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Everything posted by JenL

  1. I'm tempted to watch this but haven't seen the original...have you guys seen the original?
  2. Hahahaha I refuse to torture myself with spicy foods! If I ever met your colleague and she did that to me, she would not survive @mademoiselle Also, have you ever been to that Thai restaurant called Doidee Paidang? They have like 10 or 12 levels of spicy soups...my friend tried the spiciest one and I was like whyyyy??? (She made us get ice-cream afterwards! ) Although I know I should be sympathising with KMG and his inability to handle spice, since I'm also a person who can't do the spicy foods, he still looks so adorable suffering here Your colleague sounds very bossy. I don't think anyone is entitled to train people to eat spice. Those with a I'm-so-tough-I-can-eat-spicy-foods-and-you-can't attitude really annoy me because it's like a totally useless power trip they want to force upon you Hahahaha...nooooo....Lee Je Hoon is mineeeee Hahaha...it's ok if he has a wife. I just want him to be happy and I will just pine for him from afar Me too...only 2 adoptions - Kim Min Gue and Steve Noh from Pachinko. Hahaha Rowoon only just went off screen and you miss him already Yes! What is it with stressful work lately? I haven't been able to catch up on dramas so much lately due to work - social life....hence the relatively silent lurker mode here...but I wrote a lot today and caught up on most things Except Shooting Star...I STILL have not started this drama Hahahah what hair are you talking about????
  3. Hahaha I loved Min Min and that pairing, but like you, I thought the drama had some serious drag at times. Still nostalgia has made it one of my favourite dramas on pairing alone. I try not to think about the subplots that did not make sense and did not age well... Yeah I'm also not a fan of long hair for everyone What did you think of his new drama @Tofu? I haven't seen it yet I have to admit OMG @SilverMoonTea you finally adopted Dean Fujioka!!!! I love that man so much...which drama did it for you??? Probably my favourite of the Japanese actors. Hahaha maybe you're right and it's coz he reminds me of Jasper! He's acted in a bunch of Taiwanese, Japanese and Candanian dramas...and his wife is Indonesian! (Sorry to mention Oppas' wife...but knowing you, you have probably moved onto the next Oppa ) I don't know if I adopted Mr Gu in My Liberation Notes...but he definitely had screen presence and strong acting skills Hahaha did you end up watching My Liberation Notes @Tofu? HAHAHA Of course you would only like Jasper when he's toxic and smutty and topless! I really miss Puff nad Jasper though. I wish someone would put them both in a 3rd romantiic project
  4. Haven't been here in ages and just realised I missed a bunch of tags Well, I probably did the quizes and watched the videos, but didn't have time to respond...here's my response like 2 months too late You should always end your posts with a gif of Chae Jong Hyeop! Actually, you know I was mildly offended today when my colleague said his wife didn't like Chae Jong Hyeop! They were talking about what dramas to watch and my colleague suggested Going to You at the Speed of 493Km and his wife said no because of the male lead Oh well, more CJH for us then! Hahaha, I agree. I think your Oppa has improved over the years. I did think he was a bit stiff in EY, though his character was also meant to be more mysterious and blank state anyway. But he's good as an animated character as well. I think sometimes people want handsome actors to play those domineering CEO roles before they say they can act, which really annoys me...I can't remember which actor had that in Korea....but it sort of happen to Jasper Liu. They went from saying he couldn't act to how he was a very good actor...but the truth is, he's just in between Hahaha I actually liked the world building, but maybe it was more the magical items I liked. The world of the after life when you took away the part about entering memories and dreams etc, wasn't expanded...as in you didn't know where the characters went to rest or live in after work Hahahaha I had seen this one before! Poor male actors when they encounter Jessi...she says stuff they can't deny about those guys staring at her chest etc You know who I ended ended up getting for that Park Hyung Sik quiz?! His character from Heirs...I didn't even watch that drama. Was he a good guy in heirs @mademoiselle?!
  5. Finally they're starting to use LJW and JSM in the TVN promos now
  6. @Tofu I watched Episodes 11 and 12 and I think it's best if you skip. Ughhh, it's a round of angst because of the sister and all the dramas around her. On the one hand, I'm always fascinated by dramas with characters who make unforgivable mistakes (Tae Young)....but on the other hand, this drama has some of the most annoying characters I've seen for awhile! Tae Young and Jun Young both annoy me to no ends...but also, I feel like there's no real team spirit and the coaches are neither inspirational nor do they seem to understand the athletes either. I'm also not buying into their acting.(I can't believe I'm saying this, but they were both better side characters in Hometown Cha Cha Cha...they seem to be flailing here). The story is also so melodramatic and there's not a lot of sports for a sports drama ....but I'm still here with my popcorn for Tae Joon/ Chae Jong Hyeop...I'm hoping he has a better pairing for his next drama. If it wasn't for Chae Jong Hyeop ( and to a lesser degree, the guy who plays Jung Hwan who I also think is cute and more convincing in his acting) I'd not be watching...but Chae Jong Hyeop continues to reel me in week after week Totally understand why you think Tae Young is annoying. I think it's because she's very stubborn, but in a way that doesn't help herself or any of the situations...it also doesn't add anything except drama. She apologises in a way that makes a big public scene when she's told not to by the person who she hurt (not that Tae Joon's sister Jun Young is a saint, but still, that sort of behaviour seems wrong). She'll not want to quit, but then tell people to fire her. She'll work hard, but then agree to take a bad deal...and sometimes there's not a good choice and her life is met with bad luck, but the people who care about her will try to help her or cheer her up...but she'll continue to be stubborn. On top of that with the angst in the show itself and the very green acting, she is frustrating to watch for sure!
  7. Hahaha true, it's not about how early it happens....I think I mentioned that it happened early because sometimes in other dramas when the chemistry is good, I want them to kiss earlier but they wait till like episode 8 or 12 or something. But in this drama they made it happen in episode 5 and I really wasn't feeling them as a couple, so it feels like a waste. In fact, I'm up to episode 12 now (up to date) and I STILL don't feel like they make sense as a couple. I totally don't feel the chemistry when she says she wants to spend the niight with him...it's so lacklustre . Aside from the missing chemistry, I'm pretty annoyed at almost all the characters in this drama...but I'm still watching because of Chae Jong Hyeop...man, the power of a pretty Oppa, huh?
  8. Yes, I loved seeing this too! I don't know if I fully understood why he went back to his old life except that I suppose he would proabably be in danger if he avoided it, but given that he had to do hard, dehumanising, illegal activities day in day out, it was nice to see him find peace and happiness in these tiny moments. I really liked the club itself and if there's one thing I wish that could have made this drama better was perhaps a few more scenes with the club or the actual writing of the notes since it was so central to the title of this drama. Also, it was implied that the club helped them to feel a sense of liberation. But if I'm honest, I felt like it wasn't so much the notes as it was the life events that shifted their perspectives - like the brother experiencing so much death and the girls meeting their partners? Well, I guess the notes helped Mi Jeong and her club members in some way. I think I agree with you Stroppy in some sense. While I do like the fact that the frustration of life's challenges was relatable, I also felt that it could be frustrating to watch them wallow in so much self pity for so long as well. Once the grwoth started happening it was much better to see. And I did like that the growth wasn't smooth sailing. It was like sometimes things worked out and then it was be hard again like with the sister's relationship. Speaking about that, while I know you and @abs-oluteM liked Gu, I think I really liked the sister's parter Tae Hoon ...he seemed so gentle...but I felt real bad for him with his really bossy sister. Honestly, I thought it was ridiclous that she was so mad/ jealous that her brother was having a new relationship. I get that she was trying to be protective of the niece, but it was just making the whole family more uncomfortable. Also it made her seem sour and bitter....I was thinking this the whole time: just go date if you want to! Haha also I was impressed with the actor for Tae Hoon because he played such a douchey character in 18 Again that it was nice to see him as a gentle, melancholy soul here! Hahaha it was a successul drama sale since I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it, so Thank youuu even though you dropped it Not going to lie, the brother and sister totally got on my nerves at times. They were always so salty!
  9. Lately I find it easier to talk through my thoughts than write them down. Haha I referred to you Mademoiselle vaguely in passing as someone who would kill me if I ever said anything bad about Rowoon Although I have nothing bad to say about him because his hair was so nice in this series and I liked his character My main criticisms of this drama, like most people, is that it didn't address how people could resolve their issues in ways that didn't involve Reaper intervention or just 'getting over' things
  10. This is starting so soon! I feel like I've read a lot about this drama (since initially it was rumoured that LJW would take the part) but even now that it's finally been cast and it's starting Monday...I still have no idea what it's really about I feel like this is one of those dramas that I'll understand once I watch...but definitely not from the description alone! But I like both the leads and looking forward to seeing them paired
  11. I found it a very slowwww story which went around in circles. But I'm looking forward to next season because I'm pretty much only here for Penelope and Collin I have turned into a Polin character shipper
  12. Haha, yes, I also really enjoyed this show. I didn't think it would be my thing, but then I saw someone retweet that scene where Mi Jeong said "I'm not happy. But I'm not unhappy either" And I found it deeply relatable in some periods of my life. I have to say thanks @SilverMoonTea for the recommendation...did you finish watching tea, or was it not your cup of tea in the end? Also it's true, I think this is the type of show you might find depressing when you're young and before you develop a sense of maturity because if you watch it just for the events that happen to the characters, it seems to skew more negetively than positively and no one wants to be told life will have such dark moments when you're a teen or so. But as an adult, I found this series comforting and cathartic to watch because it was so nuanced and gently uplifting. Sometimes the characters really did annoy me, but I also deeply empatised with their sense of frustration and rage and feelings of injustice and disappointment at the challenges that came up in their lives. Also I felt like the characters reflected a lot of the low self esteem and self sabotaging that we often do to ourselves (and that is why it's so grating - because you're watching someone else perform out your bad habits/ worse personality traits for you!) Liberation is definitely finding acceptance and gratitude for the things that happen in life whether quirky, mundune, tragic or fun. We may not like everything that happens to us, but at the same time, we can be free if we learn to let go or at least only hang on those things a little more lightly. What I'll miss from this drama is the way it would randomly deliver these gold nugget moments of truths or ironic scenes that were so close to what happens in our bizarre real lives. Good show
  13. I totally agree. Actually, I think the reason this series feels so relatable for most people is because most people do at some point in their lives feel this sense of dissatisfaction - like something is missing and they would be happier if only they had something else to fill that hole. For a lot of people that tends to be romantic relationships and/ or lots of money...and we often recognise the important things too late. Like how the 3 siblings felt all that grief when their mother died....part of it seemed to be guilt for not showing her they cared when she was alive. Haha, actually, when Gu and Mi Jeong talked about how they hate people, I think a lot of us can relate too because everyone has these problems (which we see reflected in the siblings and Gu and the main characters) which sometimes makes us all rather annoying to deal with. Don't think anyone can escape this from defauult of beiing human. Those people who shout at customer service people or are rude to their co-workers are also dealing with their own insecurities and unhappy situations I liked that they did change themselves in the end in small, incremental ways. Life is not perfect and never will be. But we just have to appreciate the things around us...honestly the idea of filling up 5 minutes a day was so smart and something people could seriously put into practice to be grateful for the small things - a coin not dropping in the sewers, a cute child peeking out at us, a loved one bringing us a small gift, or catching up with a small group of people who really understand how you feel. Also there's something about accepting your situation and even finding the opportunities that present themselves from the things that happen to you - like with Chang Hee. I feel like his character really matured at the end and he started to join the dots in his life to find what looked to be his 'calling' I also think the drama implied that if things are really miserable, we do have the power to make changes. All along, this series reminded me of that saying that we often make our own jails, even though we have the keys in our pockets. The thing is sometimes we need to reflect and understand the true problems we're facing - Like with Mi Jeong's job. Perhaps in a way her new job would seem unglamerous compared to being a graphic designer. But there was a simplicity to it that made her happy - she didn't have to deal with fake people or with constant criticism and wasted efforts. I think sometimes people think you 'settle' if you take a job that isn't overly creative, ambitious or glamerous, but I think if you find peace with your work and feel comfortable in an environment where you can work quietly and get along with people, that can be happiness too. Also, her realisation about how much energy she was wasting to make her con artist ex be the bad guy...a lot of us do that to the people who have wronged us. Her ability to let go in the end was a step towards freedom Totally agree! There was something very arthouse-y but still very warm and relatable about this series. A lot of great cinematic techniques like mirroring or contrasting scenes for irony or create a sense of repetition and boredom. It felt like every scene had a meaning.As hey said in Sherek, it was like an onion with many layers
  14. Whatttt...noooo....she doesn't have any right to take Tae Joon for granted when he's the only one watching out for her. Episode 4-6 WAIT. They just kissed in Episode 5 and there's noooo chemistry between them There's no build up of romantic tension! I'm at a loss as to how anyone could be thinking of them as a couple. It feels like they're just friends and she never even really noticed him, let alone had any feelings for him. I can see Tae Joon's feelings...but damn, I cannot see how Tae Young has any feelings because she's never showed him any interest. I felt like my poor Tae Joon was suffering from a one sided crush...and all of a sudden she was like, yeah I liked you too??? Episode 5 is really early for a kiss...it's a shame because it seems wasted on these 2 Chae Jong Hyeop looks so cute even as a rejected puppy As for Park Ju Hyun, I feel like we keep learning things about how hard her life was and I'm not feeling any more sorry for her. I know I should be, but even at episode 6, I'm having a hard time feeling her emotions in the acting even though I know how hard the character's life situations would be. I also think the drama isn't good with building up to things before dropping a bombshell...so I feel like things come out of nowhere Hahaha when Tae Joon and Jung Hyuk try to convince the coach to take Tae Young back, I laughed at CJH's "Love You!" cute attack...whereas the other guy was just his usual too-cool-for-you demeanor. I totally understand why the coach change his mind though...hard to resist 2 good looking guys begging you
  15. Ohhh what is he playing in this?! I think I will. The story line sounds pretty good!
  16. Hahaha oh no! Are you still watching @Tofu? I feel like I totally would drop this if Chae Jong Hyeop was not in it To be honest, I'm quite bored with the storyline and I'm really meh about the female lead. But now that I'm catching up again, I can't stop fangirling over Chae Jong Hyeop So I am literally only watching this for Chae Jong Hyeop! Totally agree with everything you said! Haha was also very very annoyed with her character in A Piece of Your Mind. I haven't seen her other stuff and was hoping that I just didn't like her character in that drama. But it seems like her acting is just super green so far. Like you, I also don't feel like there's anything believable between her and CJH
  17. Sorry my replies are so all over the place (much like the rest of my life! ) I'm still watching, but I had to proritise which dramas were ending first (Tomorrow, My Liberation Notes) due to being so over worked and over socialised recently. So I'm doing the binge and catch up now I'm also not feeling the chemistry, but only on episode 3 so it might still be early...but mainly I'm still finding the female lead's acting unconvincing so some reason. Did you guys find that too? Or is it just me? Episode 3 Hahaha, I cringed at that fake phone call with Yu Min who I assume is second lead with Yuk Jung Hwan...I assume that they'll be a pairing though. The actor who plays Jung Hwan is kind of cute, but he's nothing compared to Chae Jong Hyeop! HIS ABBBSSSSSSSS. I'm so glad you made gifs of this @Tofu I guess I'll just stare at his abs forever now Hahaha oh man, Tae Jun's friends dunking his phone into that drink...so cruel...but they were trying to play wingman for him...Ahhhh, my sweet Chae Jong Hyeop, when he told her that he waited for her and then got all smiley I DIED from how adorable he was. I think the more I watch, the more I feel the problem is that there hasn't been any scenes of the past really to show that Tae Young was actually good at playing. And as you've both mentioned there's barely any playing, so I can't see her as a good player....And then TaeJun is also not taking the sport seriously either...so who is playing? But I agree with TaeJun saying it's hard to be only a 'slightly talented player'...I feel like that applies to everything. It's better to be totally good or totally bad, unfortunately Hmmm, I'm not super invested in the actual drama and I'm still not buying the female lead's acting.Like I think she has a nice aesthetic, but I really don't believe her when she's happy or sad...it doesn't feel genuine? But with thaat said, I also feel like I can't stop watching Chae jong Hyeop because I just love it when he's on screen...what's a girl to do?
  18. Hello! I've mainly been a silent watcher because I've been so busy lately. BUT I JUST WATCHED EPISODE 13 AND MY HEART I don't know if I'm going to write an episode by episode summary of my thoughts, but my overall feeling of this show is that it is such a beautiful and painful reflection of the quirky and mundune moments of our lives. I feel like this show is just so relatable on so many levels. And while I find the main characters annoying at times, I also empathise with them and understand elements of the frustrations of things like having to deal with disappointments in lost dreams, bad romances and feeling like there's something wrong with you when you can't relate to others. I think these sorts of feelings make us feel so alone, but actually everyone goes through them at least once in a while It's funny because I think a lot of dramas romanticise the happy, loving family. But this drama shows that families can sometimes be harder to get along with than any other people we encounter. I feel like some of the salty moments with the parents are relatable - I laughed so hard at the mother being nosey about the sister's boyfriend, and understood all too well that argument between the brother and the father about having goals. Sometimes Asian parents say things out of love, but it comes out as persistent nagging which is just so hard to respond to even when you know the underlying meanings. I'm rather close to my siblings though so I find it quite hard to understand how they could dislike each other so much - but I suppose the characters are very different from one another. I also think the day to day disappointments can wear you down especially when it feels like things never get easier and make you forget how to be grateful for the people around you. I did find the 3 siblings super grating on my nerves at times and I think that's because they didn't seem to have their own backbones in their lives. Sometimes things don't work out in life and it is extremely frustrating and you need to complain and mope. But if you're doing it all the time, you're wasting your life away when you can spend the energy trying again. Life is always going to be full of rejections and failures and unglamerous moments, but you just gotta try. Also, it felt like they just didn't have any respect for themselves at times...like with the older sister, it just felt like she was being so desperate in her search for a man. And when she didn't have one, she was so bitter. I get that there's a pressure in Asia, but I've seen plenty of people also live good single lives without those sorts of behaviours even though they also really want partners? Same with the brother - yes it sucks not being rich, but sometimes he was acting like he didn't have any money at all? Also, I'd feel ashamed to ask my parents for that kind of business capital knowing it was huge risk for them. Even Mi Jeong, while I like her and understand that feeling of dealing with fake people...sometimes it could feel like she was rather quick to judge others...But with that said, I still find each of them likeable as well, they each have their charms and are thoughtful and considerate at times. And I guess it's easier to judge someone else from afar...but really, who knows if I have the kind of backbone I'm referring to myself? But I love the developement the characters have been going through - they're not grand or dramatic, but sublte shifts in mindsets and finding little fixes to situations. It's realistic in that sometimes they go 3 steps forwards and 2 steps back. I feel like I'll have more thoughts, later, but these have been my base thoughts
  19. Hahahaha hello everyone is it I the thread openner who disappears. I'm going to start this one now that I've finished Tomorrow. I have sooo much to catch up on though!
  20. Haha, I think the unusual costumes is because this is a weird made up time period or land (I forget which was the made up part). So I guess they tried to show that by making things look a little different. I'm the opposite to you - I don't often watch historical stories when it comes to Kdramas, so I actually don't know the styles as well, but I'm not sure what to expect with the story so far...can be a bit of a hit or miss with thesse writers and I'm unsure about the comedy at the moment (like that cut didn't show anything that was actually funny...but it implied it would be funny? ) Bbbbutttt.....it's been a long time since Lee Jae Wook was on screen so I feel like I have too be on this ride unless it really falls off the rails!
  21. Also like @Tofu I wanted to know Koo Ryeon and Park Joon Gil's story earlier. I really liked their bittersweet love story. And while I think it makes sense that it didn't go back into a love story because their destiny's have been seperated, a tiny part of my fan girl heart really wanted them to be together again ME: But...they're soooo close....yet so farrr...... Megapost of microthoughts on all the episodes Arc 1 School bullying - I thought this episode was so terribly ironic with the bully making her fame from a webtoon about a victim of school bullying. I liked that Rowoon and KHS's characters both came from different angles but highlighted important things - you do have to be empathetic to victims, but I think you also have to teach someone to help themselves raher than ruminate in their traumas or they're not able to move on. Arc 2 Jun Woong's depressed friend - This one was funny in that the fried chicken and time travelling car made me laugh. Also the fact that the grim reaper's programed others to see Jun Woong as an older uncle. But poverty is such a horrible experience and so is failing over and over again. I felt pretty bad for the friend, but again laughed when it turned out that nostalgia made that fried chicken better than it actually was - I feel like that happens a lot when I try things I thought were amazing as a kid. Arc 3 The couple with the guy who thought he caused everyone to die - This one was really sad in that he wasn't the guy's fault at all, but he just kept getting met with bad luck. I don't know how I felt about the relationship though because honestly, it felt like the girl fell for him after he gave her an umbrella one time. And I didn't like what he did when he tried to push her away. But their meeting where she comforted him was sweet and sad. She was like the ultimate dream girlfriend. Arc 4 The War Vetran- I really liked this episode because I think so many people feel like their lives are meaningless or wasted and sometimes that's because something happened to you outside your control. But I loved that they made him see that he did make a difference to someone's life Arc 5 The eating disorder office worker - I thought it was interesting to show the girl with the body confidence even though she was shamed contrasting the girl who was always self concious with an eating disorder. And I thought it was a good deep dive into eating disorders...but I found the ending to be a bit lacklustre because I think it's NOT as easy as just deciding to eat cake again Arc 6 THE DOG STORY This story WAS SO CUTE AND SADDDDD. I can't believe this dog story didn't make me cry @mademoiselle (since I feel like the very few times I cried in a movie or drama was because of dog stories), but it made me think about whether my dog thinks he's a burden to us and made me be more attentive to my dog. I thought it was cute and a bit different to have an animal story, even though I don't know how other people felt about it. But there must be other animal loving drama people. Arc 7 & 8 Sexual assult case and Ryung Gyu's mother's story Sexual assault makes me so angry on behalf of the viictims and these 2 cases were both equally horrible, both because of what was done to the women by men who abused their powers, but also because of the victim blaming by people close to them. I don't understand victim blaming, but I'm glad this show called it out and showed how toxic it was. I wished these episodes also showed what society needs to do to change this way of thinking. Arc 9 - Comfort Woman story - Probably the saddest of them all, but I wrote about it above Arc 10 Ryeon + Jung Gil's story Again I felt so bad for how women always take the blame if they're possibly sexually assulted (and it didn't even happen). This was such a sad love story, one that pierced my heart a little. And I was thinking, damn, must have been super torurous seeing your husband from your past life for thousands of years but him not knowing your history together Arc 11 Ryeon's friend who is an idol - I thought it must have been so ironic for all the celebrities especially someone like Rowoon who might be able to relate to having haters or people using you or blackmailing you. Also thought it was good once again to show the darker side of the idol industry to show that idols are people too. Anyway, I have more thoughts which I'm putting on a late podcast episode which I guess I'll share when I'm done :) But these were my main mircothoughts Hahahaha have you never finished a Rowoon drama before?! Hahaha I know right! It would have been so cute if he assulted them with his usual hugs. But I do have to say even though this was one of those series where he didn't remember them because he got the old memory wipe, I liked how they handled it in that the conversation was still so playful. And like Ryeon said they only really have to wait 50 years until he becomes a Grim Reaper for reals, so not that sad of an ending in my mind
  22. So I finished this drama and I loved it Sorry I haven't been as active on this thread as I would have liked to be I think this might be my favourite Rowoon project yet, which is weird since I really liked Extraordinary You and The King's Affection...but when there's a good second lead alongside him, I really cannot resist the second leads *coughLeeJaeWookNamYoonSucough* But I think what I liked about this series was that it was a non-romance and we got to see him do something different. I felt charmed to see him more as a character that's dopey, but also super empathetic and playful. I guess he was that way in The King's Affection as well, but there's something about seeing him do it for strangers rather than just a girl that really did it for me. He has advanced in the Tier system...and who knows @mademoiselle...maybe one day I will also be on the same level as you in worship The show itself felt like it had a lot of good stories and I loved the range of topics they covered from pets to elderly vetrans, from eating disorders and social expectations to failures and feeling like a burden to someone else. The only thing I felt was lacking in some episodes was the resolution of the issue - the path to recovery for things like eating disorders and sexual assault wouldn't be that smooth...and so I feel like they missed an opportunity to advocate for things like therapy or starting to change your mindset with a support group which would have been more realistic. But all in all, I still found the show meaningful and I think it's important to show things that allow for conversations about topics like mental health and daily life struggles
  23. @Sominah There's a subbed version by Lee Jae Wook's fan club Hahahaha why is this looking like a comedy?!
  24. Oh mannn I just watched the Comfort Woman episode and it actually made me cry! I was fine with the other episode though they were sad/ bittersweet...as you know I'm mostly a stone. BUT THEN I SAW THIS EPISODE. I think it's because I recently watched a documentary about comfort woman and I was so extremely sad and angry on their behalf at what they had to suffer. The torture was forced upon these girls for something like 15 hours a day in real life. When I heard about it, I felt so sick and horrified. I think seeing an imagined story for one of the girls brought out the feelings of the documentary. Also, I guess I'm more likely to cry when I'm angry. Tomorrow succeeded in breaking me down Let me catch up on episode 14 and then I'll write my thoughts on the other episodes
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