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Everything posted by JenL

  1. @SsomGem It's looking great! I can't wait to see Lee Jae wook again as I'm sure you can't wait to see Jung So Min again!
  2. Hahaha, I think this series has made me love Rowoon 10 times more I'm only on Episode 11, but had to tell you all that I suddenly felt like he was super cute at the start of the episode when he sticks up for his work mate against those gossiping reapers! Don't ask me what did it for me, but I think his hair is also extra cute along with his character personality...but I already adopted him at the eye candy level durng Extraordinary You....but I feel he's moved up to midtier since I've been watching this series. I want to write a mega post of my feelings for the cases soon! I always feel so strongly for these episodic series where the characters have different experiences that reflection the challenges of being a human
  3. Apparently the movie is compelete and just awaiting an airing date?! @Tofu @Jane I don't know if this is true or not. I mean normally movies are so hyped up before they get released, but I've barely heard anything about this film this past year....
  4. Hahaha yes, it was something like that. Ugh, it would be nicer to have a more natural meet cute...but I always seem to be interested in people who sadly enough are taken, so I end up saying ok to the occasional "You should meet so and so." But really, all I want to do is spend time with my sweet, sweet Oppas like Jasper and Lee Jae Wook and Lee Je Hoon (I guess I go to these blind dates so that I have a come back when someone tells me I'm not trying ) You know I STILL have not started Shooting Stars despite being the thread owner. I'm the worst!!! Butttt everyone is telling me it's not that great and I'm trying to prioritise since I'm behind on other dramas as well. But I should really duck in to check if there's anyone wanting to chat. I feel responsible for my threads Ughhh, this is so annoying for you! So sorry that your mum isn't getting the message. I think it's just so frustrating to have to push back on the pressure all the time, especially with all he says she says going back and forth. I've definitely been in a situation like yours before too and it was hard to worm out of it. I hope it's easier for you and that your mum does eventually give up like mine (I never tell her if I go on a date though because I never want to ignite her hopes...) We'd talked prior, although it was mostly blind, and I wasn't actually interested in him, but because he was ok to talk to and was watching Twenty Five Twenty One and Business Proposal, I decided to give him a chance I figured if it was terrible, I'd just talk dramas with him. To be fair, he wasn't a bad person. But definitely not for me. Oh well Free food is always a positive! Hahahaha, I'm glad I solved the mystery for you! I hope Steve returns in the next season of Pachinko - his character really suffers because of Lee Min Ho's character so I'm not sure if he has that many episodes left in the dramas. ALSO he was born in the States or studied there and so his English is pretty perfect. I nearly died watching this interview because I forgot he wasn't just Korean-Korean Hahaha yes, apparently ratings were poor the week it came out and I've largely forgotten this drama was out until oming here tonight. I should start it since everyone is also reminding me that I am the threadmaster Sorry if you feel lonely on the thread. I will eventually get there. I hope! I thought you watched Pachinko? Or did you wait for the entire season to finish to marathon it? I really wasn't into episode 7 at all It felt like the episode was really randomly ordered...like it should have been closer to the start. Mind you, I did think the series was only one season, so I was confused about why they wasted one episode alone on LMH! I also thought the Earthquake while bad was also a bit weird as story concept. I haven't read the book though so maybe it follows it directly. Hahaha I promise I didn't go to Koala's blog on purpose...it was pushed to me via google Maybe they pay of advertising? I do occasionally viisit when I want to doubl;e check ssome news on a Taiwanese celebrity since that blog still gives seperate Taiwanese celebrity news. Anyway the article was talking about how the drama was a flop and all that jazz. Basically she said the casting didn't work. The comments from other readers were interesting though in that some people said that they wanted the drama to have more of a stronger long- term solution for the storylines, which I'd kinda like as well (ie. not just that the issues were fixed for the one episode).
  5. Hahaha I keep seeing this one in the book stores! But is it written by a Tik Tok celebrity? It doesn't look like my cup of tea... But I'm here because I'm reading again! I recently felt like buying books and got a copy of a not particularly new book but one that won a prize a few years back called All the Light We Cannot See ...it's a war story and so far it's quite beautiful. I have a feeling it's going to get real sad later on. Has anyone ever read it here?
  6. Thanks for the trailers and for tagging me @mademoiselle...yayyyy, my babbbyyyyy is back on screen BUT do you think they coloured in his eyebrows?! They seem sooo oddly dark...also tagging @Tofu to weigh opinion. But the trailers look so pretty with the snow and the cherry blossoms with JSM's character. Can't wait till it finally hits the screens...it's been a crazy break for LJW, although I guess in some ways I'm glad because I did need the time to get over DDSSLLS romance before seeing him in a new pairing!
  7. Ugh that sucks that you had to walk, but better than being in the lift with too many people. You're right - people no longer seem to care...it's so weird that people just go all or nothing...either they're fighting for toilet paper or not taking any precautions at all. We don't have many restrictions left, but I think wearing a face mask when there's lots of people and walking a quieter route still makes a lot of sense! Not fully up to date with messages, but I'm assuming this was covid. Hope you're on the path to recovery! Hahaha I use to be such a big fan. I still like the world of the books though I don't think I engage as much anymore and JK Rowling's views have sort of muddied my feelings about spending any more money on HP. But I've been a fan enough in the past to go to Harry Potter world theme park and watch the play) Are you just entering the fandom? Or wanting to quiz us on HP knowledge? Oh no, you got it too, Tea? Glad to hear you recovered though!
  8. Hahaha I definitely rock up to work late every day including days where I have meetings But luckily I don't really deal with external people and my work place is flexible. It's so hard to be awake when it's so cold lately! And like you said with dinnertime, I think I just end up eating a lot which probably makes me drowsy Hahaha I don't trust your 'not productive' line...I know you're probably still up to date on all 10 dramas you're watching There's like wayyy too many good and interesting dramas out at the moment that I'm not keeping up at all I picked up My Liberation Notes and didn't expect to like it so much. Haha, the characters are annoying and silly, but also quite relatable in their struggles and dreams and disappointments and I think most people,at least some point in their lives, understand what it's like feeling stuck or feeling left behind. Speaking of left behind, I've fallen behind on Tomorrow and Love All Play though since I picked up My Liberation Notes ...haha blame @SilverMoonTea for telling me to pick it up! Hahaha I know, I know...I think I need to stop posting that I'll write something because I'm giving flase hope I am going to write something tonight though! I don't know if I've been going out heaps more (though I did meet quite a few friends last week) but I think it's like my time has been stretched trying to do too many things, but also not acknowledging that I don't have that much time . It's like I still want to watch 3+ dramas live, but also work in the office, and do a lot of side projects (I always decide I'm going to start something like a new class or a new Youtube channel or helping with fan subbing community...which might not be what I do forever, but keeps me busy). Not to mention things like organising mother's day, going a bad date and I keep making new friends and then having to service those friendships...I think I need to tell people I've stopped taking new friends. Entry is denied Anyway, it sounds odd but although I don't want to be in lockdown, I miss the feeling of having a lot of time! Why am I so time poor? Yes!!! The heater needs to be constantly on at the moment. It's so chilly. It's wonder that it doesn't snow here! Hope you're not feeling too badly and it's just winter hibernation tiredness. Haha it's nice to look forward to something, especially movies. What are you wanting to see in the cinemas?
  9. Just popping in to say hiiii! I've been soooo tired lately I can't decide if it's because it's getting use to being back in the office 5 days a week like @SilverMoonTea or if it's because it's winter. I'm sooo cold and all I want to do in crawl into bed...are you surviving the cold @mademoiselle and @SnowBlob?. I get quite sleepy at like 9pm, when I usually sleep past 1am....maybe I'm just getting olddddd I have a bunch of drama opinions to give but I already feel my eyes closing so I will try my best to get onto it tomorrow...But I feel like I've been saying this a lot lately
  10. I just started the first episode of this and I really like it! I'm surprised I wasn't so aware of this series or keen to watch it. @SilverMoonTea was right - it feels quite relatable in portraying the disappointments of life. Those mundane moments you wish could be better or more exciting...I feel like it's a series that you can watch and understand really well as an adult I'm a bit behind, so will binge the rest of the episodes this week and hopefully catch up to chat.
  11. Oh no! Sorry to hear this is happening to you! My mum went through that stage a few years back.. It was the worst time ever and I totally understand avoiding them all!!! But I think with time, seeing people's daughters who got into bad relationships and divorces a fews years down the track, my mum realised that not everyone goes the same path. Hopefully your mum comes around and gives up on badgering you! He was ok to talk to and even watched Kdramas LOL, but I didn't like that he was always telling stories with Too Much Information (like crass humour/ details) and he was clearly not over his ex-girlfriend as they broke up last year and he kept mentioning her. And I think he really didn't have a sense of self...like he did what his friends wanted to do out of FOMO all the time rather than have his own goals/ opinions (his words, not mine). And there was just no attraction whatsoever overall But ah well, I guess you have to give things a go sometimes. It was good practice at beiing conversational, I got to try a new restaurant for free and learn more about myself (or what annoys me!) Woww how are y'all keeping up such a schedule??? I forgot to add Pachinko to my signature, but I watched all of it so far and there's only one episode left so not going back to add it now. That reminds me - I have adopted Oppa Number 2 this year: I love Sunja's second husband - the pastor. Damn that actor is hot - Steve (Noh Sanghyun). I don't care for Lee Min Ho...but this guy. This guy is why I'm watching that show still. Ohhhh my. This is just madness! I am watching Tomorrow by the way and I really like it despite what Koala's Playground says ...I've just been so lazy to write my opinions lately, but I will get onto it! Everytime I see that starred out title it makes me cringe because it makes me think of a swear word instead! I haven't started yet but I heard that the first episode had one of the lowest ratings. I think the pairing is interesting, but I feel like that wasn't that much advertising or support for the drama leading up to it? Did you guys see a lot? I even forgot it was starting! LOL Hahaha I'm with Tofu - nice balance is good... @SilverMoonTea love next level slowness!
  12. OMG Thanks sooo much for sharing! I feel like I've been so absent on the Oppa thread... went on a date in real life with someone who I was really not interested in, but gave a chance to and I'm not sure why I did it since it was such a drainer .Remind me never to do this again!!! Thank God I don't have to deal with that anymore and I can go back to these beautiful Oppas. Thanks for sharing Kim Min Gyu's photoshoot! Ok @SilverMoonTea I'm going to give My Libreration Notes a one episode try tonight. Hahaha @bai, I just feel like you and Tea fangirl over the same dramas at the same time! Hahaha I love Going to You at the Speed of 493km, so I'm going to stick with that! That's a lot of burden to put on th customers I'm glad the restaurant owners just pay the staff here and add a public holiday surcharge if they need to. Thanks for sharing this @bai - Chae Jong Hyeop is soooo pretty Meeee toooo!!! I'm hoping the story will be more interesting from next week. The first 2 episodes felt a bit slow to me...but I'll watch regardless for Chae Jong Hyeop! Is this his new magician drama?
  13. Episodes 1-2 @Tofu I started watching! I LOVE CHAE JONG HYEOP Why is he so aodrable? Not sure if I have strong feelings towards this drama yet, but I will definitely continue watching for Chae Jong Hyeop alone if anything! I was trying to think about why and I think it's because I like sports dramas, but with this one... the characters seem to be lacking any kind of team spirit? Or maybe seem a bit cold? There's also a lot more sports scenes early on than other dramas I've seen. But it always takes me a few episodes to warm to dramas completely. Still not fully sold on Park Ju Hyun as a lead yet. Like I don't dislike her...but she still seems a bit green in the acting department to me. Also the character seems to be stubbornly protecting a secret for no good reason yet? But there are definitely things I do like. All those scenes with the high 5s were cute, especially the one where he pat her head as well. And anytime Chae Jong Hyeop does a puppy dog gaze towards his female leads, I DIE (from cuteness overload. Also I want to pat him because he looks at them so longingly). And I'm intrigued about the whole mystery of what Park Tae Yang is hiding! Also that guy who is outwardly jerky towards others including Park Tae Joon is cute. I think he's an newbie actor called Kim Mu Jun?
  14. Hahaha omg thanks for sharing this! I was like WHY IS HE SO CUTE this entire video I'm watching! I've seen the first episode, but not the second one yet. I think I'm always more exciting in the 3rd-4th episodes once the drama gets going. I'll have to wait till tonight to see episode 2 and then I'll come back with n opinion
  15. Wow, WHAT??? What is even the point of Disney Plus if it's not going to show all the important shows THIS IS CUTEEEEEE
  16. Ok in summary I should avoid Crazy Love as I don't care for the main pair anyway and maybe try My Liberation Notes I'll see if I can squeeze it in some time!
  17. Ahhhh noooo I don't have Disney Plus. I'll just have to be...resourceful
  18. Well deserved for DP, 2521 & Squid Game. I haven't seen the other 2! Oh Tea! Me too! I'm getting OLDDDDD already Hahaha, how is Crazy Love? I've never been a Kim Jae Wook or Krystal fan, but I think the posters and advertising look good! What's My Liberation Notes about? I keep hearing the title thrown around! I'm only watching Tomorrow at the moment although looking forward to talking Love All Play with @Tofu when it comes out! (I have grudgingly accepted the name change from Going to You at the speed of 493km which I liked better ) Wow floating holidays! What a concept. Over here, we get Easter Monday which is a public holiday. And all part time/ casual workers who work the Easter weekend from Friday-Monday feel super loaded But then I guess we don't get Christmas Eve...though we get Boxing Day (the 26th Dec) off as a public holiday as well. I'm not sure if that's for the sport or for opening boxes We just take flex if we've saved it up (flexible working hours, assuming you worked a few hours over during the week) WHATTTTT??? you have to go to the xmas party or miss being paid? That's so weird! We have a party after hours and everyone usually goes anyway because we're all good friends. But you definitely don't have to go on the pay basis! Thanks for the Kim Min Gue gifs. He was soooo puppy. I loved him so much while watching that drama. And also when he took off his top damn, he did not lie about the working out Hahaha I feel like @Tofu may be use to the extra charges anyway because isn't tipping essential in the States? And the tax is added afterwards as well so feels like your meal costs more! Hahahah too many kisses in a good way or bad way Tea? Hahaha how many have been adopted this year already??? I haven't even seen this yet and I still think Happiness couple is better Hahaha I feel like you and Tea have similar tastes in fangirling! I am not a fan of the man buns or long hair. What about you all? You almost double dipped Double adopted?
  19. i'm only on Episode 2 but I LOOOOOOVE this show already, Like Taxi Driver but with Grim Reapers. Write more tomorrow!
  20. Hahaha, I'm watching the last 4 episodes now to catch up and I just love this series for the humour. I' love the bit where KTM is stuck in Ha ri's room and she's like, maybe you can jump out the window...and he looks out and then they play that bird noise that is associated with him because of his nickname And he's like, no, I'll die But other parts I found funny was when Young Seo's annoying cousin also fell for Secretary Cha (Who wouldn't? He's just sooooo hot ) and also the whole dating thing between the workmates...somehow I feel like the average person has more of a romance like those two in rea life than these fairytale romances with the main leads Hahaha also laughed when Ha Min said he would debut as an idol for his sister's wedding expenses since Byeong Chan (the actor) really is an idol...actually they're both idols. It was so meta and true when Hari said "Do you think being an idol is easy?" He's making the funniest expressions in this series too...not all cool and stoic like in King's Affection Loving the pacing of this 12 episode rom-com - conflicts are so easily resolved without drag! Also I think it's just such a fun series which you can really tell is inspired by a webtoon, but not so out there that the acting sacrificed - everyone here has good comedic timing
  21. Hello friends! It's been so long! How is everyone doing? I've bee pretty busy in real life lately so haven't had time to watch dramas or be here as much But the Easter/ Anzac Day holiday is coming up so I'm excited to have time off!!! I still haven't seen the last 4 episodes of Business Proposal and I need to start Tomorrow and then so many interesting dramas are coming out. Finally Chae Jong Hyeop is back to bless us with his beautiful smile Oppa Adoption #1 for 2022 @mademoiselle knows this, but the rest may not - I adopted Kim Min Gyu. He's so pretty and his character was so cute in Business Proposal. But like, he's only eye candy so far so it's a pretty weak adoption How many Oppas are you up to @SilverMoonTea? I'll have to go back and see... Random question: @Tofu I recently heard from a friend that her American team did not get Easter as a public holiday. Is this true???
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