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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. I finally updated the first page for this drama, haha! Has anyone watched the episodes that aired yet?
  2. I can't remember. He's supposed to be raised pretty sheltered, right? HYT has definitely improved, but I think he still a bit behind CZY. I think a lot of it has to do with HYT being in roles that are pretty similar to each other. CZY has branched out into doing a good mix of modern and costume dramas. Whereas, I think HYT is mainly in the modern drama world. I think CZY is pretty tall. He's just an inch or two shorter than Wu Lei, right?
  3. Haha! If you watch, let me know how you like it. Are you still wanting King the Land? The fact that he is barely in any scenes. LOL! I looked through my adoption list and I already forgot about the person I adopted a few weeks ago.
  4. I'm on episode 26 now and they are so cute! I don't watch too many YY dramas so it's nice to see him be this playful.
  5. All this talk about Heartbeat, I am almost tempted to watch it now. LOL! I'm considering adopting the firefighter in Fireworks, but he has almost no screen time in the drama.
  6. Why do they hide their feelings from each other? It's making me miserable to watching them be miserable. I'm hoping to catch up with everyone soon so I can see their sweeter moments.
  7. I'm finally trying to catch up on all the episodes I missed when I was on a trip. That grocery scene in episode 20, the metaphor with the junk food....well done, Song Yan. I just love seeing him not give a sh-t for the brother. They are so controlling. I don't think the FL is spineless, but I do hope she becomes more assertive towards her family like the version we see of her at the hospital. --- just watched the scene with the mother and SY....ahh! She's so...I don't think I have a word to describe what I think of her.
  8. @mademoiselle People are so resourceful. In addition, I think most (if not all) costume and republican dramas are filmed in the same area. If someone went to those areas, I'm sure they will run into the film crew.
  9. That's interesting that he doesn't think he's like Xiao Yu'er. I think they are both pretty cheeky/playful. I do agreed that Xiao Yu'er is a bit more reckless though. I can see why he thinks so highly of Handsome Siblings. I think he still has a post about this drama pinned to his Weibo or something. This is the drama that probably became his turning point as an actor. Previously, he wasn't really well known, but people started recognizing his name after this drama. In my opinion, he outshined Hu Yitian by a lot (HYT is someone who is very popular in China).
  10. Yes! I think both of their confessions (her drunken one and his when he's at her apartment) really helped resolved the bit of resentment they have been carrying toward each other. Haha! I laughed when SY said something along the lines of not trying to control someone else when he (MYC) can't even control himself. It's good for SY to be more upfront and honest with how he's feeling when it comes to her family. I haven't watched episode 17 and 18 yet. I won't get to watch much of this drama until next week, but I love knowing that it's going to be fun. I'm excited to see more of the collaboration between the hospital and the firestation.
  11. @Chocolate @mademoiselle Betty (her English name) debuted in a Korean idol band (WJSN), but I think she recently left. The only Korean member I know from this band that I think you both would know is Bona, who was in 2521 and the FL in WDH's drama (Joseon Attorney). Betty only has two dramas that's aired, and oddly enough, I've seen both of them. Haha! Both of the roles were pretty similar in that she had this innocent/cute-ish personality. I don't think these two dramas really explored her acting range, so I don't really know what she's capable of. If her role in this drama has the same personality as her previous roles then I think it'll be ok -- nothing that's going to blow you away but also not bad that it's going to discourage you from watching.
  12. Even though I did FF a lot of the remaining episodes, I thoroughly enjoyed this drama. It helped highlight some of Chen Zheyuan's range and his acting has improved too. I'm slightly Zhao Lusi biased so I feel like she did good as usual. I don't know if it's because I'm a bit introverted, but the bickering scenes between Sang Zhi and Sang Yan were so noisy to me. There were moments where I was getting frustrated watching them because they were always trying to one-up each other. I don't think he has because when he's really tired, you see a bit of those eyelids he had when he was younger. If you look at his earlier dramas, he was heavier than he is now. He's lost quite a bit of weight -- like all Chinese celebrities. They are all so skinny!!
  13. OMG! At this rate, @Chocolate is going to finish the drama before me. I'm on episode 19 now...
  14. I was more excited for this before I learned that it's split into two parts. Why do they do this?!
  15. This looks interesting, but why are there so many dramas getting released around the same time?!
  16. Really?! I haven't moved on from episode 26 yet. I'm waiting for more episodes to build up before I binge through it. I'm kind of sad to hear that TK's mom's reaction is not great. I was hoping she would be supportive especially since she practically lived through a similar situation.
  17. He makes a lot of videos on TikTok. I've seen so many. LOL! You don't need an account to see them. His TikTok is here: https://www.tiktok.com/@mr.kangminhyuk
  18. Hopefully this time they will have a happy ending together.
  19. I have no idea what to expect, but it seems like it'll be a lighter drama which is what I need.
  20. Park Eun Bin's first still and it'll air on Netflix!
  21. @SilverMoonTea He looks frustrated most of the time. They have this mentality like she owes them for adopting her -- that she should be grateful and do everything they ask her to do. This family is so possessive and constantly gaslighting her -- what broken family?! How does loving someone break the family? The family must already be broken if something like that is enough to "destroy the family". Have you noticed that SY is becoming softer with her? Enjoyed this scene of YY and his firefighters too. I loved that he complimented them.
  22. @SilverMoonTea You were able to find so many photos for this drama! I was only able to find a couple here and there. LOL!
  23. @mademoiselle The progression of Yang Yang watching you adopt another C-Drama actor....
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