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Everything posted by JenL

  1. That poor unfortunate souls song is catchy! You know, when I as a kid I loved Ariel. But then I watched this movie a few years back for work and was like....wow, Ariel sure is annoying Like really, she's going to give up everything for a guy she thinks is hot because she saw him once on a boat?! After that Ursula became my favourite character But personally, if I was going to be a witch I'd wanna look as smoking cool as Song Ji Hyo And nooo...this is too ominous.... what's going to become of my two favourites Credit: Dream
  2. Yep it's out! I watched on KissAsia Oooh thank you! That makes much more sense. Haha, look at me poking fun at Tik Tok generation when I also mentally skip information while watching dramas On the other hand does that mean I'm like one of the youths of today?
  3. I think because it's hard to play a character with autism if you don't have it - you'd want to make them look believable, but not stereotypical and you'd want to play them as having a heart, but not always being able to understand/ relate to the world around (whilst also not trying to paint the disability in a bad light). Those who pull it off are truly talented actors!
  4. I forgot this one started yesterday! But since the episodes were so short, squeezed them after my other short supernatural drama, The Witch's Diner Episodes 1-2 - The good thing about this is that the supernatural parts are not scary at all (The only scary parts are the suicides )- I find the evil spirits remind me of The Uncanny Counter . I do think it's kind of funny (but logical) that an evil spirit at school targets students who come last (because of the real-life pressure of rankings in Korean schools). But why only at that specific school huh? - KSR and NDR didn't feature much in the first ep, though I guess it set up her backstory of being the reluctant shaman....and I don't blame her for being reluctant. How traumatising would it be for a little kid like her to have to see someone do that?! Also poor cute child actress had to run up so many flights of stairs! - Well, the end of Ep 1 where Na Woo Soo (NWS) stares at Ga Doo Shim (GDS) was pretty But then I got to the end of episode 2 and he hugs her?! Wow, NWS is quick. The romance here is moving faster than at The Witch's Diner They both look so good when they're looking at each other though - Haha can't believe the teacher touched the shoulders of top student NWS...my friends are primary/ high school teachers and you're definitely not suppose to make contact with your students - I didn't understand the part where the mum almost got choked...was that the blond ghost or a different blond ghost? As in the one who died at the start of ep 1 and later also shows up and talks to her? I know he wants them to find is mum, but why would he try to choke them?! I feel like she can, but maybe she's quite weak? I know right? What's with all the ultra short series these days?? Is it because they're tailoring to the TikTok generation who have limited attention spans and find it hard to get through Youtube videos? On the other hand, I am kind of use to this because some Western shows on Netflix tend to be 20-30 mins long. I finished The Good Place which was about 20 mins per ep. But I guess it's weird for K-dramas which often have rather full multiple storylines with twists and extensive character and romance developments
  5. Hahaha, my main thought while watching Episode 4 was: Has this girl never seen The Little Mermaid before?!? She totally got sea witched = trades amazing singing voice for a man! Ugh, no...you should never trade your talents for a jerk who didn't notice/ appreciate you! On an even bigger scale....NOOOOOOOOO.....Jin can't fall for that Nevertheless guy when Gil Yong/ Chae Jong Hyeop just scored a date! Thank god @mademoiselle tagged me and @Tofu for the behind the scenes crumbs Episode 4 - I'm glad that GY's friend is back from the hospital and no longer scared of the bullies...and Damn, Gil Yong looked so cool standing up for his friend However, it makes me wonder how they're going to stand up to the bullies...not through the witch's food right? - Ah, I was simultaneously sympathetic and mehhh about this week's restaurant visitor. As mentioned before, she fell into the exact same trap as The Little Mermaid. Haha, I personally would have started running as soon as Heera said she wanted a voice payment because we all know from the fairytale that she's not going to be 'loved' once she gives her voice away. - What I liked about this week's episode is that it shows that we always think we'll be happy if we get want we want, especially when something bad happens and we always have a sense of nostalgia for things being better the way they were. But actually sometimes one doors closes so that another one opens. If actress had accepted that her boyfriend had cheated on / dumped her, she could have found someone even better. But because she forces fate to align with her wishes, she no longer has that sense of nostalgia and the truth is that her everyday relationship was already full of cracks but she romanticised it when she was told it was over. Letting go is key. - Speaking of the 'someone better' she could have ended up with, damn, she missed out! ...A doctor who loved musicals and came to watch her every show?! I thought it was silly that she didn't question who the flowers were from when she got them. But I guess people tend to fixate when they break up - Noooo!!! I'm stressed for Gil Yong and Jin. I mean, I was so happy that Jin just volunteered herself for a date with him (notice Gil Yong was all adorable smiles when he didn't have to do much for her to agree to see a movie )...That scene where they walked home together made me smile for a week...but now there's danger because of damn Tom Kim - Why did she have to eat the leftovers?! But I guess Jin wasn't thinking of anyone as she ate since it's not about her ex coming back into the picture. The girl was just hungry - But wait, did Heera's words mean that Heera herself ate magic food (ie. succumbed to magic) and that meant she 'chose' to be a witch? I can't wait to see Heera's backstory. - Jin's mum definitely struck a deal with the witch. Maybe Jin got lost and the deal was: Find my daughter and you can have her when she hits a certain age? - Hahaha he was also the abusive boyfriend in Age of Youth ....haha maybe the actress wouldn't have been happy with him either Maybe the torture is she thinks she would have been happier with him (although JIJ was the fairly likeable funny best friend in Weightlifting Fairy) I think it shows that the wishes are not instant gratification. It takes time for things to come into effect, and could take months and years. Though the payment was taken relatively quickly I would have thought he would get prize money or something, but maybe that was spent on his hospital bills *me overthinking drama logic* That's why I wish there were more episodes to flesh out the storylines - I'm thinking maybe that is the lady he saved? Maybe she has a rich family or something. I think maybe there'll be a few episodes where SJH will have more airtime, but I feel like Jin is the main character. But I'm not too surprised since I feel like it was sold to me that way (ie. from the posters and promo stuff). Totally agree the episodes are short...I need more! Yep totally felt the same way about the actress' wish! Having seen friends (both guys and girls) go through bad long-term break-ups, I guess you should never make rash decisions straight after a break up. People get so irrational at that point. And You're totally right - no one should pin their self-worth on a relationship or someone elses' love or their opinions of you. I guess the problem is people tend to do it if it's a long-term relationship and they were not privy to the decision to end it. Still I'd hope to love myself enough to never torture myself in that way
  6. Chae Jong Hyeop has such a killer smile....I have a weak heart...he's going to kill me at this rate
  7. Wow Her performance was really good in the team competitions too, especially since she had to do an unexpected routine to replace Simone Biles Wow, that's so cool that you've seen her before in real life and kind of know her family. Haha, I have no connections to athletes as far as I know. I like watching gymnastics though Australia doesn't ever really make it into those finals. But swimming is good. We seem to have amazing swimmers who somehow find energy in the last 50m to beat everyone I keep missing Malaysia badminton matches! I saw Women's Doubles Quarter-finals where Korea beat Japan. It was an intense match too. The final game ended up being 28 to 26 since each team kept catching up to the other
  8. Hahaha, so you are in the same notorious dropping league as @SilverMoonTea I can't really fast forward dramas even if it's predictable Haha, but given the length of Chinese dramas, you would have to in order to keep up with all the ones coming out! I generally tend to know what I like, so I only drop a few dramas each year. So far this year it's only been Sweet Home and You are my Spring Hahaha...I'm not much of a binging person. It happens only once in awhile...remember, I'm the only person who liked the 1 episode per week Taiwanese schedule. And I came to Janghaven because I met @Jane when it took us 6 weeks to watch the Jasper Liu- Lee Seung Gi variety Twogether and we could have just binged it in 24 hours as all the episodes were dropped by Netflix on one day @mademoiselle is like the Olympian of K-drama watching Oooohhh Thanks so much for this @stroppyse It's nice to know what they're saying since this seems to be a nice little clip of these two! Hehe, my Korean is nowhere near advanced enough to understand clips. But this week I learn how to negate verbs and adjectives using 안 They're so cute... Gil Yong is very smooth - pulls out all stops including his height as tools of seduction...can't blame Jin for falling into his trap The logic of that scene went from "Hey I'm taller than you" to "Let's watch a movie" But I love them soooooooooooooooooo much
  9. Noooo ...I want as much (good) Kingdom content as I can get! Haha, I suppose if JJH is not free they can always turn Ashin into a side character...a stepping stone to another evil person (even though they teased out the character so much that she even got her own stand alone movie )
  10. Those pictures are soooo pretty. They're both so stylish in black! I'm already living for this pair....why do all my faves have to be in super short dramas?
  11. Don't worry @Tofu...I choose to believe we also could have been Olympians, but we sacrificed that to watch dramas Hahaha, does that make me feel better? I'm not sure....
  12. @Tofu @NiteWalker If they're not young and talented....then they are multi-talented? How are some of these people lawyers/ dentists / university professors and also Olympians?! https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristenharris1/olmpic-athletes-day-jobs?d_id=2440585&ref=bftwbuzzfeed&utm_source=dynamic&utm_campaign=bftwbuzzfeed
  13. Thanks for that @Tofu ...I thought he looked quite good in the blonde, though I guess bleach kills your hair very badly! Hahaha...even if he tried hard not to be cute, he wouldn't be able to succeed...
  14. Wow, this is so wrong on so many levels. It's full of stereotypes and also the types of images selected ...if it was just food and holiday locations, fine - it's like they're introducing the places themselves. But the way that it's horrible things for certain countries is really bad and narrow minded Whoa, I'm crushing on him already because he says girls don't have to be skinny Yeah, nothing like the Olympics to make you feel like you haven't achieved much ...all these 13-17 years olds already getting gold medals...and then there's me, an adult, double some of their ages, struggling not to make my tea too hot or to spill it while I watch them perform on TV
  15. Haha don't blame you - it looked painful! I was glad I wasn't eating dinner! This leading trio are the best And even though it's not a long drama, they've built up chemistry really well. Haha, can't believe you recognise all the drama locations Yayyyy, glad you're watching. I agree, it's got rather smooth graphics and there's an air of mystery which I always like in the series I pick up. Haha, I wonder if the series is short because it was expensive to do those magical graphics I see you're spreading the good word about Chae Jong Hyeop on all mediums Haha, I wouldn't underestimate yourself though... I think you watch the most types of Asian dramas out of everyone - Chinese, Taiwanese, Thai, Korean (Do you watch Japanese ones? ). I tend to do Taiwanese, Korean or International shows (usually British, American or occasionally, Spanish). Correct me if I'm wrong, I think @mademoiselle is able to fit in Western shows because she said she doesn't really care for Chinese dramas? Chinese dramas are intense with their dropping 10 episodes at a time!
  16. Yeah I'm quite confused about this. Hasn't been explained...wonder if we will have a flashback reveal in the last episode about what happened I read Bang's story a bit differently - It's not that he felt unmotivated because from all the previous episodes, he is probably one of the most motivated - he was the only one of the boys not to skip intense training etc. But also from the past episodes, you remember that all the boys tell HK that Bang's family are SUPER supportive to the point they'll only eat his favourite food when he comes home and his dad was upset when he thought the coach cared more for HK. But there's a special pressure that comes with letting down a family who's really invested in you...a pressure that is made worse when everyone tells you "it's ok, you've already made it this far." When Bang is talking to the Coach, it seems like he mentions these words to comfort himself the way others have said to him in case he loses (ie. he fears failure and is setting himself for failure by thinking it's ok if I fail since it's likely)...but Coach Bae says, "No, you must win. You should feel the pressure. You need to win because you are the best player." The coach instils that winning mindset and confidence in his abilities that motivates him. Also he lets him know that it's normal to feel pressure. Every great player feels those nerves before a match - so it doesn't mean he's going to fail because of that. I don't get the point of Coach Bae leaving before their big NJSF matches either, but I agree KTS is like a son to him so maybe the timing was right to going back to support him
  17. Episode 15 - Is it weird if I say I felt this episode was a bit filler-y heading towards the final match? I feel like everyone liked it but me. It was fine when the episode focused on the boys getting over individual issues or when they focused on how the villagers were fighting to keep their village...but the long discussion between the coaches felt kind of unnecessary to me...just really drawn out and went in circles talking about HK being the in final match. And I'm not sure if I'm as invested in Kang Tae Son's storyline either, which took up a portion of this episode, though it was nice to see Coach Bae be really close to a player from his past and treat that player like a son - I laughed at how hard village chief was trying to get some attention from Song Hee...but then got brother-zoned, which is a zillion times worse than friend-zoned - YT getting the confidence to be himself rather than living in the shadow of his idol was a good character development plot line. Also funny that he got it from his actual idol - Bang's fainting storyline sort of felt a little out of nowhere, though I get that he always felt pressure from his family to do well and that got to him. I think it was bad for him because his family is so very nice (opposite of say NWC's dad who was initially unsupportive) - he always felt too supported as the well loved oldest son, so didn't want to let down anyone. He was probably also lacking the support he needed from Coach Bae who had always trusted. I'm glad the coach came back to instil that confidence in him once again - NWC's arc and surprise scheduling because his strength is the opponent's weakness was a great way to bring him back into the main storyline. I liked that he's always been portrayed as an average-good player...but I think this shows that in a team, there's always some strength you can contribute even if you think you have nothing. - I am highly confused about HK and NWC's injuries though - I thought they were both injured to the point where they weren't suppose to play? If anyone has something that I missed, let me know? - Ugh that guy who wants to build the golf course is so stupid. How did he think he would convince people by first being rude and then threatening people? Good thing Grandma's ghost was protecting the place - It was cute - and a confidence booster for Kang Tae Son - that all the kids got to meet their local idol! - Haha, wow, HK is always so sweet with SY I like that he also doesn't exclude from talking about the village, his family and friends being important, but it sounded so nice and earnest when he said that he only had one priority for winning which is SY Next week's ep looks good, but like you, I'm not ready to say bye either!
  18. Is this some sort of still from Sisyphus the myth @SilverMoonTea? Happy Olympics @Tofu
  19. Hahaha she lied. 'Appa' was just disguise word. First love was actually Gil Yong This is the sort of project I take on when working from home ...but somehow I still fixed many work problems while collaging my stripy jumper photos. I found out today that I am a productive multi-tasker Hahaha, you and your bias! Rowoon's picture is blurry coz all the screenshots from videos were slightly blurry...the only really clear ones were Kang Tae Oh and Lee Joon Hyuk since they seem like stills. In my opinion, the least offensive wearers are either Jang Ga Ram / Jeong Yun Ho (you all thought I'd say Lee Jae Wook right? ). I think because the Orange and blue jumpers seem less bright...or maybe the wearers are in matching looking backgrounds? The others just scream out weird bright colours to me. Rowoon looks like a caterpillar to me But an attractive caterpillar...just like Lee Jae Wook is attractive bumblebee I agree. The red and purple one is the most offensive combination Hahaha, Did you make a Freudian typo - your mind was thinking of stripping instead of stripy? You say Google changed it, but I don't know if I believe you
  20. Hello Everyone Welcome to my talk about the Stripy jumper Conspiracy. It feels like I completed a school assignment today so I will present like a school assignment. Here are my findings The over-worn Stripy jumper belongs to a Korean brand called 'Trunk Project'. The pattern is called 'Angora stripe knit sweater'...This jumper costs $325.71 AUD (currently on discount for $269.96 AUD) Not sure what that is USD, but over $100 USD at least. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trunkproject_official/ webpage for jumper: https://us.wconcept.com/angora-stripe-knit-sweater-purple-451421065.html The reason the jumper is still around is because it seems to be a design they've decided to keep, but change the colour of, every season...so it appears time and time and time again Look at the many variations: As we all know, many Korean celebrities have worn this jumper either as a character or because it was their own fashion choice. I went down a stripy rabbit hole today and found more and more wearers I know a number of these are Kpop guys - might need @Tofu to help explain which bands they are from. I only know the actors. This picture is big but not sure why it's displaying a small pic, might need to click to see big version: Also while it seems to be more popular among the Korean male celebrity population, females are not excluded. Here is Taeyeon wearing the bumblebee one: In conclusion, maybe it's not just all the Oppas who have this jumper, but maybe every Korean The End Hahaha, that's our Tea. So talented at finding chemistry from thin air! Yayyyy!!! So glad you've adopted Greg Hsu. He's so beautiful Hahaha Thanks for contributing to my jumper research Hahaha Hope you are still watching But should be since I was still very vague Whoaaa....so cold, so cold... This Oppa not even from that long ago! Hahaha it's always the self-proclaimed loyal ones that have a black book for Oppas hidden somewhere
  21. Racket Boys made me interested in real life badminton! Just watched Australia take down Denmark in Women's doubles at the Olympics and now watching Korea v. Indonesia Men's doubles...real life (grown-up) racket boys
  22. Racket Boys made me interested in real life badminton! Just watched Australia take down Denmark in Women's doubles and now watching Korea v. Indonesia Men's doubles
  23. That one was such a weird combination of colours!!! I shall compile my findings for show and tell tomorrow evening Prepare for lots of stripes!
  24. It is the skill of a true fangirl to find crumbs even where they do not exist Hahaha Rowoon too!!! Oh my God. It truly is a conspiracy I'm going to ask the next Korean guy I meet whether they own this stripy jumper Your Oppa is a good looking man...But .I dunno about this green version though. So green
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