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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Me: Also Nam Joo Hyuk really did do so many part time jobs when he started out!
  2. I've seen so many theories for the daughter... and so far this is a very real possibility
  3. JenL

    The Lovers Game

    Thanks for organising the game @stroppyse - it was fun! But @abs-oluteM I am shocked at your lack of Jasper knowledge. I will harrass you with more Jasper information in future till you get the answers right automatically
  4. I agree! I watched this when I was really tired at like 2am thinking I'd probably watch 20 mins and then close it if I fell asleep, but I liked it and was entertianed so much that I just kept watching. Hee Do has really grown on me because of how empathetic and caring she is as @Tofu pointed out. Also this episode made us all feel closer to Baek Yi Jin
  5. Hahaha I guessed right! I'm reallly enjoying this too. I feel like it''s bee awhile since I've felt so drawn to a NJH project! I think they're both doing so well to protray growing pains with friendship and family...and Hee Do and Yi Jin's friendship is actually quite touching I suppose they do emphasise that they're not revealing very detailed aspects of their life, though it seems weird that you wouldn't even mention stuff like fencing. She probably just says things like "There was a girl who I really wanted to be friends with who was really mean to me"...haha, well I suppose the chatroom feels very meta since this is like our friendships here...I would laugh if you guys turned out to be my greatest enemies (But I don't have any that I know of so unlikely ) I'm in 2 minds about the older version. She does seem a little like her when she's arguing with her mother as an adult...but I also feel like something is off as well. Not sure if it's because she's suppose to be more mature so the character is very different from the child character, or if they picked the wrong person for the job or because I haven't seen any transition between the 2?
  6. Hahaha Oppa Gong Yoo on a roll with watching all his agency junior's projects. I just love him based on his trolling
  7. Wow you must have liked it to do a rewatch! Weightlifting Fairy will always be one of my all time favourite series too. It was just paced so well. There was no drag or unecessary angst and the romance was super cute (and NJH was such a fun dreamy college boyfriend), but it wasn't over the top or sickening, just sweet enough to leave you wanting more Haha I understand...coming of age dramas and movies are also a weakness for me! (Even though I am also not a teenager anymore ) I was wondering what was happening with that 3rd project. Ah, well I guess a 3rd time pairing would be a lot. Yeah, they did get along really well. I remember seeing an interview and photoshoot where they looked like they just really understood each other and I think they said their working relationship was super easy too. But I think NJH does have a kind of maturiity in him as a person though. He seems reserved and thoughtful as much as he can be playful as well. I still have to watch this!!! I put it on higher priority after Squid Game, but things keep happening in life or coming out in Tw drama/ K drama world and I get distracted!
  8. I use to spend so much time on MSN messenger. But it didn't get me no mystery boyfriend
  9. Hahaha I'm surprised you only do 36 episodes considering so many C-Dramas seem so long! Yeah, I'm still surprised I got through 48 episodes...but I really enjoyed it and there were very few boring bits in my opinion. I'm the opposite to you, I can't skip scenes. If it's boring I just whip out my phone and listen to the scene as I play on my phone I feel like he'd be good for playing a snobby character since he looks so fair and slender that he gives off rich-kid-never-worked-a-day-in-my-life vibes . Some people were annoyed by him in Sleuth since he liked to complain, but his character was also quite warm and funny, so I liked him. But I'm not interested in seeing any of Darren Chen's other projects True! Even though I don't think it's my cup of tea, I know I'll probably see it at some point since it's Jasper and he is my weakness \ A little bit! Hahaha I follow too many Greg fan girls on Twitter that I have been trained to recognise his distinct features. I also have to admit I got distracted by the cute food he was making. This bear rice is soooo cuteeee I love cute foods...I bought these buns with bear faces today
  10. Yeahhhhh, I'm not so keen on Jasper's mainland dramas. I only finished the one with ShenYue. It was not great, but I guess I watched it at the time because real life was messy and I didn't feel I could commit to a good series (ie. it was such a light watch that I could drop it if I needed to) I saw the trailer for Jasper's latest film and I don't know if it's my cup of tea. It it feels like the romance is served up too easily and that's all there is...Where is the build up in the romantic tension??? Also when they kiss 20 times in the trailer already, I'm not sure what's left to look forward to in the movie Hahaha Is it because Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty is 48 episodes and I watched it without FF or skipping episodes when I normally don't have the stamina for such long dramas? Or is because the drama wasn't your cup of tea? I was surprised I liked it too since it was Boy's Love, Political, period drama, Mainland drama....basically most genres I don't often watch rolled into one. But surprisingly, it's been the only Mainland Cdrama I've really loved. Hahaha, the power of Paul Fu!!! Haha, no, I actually liked the drama because all the main characters in the series was pretty likeable - ie. there is this eunach character callled Wangzi who is just so sassy and savage and he was such a joy to watch . Paul Fu's character Sui Zhou was such a cool, ethical, caring person. All the characters would gather together for dinner and it felt so warm and cozy watching them together. The humour was good, the leads had a super fun-bantery bromance going on, they solved mysteries, the action was good (since Jackie Chan was producer) and they broke a lot of tropes that I don't like in period dramas (ie. most girls were not damsels in distress, the emperor was not a ruler who was easily swayed by his advisors, but he was able to outsmart his advisors using his spy). I actually had no idea Darren Chen was Taiwanese till I watched this! It seems like his whole career except maybe 1 or 2 small roles in films, have all been Mainland C-drama roles. I'm not sure if he'd ever return to Taiwan with his fame in China. He's also their ideal type being very petite and slender and pale. When he dressed as a girl in the drama, I was like he scrubs up better than me...and for this reason he can never be my Oppa Ok I'm going to find this and watch it tomorrow It sounds like it does a lot in only 30 minutes! Oppas over friends Especially friends who lose your magazines! Hahaha. I don't know what it is, but Nam Joo Hyuk is looking mighty fine again in Twenty five Twenty one after years of doing nothing for me after how much I liked him in Weightlifting Fairy! That interview suit was stylish on him He may move up in the Oppa Tier system soon Honestly that Twitter clip you posted was an honest depiction of my life In high school I was more likely to fight over a manga book than a boy
  11. I feel like that's so obvious though! But then again I always think about how Dodosolsollalasol turned out to be Jun in Dodosolsollalasol and I'm like, ok, sometimes it's the most obvious answer. I was wondering if it was Yu Rim, but she seems to vent about her Yu Rim situation to this person....but if she doesn't use names, maybe it could still be her? Or don't tell me it's eventually the person she marries who is the father of her child Me as a landlord:
  12. Episodes 1-2 I'm here for this one! I'm a real sucker for nostalgia dramas and I love that this is one I can relate to since the kids are just several years older than me in this era. And it's so fun to see box computers and tamagotchis! I wasn't sure about the first episode. I like both actors, but Hee-do was just so hyper in episode 1 and I hadn't warmed to everything yet, so wasn't sure if she was irritating me with her random crying and laughing or if I'd like her since she's so carefree and determined. But I was charmed by episode 2 which I finished just then. Like everyone else I'm wonderiing about the baby daddy...AND I'm hoping this is not a sad ending?! Notalgia dramas make no promisses about happy endings because nostalgia is looking back at happier times often. But if the daughter didn't have a dad, wouldn't she have been curious when she read the diary like "Is this my dadddd???" I guess she could read not realising her dad was like this in the past. But she was like "Is this mum's ex boyfriend?" I agree with everyone that Nam Joo Hyuk has improved a lot in his acting. I was soooo charmed by him in Weightlifting Fairy, probably because his character was cute and he and LSK had real chemistry (since they were actually dating). But I hadn't felt that way about him in the last couple of projects he did. Some of those were misses...but even in things like Start Up and Josie, I thought his acting was good, but there was something missing...maybe because those characters were also not as charming or necessarily likeable in themselves? But whatever spark he had in Weightlifting Fairy, I feel like it's back...it might be because he's playing a college kid again...it seems to match him well! Also this is another sports drama with a spirited/ tomboy female lead...am I just getting Weightlifting Fairy nostalgia? Or maybe it's because they made him wear a nice suit and he looked hot again I laughed in episode 1 when Hee Do tried to draw the manga pages. It was so silly I also really liked the pace and rhythm of their interactions in episode 2, especially during that bus ride. Haha, when she let him sit because she said she respected senior citizens and he said the best part of not being an athlete is not caring about getting injured and shoved her into the seat, it put a real smile on my face Also that water spraying scene was so fun. I like these types of scenarios, when characters do something random and spontaneous and live a little. And the way he looked at her in the endddd
  13. I have to say I'm digging the second pairing more from all the promo stuff...they just look so cute. But I'll reserve judgement till I watch. Also I think Kim Sejeong is sooo cute. This is one of the rare cases where I'm watching more for her than for Ahn Hyo Seop
  14. There is a whole Someday or One Day exhibition going on in Seoul. I toally wish I could go
  15. oh my god...it's so nice to see his smiling face again @Tofu
  16. Also my photobook finally came from my friend. Paul Fu and Alice Ke (And Joe Cheng) touched this book I am not a creepy fan at all Also, when I finished The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty, I realised that Paul Fu/ Fu Meng Bo really has reached ultimate Oppa status with me because not did I watch him in a boy's love drama, I was character shipping him with his co-star Darren Chen The boys love romance in that drama is very, very mild (because C-drama censorship, of course)...but the behind the scenes are quite funny since they played it up for fans there Yeahhhh, his chemistry with his co-stars is quite something...also they dubbed quite a few characters in that drama including main-landers but they left his voice, which is a bit of a flex I feel since he has a nice voice Also Paul Fu reminds me so much of Jasper personality/ hobby-wise with his studying and talent for art, owning 2 dogs, going camping, introversion. And Jasper is always liking his Instagram posts or leaving comments that I feel like he's aware of how similar they are too. Wonder how they both met since they've never worked together as far as I know . Eh, I guess it's just the Taiwanese Entertainment circle where everyone knows everyone Also just adding this photo of Jasper just because it's pretty
  17. I don't know if I can watch this. Why are they bullying my Oppa by offering him these crappy second lead roles when he's a vetran of the drama world by now I do like Park Min Young enough as female lead. We'll see if I get bored, then I'll try it. Gong Yoo is like fine wine and his humour is so on point I still laugh when I think about him suing Choi Woo Shik
  18. Yep...I really liked both the leads and my heart broke for Cheong San when he reached the end of his story. It was so heart shattering And I realised they literally showed an 'eye for an eye' but not in a way that is fair, but it a way that was totally unfair Also I'm not sure if On Jo ever really expressed how she felt about him to him...poor boy was rejected so much before the end I didn't mind On Jo. I mean, at the end of the series, she is the one who suffered the greatest loss happening in front of her - her best friend, dad and childhood bestie/ real first love all got attacked and even turned in front of her, as well as other friends. (Even though many of the others probably lost everyone they loved, they didn't have to see it over and over again). Although I really like Nam Ra as everyone does, I do think On Jo's character was probably most realistic and relatable for the average teen. On Jo was just more like the girl next door trope - I mean, she's just an average student, tight with one best friend, she's crushing on someone who isn't really the right person for her but who she likes because he's the pretty boy, she's confused about her childhood friend and she's on friendly terms with most people. Nam Ra is a bit more like the cold on the outside, but soft on the inside trope, which is usually (in a school drama) a good student/ class president type...Nam Ra is so damn cool, but a little too perfect fictionally in some ways as well I do think the characters are all a bit tropey but that's how it usually is for zombie dramas because you need a quick way to identify the characters. Also that tends to happen for school dramas too since everyone is usually a stereotype in the classroom You might have gotten the answer to your question if you've finished already, but just clarifying for anyone still wondering since I watched it most recently and read about some stuff people said of the webtoon as well- the rate of turning happens depends on anger. The creator of the virus mentioned in the drama that when a person feels like they're backed into a corner and are angry they will turn and you notice that those who turn faster are those who feel anger and often it's panicky anger when others are accusing them of being bitten. It's basically stress that triggers the rate of transformation. It doesn't matter if one zombie or multiple zombies bite you, it will be enough to turn you. I wouldn't say the creator was sane - he did turn into a zombie, but again, he wasn't pushed into a corner or angered when he transformed...he sacrificed himself for the cop out of his own willingness, so the process was slower. YES I loved him too. I was so angry that the bully guy had more lives than a cat with 9 lives! This made up for my disappointed from Happiness where most of the annoying characters were left alive! Hahaha I don't think I'd be evil...I'd just be useless at running and would probably get injured like that whiney guy who was with the archery kids and then have to sacrifice myself to save my friends. Actually, I was surprised that he was pretty ok with doing that. In other dramas where a character is whiney and injured they sometimes turn out to be selfish in the end...but he really wanted his friends to be safe! RIP whiney guy But it's so funnnn and it has a better ending than Happiness in my opinion I don't know if there's an explaination for the evolved virus characters. I think it's just random just like how it is in real life. For example, Covid has killed some people with no pre-existing health conditions, but some people with pre-exisitng health conditions survive though they might have it real bad when sick.
  19. @ssteph How was Blue Happiness? It looks good but sad. I still need to watch since it's directed by my fave Lee Je Hoon and it's got Tang Joon Sung I liked how pretty A Piece of Your Mind was....but I couldn't stand all the side characters. Drove me mad. Yeah I prefer library books to friend's books because I'd be stressed looking after them! I would never fold the corners! Haha, did you??? I missed the notification. Maybe I had the window open and closed it accidentally. I'm not sure. Seeeeee....Yoon Park is my Oppa since Age of Youth, but I'm not a Song Kang fan. He has done nothing for me so far to the point that I've never been tempted to pick up his series. BUT I know that Yoon Park plays an ex-boyfriend of 10 years here and Song Kang and Park Min Young's characters hook up in Episode 1...so I don't know how to feel...is Yoon Park going to be evil? My poor heart can't take another bad role for him? Is the series interesting? Weather reporting?...Those bad posters also didn't tempt me...I have lots of reservations against starting
  20. I've landed back in K-Dramaland. I finally binged all of this show last weekend and I loved it so much! And then I went on the Instagram of the casts and I loved it even more because damn they were so cute together I think this reminded me about what you said @mademoiselle about young casts hitting it on differently. The bonds for these kids were like Racket Boys and Extraordinary You - I was like, why are you all soooo cuteeeee...and even all the side actors had so many group shots together and were tagged in promo shots by the main actors when it was only them doing the photo shoots Also these guys posting pics with their on screen love interests. I mildly ship it I'm assuming you've finished now @Chocolate but I was surprised and saddened by her trying to redeem herself and then being made into a zombie meal. But I did think her character was really so useless...but good acting of a different character since it was Lee Yoo Mi who played such a cool self sacrificing character in Squid Game YES! I was disappointed that they never ran into each other and had some kind of show down. But I guess they wanted to show that bullying people and not taking bullying seriously can cause people to snap, which they could n't show the extent of if she was just meeting the bully. She had a real vengence towards the world. I think it went both ways though. I actually felt like there were scenes where Nam Ra was jealous of On Jo as well though. It was just a slightly complicated situation at first since it's teenagers. But all of them pulled their weight in the survival game and ended up being real friends in the end. And those ones that sacrificed themselves
  21. My boy has been advertising for his movie hardcore on Insta stories, but I'm the same as you Tea...not sure about this romance. I don't know what it is, but I haven't felt any of his pairings since he went to C-Dramaland. I know that's where the money is, but I really don't think the dramas he's picked up have been to my taste. Like they're romantic, but maybe overly so...it feels a little put on rather than having that natural playful feeling. Or maybe I say this coz I just want him back with Puff in project number 3 Ooooh Patrick! I did see some posters but didn't investigate further...what's his Valentine's project? Ohhhh me toooooo....SOOOOO JELLLLYYYYYY I just started this and I agree soooo much. I don't think I've thought he was this cute since Weightlifting Fairy - at least he seemed pretty average in the last few projects I saw him in (Start Up and Josie)...I maybe even readopt him. Hahaha, my friend has a theory that when they're pretty, they've gone for a botox shoot or some cosmetic touch up Wouldn't be surprised, although it could just be that he's playing a character with a bit more of a kick than those projects. Whooaaa this is romance done right. Would marry a guy who did that YES! Me too. I was once so mad at an old friend (we've drifted apart now)...but I lent her my Harry Potter book and she dog earred the pages It was a brand new book. And she didn't apologise. I learnt then never to lend her books again! That's sad! I wish they had more book events here too. I did find a new pop up library in the city today, so maybe I should borrow some books tomorrow Hahaha but maybe it's because she posted a few photos of the same Oppa, Patrick Shih But the others do also share a look...so @Tofu has a type
  22. A little late, but Happy Valentines! May this year bring you many Oppas
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