unite his family. I don't think so. I think she was no longer angry at her mother, but that fear from her youth was never really quashed I feel. Especially when her mum questioned what the difference between Yi Jin and her actions were - you could see Hee do thinking to that precise fear that he could abandon her in her greatest moments of lonliness/ sadness. And then Hee Do brought it up when they were yelling at each other. I think realistically, most people never really resolve their childhood issues fully. Even if we think we do, there are often still unconcious links...otherwise I feel we'd all be rather brave and completely happy all the time!
  7. I also wanted to place blame on Yi Jin, but I think to be fair, Yi Jin had always been hesitant to get into a romantic relationship with Hee do in the first place. Not because he didn't love her; he really, really did. But I think he knew deep down that they were really different people and he was always afraid that he would hurt her. Hee do was always a force to be reckoned with - Given her personality, she felt like she could mostly control/ change the things in her life (even when things were bad), whereas I always get the feeling Yi Jin always felt things were outside of his control and he had to do his best to manage his feelings every time something happened to him....haha, there are 2 types of people in this world and I am a Yi Jin, so I think I understand his actions even though they did not appear glamourous on screen (and now I am questioning whether I have destroyed any of my relationships ). But all jokes aside, I feel like the way you view your locus of control in this world really shapes the way you control your feelings and actions...and on this point they had very different outlooks I also think that Hee Do tried to reach out and Yi Jin withdrew into himself which shows their different ways of dealing with grief, lonliness and depression. I think they could support each other while they were together as friends because the stakes were not as high. When Yi Jin disappeared the first time, Hee Do's reactions as a friend were much more forgiving and Yi Jin also missed her because there was no expectations for him to keep in touch. But as a partner, there are certain expectations to fulfill. And each needed some kind of fulfilling that could not be met by the other. When you add both their traumas to the mix, it is the worst combination. I mean, Hee do never got over her mother missing her father's funeral and that hurt overshadowed everything. But on Yi Jin's side, as a reporter, he seemed to be exposed to more external worldly traumas and he couldn't share these things with her. Really, I felt like they both needed therapy. So I guess honestly, I can't say I fault either one for the end. It was what it was. A beautiful, but short lived love
  8. Thank you @Mouse also for your lovely opinions. I really liked your thoughts quote above because I think that's the part that hurts the most for me too. It was the potential and the lost possibilities And the fact they didn't actually fall out of love, but the situation created hurt which was starting to lead to resentment....but because they cared about each other too much, they didn't want to poison what they had and chose intsead to seperate. It is so tragic. Beautiful, but painful. HAHAHA OMG SAME!!! I couldn't sleep last night for aaaaaages. And then when I woke up this morning I felt flat and was trying to remember what happened. It sure felt like a breakup I have more to say about Yi Jin and the idea was who broke up with who but my laptop battery is dying, so might get back to you later!
  9. Hahahaha, but there's people like me who would take these recommendations Would I still watch it if I knew the ending? I would say yes, but it's mood-dependent and context dependent. Sometimes when I'm down, I like to watch characters doing through similar sad life events or moments. But other times, I only want to watch happy experiences and romantic moments. But I don't actively avoid shows because of a sad ending or death and in this case, I have accepted the bittersweet ending even though it hurt me. A part of me even likes it for the realism, though the rest of me definitely struggles because I loved Hee Do and Yi Jin and I wanted them together of course no matter how impossible it seemed. I think it's niche but there are definitely some people who like sad endings. There must be people who like them because the illness trope that ends in death is really really popular in Asia (ie. dramas where one part of a couple gets cancer/ terminal illness and dies. I really can't watch this trope not because it's sad, but because I get frustrated by the noble idiocy that often happens in these series where they 'pretend' to be a jerk to their partner or to set them up with someone else rather than just spend their last moments happily with them.) @gilaswan @ktcjdrama I think I would recommend it less on age and more on ending type preference. I agree with you when you say it's for people who want to reflect on their own bittersweet experiences too. But I would actually not necessarily recommend for those over 40 - I feel like, in my own experiences, the generations above mine actually watch dramas for the traditional fairytale/ happy ending/ escape elements even more so than younger drama watchers. I think of my mum and aunties and other ladies and can see their horror at sad endings. But actually a lot of people my age or younger might be more accepting of these endings because we have to deal with a lot more complicated relationships with online dating and more opportunities to move away to other countries and higher divorce rates. There's definitely still A LOT more people who love a happy ending, but I guess I would say you could still recommend it carefully as a niche as some people will find it cathartic or will have realistic tastes. I would actually recommend it to people who like Korean or Japanese movies more as well because it has a very cinematic ending rather than drama ending. If you're used to Korean movies, this ending is actually kind of common. In fact, this ending reminded me of Nam Joo Hyuk's Josee...and I think that ending might have been worse, except this one hurt more because of the length of the drama and how likeable the characters were.
  10. I have just finished it! Wow, they went through with the hard ending! I am both heartbroken and impressed (because TVN should fear for their building since the craziest of fans are threatening to burn it down...hahaha). The ending hurt my heart a lot, but it didn't surprise me I sort of had a slightly softer divorce theory, but I definitely knew that Hee Do had married someone else and Min Chae was not Yi Jin's daughter. I think deep down I knew very well that it was quite likely to have a sad ending...But this was harsher than I thought it would be because it seems like they never saw each other again except for that interview...they never went back to having any kind of friendship or even once awhile connection. It was so realistic in the sense that it was like a proper break-up and you lost the friendship along with the relationship. There's definitely people that I promised to be friends with after dating and it never happened...it didn't hurt for me, but watching it for 2 characters I loved who felt perfect for each other hurt a lot. This ending is definitely the same as Lala land - in the end the story was about a deep and meaningful past love and the sacrifices we make in order to grow up and to get the careers/ achievements we want. And I guess to be honest, the drama never did make any promises of a fairytale ending. We were shown in every episode that there was a strong sense of reality. Things don't suddenly get better...sometimes they just get harder - we all just wanted more from these past events and to milk the fairytales from them With that said, I enjoyed the series and I don't regret watching it at all even knowing the ending now. I thought it was well done and it was oddly cathartic watching a series about growing pains and life changes when I feel like I'm going through some myself. I think the story was so beautiful anyway and if I was the sobbing type I would cry so hard for this. But I'm happy to take away the idea that there are people who love us and change us in our lives even if their paths only cross ours briefly.
  11. Leaving this here regardless of the ending This is actually a little video made by one of my favourite instagrammers ( @Unnie0110 this is that DDSSLLS instagram account that made beautiful videos of LJW & Go Ara ...she has also moved onto Twenty Five Twenty One...seems like we have the same tastes in dramas ) You can watch this with music here: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cbuy4D5sJNw/
  12. Hahaha @mademoiselle I think I have to because I've been too invested with all my theories! Also I hate spoilers and will be dead if I open twitter and see people either in full angst or celebrating hardcore I've been staying up weekly for this drama because I liked it so much which has been a killer on Monday morning...so in some ways although I'm really sad it;s ending, I'm also relieved that I will get to sleep at more normal times going forwards! As a long time drama watcher like @mademoiselle, I'm usually able to call the ending or a theory somewhat close to the ending some time before it's revealed (haha, still proud that in my main 3 guesses of the lottery winner for Hometown Cha Cha Cha, I got it right. Also proud I did not have to change my display picture for the Start Up bet ), this one has been tricky because they keep dropping these twists at the end of each episode. And the twists are like little knife wounds into the heart just when you think maybe you could reason that they got together in the end For me, it will hurt if Hee Do doesn't get with Yi Jin, but I can also accept that it's a drama about personal growth. I mean, in the end, life isn't just about romance, it's also about finding ourselves and making the best situations with our lives. Also I think it's about valuing the importance of those who have loved you unconiditionally and helped you along your way in life. For me, a drama is goood if it can provide meaningful lessons and to be honest, I don't have a preference for sad or happy endings as long as the ending makes sense and happens naturally to the progression of the story. I don't think it would make sense for the story to bend over backwards to be happy, but it also shouldn't add overly dramatic and illogical events to make it sadder than it needs to be (I think @Unnie0110 might understand I'm referring to DDSSLLS here )...it should just flow with the story. True, I probably wrote sadness because I couldn't think of the phrasing, but I agree - it's more like she's reflecting on the past with a slight nostalgia and a tiny bit of wistfulness. Like you, I also understand these feelings, though I think it's not just for my school days. My school days were happy, but to be honest, I think I was happiest in the life stage after uni with a large group of friends. That stage has kind of lasted till recently when a lot of changes have happened (just before covid). A lot of friends from this stage of life have drifted away recently to other places and so I'm definitely experiencing this feeling that nothing lasts forever even though in those years it felt like things would be the same forever. In some ways it is kind of sad when one of those friends tags us in an old photo and tells us they miss us...but in other ways, it feels like they've moved on and I've moved on and I can understand that it needs to happens. Also in the age of social media at least we still message each other on occasion and see what each other are doing. @gilaswan wow you do share a lot of similarities with this story. I'm surprised your husband isn't watching it as well!
  13. That's interesting! I had not thought about the shoes which he definitely could have gifted to his kid like he does to Hee Do. I don't know if the writing looks alike though...but it's also hard to tell with markers? I'm still 50-50 on the ending. It still seems just as possible for an endgame as it is for a bittersweet ending. I feel like nostalgia dramas do still have a different set of rules in that bittersweet endings are entirely valid. The point would be to show the story of a first love that shaped the growth of two individuals even though life takes us apart. But endgame is possible too. It's very much possible they do have a happy ending, but like all their endings there is a tinge of reality - ie, marriage means they're together but having a kid and working also means they're like everyone else, it's no longer really romancey, but more practical and they may have to be seperated for long periods of time etc. @movingwheel Just focus on the nice edits The description looks sad, but who knows?
  14. Hahaha, I don't know what to make of the preview either @ktcjdrama! Do I hang onto the divorce theory with conviction or do I go back to the original sad seperation ending? Or is it a plot twist as Yi Jin went overseas and was always busy....I mean, it could be the same guy she married him knowing full well he would be away months or years at a time? But she sounded so sad when she went back to the tunnel and thought about Min Chae reading her diaries I haven't written as much about the actual drama recently due to time, but I want to say this drama is so beautiful and painful at the same time. It really does feel like such a meaningful drama that gives us a trip down memory lane. Episode 14 was so melancholy. Episode 15 was in contrast very fun and lovely. I was so glad we got to see Hee Do and Yi Jin finally spend some quality couple time together doing what other normal couples would do. But ended as always with the harshness of reality and a reminder that you don't always get good choices in life...you just play the cards given to you. And sometimes you can really love people, but other responsibilities will make you potentially choose against them Totally agree with all your comments. I suspect that he was struggling to think of a way of telling Hee Do about his staying in NY- he's both afraid to lose her, but also doesn't want to hold her back or make her feel sad/ angry. Yeah, I think I'm like Yi Jin with despair. Depressing things can make me withdraw into myself, so understand his feelings. He's maybe a more natrally pesimistic person and the opposite to Hee Do who always seems to view the world with optimism and hope. She thinks she's not reaching him with her support, but I think it's just because they still had terrible technology in 2001
  15. Hahaha I think I'm the opposite of you - I feel like the theories help to dispel the anxiety for me. Like not hearing about ideas would make me think of the worse case scenario. So I enjoy the theories and the guessing game, but not liking the fan wars that seem to come along with it! Yes! I love the sweetness of these 2. Every time they so much as looked at each other with their longing gazes I've been charmed Hahaha, yes, I'm looking forward to that bit @gilaswan
  16. It does seem odd because they do have such a strong connection together. But I also think Hee do's character is quite impulsive and like to try things. She got into a relationship because she wanted to know what it was like. And maybe that was what happened with marriage too... Also she seems to have been deeply hurt by her mother's career which was the same as Yi Jin's. If Yi Jin wasn't going to give her a future or if he was going to keep covering stories that hurt her and then be depressed and distant for her, I think it makes sense that he would be a difficult relationship and they would naturally break up. I'd say it's sad, but also not. Sometimes I think people need to grow up and get things out of their systems before they're ready to be together. I've seen friends in real life (2 friends) who seperated, got into seperate relationships and then got back together. And their relationship has been quite happy since. It's like they needed to mature and meet at a good point in their lives. I was also at an event where someone proposed to their partner (in public - I didn't know these people, but they told everyone there their story) and it was a bit like this. The guy met their girl when she already had a boyfriend, but they had a strong connection...but then when the girl broke up, the guy was already married...but finally they met at a point where both were ready and able to be together. In some ways, if Yi Jin waits for her all this time, and Hee do only really cared about him all this time, it would still be meaningful.
  17. LOL damn the copyrighting. I had to undo my video since it was blocked and redo it by cutting out my sub theories. I've put my theory evidence in this video here. Let me know if it gets taken down again Hahaha I rewatched that scene recently when I first came around to this idea coz I thought he was coming back or planning to as well. But the thing is it's quite ambiguous. Hee Do's words are that Min Chae's father is not coming back. If he did, he would have to quarantine. But it doesn't mean he would be coming to live with them. I don't think divorce means that they'll not be in contact or out of their lives...from all the people I've seen with divorced households the parents are both very much in contact - he could still come and visit her and have some custody. But he doesn't know his daughter as well as he should. As for Hee Do and him, they would still have to talk sometimes to raise their daughter, assuming they ended things in an ok way.
  18. Hahah, I'm confused - you just repeated my theory? That is exactly what I said above I do believe that KMC has a different dad. I believe that Hee Do married some guy and had Min Chae with him but their marriage didn't work out and they divorced because she probably still loved Yi Jin. But years later because she's divorced Min Chae wants her mother to be happy so she reunites adult Hee Do with adult Yi Jin eith the help of her grandma. I'm leaning towards a happy, open ending - Adult Hee do meets adult Yi Jin and they begin again. I think you might have accidentally misread my theory before - the list just explains all the clues that would make sense with it
  19. Congrats BinJin! Congrats @Chocolate It looks like such a beautiful wedding
  20. So after reviewing all the theories in my theory videos, I am leaning heavily towards this theory Hee Do married Min Chae's dad but they got divorced & Hee Do is going to be reunited with Yi Jin in the present day through Min Chae & her mum @mademoiselle @movingwheel @gilaswan @Mizv @Unnie0110 If my theory proves correct will you watch @Tofu? This explains the following: - Why the husband is not around - Why the husband's not eager to come back to Korea or the place they live at least - Why Hee Do doesn't seem to want to talk to the husband (tells her daughter to talk to him) - Why there's not a sense of love when Hee Do mentions her husband (though that happens when married too long anyway LOL) - Why Hee Do doesn't wear a wedding ring (though she could also be practical non-jewellery weaing person) - Why Min Chae does not like the present from her dad or why he doesn't know her tastes well - Why Min Chae does not recognise Yi Jin or know him at all - Why Min Chae is interested in how her mum met her ex boyfriend - Why Hee do's expression looks the way she does when her mum mentions Yi Jin. It's like a look of sadness, thinking that her time is over with him and not knowing if he's married. - Also there's both the sad/bittersweet ending in the past and the happy/open ending of a possible new begining in the present time which feels like a win-win for the writers and their characters.
  21. Why do I feel like Nam Joo Hyuk was talking to me? Me: "I don't mind if Yi Jin does die"
  22. I'm looking forward to this! Your boy Rowoon has been so busy lately @mademoiselle - I feel like he's just gone project after project. While LJW has been hiding
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