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Everything posted by UnniSara

  1. I recommended these three International Films. I am such a Horror/Suspense/ Sci-fi movie buff Tunnel Train to Busan: Pennisula RV: Resurrected Victims
  2. The Wedding is my favorite scene His vows was just perfect When she chose to trust him her lines was the most touching. I believe he fell more in love with her then. When she said what she wanted most was to be his wife moved him even more.
  3. I finished it @AwkwarDerp. I will be honest I enjoyed the first part of the drama and kinda FFW the later episode. In all it was a good drama.
  4. Hey @Chocolate Guess What is coming out January 12, 2021 Synopsis Synopsis
  5. Episode was good today. YJ's mom left town but not the state. She took MW's smart watch and MW called his mom. That is so smart. Both parent CUT TIES with YR for now. I am absolutely sure that the mom is doesn't mean it. We need to accept that YJ is TP's weakness. For now I believe YR's secret will have to come out. He revealed himself so that YR would stop bothering YJ. Yj was planing to quit to protect TP's identity. She wants him to find justice for his mom.
  6. Yu Ra is a monster and she can never be redeemed in my eyes. She doesn't deserve to be a MOTHER. She is so scary @@ktcjdrama@stroppyse @Nohamahmoud2002 Great scene Tomorrow's episode
  7. I agree @stroppyse watching YR try to get the better of MH but this will backfire on her. I am positive of that. It won’t necessarily get her kicked out of the house but it will hurt her where it hurts. I would love to see this @ktcjdrama @Nohamahmoud2002 I wasn’t looking forward to seeing SJ feeling betrayed because to be honest. YJ was never his gif. She isn’t an object but a person. She can like whoever she wants . She has been I. Love with TP a lot longer and she told him she can only picture herself with the one she likes. Is it her fault SJ has been crushing on her hard. Now waiting for this ball to drop is driving me crazy and I want YR to drop it . I need SJ to know about it so that MH can get a stronger backer in the company. Right about now SJ isn’t that powerful. Preview
  8. Just venting Old Constable Yang is selfish. In my opinion I think the love story between him and JX’s mom was one sided. In Flashback , I believe she loved her husband. That is the only reason can come up with for her to go back to the people trying to kill them all. For love Old Constable Yang was willing to save JX’s mom. Although YY is similar to Old Constance Yang , I have always felt he was weak. Just because he has a scar on his face , he send SG away. He pursued her so strongly and yet just because of the scar he thinks he is no good to her. I wonder if his way of thinking is due to the era or just that he is superficial. It really pisses me off that he did that. It seems they are both willing to do any for love but YY can’t bare to live with the consequences. LY’s cousin is going to be causing so much problem for him because she blames him for what happens. How the hell is it his fault when her brother murdered someone for a prostitute. A prostitute he chooses to kill someone. If he wasn’t so spoiled , he would have never done that. I feel bad for LY because he is trusting her or pitying her because she lost her family. Her need to live seems to be strong but O don’t pity her at all. If she hadn’t tricked YS in the first place her family would have been just fine.
  9. I am on episode 35 now and something has been bothering me. WHy is Yan ShiFan looking for JingXia. Does he know or what?? Hmmm I swear this man is so smart. I now feel sorry for SG's (ZLY) friend. She really does care for her but she is so broken. She looked for love in all the wrong places. I have to say, although the romance between SG and YY is coming around, I am not overly fond of YY. I keep finding him to annoying because he is lack a brain. He could have went for help , instead of going after SG. They could have been saved and now they wouldn't be looking for them now. smh smh smh Our OTP sure knows how to move me. I can finally see why you were so addicted to this drama @NiteWalker THe kiss and the song in the background was so well done.
  10. Yan ShiFan so clever LuYi jealous of a woman. Wow wow LuYi is right he doesn’t need to compete with XX.
  11. Hey Is the book translated ? Would read it when I get the chance @NiteWalker @AwkwarDerp By the way Doctor Ling is she JinXia’s aunt? I am on episode 29 right now. Yan ShiFan has finally shown his crazy look. It was very appreciative for me.
  12. The scenery for this s drama is awesome. I especially loved the Dragon Cave Our JinXia is falling hard for LuYi To alll the fans. A question @NiteWalker @AwkwarDerp @40somethingahjumma @ Is this is real or a Dream
  13. lol YR almost got caught in one of her lies YJ’s father looks worried??? Wae !!
  14. I believe this is the last clip to episode 56 I love how kdrama directors direct cliffhanger. why TP? why TP had stop after hearing his name??? He could have kept acting like he was deaf???? Smh shm
  15. Han Yu Ra shi acts like a ganster. She is alwys saying Aisshh, when she is ready to beat someone up. THe way she walks and talk when she want to beat someone up is disgusting. I have to admit she is very good at putting on the waterworks. I do believe even if she does get the oportunity to turn SJ and MH enemies. SJ will never trust her. I am also positive that YR is capable of murdering someone to get what she wants. The fact that she believes she has the upper hand is mind boggling. She acts like she is sorry but then again she isn't. I do think she will take the chance to reveal everything but it has to be someone else do it and that is when her new family will hate her.
  16. Xiexiao is truly annoying. I think they spoiled him to much. He can tell his father is sick and yet. He doesn’t act like normal niche children when a parent is ill. He seems a bit indifferent and childish. He certainly needs to grow up. I hope this character has some growth for now I still see a child. JinXia seems to be more mature and only thinks of him as a friend. I think once she rejects him , he will certainly have to grow up to understand life isn’t about playing and spending money like it grows on trees. Because of his background he believes he can get any girl he wants. Sure it is possible but the girl who Jun’s at the chance is only interested because it f his status not him. So glad that Yan ShiFan won’t be after JinXia. At first I thought it would be interesting but from episode 12 it seems he likes it rough. It seems she isn’t his type at al either . He is a great fighter though and he loves himself. Lu Yi and JinXia have great chemistry. He displays al the sign of crushing on a girl. 1. Bullying 2. Jealousy Master seem a bit worried now. I wonder why ?? Was that a confession LuYi . Hmmm JinXia’s bestie Yang Yue sometimes make wonder about his loyalty childhood friend. When he went to beat XiwXiao was it about JinXiao or more about Shang Guan. I do think it was only about Shang Guan. His attraction to Shang Huan kinda worries me. I hope she does end up liking him back but til now I don’t think it will ever happen. Maybe I am wrong??
  17. @NiteWalker I love him already. I find him really sexy . In Episode 12 I wonder why Shan Guang actually think she knew LangYe. LangYe was lying through her teeth. She was a scorned woman and she chose to kill instead of leaving the troupe to find happiness. Sure she fell in love but chose to kill. I especially love SHangFi showing up. I loved the way he zoned in to JinXia. I love how he is always goading LuYi every chance he gets. He sure is a troublemaker and very smart. I love his style.
  18. I am now on episode 11. Shang GuanXi what’s her deal? Why didn’t she confess? What the bell she saw in XieXiao?? Then XieXiao tells her he like JinXia. To be honest I am not to fond of Shang GuanXi . I can’t help but feel she is fake. JinXia’s bestie is falling for her but I don’t see the chemistry for now. He seems a bit to stupid IMO. our OTP beautiful moment @NiteWalker Chingu what is Yan ShiFan’s role to be a main lead?? Will he be a problem for our OTP???
  19. @stroppyse Checking to see if I can hear correctly around 00:20 -00:31 Didn’t SJ say Han Yu-Ra shi ? Is the Han last name very common in Korean that he couldn’t connect the dots. Han YuRa & Han Yoo Jung??
  20. @stroppyse Ofcourse she will get evidence to keep MIL and Hubby to allow her to stay. She is selfish, a pathological liar and calculating. This a typical theme in drama like this. In Bad Love )Kdrama Daily) check Here to see what I am talking about the SFL’s secret came out and she used the incriminating evidence to stay married to hubby she lied too. She too stole money to Adana in her career and abandoned her child. I believe that YR and TP won’t lie to each other. After all she told him he is hers. She won’t let anyone come between them. I don’t think she can survive losing TP. I think he is her life line. To lose him would break her.
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