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Everything posted by ktcjdrama

  1. Well said @JenL Agree with everything you've written, and I just want to highlight some of them below. Must also be because I'm not as familiar about those times in Korea compared to Taiwan. This! Really? I didn't know this.... I'm at ep.4 now, and will share my initial impression. Like @JenL, I don't hate it, but I'm not in love with it too (yet?). The K-version definitely has its kdrama traits/elements standing out, so it's quite easy for me not to confuse this version with the original. One thing I notice so far, there's more telling (than showing) that it's easier to follow the plot/timeline. But this could also be because I already watched the original? And I just need to get this off my chest... I'm not a fan of the ML's long hair... Why this styling?!!
  2. Me still watching... Kinda suspected the real culprit, but the reason was very unexpected Felt kinda sad for him though when he was discovered. It seems like he never wanted to be discovered by Doha.
  3. I do but it wasn't too pleasant one, so yeah, it's good to finally see him again!
  4. 3 episodes left... and we're still spinning around nowhere... I would be very upset if they let SJ get away with all her lying and manipulations. I thought I hated Soo Ji, I thought I hated Ho Rang, I thought I hated Soen Dal, but no... I think I can still live with those people around, but not SJ. She needs to pack and go back to the US. I watched raw, and cried at the end of ep.118, then watched with subs, also cried again. It's so sad to see KS crying because of what he had to do, but I still don't agree why he needed to do so. If he has the heart to "hurt" MR for her best interest, why can't he also be cruel to his MIL and JD's mother? for the best interest of everybody! I keep holding up hope that he would be more firm and assertive with what he's facing but no, he is too afraid of offending people, yet okay with hurting MR. Very poorly written character. Anyway, I've already blacklisted these writers.
  5. I don't remember it that way too... which is why I wonder why they need to cast that older actor if he's just gonna stay in the past... I checked his real age is 31, and sorry to say he doesn't look youthful, which is why I'm having a hard time seeing him as the immature younger brother. I wouldn't want to share toothbrush with anyone too... but it's funny actually when you think of it, how people can kiss (share saliva) yet cannot share toothbrush...
  6. Will Kwon Min Ju's brother appear in the current timeline? I mean, why not cast someone who looks much younger to be the brother? At least an actor in early 20s? I seriously cannot see the actor as a high-schooler why.....
  7. I agree. Really enjoy watching HJM in this role. Like I said, her naivety is so on point, yet not totally dumbing the character. I think this is probably what will draw Moon to her. Except that some viewers are very unhappy about the whole butt touching thing... But that's where the comedy is...
  8. Moon is always so jealous of YB being with SW, lol... YB is so naive to a point I want to call her dumb, but she is sincere. SW being the serial killer is too obvious... It's definitely not Uncle Shaman, coz he couldn't be at the field where and suddenly transported himself to be on the bus coming from somewhere. All those men with him too. Why can't YB thought about this? but instead suspects all those people on the bus. The latest various reveal from end of ep.10 was interesting! Can't wait for next episode.
  9. What I meant by liking it, is that the relationship among all four is clear for everyone involved.
  10. Well, The Real Has Come! to an end... It was a good finale... The way a weekend family drama should be. All is well. The wedding was nice, I thought they wanted a small wedding, but I think what they had was pretty grand, lol... Surprisingly, I really like how DW and YM's arc is settled, although up till the end their relationship is still not known to the family. I think SG is really a mature kid. She looks so very pretty too as the ring bearer at the wedding. For ep.49, I really like the part at the temple, where everyone was together because they were trying to find Haneul. It was really touching to see the whole family being there for TK. Even though I kinda feel they a bit over reacted, because if looking at the time, KJH has not passed the agreed time of returning Haneul, although as viewers, we know that he really did think about taking Haneul away. Crazy... Good thing that he finally realised he's not fit/ready to be a father, yet. Ooo, I had never thought of this... but you might be right.
  11. I won’t blame you not coming back here... Agree that the romance between TK and YD can be a little bit more passionate, and I am not talking about steamy kisses. It is even more compelling to watch the childless couple. This drama is truly a waste of BJH ability. She hardly needs to do any acting, only delivering lines... I don’t understand why they need to cast her for this role 🙄
  12. SJ mentioned that her husband passed away a few years ago, and only after that she found out Jenny has this illness. She came back to Korea hoping to find a donor, but failed, so she turned to find JD. She begged KS to persuade JD to donate, because otherwise Jenny, her daughter, has no chance of surviving. In her eyes, only Jenny is considered her daughter. She has no feelings at all for JD except aiming for her bone marrow donation. She doesn't worry at all about JD, because her goal is just to get her bone marrow. She even yelled at KS whether he'd be the one taking the responsibility if something happened to Jenny because he wouldn't allow JD to donate. she has no thoughts for JD's wellbeing at all. This woman is first class shameless and selfish person. Yes JD, find out what a terrible mother you have, be heart broken, and move on with your dad and teacher who love you genuinely even though they're not at all blood related to you. SJ even called MR a mistress who seduced her husband. I want to laugh my head off... Deluded witch who thinks because she has money she is above everyone.
  13. Finally, with the confrontation from JS's mother, that heartless witch is showing a little emotion. I like the confrontation. She may seem to favour JS more, but she still sincerely loves JW as her son. Also the part about wanting to curse CYW, yet she couldn't and wouldn't. The courtroom session was pretty good, except for the last piece of evidence... which again imo showed the weak writing with regards to legal procedurals... Like, she never knew there's a CCTV in that room? that even recorded audio?.... I like what PKY said in court about how people would never know the limit of time they have living, yet Yoo has set that time limit for him and JW. Teared up a bit when he was looking and talking to her. The wrap-up, some good ones, some eye-brow raising ones, like the two inmates happily devising escape plan... Then the final scene... hm... JS and YJ being together feels a bit forced for me. We're never shown how they moved on from close friends to lovers, even just a budding romantic feeling. Of course I know YJ can never be with YW anymore, but there is no closure too for this.
  14. I also like the way we’re shown the two fathers taking care of and bonding with each of their little boy and girl.
  15. You’re so right! It still stands as just Jung’s claim that YW’s mother knew about it, but not proving she knew. I didn’t pay that close attention. Have already switch to disinterest mode already 😆. I remember one part though, she said Jung may leave the room now, then less than 2 minutes later, he was called back into the room 🙄 flaunting much? Will watch ASAP tomorrow morning. Just to be able to cross this drama off my list 😄 I do want to know what the ending is gonna be like.
  16. OMG.... I thought I'm the only one bothered by her smirk... The lisp I didn't notice as much, but the smirk, too much... And yes, total fail being a bad-ass prosecutor. Like I said, I don't feel a thing while she was leading the interrogation. Whereas when Young Won was interrogating Ki Young, I felt the angst from both of them. I'm not sure yet, but I think I might avoid her drama in the future. Nothing personal against her, just not the way of acting that I enjoy watching. Back to her interrogation ~ everything just seems so conveniently laid out for her, I am talking about those recorded video/audio clips. She asked a question, not getting anywhere, then she played the clips, gotcha!, then rinse and repeat... It became a flaunting of superiority, of having upper hand... ?? You mean to prevent JW from becoming a donor? I guess he doesn't really want to kill a person? But he has no problem seeing a person being killed... tell me about that... So yeah, it's rather confusing what exactly his goal is. With him discovering all those evidences, and him being a reporter, he could just expose the plan (discreetly even) and make it difficult for YW's mother to carry out the secret plan. So yeah, what does he want to achieve?? I also don't understand why the mother cannot just get in line for a suitable heart transplant like everyone else, but can put JW under Dr Chu observation for the longest time...
  17. He killed someone?? Sorry, I haven't started ep.3 yet... lol...
  18. Sunny... aka Gyu Sun O wow... so SJ did mention she wants to remarry her ex? How to remarry if she is not divorced? Is it mentioned whether the James Kim is dead or alive?
  19. Hmm, am I the only one feeling the interrogation at the beginning of ep.13, led by Young Joo, was written kinda weak and forced? Or is it the acting or the actress? I don't feel any tension at all, instead I kept frowning at the direction of the interrogation... Some of the things are revealed too conveniently through the narration of Park Ki Young alone. But it was still good to see. He is the most interesting character in this drama for me. I wished he had done things differently, but I can still get why he did what he did... However, I disagree with him that if JW is in prison, he would be safe. It'll still be too easy for the JJ people to kill JW while he is in prison.
  20. Only 14 episodes? I can do that too 😃 but I haven’t even finished Lost You 😅
  21. Agree. And at one point her face was too skinny, it was hard for me to watch any of her drama because I am used to her chubbier look. Not body shaming, just that I ended up keep thinking what happened to her instead of focusing on the drama. I saw HyoShim's teaser though, and she is looking great, and there is Ha Jun... But yeah, I think I will wait and read some comments first before embarking on a 6-month long viewing. It's a shame because The Real started out so great, but somehow lost its way in the middle...
  22. Not that recent. It was before she went to see the doctor and brought JD to hospital for medical examination.
  23. Hee Soo: “So warm” (when receiving the hand warmer from Bong Soek) Bong Seok: “It is, right?” Hee Soo: “You” Me: (haha I actually replayed this bit a few times)
  24. Yeah... Guryungpo immediate knew he needs to disappear, but he didn’t know he got into the school that was built specifically to “entrap” their children. It actually made me think that the car accident was created by the principal of the school, just to test out whether his daughter inherit his ability or not. One thing I am guessing, the guard in the school is working for NK? And that teacher Yoon who has access to the principal’s cctv is on the NTDP team, but why did he purposely injured that student. What about teacher Choi Il Hwan? Which side is he on? Then there is that cleaning lady. Is she on NK side? Or NTDP? Don’t think she is on the same side as the parents. Me too... even though we’re only shown his back. We know what a crybaby he is... I was screaming the same! It’s another long wait for new episodes 😩. But anyway, how could the bus driver still able to keep his job? 😆 after what he did the other time with the bus, and now this time too 😅 The kids are no match for them! Since they are not trained yet how to use their superpower. And we have only so few of the older generation left alive. Gosh, I have a feeling that this might end as season 1 with the parents all taken out, then season 2 will continue the kids continuing to fight the baddies...?? When will NaJu’s daughter come into picture. Where is Kim Do Shik??? I refuse to believe he is dead. How come he was never talked about (dead or alive) by Min. Urgh, I hate this guy.
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