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Everything posted by Tofu

  1. @mademoiselle @40somethingahjumma I'm glad both of you feel the same about the Chinese part too. I thought it was messy and could have been done better. I think my expectations might have been too high. I found myself questioning some of the random comedic scenes wondering if they were really necessary. Nevertheless, I still enjoyed both episodes. Kang Ki Young's makeup and styling for this drama is so fitting (even though we previously made fun of it). I completely buy him as the big baddie. Seems like Jeok Bong is going to be able to smell out evil spirit. I wonder if he'll have more powers than just that. Good to see that they confirmed Mun as the most powerful counter. I like this upgraded Mun and @mademoiselle, I think episode 2 showed more of what I remembered of Mun from S1. Not sure if I shared this on here yet:
  2. How is everyone already so far? I am only on episode 9. 😥
  3. Hahaha! I want to see the bookcover in color. I think seeing the bookcover in color is similar to having the physical book (which I still prefer over e-books). The book I plan to read soon is Crying in H-Mart. Has anyone read this one?
  4. @mademoiselle Haha! I guess that's good, but there are too many dramas dropping within the next two weeks. I'm planning on watching Uncanny and Killing Vote.
  5. He is @SilverMoonTea's oppa, but I enjoy watching his dramas too. I think it's funny that there was someone there who filmed the entire thing. Haha!
  6. @SilverMoonTea It varies for me. Right now, I have a lot of physical books (mostly non-fiction), but I do have a kindle where I have some books on there for reading during long trips too. I also use my ipad, which I prefer to my kindle because it has color. LOL!
  7. I'm about to start episode 6 tonight after getting off work. Is that the tomb robbers arc? I really like the dynamic between LXY/LLH and FDB. They both balance each other really well. While this drama does remind me a bit of The Blood of Youth, I do like that CY's character (LXY/LLH) is a bit more talkative and expressive than LHY's character. Poor FDB though, he's always getting left behind. I've read good things about DFS joining them so I can't wait to see that too. I don't know about everyone, but I think it's kind of funny that LXY/LLH is not openly hiding himself, yet no one is able to sense that he's around (or that someone is around listening to their conversations). @SilverMoonTea feels the same way too, but she didn't watch The Blood of Youth or this one even though she likes both of them. LOL!!
  8. @themarchioness The charades game....LOL!!! I'll have to watch this in full after work today. Tagging @mademoiselle and @SilverMoonTea to also come watch the geges they like.
  9. Hahahaha! I have been asking @SilverMoonTea why suddenly we are swapping the geges we like. I like both GJ and LYN but somehow I'm watching the drama that has the gege Tea likes (Cheng Yi).
  10. I don't know, but I will still watch it if it's confirmed. LOL!
  11. @UnniSara I like Joseph! There isn't so much scenes of the villain yet, but I'm only on episode three. Maybe he'll show up later. It's been a few months since I've watched a wuxia so I'm hoping this continues to be good. Stills.
  12. @40somethingahjumma will you try this out? I watched three episodes and it's not that bad. Cheng Yi's character reminds me a bit of Li Hongyi's character in The Blood of Youth -- they were both powerful martial artists, but due to poison/injuries, they lost their power.
  13. The airing schedule -- why 40 episodes?! I feel like all the dramas I want to watch have been in the upper 30s or 40 episodes long, why?!
  14. @abs-oluteM The one I adopted or the one I'm considering but probably won't adopt? LOL! You know there is something wrong with K-Dramaland if @mademoiselle is watching the Werewolf drama wholeheartedly like that.
  15. @Yana Has that been confirmed because I thought it was just a rumor. I'm hoping it stays a rumor....
  16. I think they just dropped all the episodes?! @themarchioness That is unfortunate that she turns out to be that way. I was really hoping that she would become a good person but like @Phikyl and I talked about, her actions are not sincere -- rather that's to ZM or MYC. That is so like ZM to ask the mother to kneel down, haha! I really like her character and how much she supports SY. I had this moment where I thought how funny would it be if YY and YCY meet up again as leads in another drama.
  17. @themarchioness You spoil us so much with lots of goodies.
  18. I think ever since it was suggested that she approached him on purpose, their interactions no longer feel sincere to me. I still enjoy their scenes because I just want to see the brother be that butterfly he is obsessed with instead of being stuck in his cocoon.
  19. Binbin made another appearance in episode 29! I want to see the brother break free from the parents and live the life he's always wanted for himself without any burden. I am hoping ZM's friend is a good girl who genuinely likes him. @themarchioness, does the brother end up with anyone in the novel?
  20. But one has the voice of an angel and the other one...
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