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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hahaha it's like they have a death wish No Asian mother would allow you to live after that Oh and I'm on board for this one too! I got convinced by the 1998 trailers...I love a good nostalgia drama
  2. Hahaha they are totally old school...that's why I'm still surprised contract marriages are so popular I think when I read mangas in high school some of those comics had been out for like 30 years....so this is a super ancient trope! But maybe I'm not really surprised. I mean they need a reason for them to be quite intimate quickly in close proximity for a long period of time...and contract marriages are a trope that ticks all those boxes...
  3. Episode 11 Yep, I'm only up to episode 11 because lazy. These are my random thoughts: - I fell off the bandwagon and got lazy with watching because of how little movement there was forward in the story for a long time. I like romantic tension in dramas, but I think this drama just felt like the romantic tension was caught in a lot of prickly moments and full of unresolved hurt rather than that curious excitment of a new love about to happen. I'm back since I did see happy spoiler stills everywhere....While I think this drama is visually stunning and so pretty, I'm not sure if I'll be invested in the romance itself that much...there's still enough pull for me to watch, but can't say I love tha main couple dearly or anythiing like that - Haha, I love that cute little unfriendly dog that Choi Ung notices the stationary shop owner has. Also I love those kinds of stationary stores in Asia - It would really really suck if your ex was rumoured to be datiing a mega star - imagine having to hear rumours over and over again - You know who else I felt sorry for? Chae Ran! She finally got the courage to ask Ji Ung out in the guise of taking him out for Sunbae birthday treat and then they run into the work team I have to say I find most of the female characters a little hard to fully relate to in this series except Chae Ran...Yeon Su has such a hard personality that it can feel gratiing to watch as someone who doesn't have this type of personality, her friend Sol Yi and NJ are really oddly kooky so can't relate personally though they're fun to watch...but Chae Ran, I really like with her innocently dry humour and observant nature Really rooting for her. You know what...this storyline also reminds me of Hometown Cha Cha Cha all over again with the assistant girl liking the second lead guy - You know I don't mind NJ. Although pursuing Choi Ung, at least she doesn't seem to fight dirty though she's not backing down either? At least so far - I like Choi Ung and Ji Ung's relationship though it hurts watching them feel tense over a girl. Damn love triangles. - This episode finally made some big leaps with the two revealing their true feelings nad Choi Ung confirming he was abandoned. I was really touched when they had that heart to heart and it was basically him begging her to not stop loving him. I feel like they both speak really well with their eyes, especially Choi Woo Shik.But jJuxtaposed with the scene where he reveals he was adaopted, I still feel it was a little harsh that she never told him why they were breaking up (but I assume this wiill be fixed later on)
  4. Hahaha, wahhh they really like the contract marriage idea Is this the webtoon in the background?
  5. Hahaha sorryyyyy Actually I'm surprised at how much of an Oppa Joe stiill is to some people. There's always comments on his channel/ livestreams from people still rewatchiing ISWAK. My confession is...I never watched it I got the photobook...it's awaiting a flight here, so still not here yet Hahaha I thought the title would have given it away I knew about the author of the book (Breat Easton Ellis) for a long time and knew that all his stories were dark and nihilistic and about soulless, moralless rich people, so was well prepared when we watched the DVD years ago...wow, DVDs...it must have been years ago since DVDs are such a thing of the past What's the misconception? Bringing the conversation back to Oppas...First Oppa ever Gong Yoo made me laugh so much today with his interaction with agency mate Choi Woo Shik. I loved how he wanted to "Sue" him for the dinosaur drawing on the Soop Youtube banner
  6. I really liked these interviews - it's a shame they had to be wearing face masks, but safety first (also I think this was at the peak of the pandemic in Taiwan when a lot of people caught covid)
  7. Hahaha it's this strange half heart again...
  8. Yes, C-dramas are so crazy. I'm use to watching anything between 6-25 episodes, so these 40+ or 60+ dramas are a real test of endurance! Awww lucky! It's such a nice time to rest up and watch more TV Wish we got time off for Chinese New Years...maybe I should just take time off
  9. Are you watching a lot @SilverMoonTea or just what you mentioned above?
  10. Hahaha ok I'll try and get onto it then. Currently I'm not really watching much: C-Drama: Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty K-Drama: Our Beloved Summer and Melancholia, I'm halfway though both, but I've given up watching them live because I haven't been in the mood. Well, Melancholia ended ages ago. I know I'll eventually finish both, but I don't know when exactly I will be watching All of Us are Dead when that drops in 3 days time though. Zombies are my thing And just been watching lots of Taiwanese films and Youtube clips. Hahaha, still not over Paul Fu and there's a lot of interviews and movies he was in. What has this Taiwanese Oppa done to me?
  11. Wowww...ok this does sound good. Kinda sounds like this series called Russian Doll on Netflix (not an Asian series) where the female lead ends up dying over and over again on her birthday until she figures out how to get out of the time loop. Ok. Maybe I'll give it a go and see if any other C-dramas can change my bias against them Hahaha, ok, ok I'll try it. How many episodes is it? Is it on break because of Beijing Olympics? I'm asking because I'll need catch up time!
  12. I'm soooooo hot today in this yucky summer heat So demotivated even to watch dramas. I'm just slumped in front of my fan trying to keep cool but sweating like a psyduck Yeah tell me about it. Sooo many choices when you consider streaming platforms, drama insdustries, actors...dramas you missed years ago...too many choices wahhhh... I'm not that excited by what''s coming up either...so I'm on drama break until zombies in 3 days time Yeah I definitely don't feel like it's strict here. I mean I always see people not wearing mask in shopping centres and public transport and there's no consequences. There's also people who test positive who don't isolate either. It's pretty disappointing. And anti-vaxer people are definitely making mountains out of ant hills about anything covid related until they get it and end up in hospital themselves Hahaha all I want to do is eat ice-cream in this weather. I'm just accepting my covid and summer fats now How is Reset? I keep hearing good things about it...but in all my drama watching years the only C-Drama I've enjoyed so far has been Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty....so don't know if I'll try this, but kinda intrigued! Time travel is my thing...if it's good I'm impressed, if it's bad, I love picking out all the issues with it
  13. Done done ~ Hahaha I feel like I've read at least 27 mangas wiith contract marriage plotlines that were exactly the same when I was a teenn Good to see the contract marriage genre is not dead. Haha, I know I started this thread, but someone please tag me when this starts. I'm so out of the Kdrama world with release dates at the moment.
  14. Hahaha...is is terrible if I say I still don't think he looks like he use to? What's with all thse title changes? But actually, in a weird way I think the new title reads better than the old one...so I guess I don't reallllly mind it
  15. Hahaha I like that it's the change of DP that makes this love serious @Tofu And not the fact that I've subbed 15 behind the scenes/ interview videos with him in it recently, made someone line up to sign a book for me or mentioned him in like every post on Oppa tracker for the past month Person who got my book signed sent these snippets of video with the Rainless Cast:
  16. Whhhoaaa KYK will be in Korean American Psycho. This feels a lot more interesting a role for him. I'll watch this Haha, American Psycho is very dark. This is the first time I've heard about this too
  17. Hahaha I laughed reading this lecture. You gotta be true to yourself @ssteph or Mademoiselle is going to be mad I feel the same about both of these actors! I like Jung Hae In in certain roles, but he hasn't been adopted. I don't feel any deep attraction, just that he's doing well or not well in a role. Also, I feel nothing for Jang Ki Young, though admittedly I haven't seen heaps of his projects. But I think that's the problem...I'm not enticed to watch any of his projects Hahahaha omg this is so adorable You had SLS from the first episode??? I don't even remember that the second lead did anything in the first episode! This is one of the series where I haven't had SLS...I feel sorry for him, but also can't see the chemistry between second lead and female lead? Wow, can't believe it's pretty much all taking place in a girl's dorm. I don't think I'll watch then, not that I've been in the mood for Kdramas lately anyway. It's been a bit of a nightmare screening for JTBC. Bet they're glad to finish the run early and bury this show behind them. So true. Yeah with my friends who were exes who are now back together, they didn't break up for any solid reason except they both felt they were drifitng apart and it was lots of little things. But they had a good, amicable friendship when not together (even though they didn't talk because they didn't want to complicate things for new partners, but they still got along really well when they did talk)...so I think the conditions must be that there's not broken trust and you must still have a strong relationship other than romance/lust/attraction to fall back on Hahaha we just want you to be happier Yesss! You know my main Oppas. Good job!
  18. Awww, yes, I think Park Shin Hye does look like she's glowing. She must be really happy It's nice to see a wedding in the K-Ent world and all the celebrity guest makes you think of all their past projects...and it's nice to see they maintain some of those friendships @abs-oluteM The vows (though I don't know if there's more) Hahaha I feel like I've attended this wedding virtually
  19. Hahaha, I will watch this even though it sounds soooo extraaa It's based on a webtoon apparently. Someone on my Twitter feed who is a CJH fan was freaking out about this because they read the webtoon awhile ago and thought it'd make a good drama and then they cast her fave I love time travel, but totally agree that it's often not done well. I enjoy picking out the flaws of bad ones though Do we put wedding pics here? *When you didn't get invited, so you do the social media stalk* Wowww did she livestream her wedding??? Or guests really into filming? Or media present? How does everyone have footage
  20. What is this drama? Hahaha it's just soooo Asian to drop the word 'Doctor' into every second title It's just as bad as Taiwanese dramas dropping the word 'Love' into every title...we get it, we get it, there's romance I'm so happy that you're crushing to my expectations @SilverMoonTea I, on the other hand, have adopted no one new. I've just got it realllllly, reallllly bad still for Paul Fu/ Fu Meng Bo. I thought this would end with Rainless Love ending, but no, I'm still addicted and now I'm working my way through all his projects (except his horror films and Mainland dramas where he's a side character). I'm even watching The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty and even though I don't usually watch Mainland dramas, period dramas or Boys Love, this is one is suprisingly good. Might be the first Mainland drama I'll enjoy. The adoption rate is so admireable Hahaha and then they show all their elderly friends (who don't watch dramas) a still from the drama where they're wearing the doctor's coat...like see, I DO have a doctor son HAHAHA. Yeah that might not be for Tea Truer words have never been spoken! Hahaha do you know mine?
  21. Haha, Yep it was a complicated ending for Rainless Love in a Godless Land Yep, kind of...everything in the main part of the story takes place in a dream world made by the dream God, Lemed (who is Fali aka Joe Cheng's true identity) Orad is like an avatar of Kakarayan, like a version of himself that he wanted to be. I'd say the Orad-Kakarayan connection like a bit like the Jesus-God connection in Christianity. I'm not sure if Kakarayan is satisfied, but apparently as a God he can have no regrets to his plans (there is no word for regret in the Amis language? or at least amongst the Kawas/ Gods)...so I guess when his plans don't work out as he wishes, he just makes new plans He wanted Orad to not make his mistakes and so I guess he must be happy that Orad is able to love the one person he couldn't. Kakarayan wasn't in love with Tian Di's grandma...he was in love with a human years and years ago called Tiyamacan and even though there in no recincarnation in this series, Tian Di just happened to be a human born to look like Tiyamacan years and years later. (The legend of Tiyamacan, a human who had a god fall in love with her, is a real legend of the Amis Indigenous people of Taiwan). Alice is a fallen God (haha, I really liked her fallen angel status!) In the past, she was a God who worked with Orad and had a unrequited love for him. But then she realised that the events that would lead to his disppearance was because of Tian Di. So she decided to get rid of Tian Di to save Orad. She got rid of his memories of her and tried to kill Tian Di as a child, but failed...and ironically, she set in motion the events that would happen in the future since Orad meets Tian Di after her parents die. It's one of those stories where you see the future, and you try to stop it, but in tampering with the future, you actually bring the events to happen. Her story is quite sad though because he never knew she liked him and then after she wiped his memories, he always thought she was evil (though as a fallen God, she kind of is) Haha, this is a bit long...but there is no way to explain this quickly I don't think! Hahaha, but I approve of your hubby liking Gong Yoo and Jung Hae In Haha, are you watching Our Beloved Summer then??? That is the ultimate Exes getting back together story. I always thought it was a weird plot line, but then I saw friends get back with their exes in real life and make it work so....I guess it's a thing! Are you still watching Snowdrop @mademoiselle? I couldn't deal with all the drama about the drama and so didn''t start it in the end. I'm on a Kdrama break will All of Us are Dead as you suggested. Although I'm heavily back into the Taiwanese drama world lately. I finished a 50 episode TW drama the other day...Sounds impressive, but really each episode was 3 minutes long as it was a LINE drama with a similar super short super sweet format to Superior Shaman and Bite Sisters I actually really enjoyed it for the comedy and this is the first drama I've seen with the NEW generation of Taiwanese actors that are like 20-25 yrs old. But they look so young they could be like 12! (I totally didn't pick up this drama for Paul Fu who plays a devil-in-disguise, magical salesman) I love how excited we are every time @ssteph or @Chocolate say someone is hot We just want them to stray
  22. Hahaha I assume if we're all somewhat similar ages that @abs-oluteM may have been a lot younger and more susceptible to the more fangirling ways I feel like I can still really like certain actors *cough current Paul Fu obsession cough* But I'm at a stage where I definitely like all my faves with an open door. If they turn out to be jerks, I'm good to go But I actually think I've been quite lucky in all my years with all my oppas so far. I think I've just seen past oppas in 'good' old dating scandals (which are really not scandals, but just people wanting to confirm who they're dating) and then eventually married off. Like George Hu. Ah, the thought that he's marrying Annie Chen is still satisfying to me I'm not sure if being fooled to that degree is great either. Surely there were warning bells that were ignored Yesss! He's quite introverted. When he first started being more famous and doing interviews with Puff he was so shy and awkward and she had to cover for him He's one of those introverts that has learned to present extrovertedly though Haha you're right. I definitely like sunshine smiley guys like @Tofu does
  23. @SilverMoonTea Oooh is this out already??? Maybe this will pull me out of my Kdrama slump! Is it good?
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