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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. This drama is 16 episodes long, right? Do you think they will have enough material for that?
  2. @OsmanthusTea The 2ML was not in the novel which is why I'm kind of annoyed that the drama included him. They already go through a lot without the addition of him. Is it bad that I want to see Ding Yuxi in all of those even if it's heavy? Haha! He looks so handsome!
  3. Wow, so pretty! I can't help but think of their Moonlight characters when I saw this, hahaha! I wonder if they are going to bicker just as much.
  4. I don't think I have any memorable love triangles because I hate watching dramas with them.
  5. Answering some now and will answer the rest later.
  6. @OsmanthusTea I was telling Tea that I went from watching Cheng Yi in pain (Lotus) to watching Ryan in pain. Why are all of these geges always in pain? LOL! ------------------------------------ There are some moments where I wished YCY was a bit more relaxed, but otherwise, I think she's ok in here. It's an improvement from the other dramas I've seen her in.
  7. @mademoiselle Haha! I don't know if Duel counts. I think it's best for me to focus on dramas that either aired or I rewatched this year. Otherwise, my list would be long because I definitely enjoy bromances more in dramas. Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 (Korean) I don't think any other bromance this year can match the level of the fox brothers for me. My Country: The New Age (Korean) I've rewatched this drama at least once a year. There's so much to this drama. I loved everything about Hwi's and Seon Ho's friendship and rivalry. In spoiler tag is a one of my favorite FMV of just how complicated this bromance is. Silent (Japanese) These two....what do I even say about them? I must had cried so much when Minato (right) said he just wanted his best friend, So, to look back when he called his name. For context, So is someone who lost his hearing and disappeared short after. This was a wonderful drama and while this part was just a brief moment in the drama, it made so much impact. When I Fly Towards You (Chinese) I'm usually not a fan of youth dramas, but this one was good. This friendship started when they were in highschool and even though they all went to separate colleges, they stayed in touch. Can you tell who in the friendship is the dramatic one? LOL!
  8. I am sold because you said better than Uncanny. LOL!
  9. @mademoiselle I think his stage presence is different in a historical/costume drama. My favorite Wu Lei dramas have all been historical/costume dramas.
  10. Chu Kong loves her too. Ahh! It's too bad she was asleep and didn't hear what he said. I'm drawing a blank on the next lifetime -- this will be the one where Chu Kong doesn't drink the water to forget his memory, right?
  11. Ding Yuxi is back in a costume drama -- one I am enjoying (I didn't really like his other one)! @SilverMoonTea I think he does painful scenes well too. LOL!
  12. @mademoiselle I've been rewatching dramas lately and I think I'm due for a LLTG rewatch. I finished Brahms the other night. LOL!
  13. I finished the drama and I'd admit, I did have to FF some parts in the middle of the series. There were just a few stories/things happening, that I didn't care for. I loved the fight at the end and that plot twist was great! I also agreed that the ending was what I expected because it's what Li Lianhua wanted. He learned from the mistake he made ten years ago, plus he's no longer the Li Xiangyi they all known him to be. He's happy living a quiet life --- it's probably less pressure for him anyway.
  14. Tagging @mademoiselle because she's going to be so excited that @stroppyse watched this drama.
  15. Cheng Yi has no internet on his phone for half a month? WOW! This is probably why he does pain so well. He's experiencing it first hand in real life.
  16. No. 8 is like almost every modern Chinese drama. They do this theme so often.
  17. Photos from their second lifetime -- five more lifetimes left to go through.
  18. Apparently, the key to selling a drama is to make sure you mention the correct oppa's name. Haha! I didn't know @SilverMoonTea liked KY that much. @peperomia Agreed. He was alarmed but quickly changed his mind when he was invited to her house. Maybe he felt he had more to gain from going to her house than returning to his. Or maybe he purposely set his apartment up that way as a clue for OJS. Whatever it is, his obsession is interesting and I'm curious to know how far he's willing to go with it.
  19. Yes! It feels like something is missing. The new story is not bad at all, but I find the one in the novel more captivating. The feeling I had reading this lifetime in the novel, I didn't have watching it in the drama. It's like they missed the heart of this lifetime, if that makes any sense? Was anyone else annoyed with the 2ML like I was? Granted, it seemed like he was possessed by an evil spirit, but I was like, "can you just go away?!" Haha! At the end of episode 12, they are back in the heaven realm. I'm curious to see how they will settle their emotions for each other now that they are in their true forms. By the way, the scenes with Ding Yuxi in his armor! Once again, I am reminded of how good of an actor he is. He had so much emotions in his expressions. 👏👏 The airing schedule changed.
  20. I finished episode six and the reporter is obsessed. It's a lot worse than I thought it was. Did anyone else think it's odd that he has a camera by his front door? Why would he need to have one if he never invites anyone over?
  21. It'll probably just be some inferiority complex, right? Haha! I prefer that they all just stay the way they are with no romance. I also agreed with everyone's earlier comments that Kim Ji Eun's character is actually of use compared to the last two characters she played. I tried asking @mademoiselle if she wanted to watch this and my comment to her was that Kim Ji Eun's character has a purpose in this drama. LOL!
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