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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hello friends! sorry it's been so long since I last checked in -I've hurt my arm and I'm not suppose to type much hopefully it'll heal soon anf I can hang out here again. Been really behind it dramas latey too. Only just finished Taxi Driver and Call it Love. What's everyone watching? And what's everyone's top recommndation at the moment? Anyway miss you guys!!!
  2. Wow I admire people who can rewatch things 3 times!!! I'm generally not a rewatcher because I have too many things to rewatch, I like it when people cut out clips of the best parts to save me from rewatching though! @mademoiselle ahhhhh I miss All of Us are Dead. I want the second season already Has Lomon been in anything since then? @Tofu I've always liked him but yeah he's really hitting the aesthetics lately. LJW is just everything YESSSSSSS I LOVVVVEEEEEEEEE THEM @mademoiselle Can't believe that they're coming back for a cameo as a pair Their chemistry was on fire and I loved that they still always sent each other food trucks or would mention each other or that drama from time to time. And I'm interested in the new series too! I loved Lee Yoo Mi in Squid Game too and was wondering when she would get a big role. I'm excited and hoping the series will be better written in terms of storyline than the original (though MinMin couple made me love the original despite story dragging with the subplot) Agree 100%!!! I felt like the gangster storyline took too much away from the main storyline towards the end... I know right...I just want to see them together again It would be cool if they did do a drama pairing LJW and Hye Yoon as different characters. I feel like they get along so well and they''d be able to pull of the chemistry for sure. I also haven't really cared much for Hye Yoon's dramas since Extraordinary You whereas I think I've watched every LJW drama. Sure I like him, but I also think he picks good series to be in. He has a few confirmed dramas actually. I'll need to check if there's threads otherwise I should start some. But it might be cursed because I tend not to write in the threads I start for some reason!!! I think it's because there's lots of things I want to say and post but then I procrastinate and then the next week comes around...too much pressure has made me avoid threads by accident Is she from The Glory ? Isn't he too young for relationship confirmation news? Normally the young ones try very hard to hide their dating statuses Hahaha I would support only because I would get to see him ALL. THE. TIME Haha, a few of my friends have younger partners...one her boyfriend is 4 years, but the other her boyfriend is 6-7 years younger! But the boyfriend is quite mature looking and is a thoughtful guy. But I think sometimes if the personalities match then it's better than if they're the same age! Wonder if requests to do this kind because he prefers it?!?
  3. This is actually on my watch list! But I haven't started yet...I have te opposite problem @SilverMoonTea...too many dramas to watch and no time I caught up on Call it Love to the latest episode yesterday. Catching up on Taxi Driver tonight. Definitely haven't watched Heveanly Idol since episode 2?...And new dramas keep popping up that I'm like, I need to get into this!!! Have you found anything interesting to watch lately? Changes her mind a lot that one! Oh no, don't tell me that...I can'e deal with annoying leads Hahaha, what happened to your love of romances that are barely romances? @mademoiselle Late answer to your question - I sprainned my ankle like 12 years ago and it still occasionally hurts a little if I've been using that foot too much. I think it's just never going to be the same unfortunately. I did go to accupuncture to try to fix it though. Hahaha @Chocolate I don't mind my screaming, I just don't like other people's screaming THERE IS A SPAM MUSEUM?!?! If you're talking about the highly processed meat, I love that stuff. not the junk mail! I agree with this! I don't randomly scream when stars are singing too. Those fan girls really get to me. I think it's ok to make noise when they ask for it like if they tell a joke or ask for the answer to a question. I'm glad this new baby of mine is getting the attention he deserves even though he seems to be evil in every series I've picked up with him in it... Why have I even adopted him as Oppa huh? Oh right, because he looks cute while being the bad guy
  4. Episodes 1-6 Guys! I'm on episode 6 and I just LOVE Yoon Jun I was sold in like the first 5 mins when I saw Sung Joon and Lee Sung Kyung appear on screen. This guy has the BEST voice and damn, Yoon Jun is such a funny character with that chill, but deadpan humour. I'm so glad Sung Joon is back as an actor because it's been such a long break he's taken. (Not that I watched a lot of his dramas admittedly after Shut Up Flower Boy Band But hey, I still missed him. Although I really hated the drama Lie to Me, he got me real good as the second lead in that ). I'm up to the part where Yoon Jun brings the brother clothes and admits he was just acting upset when talking to Woo Joo I really like Yoon Jun's interactions with all the siblings and wish I had a close friend like him At first I didn't think I'd be into this drama, but maybe I'm just in the mood for misery again. because I like how raw everything is in this series. I feel like this sits in that misery-slice-of-life genre like My Liberation Notes, but it's somewhat lighter with the characters being a bit more likeable on the whole (or at least I can see where Woo Joo and her sibling's crazy behaviours come from.) Like the older sister in that series, Hye Sung is super needy and trying to fill a void for love. Also similar is Woo Joo who is as miserable and internally frustrated/ angry as Mi Jeong to begin with I don't blame Woo Joo as it's a really horrible thing her father did and the stepmother is a nasty piece of work...but I find her character to be so overly emotional that it makes me cringe sometimes. Like she presents so hard as cold and abruot, but she doesn't quite think logically about how best to get her stepmother back. Making a scene at a funeral doesn't work unless you can really one-up someone. Also throwing herself in front of a car?! Why would you hurt yourself when you can polish yourself up and get revenge But the gradual character development is great. I like that the drama shows that there's a fine line between love and hate. And the more she spends time with Dong Jin, the more she comes to see that his life is just as miserable as hers. I find Dong Jin to be more relatable with his people pleasing, self punishing ways (although his behaviour is to the extreme!) and I just love how Kim Young Kwan portrays him. Man, the way his character looks at Woo Joo is something! His ex-girlfriend is ery annoying though. How shameless can you get coming back expecting to slip into their lives after cheating to the point of almost marriage?!
  5. @Tofu @mademoiselle So I not only contiued watching this drama, I actually really got into it and actually ended up really liking it a lot I converted from skeptic to fanatic. Episodes 1-12 I liked this drama because the story was relatively fast paced and all the characters were quite likeable, except for the bad guys who were quite evil (which is the way I like my evil people to be). I'll say that it took me at least 2-3 episodes before I got into it - the editing/ directing wasn't the greatest which is why I feel the first couple of episodes weren't as interesting as they could be. For example, they weren't very good at doing transitions (ie. each episode started with a prologue, but they weren't very clear at indicating this. They also liked to do spoof scenes of other movies like Parasite and The Truman Show but sometimes you couldn't tell if it was actually part of the real events or just a daydream.) And the acting of certain characters like the parents or other workmates were sometimes toeing the line to being too silly. BUT there was something charming about all the characters and I liked how most of the main characters were portrayed as having a potentially sinister side - you couldn't always tell who was going to be good or bad. The cliffhangers were good and even though you knew who the main bad guys were, I thought it did a good job of keeping a sense of mystery and things to figure out. There wasn't heaps of romance, but it was wayyyy better than the love line in Love All Play. I quite like the actress and her character was pretty cool - she was able to solve problems and developed as a person and love interest. They had a good kiss in episode 10 or so But most importantly...Chae Jong Hyeop makes for a hot CEO. Put him in more suits, pls
  6. True! I think even years afterwards, it'll always be packed. I feel like Ghibli is pretty much Japan's version of Disney in terms of popularity. Well, hope you get to go one day Hahaha no one in real life would understand my level of fan girling Or at least they might understand that that's me, but they wouldn't be able to share in it. I totally understand what you mean with fan girl's screaming. Like it's ok if it's because they're gettiing close or something...but often they just yell when they're talking I went back to read what the comment was and it's because you typed LJW instead of LJS and so I was like I wonder why LJW went to Nagoya So true. Sighhh, I'm stuck trying to sync good times in either Malaysia, Singapore or Taiwan when a star I like decides to do one. But it's so hard to get the perfect time Hahahaha so you're not selling dramas or trapping innocent people to watch anymore? I'm watching Heavenly Idol by the way! I just haven't really typed anything anywhere because I'm usually busy or when I have time I'm so lazy/ tired. Not sure what's gotten into me lately. I feel like I'm at a weird point in my life. Anyway Heavenly Idol is so funny and weird. I'm actually enjoying the silliness of the series. It actually just reminds me of a more fantasy version of Business Proposal - super comic-like ideas. But the humour works ok for me - I laughed at his obsession with those tribute chocolates and the fact he was so offended at unbuttoning his top and acting evil for a photoshoot Did you watch all the episodes of Crash Course in Romance and just not watch the last episode??? I feel like most people are the opposite - just want to know the end! Fair enough. I'm enjoying season 2 - I don't think the story telling is quite as good as last season, but it's still warm and funny and I just like Lee Je Hoon
  7. Hmmm, did he go to the army? Or did he recently get a better agent? I can't really say I ever noticed him until recently where he's now kinda being evil everywhere But it looks like he was second lead a few years back?
  8. That's right @SilverMoonTea He is my Oppa! I've decided to start Heavenly Idol because I'm up to date with with Taxi Driver and I want to know what his first lead role is like though I hear it's kinda weird I feel like I'm sold now that you've said he's charming...these gifs are cute too Rowoon is the second lead in Where Stars Land?!?! I downloaded a few episodes for the plane ride home, but didn't get around to it. I feel like I'm always busy now. But I'm not sure why. Maybe it's due to the exercising. Since the start of the year I've been putting more time into health care which is good...but definitely takes tim away from dramas Hahahaha, and here I was thinking you were asking for a watch buddie when you tagged me...if I start it, hope that means you won't drop it
  9. Oooh were you wanting to go to the new theme park or the old museum? I'm so keen on that theme park but it seems too popular at the moment! Hahaha I loved Yong Hwa in Heartstrings too. That was like the deepest crush I had on him...and then it sorta faded out except for every now and then when he has a project This is soooo true! I'm always surprised by the lack of actors that come to Malaysia and do public fan meets or even paid one. It was sad that LJW cancelled his public, shopping centre fan meet in Malaysia, but he ended up doing one in HK as well as a paid fan meet (ie. 2 fan events) But yeah, the closest they seem to get is when they decide to go to Singapore Nahh, LJW didn't bring his fan meet there. He was the ambassador for tourism between Malaysia and Korea and they changed the event so the only way you could enter was to get in a draw from buying a Malaysia Airlines plane ticket to Seoul. So expensive just to get into a draw! Definitely no fan meets where I am. Kpop concerts are in my city, but it's a shame I'm not into Kpop Hahahaha no, I like going by myself so that no one sees me at my worst fangirliest self Not that I've ever been to a paid Korean fan meet. The Taiwanese ones have always been chill and free (except for my plane ticket there) I will pressure you to go to a Chae Jong Hyeop one when he becomes a big star
  10. Hahaha I'm going to check out some of these dramas when I get a chance. I started Prison Playbook awhile ago, but you know when you're watching the first episode and then get distracted and so you don't get invested...that's what happened to me. But I feel like it's something I'd love if I got into it, so I'm still going to watch it one day! Hahaha, I went to both Petite France and Nami Island. I actually don't mind Petite France and the Italian Village, but I was only there for an hour. It's cute, but it just seemed a bit dated. Nami Island is pretty, but at the tail end of winter it was a little sludgey with melted snow. I did the zipline into the island which was fun and we followed the animals around (there were lots of rabbits and a white peacock), but I don't know if there was that much to do at Nami Island either. I also didn't watch Winter Sonata, so I didn't have the drama nostalgia that a fan would have if they visited. The place I liked the most was The Garden of Morning Calm. Apparently they shot scenes from The King's Affection there. The garden doesn't have many flowers in the winter so they put on a huge light show instead. It was my favourite part of the tour. Oh you found the clips with Shin Jae Ha in it! I am hghly tempted now!!! Actually, as you might know I do like dramas with classical music themes so this is up my alley. I just kinda avoided it though during the Jisoo school bullying era. But I think the punishment has been served and now I actually like one of the actors in the drama soo... Hahaha Nagoya reminds me of Melbourne! But to be fair I personally didn't do annything there except visit a friend who was living there. But it felt peaceful and kind of slow. Wow, wonder why all the stars choose to go to Nagoya? Are you going to Japan too @mademoiselle??? How was Hokkaido @abs-oluteM? I think of the above, that's the only city I haven't been to, but hopefully next trip I can make it out that way. And maybe Kobe for BBQ. Always thinking of my stomach
  11. Yeah I also wasn''t super into the first episode, so didn't really contnue, though also just didn't have access to it on my travels since it wasn't on Netflix (easy to download episodes for the plane). But yeah, hopefully third time lucky with CJH's recent projects. I think the last thing I really liked him in was The Witch's Diner and it wasn't even a very long series But I've liked almost all of Park Eun Bin's projects that I've seen, so hopefully if she's picked to be in it, it's a worthy project for him as well Hahaha they were everywhere! This was a whole display at a phone store we kept walking past. It was set up for photo taking so I didn't feel too weird going inside to take a pic with it I feel like LMH and Song Joong Ki I've seen here. Too bad they're not my Oppas. I like the lesser known ones
  12. I'll definitely check this one out! I was excited since I heard the news @Tofu. I love both PEB and CJH and also they've worked together before in Hot Stove League, though their characters were not super close. He was such a rookie actor then. I remember watching him and thinking this guy is cute. And now he's opposite PEB! I think they've started doing poster shoots or something because I saw this drama location that someone saw PEB at and people were visiting it? Not 100% sure but it seemed related to this. I agree with you. I finished the badminton one, but I almost regret watching it entiirely. There's people who love it, but it really missed both the marks as a sports drama and a romance. As for Unlock the Boss I missed it entirely, but I sort of started episode 1? Maybe I'll finish it at some point...but not if there's better stuff currently on. And the closest I got to meeting CJH in Korea was taking a photo with this....
  13. I actually watched most of this on a binge on the plane home and so I only really have time to write what I thought about the last episode. I thought it was quite a cute ending. I wasn't overly invested in the romance, so while some people wanted more romance scenes, I was ok with what they provided and I thought CCY and HS's romance was very natural and realistic in many ways - not overly sappy, but flirty and caring. I think opposite to @mademoiselle I liked that they closed off Hae-E's romance storyline with Sunjae mainly because I thought Hae-E's behaviour in a relationship also mirrored her aunt's (ie. she's not mushy and she's not afraid to initiate) So I'm glad they included that scene. What I thought was random was GH suddenly taking an interest in Su-a in like the last episode!! I mean maybe not surprising since he knew that Hae-E would most likely not pick him and he seems to like smart girls. But was that even necessary?! I feel like that never resolved Su-a's storyline with her mental health and that bugged me. Like her mum was going to book a psych, but then she got caught up in expelling Sunjae and the affair with the dad and it was never expcitiedly explained if she went to therapy or just had to tough it up and get through the trauma herself To be honest, I picked up this drama less for the romance and more for the multiple storylines that happened with the various characters and the overiding school theme. Having gone to a competitive school, I also found it relatable and remember the pressure kids would put on themselves around exam times. Also the expectation that parents would have that their kids would become doctors. I don't think the Tiger mums here in the West are on the whole as bad as in Korea, but I have heard stories from friends. I have a friend who got into Law and her mum came to the uni to try to switch her into medicine. I thought everything was tied up nicely. Maybe a little toooo nicely. But there were 3 parts of storytelling that I didn't think were great: -I don't like how they handled the Mr JI storyline - there wasn't an investigation into what made him the way he was? Like his character felt flat in that he would just die if he couldn't protect CCY?! And while CCY did feel sad, I don't think they really showed as much grief as they should have given that the guy was his right hand man for a decade. -Also thought the storyline with all the problem mums were rushed? The main one being Hae-E's mum. I feel like she said she just wanted to go to Japan to get her mum to leave, but they never really 'resolved' it. Like all of a sudden Hae-E and HS were fighting and then...they just got over it without so much as a conversation? Same with Sunjae and his mum and Sua and her mum - did they ever get to voice their feelings? The parents never admitted that they should change or at least have an awkward talk with them about the immediate issues they were actually facing to close the loop? -The third is the education themes - they seemed to want to explore the issues with stress with the student fainting in CCY's class, but they never really looked deeply into it Yeah I agree it didn't really consider what it would be like to have a different education system or to show that life will be 100% fine even if you don't become a doctor (sure, you don't make a lot of money, but maybe you have your mental health and a happier, healthier lifestyle ) Overall, a fun series to watch, not the greatest thing I've seen, but it was still enjoyable and fun and made me laugh at times when CCY and the uncle were 'bonding' Yeah the writing was a bit off at certain part towards the end, sometimes really rushed, shoving in new events like Hae-E's mum. But at least it was a happy ending I guess!
  14. @abs-oluteM @Tofu I keep seeing fan meet clips from Lee Je Hoon's Manilla fan meet and er, he is showing off those muscles
  15. Hello all! I've been a bit lazy to visit drama threads and had a huge drama break for a few months while I got through busy life stuff, but I'm back for Taxi Driver See my dedication - it even extends to my display picture!!! Lee Je Hoon as Kim Do Ki (and even better Wang Tao Zi) is chef's kiss
  16. Hahahaha!!! Don't worry @Tofu! I started watching Taxi Driver again last night and the moment Lee Je Hoon whipped out his sunglasses, I was whipped ...I was like "...Shin Jae who?" Hahaha I've been watching them too. I guess it's just not meant to be this round of tours . But hopefully one day! I'm also going to be mega jelly of those Lee Je Hoon fans in Phillipines and I think Indonesia where he's due to appear soon.. @SilverMoonTea any chance you can kidnap him for me when he's there? Yep, at least I feel like I've satisfied my DDSSLLS obsession by seeing the actual places Hahaha LJW does look hotter. I think he's been working out...but I dunno. His face seems more angular as well. I think when I first saw him in EY, he seemed to have a slightly rounder face. But yeah, manliness LOL Speaking of EY, these Rowoon gifs are pretty hot! What photoshoot are they from? My mum says that too, but her idea of a "Liang Jai" is not my idea of a "Liang Jai" for sure But we do both love Gong Yoo Hahaha hands are very important on Tea's criteria list!! That makes the 2 of us! Hopefully on one trip we will run into one of our many loves! Maybe if they send Kang Tae Oh on a post military Asia tour, I'd purposefully buy a ticket to go and see him since I don't have any luck to naturally run into or catch the same flights as any Oppas. Oh yay, someone who understands my newfound love of Shin Jae Ha!!! I feel like I'm not the only one though. I've seen some Twitter posts about him as well from some Korean fans. I feel like I might have seen him in past projects before too, but I can't recall anything specifically. What was a drama you remember him being in that you saw in the past abs?
  17. Hahaha yeah sorry I think I just disappeared suddennly, but it was so busy the week before I left The trip was good - helped me to take a break and I finally had time to watch dramas at night again, which was great. Would not have caught up on Crash Course in Romance without loooong plane trips where the only thing to do was to watch dramas! The food was amazing. I think we did a good balance of Korean food/ Cafe food. Had KBBQ like 4 times including the Jeju Black Pork BBQ. I still prefer beef ribs best though Had Kalguksu at Gwangjang market and the store was actually one who was featured on a Netflix documentary about Asian street food/ market food. Also had fresh fish and crabs in Mokpo since it's a fishing city ( I made my sister go so we could visit the Dodosolsollalasol set of course since the drama was filmed there ). And we visited lots of cafes - had this really amazing blueberry cheesecake which is not particularly Korean, but it was decorated in the Korean style. Also fresh banana milk with dalgona Haha, ate so much Oddly enough I didn't get to try Egg Drop though!!! Hahaha yes. I think he's pretty. I was also charmed when I saw this behind the scene photo in the spoilers below. ALSO whaaaat?! He's in Taxi Driver 2. I'm yet to start but I'm thinking of starting tonight or tomorrow night. i saw LJH twitter pics and I'm back to swooning over that Oppa
  18. Guyssss!!! It's been so long! I'm back from Korea. I'm sad to report I did not run into any of my (or your) Oppas . LJW was going in and out of the country for his fan meet tours, but as I was travelling with my sister I couldn't just hang around the airport for no reason just to maybe catch a glimpse of him for 2 mins Man, my friend was so lucky when she went - she's saw Song Joong Ki, So Ji Sub on her first trip and one of the guys from 2PM on her second trip. All by chance! But the trip was fun! Went to so many Kdrama filming locations I have seen the real DDSSLLS set, Hotel Del Luna museum and Woo Young Woo's dad's Kimbap restaurant Also tried so many korean foods and went to Jeju for the first time! I need to backtrack and read what's been happening, but how is life and oppa collecting? Who is everyone's current favourite oppa? I have a controversial Oppa - I like the bad guy from Crash Course in Romance I knew he was going to be bad like a few eppisodes in. I can't remember what made me suspect him, but I was like surely not...he's so cute. And now he really is bad!!! But I'm still considering adopting him. I won't put a picture just yet in case anyone is behind in the drama and doesn't want spoilers!
  19. Hello everyone! Hope you've all been well...Here's an off-topic topic...If you've been to Korea, where would you say had the best food! Please recommend restaurants/ markets etc I tend to like visiting Cafes, but that means I miss out on good old traditional Korean food Please help feed me (I'm about to head off to the country soon) Whoaaa @SilverMoonTea your Oppa was serious about this girlfriend huh? Why is everyone suddenly getting married?!
  20. Heyyyy, here's a pairing I wouldn't mind at all for Lee Do Hyun. Might actually get him moved to a higher Oppa tier in my heart if the drama was decent!
  21. This is exactly the same feelings I have with Australian dramas sadly It's really not for me Oh I didn't know you were a Canto speaker too abs! Though I guess this is not uncommon in Malaysia! I thought I was the only one who didn't know how to turn on the TV to free show anymore, but it turns out there;s more people out there! You guys are my peoples This is totally true. I feel like my memories of Cantonese/ HK dramas is that they're pretty much all revenge dramas. Never cross us or we will never let it go...we will come at you with all our crazy plans I love this man so much! He just looks so cool, but he also looks friendly? Down to Earth? Like there's something very earnest about him....he's going to be in the Phillipines in the same week Lee Jae Wook is! Maybe they'll have a Move to Heaven reunion. Phillipino fans are so lucky with all their fan meets @mademoiselle who is this pretty man and what drama can I find him in?! I started with Taiwanese dramas and still love them (the old ones were cringe but the quality has improved with certain studios and netflix backing in my opinion) But more than the dramas, I think I just love the actors and the way they all openly interact with each other. They are wayyy less guarded than Kdrama/ Cdrama stars for sure. Then that's not love!!! My first love in Tw dramaworld was probably Wu Chun. I'm told he's in Melbourne for the tennis!!! I keep looking out for him, but haven't seen him yet. Though I also haven't been to the tennis, so probably not going to see him My first love in Kdramaland was Gong Yoo and I still love him. He's one of those aging backwards Oppas that could fit with @SilverMoonTea 's list Mmm, and then I don't think I was interested in Asian dramas before that, or my family would watch and I'd zone out, so I don't have any crushes on any older ahjussi Oppas before the ones above. You always remember your first time (...Having a crush on an Oppa. Not other things. Get your minds out of the gutter ) Hahahaha ohhhh nooooooo. I'm definitely not watching this. My loyalty to Jasper is just that I like him despite his questionalbe choices in C Dramas I just want him to act in Taiwan, but I know it might be years (if ever) before he goes back. Still, I live for all the reunions he has with the Tw drama industry. All those photos from that last fashion show warmed my heart. Puff and Jasper's friendship is etched in deep everytime I see them together Where can find?...what if my love for Gong Yoo is true??? I can't have true love with someone who has too many crazy real life dramas and baggage. Can barely handle makjang dramas, let alone a makjang life
  22. Hahahaha I will take your advice @Chocolate. Although we have different tastes, I trust you on warning us on the baddd dramas Hahaha I'm glad you watched Pachinko even if you won't watch season 2. At least you saw my boy in his hot pastor state Hahaha I believe surgery has gotten even better. These days they're so subtle, you can't even tell when they've gotten the works done...have to see them live to see if they have any signs of aging Nothing is more important than servicing the fans! If you forget to service them, they forget about you...= Pachinko = the story is slow and sad, but if you're ok with more cinematic storytelling then it's not so bad. It seems less like a Korean drama and more like a Korean American film though. I'm kinda use to watching movies like this, so it doesn't bother me, but it also doesn't feel that much like your typical Kdrama. @Tofu Hope you've gotten more time to watch dramas now! I'm in the same boat. It's been really busy at work, my social life picked up suddenly and then I'm busy planning for my trip to Korea. I've also been overwhelmed with favourite Taiwanese drama crew making a come back vs. whole Kdrama world that I don't know what to do or watch everytime I have time = there's too much content which is both good and bad (since I end up clicking on everything and nothing!) And then the angst of there being sooo many good fan meets after the pandemic, but not making it to a single one due to nothing aligning...But my sister who I'm travelling with is really not into Kpop or Kdramas and I have a hard time convincing her to do anything relating to it anyway I've decided I'll download episodes of Unlock the Boss and watch it when I'm on the plane. And then I'll tryyyy to get back into my normal drama schedules once I come back! Is it really bad? I'm still going to watch because of CJH though Teaaaaa I have missed talking Oppas with you. How many have you adopted 1 month into 2023??? I'm not even watching dramas so I'm on 0 so far Me too! I feel like my extended family just had it on during dinner time, but were not invested in the shows. And then they mostly had Hong Kong dramas on since we speak Canto Hahahaha @mademoiselle I definitely NEVER watch Australian dramas now that I'm older. Haven't watched for like 20 years, They're so boring. Also so many affairs....when I was a kid my brother sometimes put it on during dinner. And all I remember was that Carl cheated on Susan in Neighbours like 4 times!!! And she took him back every time. How is this realistic?!
  23. A Little late, but still within the first few days... Happy Lunar New Years!!! May this year of the rabbit bring you many handsome and gentle Oppas
  24. Damn, that's a shame. I've been so lazy to go on drama threads, but I'll go for a read soon. Did you both like the drama/ finish it @ktcjdrama and @Chocolate? Yessss....he's a foreign Korean so perfect English. Reminds me of Steven Yeun a little
  25. Hahahaha @Tofu is correct - he is my Oppa from Pakincho. I felt nothing for Lee Min Ho, but the main character has an affair with LMH and then marries a paster played by this actor, Steve Noh or Noh Sang-hyun. He's so hot...I was like, if pastors are this hot I would definitely be a pastor's wife @SilverMoonTea...I posted about him months ago....pages ago on this very thread... He was one of the very few Oppa I adopted last year. Can't believe you only noticed his beauty now! But I forgive you because this is just like the Jasper situation again where you only noticed him after you went crazy for Before we get married How was Curtain Call?! I've been so out of the drama world for the past few months, except AOS and fawning over the Someday or One Day Movie. What are some good dramas coming up??? I only know I'm keen for a lot of sequels this year like Taxi Driver 2 and All of Us are Dead 2 I still have to watch Unlock the Boss @Tofu Are you sure??? What is Behind the Star??? If Steve Noh is in it, I'll watch just to see hiimmmm Ok, seems important. I'll watch Hahahaha I am enjoying the (hidden) view
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