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Everything posted by ktcjdrama

  1. Finally finished this drama. The delay was not because it has become boring, but I don't really want to say goodbye to this lovely drama... Some of my thoughts below Ep.15 - Are we stars too? - Were that tears I see in TJ’s eyes? Not of sadness or regret, I believe. But more of rage and shame? - Love how Dali keeps reaching out to Gong Ju. Hopefully her reassuring Gong Ju that they too could be stars and that they’re not broken toys can finally be understood by Gong Ju. - Wow, the reveal of what actually happened. So the cause of death is not made up. Dali’s father indeed died of heart attack, but only because of provocation from TJ and him not allowing medicine to help the old man. - JKC is really such a naive person. He is so green, yet so greedy. He thinks just with that video clip alone, he can steer TJ? smh… - The ending got me in tears. Of course I know MH will survive and not die. But still, knowing that Dali is waiting for him, he even said that he still needs to go see his love made me so sad. And that’s a lot of blood!! I’m so glad that WT was there too, otherwise, for sure cannot trust that useless simpleton brother of him to save MH. Well, at least he seems to be sincerely panicking about MH being injured. Ep.16 - Our life has no right answer. Only you are my right answer. - O gosh, the family of MH *rolleyes* It's the last episode and they’re still so not likeable. The father telling Dali to stay away from MH, urgh! By halfway of the episode, he was still asking Dali the same thing, stating a valid reason of not being able to face Dali. But dude, that's your problem. Why MH has to suffer because of your feel of shame? I'm like, what?? don't tell me we're going the noble idiocy route?? Then there was the 1 year time jump, and I was like, arrrghhhh!! They're ruining such a great drama with a stupid noble idiocy and time jump ending *pullingmyhairandfeelingangry* ~ but ~ ~ they got me good, haha... no noble idiocy at all. Boy, am I glad I stayed clear of any spoilers before watching, haha... - MH wanting to doll up himself before meeting Dali made me laughed so much... I was thinking most people would play up the sickness and act miserable. But no. MH has to look his best even when hospitalised. *thumbsup* - Chak Hee working together at the museum was great. This girl is an opportunist (in a positive way). She must not have a lot of money that any way she could get free lunch, she's all for it. - It's also great to see Dali and GongJu getting along like a bestie now. Finally that girl came to her senses. - The ending narration by Dali's father was a really nice touch to send the message of the importance that he sees regarding the existence of the museum. Just with one ticket. - I really love the ending where Dali and MH stood together holding hands. I miss her curls though, haha... I also love that the show doesn't skimp on the kisses between OTP. And they live happily ever after. The End.
  2. why do I feel like final exam is coming? I will come back asap to share my list. Now, lots of RL matters to attend to, not to mention new episodes requiring catch-ups. The thread topic almost throws me off. I thought this is a twin thread of Reflection of You
  3. HTS should supply some gears and equipment to YH and SB so they can fight the zombies, instead of running for their lives! Why am I so suspicious about Seo Yoon’s mother text reply? Is she dying? I am hoping for that too. They never say that he died, so maybe later he will make a cameo again towards the end of the series. Agree about HTS letting SB leave the facility. Not only that, she is given a pass to freely come in and out. I am guessing their “normal” time has become much less shorter than the less severe cases. That’s why they were put in the container? But what were they supposed to do? Just sleep? Why aren’t they chained like the others? The door was ajar when SY went inside. Did his smell of life awaken the zombies? And that’s why they attack him? I am assuming the zombies will not attack fellow zombies. Yes, I suppose even zombies have their code of brotherhood 😆 Exactly this! Long free hours are currently a luxury that I cannot afford, haha...
  4. But korean age is +1year right. So he's technically born in 2015 ? I have taken that into consideration. From what I understand, the moment a baby is born, he is considered as 1 yo (supposedly including the time in the womb). So if Ho Su celebrated 7th birthday in 2020, he would’ve celebrated his 1st birthday in 2014.
  5. I think this might be where she would come clean about her real identity... 🤔 That fly-away handkerchief really has a mind of its own 😂 I am going to just think positively that this time, it is also helping YG and DD to be together, although through a period of amnesia. I know Anna has extended her invitation to DD to go the States with her. Now that YG is with an amnesia, I’d rather that she didn’t go at all, even if we’re served with a time-jump immediately. I just can’t imagine leaving YG alone with scheming Sara. And yes, I’d like to see her redemption arc ASAP please...
  6. Ep.3 was good. It's really sad what happened to her partner in SOU. I knew something might happen to him to cut his screen time because his name was not listed as the cast. This is so much better than Dark Hole... sad to say... Nope, you're not the last person. I haven't watched it too, but planning to watch so I know what's going on and can talk about it, coz my daughter and nephews have all watched. But the motivation to watch a completed drama is so much lower, tbh... Still not finished with My Name yet. They always get pushed to the side by current airing ones. I super love this scene too!! Even HTS was impressed, no? Haha... Totally agree with what you've written above. It's really not easy to be in his position, but I like his firmness despite possibly getting hate from people. I also like that we're given his backstory. YH will probably regret his accusation towards HTS for not having more sympathies towards the infected people. There is only one gripe from me in ep.3.... Whyyyyy did SB let the 601 wife out of the bathroom??? There's a civilian out there that could be attacked. SB being an SOU personnel should be able to deal with the zombie wife better than that husband. Not to mention she has experience with her colleague. Yeah I know the husband is a piece of trash, and many of us don't really care about him, but still, by letting the zombie wife out of the bathroom, the risk of her infecting other people become high, as we see ourselves that the husband opened the unit door and they went roaming out. One of the neighbours got scratched by her, it seems. SB even didn't chase after her immediately but paused to answer a call. Looking at the way she opened the bathroom door, she could deceive the zombie wife and escape the bathroom herself and lock her back in.... Okay, I get that we need zombie wife to scratch one of the neighbours, but that can be achieved without portraying SB as unwise and careless.
  7. I have read that he will only have his memories until 22 yo. So he won't even remember his wife and kids. He will only remember Dae Ran and Anna Kim. I have to laugh a little because he had his accident not long after asking his wife for her blessings for his relationship with DD. The superstitious ones will think that wifey not approve of the relationship
  8. Quoting myself to update on the timeline. Since end of 2020 is Ho Su’s 7th birthday, that means he was born in 2014 winter. Some things feel off to me. That means WJ stayed back in Ireland for a couple of years after HJ left him, which I assume sometime in late 2015 or early 2016 (judging from baby’s age). He got into the accident in March 2018... I remember it was mentioned somewhere they were in Ireland together for 3 years. So the only explanation of this if Ho Su’s age was a wrong information, intentionally or not. HW was doing some knowing calculation when he told her his age though.
  9. And here comes the amnesia plot. Much earlier than I expect. I thought we would see more of their affection for each other solidified before amnesia kicks in. At this point, no one except Lawyer friend knows about YG’s dating someone. But he doesn’t know who, except for the age difference. Whereas the ahjumma in the house saw Sara hugging YG. She might be the one affirming Sara’s claim that she and YG are an item. O gosh, I cried seeing SR cried. Glad that DD was there for her. Hmm, the addressing will be so awkward when YG-DD and DB-SR become an item 😆 One is the older brother the other is the younger sister, for both set of step-siblings. I cannot figure out who to call what. It’s because of the amnesia plot. And we still have the secret of DD’s bio mother in Anna Kim. Also not sure whether the children will be delighted or opposed to the pairing of their beloved teacher with their father.
  10. O yay! This drama thread is featured on the main banner Hopefully more people will watch and share their thoughts. I just can’t stop thinking about this drama. Yes, I thought so too. It’s like she’s given up any hope and expectations towards HJ already. This would be a good solution to the drama. I wish I can read the novel too. Right now can only depend on other people’s sharing. Though now I wonder if the dead body dumped is HW or not. It could also be WJ, because in ep.1 opening, HJ narrated “To me, hell is watching my loved one died for me” It couldn’t be HW, right? And surely it won’t be HS nor any of the children, because then she will need to explain their disappearance. The only people she doesn’t need to make explanations for their disappearance is WJ or HW.
  11. Then she should've kept her behaviour and attitude in check so that she could be by her son's side for the longest time possible. She's given up on her son before, and now she wants him back, yet she dares not reveal the truth because she wants the son to continue living in that kind of better environment than what she could provide by herself. She is trying to be by her son's side through the wrong way. Her plan seems ideal, so she really should've been more daring to try get close to YG before the appearance of DD. But again, because she is not gracious by nature, and has a hidden agenda, that's why her sincerity is not felt by YG nor the children... Anyway, I know it's just for drama's sake, and also I'm shipping her with Gun. They make a cute couple.
  12. Can't help laughing at Sara's claim that she has been taking care of YG like a wife, and expects him to be aware of it. Poor YG for being misunderstood as the father of DD, and then later in preview will be misunderstood as her uncle The age gap is staring back real at them. DD is cool about it, but I can understand that it made YG uneasy. I like the way they arranged the meeting of Gun and Sara. However, I still cannot understand the way Sara think that her whole world has fallen because of rejection from YG that she wanted to commit suicide. She really got it all wrong in her head regarding YG. In the present and in the past. Turned out that YG's wife didn't know that Se Jung is Sara's child. From the preview of 16, looks like the wedding of SR with the doctor guy will happen anyway. Or will his clingy gf come crash the wedding? I really prefer that SR isn't made to go through the wedding in this story.
  13. You need to complete this assignment fast, so you can join us in Reflection of You! Actually, the last three episodes are so much more watchable than the middle ones. Hope that helps to motivate you into finishing... And I promise I'm not just saying this so that you come watch RoY It's really not everyone's cup of tea, so I can understand if you don't prefer to watch. I just thought us there could really use an additional perspective in the thread.
  14. I'm not sure I will pick this up. The story doesn't seem interesting for me, and I have tonnes of dramas to watch now. This week I'm already very behind with some of the new episodes. I might even have to drop (or put on hold) one or two dramas
  15. Really enjoyed ep.2! Didn't expect to laugh so much The salt throwing, the pushing back to the shelf and face fall flat on the books, the multiple editing of the apology letter... Maybe it won't be as melo as we thought it would be? Well, unless there are some insecure women scheming to make Deok Im's life miserable. In ep.1, the King even said that Deok Im's fate might be the same as Lee San's grandmother...
  16. Just finished ep:1. I love it!! The child actors are so good, especially the little boy of Lee San. Just in this episode we’re already being introduced to the difficult position that Lee San is in. But yes, I also love the positive character in Doek Im. The ending 😍 Diving into ep.2 now.
  17. Park Bo Young wasn’t in Healer. That was Park Min Young 😂
  18. Oops... sorry for opening old wound 😆 I will make sure not to remind you of these things from now on. He actually looks quite different somehow, like his head is smaller... maybe because he bulked up his body? Anyway, I started ep.1 last night and I love it. Will continue watching for sure especially since it is only 12 episodes. I love strong sassy female character. HHJ is amazingly believable as a high-schooler, but the hand really cannot hide your age 😆 ref. when she extended her hand to PHS’s character on the rooftop.
  19. Let’s see how much sanity we’re still left with after RoY 😆
  20. Past midnight and still no episode in view... I guess this will be a Saturday-Sunday watch for me
  21. Just finished ep.1. This week been quite busy with some unexpected things came up that I need to attend to urgently. I haven’t even treated myself to the sweetness of Dali ep.15&16 (Don’t spoil me! Been staying away from the thread. It will be my weekend treat) 1st episode was just okay... I can’t say that it captured my heart. I think it’s because I’m not a math person as well so a lot of the excitement in the narration is lost on me. But I can totally understand the thrill and excitement of Yoon Soo for finding a kindred spirit in Seung Yoo. Hopefully the story will pick up more in the present time. I agree that we should not bother too much with the technicalities of the field. It will be easy for me to do so for this drama because all is Greek to me 😆 Way too chim for me! I also cannot understand the thrills in solving math problems. One complain though, which I really really hope will not happen again, is the makeup of LDH. Gosh, I just came out of One The Woman with bad ML makeup which really distracted me. Please o please tone down the makeup here with LDH 😓
  22. The way I understood it, the note is for HJ? But the hotel receptionist thought it is meant for HS because the husband n wife shared a room... I mean, WJ probably just informed the reception that the note is for guest of that room.
  23. 😃 wow, if you’re watching maybe I really should watch too. Knowing how picky you are with dramas, this must be pretty good to have a viewer in you. I thought you would be staying away from this because the ML was in Strong Woman DBS 😆
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