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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Quite a few of my close friends found their husbands through Tinder. It's so strange when I think about it. But their husbands are nice normal guys not tools or bad boys. One of them is even super well off, from a family of doctors and lawyers. I think it's a lot more common to use dating apps in Aus than in Asia because there's much less introduction through friends and family here But Tinder is not the best app, probably better to use the ones where there's more questions and conversation rather than Tinder due to the large volume of people just looking for casual things. @SilverMoonTea and @Tofu what dating show are you guys watching??? Or is this convo based entirely on The Tinder Swindler? Yeah that's crazy. I would never spend money for dating! Also I think that's a huge red flag if someone asks you for that amount of money or hints to you that they need that amount of help. No one should ever have to 'buy' love, especially not one that expensive! Hehe, it's apparently a movie and not a drama? I was less suprised when I found out this was a movie...South Korean movies can be more risque in theme Glad you are feeling better by the way! At least you watched the good ones!
  2. JenL

    The Lovers Game

    Omg I actually know some answers Actors + Drama Actresses + Drama Real Life Couples @LaLa You recognised Jasper Liu probably because of me and @SilverMoonTea My job is done
  3. Youtube tells me your boy speaks a little Chinese @mademoiselle Whoa, I am impressed
  4. Hahahaha....no, he's growing up now. No more young Byung Chan Oh no accidentally read a spoiler. Oh well, he was too handsome that he would probably have to kiss someone! Soooo...you all know how I'm rarely tempted by C-dramas right.....I saw this trailer and was tempted to watch! I think I really do have a thing for bad boys... (in dramas only. In Australia, bad boys are not so attractive ) The promo pics just look good with these 2...maybe this will be the year I finally embrace C-dramas fully Oh it's just a movie? I thought it was a series and was wondering how much stuff they were going to get into Wowwww. I didn't know there was a group of Russian-Koreans. Maybe that's why there's some K-drama actors who speak/ study Russian. And why they seem to feature that culture more than some others in K-dramas
  5. Haha, I love how strategic you are that you would plan your seats to be between TWO oppas on that iqiyi Oppa seat map. Whereas my only thought was DDDDDDDD My sister saw my answer and made this dirty joke: She wants the D I should have saw that coming I also can't watch creepy doll trailers at night. But can watch full episodes of zombie dramas. I don't understand myself either Whoaaaa, it's loooooooveeeee As much as he's close to his mum, I wonder if NDR was also hoping to gain some independance away from parents. He'd definitely be seen as much more of a grown up after he comes back from the army. I mean sometimes because she's his social media handler, it still feels like he's very much a kiddie So you like them to be inexperience seducers?
  6. I agree with you because half my Oppas are also @Tofu's Oppas Oh yes, I saw/ shared this thread on Twitter and was like my Oppa is a smart business guy All the more reason to adopt him Yeah Every time I see something for that Weather drama I'm disappointed. I kind of want to watch it, but I kind of don't as well. I feel like Yoon Park is going to be an annoying/ dark second lead since he's meant to be an ex-boyfriend that PMY's character was with for 10 years?! Why would you still be in the same office if you broke up with someone like that??? PMY is fine as a lead....but it still depends on her character. But I don't have any feelings for Song Kang...I'm not sure why I've never been interested, but he's not my type looks-wise/ behaviour-wise? . But on top of that the theme of the drama...weather forecasting is not super intriguing? I don't know. If y'all watch, let me know if it's good/ enjoyable and I may give it a go. I can't believe they did that to himmmm Oh well at least I know there's a bunch of people on twitter that feel the same way as us and think there needs to be justice for Yoon Park Yeah I'm starting to think this guy will be more likely to be adopted than main lead AHS I'm not sure if I'm digging AHS's CEO look He has profound feelings for friend chicken Whoooaaaaaa. An official adoption! I think I broke my Kdrama freeze last night by finally starting All of us are dead. He's pretty! I didn't know he had such an interesting mix too. But is Lomon really a name?
  7. @Chocolate you would be proud of my twitter feed ...I think I just re-tweeted 10 tweets about this pair and their wedding and gifs Sounds like they're doing a low-key ceremony, which is fair enough. But hope they do a lovely wedding shoot which they share with the public
  8. OMG!!! It's really happening! Wowww, I'm so happy for them, for you, for all the fans...the fandom must be going crazy! I really like both of them as a couple and even though I would be fine with them having private ceremony...I secretly hope they do the whole Park Shin Hye glam wedding and we can virtually attend
  9. Hahaha, yes, yes. This one! I think it's also the way that grim reaper is so nonchalant about his death while he's freaking out Please tag me when this comes out...even if I've been very bad at watching things lately Just been feeling quite burnt out...not just in Kdramas, but feeling bored about everything. Hopefully this series will be something fun to invest in.
  10. Hahaha I keep seeing @mademoiselle's twitter updates on this and I'm gonna watch it...I think. I make no promises as I haven't been so good with Kdramas recently. But this one looks fun and Rowoon's reactions are making me laugh Whoaaa just watched the trailer and this might be the first Kdrama I'm actually looking forward to this year from all the stuff that has come out
  11. Since I shared unaesthetic posters of Oppas....here is aesthetic photoshoot of Byung Chan if you liked him from King's Affection
  12. I think @Tofu already talked about this...but these posters are so shocking in quality. Luckily neither are my Oppas, so I'm not mad, but just amused and puzzled. It's like terrible photoshopping. I don't have a design degree and I feel like I could have made better posters!
  13. Yep government departments and universities will hire fro criminology Wait whaaaaattttt?!?! This sounds like easy money. How can I get in on it? It's just preparing you for a real zombie apocalypse!
  14. I'm sooo glad the weather has cooled down this week. That week of intense heat made me feel so gross. But ;lately I've still been feeling bored. I think it's because I'm still wfh, but the lack of seeing people and change is driving me mad. I know @SilverMoonTea also didn't like it - are you back in the office Tea or still wfh? I know right....everything is super lax here. It's kind of sad. On the one hand, I feel less stressed if I accidentally forget my phone while running out to buy milk or something. On the other hand, it's not great. I still don't go out as much as I use to because I can't quite trust that I won't end up getting sick if a shopping centre is over crowded etc I think I remember reading the real case. Was this the one where the body or killing was done near some train tracks? It's so creepy when children kill because they're suppose to be innocent and even if naughty...not violent Yes, some people are born with abnormally smaller emotional/empathy part of the brain, but much larger side of the brain for pain tolerance and quick to anger/ violence which is why they are psychopaths. Hahaha, I studied criminology for a few sems...but it was realllllly dry. Just a lot of theory about police and crime. Rather watch crime dramas @SilverMoonTea @Chocolate
  15. Haha I'm still half way through Our Beloved Summer. It's such a beautiful drama...but it does take stamina to get through the push and pull of emotions. I like my relationships to be less prickly...but I know there's a lot of sweetness after the part where I stopped, so I should just continue! Still waiting for last year's issues to end, but oddly ennough there's been no update and it's out of my control....but going ok! Super glad your break was good and you feel ready to face the world again! This is sooooo me as well! I use to write every day. But now even with my 365 day journal, I can't seem to find the motivation! It's all the dramas I tell you Yes, I love doing this. It's so cute when you add stickers too This is me too! I get lazy and stick the business cards into a notebook but then forget about them.. haha Hahaha I reread my diary about my crushes and it was sooooo cringe I still have to get my booster. I think I'll be going to a walk in centre next week.Hope you've been ok with your work @Tofu (Just noticed that I'm catching up with messages from a month ago) Hopefully there's less covid patients you have to deal with now? I'm still feeling this way! There's no drama that really screams out to me as a must watch though there's a few I will try to start. Still got to finish my half watched dramas. I've just been on my Taiwanese drama bender since Dec...But I plan to finally start All of Us are Dead tonight if I finish the last 4 episodes of Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty - I finally managed to enjoy one C-Drama But will be sad to finish it because i'll miss that bromantic chemistry Yeah a month later and I was still shocked that my local grocery store ran out of TP the other day. Luckily it's not what I was buying, but it was strange to see an empty isle again!
  16. @SilverMoonTea This made me think of your Signal ship again
  17. Thanks @Tofu and @Rina for sharing all these webtoon and cast comparisons!
  18. I know where you would sit @mademoiselle Hahaha and you all know where I would sit
  19. Haha @Tofu you're not the only one who thinks your 2 Oppas look alike. Apparently WHJ said in an interview he gets compared to Greg Hau alot. They just really love him in Korea!
  20. Ahhh, these photos are so pretty. I don't think it was a couple photoshoot, but even in the same month it's enough to make me happy
  21. Contiinuing with my #JusticeforYoonPark post above...Seems like I'm not the only one who feels bad for him
  22. These Marie Claire Feb covers are sooooo pretty...wondering if thiis means the film is coming out soon?! No air date that I've heard of as yet. A lot of people were hoping Chinese New Years, but that's probably not possible now if they didn't already have promos out.
  23. Is it just me or is this an awakward looking poster pose for Yoon Park? Why don't just make him lead in anything?
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