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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hahaha, I love Chae Jong Hyeop enough to put up with the title. That boy got me real good with his charm I will complain the first week of this drama airing though, I'm sure. I will also complain everytime I put hashtags on Twitter.
  2. Hahaha yes he's adopted! The first adoption of 2022! I could not resist after episode 7 It's definitely the smile and the puppy dog looks. And maybe abs has had an influence on me, but I was also impressed in the drunken night scene But also he is incredibly cute when he smirks, finally understanding what her issues are Yeah, I'm a little in love, ok? Actually, I'm impressed you called it out awhile ago @mademoiselle. I think you tagged me but I'm not sure if I responded that day. Might have forgot since you've asked again. Hahaha I know - this is like all romancey and sweetness while Twenty Five Twenty One is ripping out my heart. But I still love it because I think I must be a sucker for torture Hahaha @Rina, no other people in Business Proposal...but @Tofu and I tend to like guys with dimpels and cute smiles. The kind that melt you like butter Yeah, now that I think about it almost all my actor crushes are dimpley. YESSSS I SAW AND I AM SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY BECAUSE I LOVE THEM BOTH
  3. Noooooooo What is with these damn name changes?! I liked the original better
  4. I can definitely see it being a movie than a drama. It does feel like they're stretching the details to make this more of a long form drama when it easily could have been made into a single film Haha glad I wasn't the only one who thought so! I just never feel anything much with LMH's characters Yes, I have heard of Shahrukh khan...maybe I've even seen one of his films before as I often watch international film for work. I'll have to search his list of films to be sure
  5. Despite really, really not being a LMH fan, I've somehow ended up watching this as my sister was interested. I guess I was also curious because I knew this was a very popular book quite a few years back but I've never read it. I think it's a matter of taste. I don't mind this one, but I think it reads more like a film than your average Kdrama. It just seems quite cinematic and the story is heavier than most. There's also the cross-culture, corss-generation elements - sometimes they speak in English or Japanese and sometimes they're in the past or the future Hahaha I on the otherhand think it's interesting that he;s finally not playing some princely character, but a villain. I still feel like he's kinda stiff as a villain though. I need some more evilness in his acting . Hahaha I feel attacked. I like the opening . I think they're just trying to show the retro vibes. But I know the story will be much heavier than that.
  6. Hello it's me the thread creator who has barely written in this thread But actually I really really like this drama. I've just been pretty busy (coming up with theories for Twenty Five Twenty One ) that I didn't catch up on this till yesterday when I was sick and marathoned all the episodes. I am really strongly into the second couple especially Kim Min Gue. That man is totally hot. I had a fever yesterday (coz I just got my booster shot) while watching and I got to episode 7 and felt my temperature spike up to epic proportions when he was telling Young Seo that he'd make sure she would never forget a night with him again He's just so hot But I also love the main couple as well. There's something so charming and webtoony about their actions. It's tropey, but like all the tropes are done right. I also like that they clearly play on all the tropes by having a TV show that mirrors the story and by pointing out that things are so ridiclous themselves Also Kim Se Jeong is soooo good as a rom com lead. I'm looking forward to her future projects especially because she's paired with Nam Yoon Su Is it terrible if I say I do feel like it's often a biit bloated though?
  7. Haha I think I'll accept the story whether they go for a sad ending or happy ending. I do love that deep love between Yi Jin and Hee do and want them to end up together of course. But I also see the value or bittersweetness in nostlagia stories - nothing does stay the same in life and sometimes we do loose people and it's painful. It's kind of interesting when dramas go down that route too even though it'll be very unpopular with the audience Actually I started to notice that too when I was listening to the Appa sound! Aside from it meaning something...I just thought NJH looked hot The song they kiss to in ep 13 is Bibi - Very slowly Thanks for sharing the making and theories @movingwheel - I've had a lot of fun reading them all!
  8. I totally agree with you about why Yi Jin hangs out with a younger group. They always just accepted him for who he was unlike his own past friends who only liked him because he was from a rich family. He happened to meet them at a time in his life when he was down and they just took him in. Also I think when you're younger it's always cool to have a friend who's a bit older than you, so that's why they all stick to Yi Jin Hahaha I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was dead from watching that kiss. I did replay that scene a few times this week after the sadness of episode 14 to cheer myself up And yes, Yi Jin is so responsible and proper. He's only been drawing boundaries the whole time because he wants to make sure that Hee do will not get hurt or feel like she made a bad choice with him. What is this you-know-what??? I don't know what it is! Hahaha, I will still be glad I watched this drama even if they choose to do a sad ending (though it's starting to look more hopeful for a happy ending as well?) But in any case, I do love a good nostalgia drama and I think the message of this drama will stick with me...in that not everyone stays in your life forever. But the way that those people once cared about you probably shaped you to be who you are today. I was wondering if you'd keep watching at this stage, I'm sure you'll see it spoiled on Twitter regardless of which way the drama goes...you'll know to avoid it if it's full of angst! Hahaha so true! Give up Hee Do's husband (if it's not Yi Jin!) Oooh thanks for the preview. What is this unexpected hurdle?!
  9. I'm really glad Hee do heard this conversation by the way. I was so touched by Yi Jin's words...imagine being her and hearing it all Hahaha I loved Nam Joo Hyuk in Weightlifting Fairy. But I do think he has bulked up in recent years and his character here is very much the charming, empathetic and warm character that is too hard not to love Just imagining if I had told my mum I wanted to drop out of highschool a month before the exams. Pretty sure my mum would have killed me Seungwan's mum was just as cool as her! Hahaha you fell for him during Start Up?! That is very unusual given that crazy fever for KSH. I didn't mind him in Start Up, I thought he did a good job with the character, But I didn't feel the charm I felt in Weightlifting Fairy. It's not been till Twenty Five Twenty One that I've been drawn to NJH in this capacity again. Sadddd I love a time travel story, but this would be just wrong for this drama!
  10. Oh yeah, I totally get that. I think my worries with pacing was whether or not they were going to show the romance at 25-21 or before it. But now it's clear they liked each other beforehand and 25-21 will just be about whether they got together or not in the end Yes, I totally agree. I think NJH is very good at doing the emotional, tragic expressions more than anything. And Yi Jin is one of the warmest male leads in a kdrama I've seen. I just adore him so much I feel like this whole series gives me that feeling...it's like you remember the beauty and innocence of youth and then the drifting aways you've had to face. Haha, for both the character's lives and my own, I think. No going to lie, I understand Ji Woong's tastes
  11. Heyyyy! I thought this was a prank, but I can hear someone saying appa. Either that or my fever is making me delirious (I'm not feeling great atm) Gonna have a nap and hopefully hang out here at JH
  12. Episode 14 WAS SOOOOO SADDDDDD All the seperation and heartache for both couples and for the frienship group as a whole. I've been thinking the whole time that it will go the bittersweet ending, but still this is very bitter. Unless they really want to do a shock twist. But otherwise they'll just fll in the gaps until they seperate forever. I think it's unlikely that YJ would congratulate her on her wedding if it was to him on air. There'd be so much gossip which would damage both their careers
  13. Damn I have not been around lately, so will catch up on everyone's theories and comments tomorrow. I just dropped in to say damnnnn, Baek Yi Jin that was one hot kiss. Also his words The poor guy did not stand a chance with Hee Do dropping in persistently everyday. But when he said "I want to do everything with you"....my thoughts went straight to the gutter. Everything....like have a kid with you? I have spent way too long listening to everyone's theories and compiling them lately!
  14. Getting 2nd lead syndrome already??? You're as bad as me and @Tofu I enjoyed the male lead from Extraordinary You but he's not my most fave or anything. Couldn't watch him in Penthouse, but looking forward to this one!
  15. Is this horror? I'm tempted to watch, but don't want insomnia
  16. No new Oppas yet still? I think everyon'e heart capacity is smaller than Tea's Hahaha perhaps we're all running out of Oppas to adopt? . Nam Joo Hyuk moved to Significant Tier since I keep retweeting 2521 things and I love Baek Yi Jin. But I don't have much of an interest to like download NJH pictures or anything. And I think I've watched a fair number of his projects, but probably not going to watch the ones I haven't seen for a reason (eg. Cheese in a Trap) I did get excited to see a rumour about him and Lee Sung Kyung maybe not broken up though...maybe this will be next year's new year couple @mademoiselle (now that I know this is a yearly thing!). Apparently they've been wearing a lot of the same clothes over the years, which is a bit strange. Also a few instances of shots with a guy wearing a cap hanging near or with LSK that kind of looked like NJH... I'm not shipping, but hey if the Weightlifting couple turn out to be real, I'd be happy. Dubbing sucks! Every time they've dubbed a Jasper project it's almost instantly killed my interest! Hahahaha this is a weird concept, but I kind of understand. I do like Nam Joo Hyuk and will almost always try a project I see him in, but I'm not deeply into him either. My love spikes for certain characters of his, especially when he's like a casual college boyfriend. He seems to pull those roles off really well...but don't know about other roles like water gods. Also, have you seen Josee? I'm going to spoil it to make a point about 2521, so skip if you don't want spoilers, but it's a film where he falls in love with a girl with a disability. But in the end, it doesn't work for some reason (they do a time jump and never tell you the reason though it's foreshadowed that it would be hard), and then they go their seperates ways and he marries someone else though he thinks of her and sees her in another car one day...I wonder if 2521 will be as sad as Josee was...because if they do that with Baek Yi Jin I will be sad!!! Hahaha, I think this is just what happens to the Oppas I stick in the eyecandy tier. I think they're pretty proably because I like the look and styling and personality of the character...but after the drama ends, they just drift around somewhere and I don't pay them any attention until they pick up another role I love. Hahaha glad I'm not the only one who doesn't always love these old school super popular Oppas. I could only safely say Gong Yoo and then if I had to pick Nam Joo Hyuk, Hyun Bin and Kim Soo Hyun? Really??? But I thought she would like the slow burn. Though maybe too sslow burn for Tea
  17. It's been ages since I visited this thread. Not sure why! But I was also surprised about him needing a younger version. The guy looks young enough! But maybe it's because they'll age him up? Hahaha you can translate the tiers however you like my friend. I just need a hierachy for my love to explain why one Oppa will always be important, whereas some will fade but then suddenly be important and then fade again. Hahaha Hahaha don't be a stan! I feel like those are scary. I like to think of myself as healthy obessesive fan The term 'stan' came from the Eminem song 'Stan' about a crazy fictional fan who writes letters to his favourite singer (Eminem). But when Eminem doesn't reply to him, he writes a crazy letter and then kidnaps his own girlfriend and drives their car off a cliff. The song ends with Eminem replying to him, but it's too late because the fan is dead. That's why the term Stan creeps me out...it's like an unhealthy toxic fan
  18. People be getting strong on the adoption theory. I'm still on the bittersweet ending train, but I do feel suspicious as well because of how obvious the drama is pushing the sad ending. There's so many ways this ending could go - on whether the daughter is his, whether he's still with Hee Do and whether he's even alive. This person has a thread going for the adoption theory. I also have to add that I found it suss when they went on the school trip and the drama made each of the characters talk about their issues (mostly daddy issues as people's fathers had died, or divorced the mothers or were poor). And they never gave Yi Jin a chance to explain his. I mean, it could be obvious since most of the characters know his family went bankrupt and it hurts to talk about it...but it feels a little suss when dramas do something like that...like there's a deeper story to hide sometimes?
  19. I felt it was sad, but also realistic? (If they're going to a sad ending). Like sometimes my high school friends who I still keep in contact with will mention something that happened in those years and I can't remember it at all. And it'll be something really funny that I'm meant to know or remember...but for some reason I can't recollect But it does feel a little painful to hear those words from adult Hee do. Like it feels like it meant so little to her. Though I also think it might be possible that she does remember since she also had a kind of knowing smile and added that it's not a bad thing that those moments flew away. i.e. if something bad happened to Yi Jin, then maybe she remembers but it's more like a distant nostalgia rather than very clear memories? So she was able to move on with a fond feeling of the past, but not the details which caused pain But the one thing that concerns me is the pacing? From the teaser, episode 11 feels like they'll stll be in high school next ep...so that leaves 5 episodes after that...will they stick another time jump in soon I wonder
  20. Hahaha, oh don't get me wrong, like I said before there are many holes in that theory one can poke. Aaaand I still personally think it's most likely going to be a sad ending because I still feel like nostalgia series make sense with sad endings especially since they keep talking about knowing how to get over hard times...and unfortunately because Hee Do seems to have this strong level of resilience, I think there will be something big to test her But I just wanted to share that happy ending theory by Korean fans just in case we see a glimmer of hope later on in the series. One can still dream
  21. Yeah, so technically, in Korea, they are still in high school till 20 and the legal age is 20...so she is still technically a minor? It's the same where I live as you @bai 18 is the legal age where you can do anything an adult can legally do here. As for the controversy, and I think @Unnie0110 will also feel this since we both liked Do do sol sol la la sol which went through a similar controversy - it's definitely not a situation where anyone is being taken advantage of or groomed or anything illegal or bad - the story has literally been about a deep connection and friendship. Both characters are similar in maturity and literally nothing that happened...I'm almost certain that the love he's referring to isn't romantic. But I guess that's the danger of coming of age films where the main characters are just below the legal age...some people are going to read romance annd other adult themes into it and coming of age films do deal with these things. Like at 19.5 years of age, it's a tricky topic - it's not like your maturity necessarily changes in a few months. But I guess if someone was 19.5 (or 17.5 in my country) and explicitedly asked if they should date some older guy, I wouldn't give that advice or advocate that - there is an age standard for a reason. However, everyone's situation is different. But as a drama story, I don't feel offended by it because I don't see anything bad portrayed even in the story (again because there is no romance yet)
  22. Me toooo! I'm definitely one of those people who still prints out plant tickets or concert tickets or invites include technology fails me. And I love keeping a paper diary in case my phone dies and I need to know what's happeneing. I still love collecting tickets when I travel though. Have you ever seen a movie ticket in Korea? They make them so pretty if you pay a little extra! Actually I'll tag you all as well in case you haven't seen this theory (hopefully I don't forget anyone on this thread) @Unnie0110 @abs-oluteM @ktcjdrama @mellytrw @bai @movingwheel @mademoiselle@gilaswan @Mizv @Tofu So even though I still think there's a good chance of this drama having a sad ending, and I came to this drama fully prepared for this, I also think there's a possibility of this drama having a happy ending because of course it's really obvious if they go with the sad ending since they've been hinting from the start. They do love doing big twists in Kdramas. I did see an article where Korean fans said that maybe they're going to do the good old adoption twist so 'Baek' is not Yi Jin's real last name, but he's 'Kim'. The reasons being that they thought it was strange that the dad started a fake company in the younger son's name rather than the older son's name which is traditionally what would happen. Also the grandma seemed to be so teasing that Min Chae didn't know who Baek Yi Jin was seems to indicate that she might know who he is (her dad) and Min Chae does seem to exihibit some of Yi Jin's traits like she could so easily empathise with her grandmother's feelings, which kind of reminds me of Yi Jin. And Yi Jin's dream was to work at NASA, so maybe he ended up getting his dream job in the future which is why his daughter doesn't know he was once a reporter. But to poke holes in this theory, I don't know why Min Chae wouldn't recognise her father even when he was young. And don't know how grandma saw him and Hee do was shocked. Also with the whole theme of the show being about getting through the hard times, I do feel a sense of foreboding That ending was really beautiful It's like something deep and beautiful, but hard to define. And even though he's said he loves her in this latest episode, not sure if it's romance just yet, but it's definitely a deep soulmate-ness Hello! So nice of you to join us! yes, hoping for a happy ending, but also prepared if it goes bittersweet. But that's a good point you raised with the 2521 signage! Oh my God!!! Damn that blue screen. Hope you didn't lose too much with your work Kim Tae Ri is pretty cute and sooooo likeable. I think she's doing so well as a highschooler. Like it's really confusing since she's older than me in real life, but she looks and can act so much younger than me
  23. Gotta go back and re-read comments tomorrow, but have to say this drama is giving me all of the flutters. Deep heart flutters!!! And I think what I loved is that they didn't necessarily know how to define the relationship, but they knew it was so strong between them that it's not what other people have. I'm so in love with everything Yi Jin says - not just the romantic lines, because obviously he delivers them with all the heart flutters - but it's also those words of wisdom when he gives encouragement or advie to anyone around him. But yes, that confession was really something! I think it's a confession of his real feelings, but I still don't think they'll pull out the fluffy romance yet...if anything the trailer looks like normal friend hangouts in the next episode? But I like this early confession all the more because their love is deeper than just some physical attraction and I like how Yi Jin did not dance around it.
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