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Posts posted by Dhakra

  1. 8 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    :laugh: that is the destiny of second female lead mostly in every stories.


    :pandasad:Yes, poor second leads.



    3 hours ago, peperomia said:

    By the way, did it seem part of the reason why Yeon Su broke-up with Ung was because she overhead him giving up the opportunity to study overseas for a few years? Ung had mentioned to the professor that he did not want to go or do it alone. I interpreted as he gave it up to stay by Yeon Su. In addition to the hardships in her personal life, I think she felt underserving of Ung doing so for her.


    I think it played a role indirectly, I think it played a role in the way that she realized what different kind of lives they have. Yeon Su has to work for everything, she needs to work hard to get even the slightest chances or oppoturnities. She lives a poor life, and to get away from this life, she has to work as hard as she can and can't relax. So when she saw that Choi Ung just passes an excellent opportunity to move on in life, she realized that they are completely different. He can just pass, because he doesn't need to worry. For him, it's no big deal to pass. 

    So in a way, she did not break up with him because he declined and did not to it, but because she realized that they are completely different people. It was her pride, like she mentioned. 

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  2. Time between episodes always feel like an eternity :pandasipsip: Glad the wait will finally be over tomorrow. 

    I just watch the scene where YS sees him draw for the first time over and over again. I hope we see him draw again later in the show again. 

    And of course I listen to the OST pretty much all day. 



    Based on the stills, they seem to make so many steps already, that NJ's disruption may be completely ineffective. She really needs to get a purpose. NJ could have been the perfect counterpart to YS. Rich, supportive, she could have opened a totally different world to Choi Ung, a world where he can openly be this long sleeping carefree guy. Pretty much everything that YS is not, including famous. And over time he would slowly realize that's not what he wants. 


    But as of now, CU is still so obsessed with YS, his love towards her is clear as day. What in the world could NJ do to change this. Everything will just bounce off without effect. 

    Sigh.......she's so pretty though :pandablush:

    7 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    @Alice Wonderlandwhat I like most from the latest stills is that YS goes to his parents restaurant. For me this is the first time she is doing something with him that is not work related ( on the pretext of visiting his parents I suppose) 

    The question I ask myself is, did she go there with the intention of meeting him or did she just wanted to visit the restaurant/parents and he happened to be there. Because normally she would just go to his home to see him. 

    • Like 5
  3. @bairama


    :scaredpanda2:I'm so sorry. But I know what you mean, it's the same for me. There aren't many left. 


    And you have a very watchful eye. Yes, indeed. I don't drink coffee at all. In fact, I never drank one cup of coffee in my life. I hate the smell and an ex-gf secretly gave me an espresso once, I spit it through half the apartment. That was it once and for all with me and coffee  :pandaroar:

     I just drink water pretty much all day.


    @Alice Wonderland


    No, I hate coffee. Just the smell makes me run. 


    Soo many clues..okay...okay....I can do this


    Clue #2

     @NiteWalker @SilverMoonTea @Alice Wonderland

    All of you seem to me like people who would wake up early before 8am :thinking:So did you? :lenny:


    Clue #3




    Clue #4

    I only watched 4 drama this year and one of them I watched all on my own :laugh:BUT


    @abs-oluteM NOONAAAAA, we watched exactly three together. Lost, Happiness & Taxi Driver.  My savior :pandablush:


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  4. 4 hours ago, Tofu said:

    I don't think I even needed to say for you to know who I was directly that comment to. :heiboi:


    BUT....if it's needed, I was saying that @Dhakra, you, should watch 18 Again. I put it off for the longest time because I'm not a big fan of the actors and the storyline wasn't interesting. Then a saw a bunch of these clips:


    I am very good at ignoring things:pandasipsip: Sigh........maybe after OBS is over I will give it a shot. 

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  5. @Alice WonderlandHaha, don't worry. I just found it too funny. :laugh:I just mentioned it in case anyone got confused. It could have been a short version for DarkArcana aswell.


    From my understanding there isn't a single correct answer :thinking:You kinda choose your answer which fits the descripton and cross out the name for future rounds. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

    @Dhakra I am tagging you to watch 18 Again 😁

    Echoing everyone’s recommendations that her role is meatier there and on top of that, it’s a very good drama. 

    9 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    @Dhakra if you love to see NJ more with better role probably listen our reccomendations won'tt hurt, lols. Well just try and decide yourself, no pressure. But if many says so then it means good. 


    :pandaroar:Sigh, not another one. Is it really THAT good? :pandapopcorn: But binge-watching 16 episodes? Is it really worth it to break my rules? :scaredpanda2:



    8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    @Dhakra So many unni and dongsaeng recommending 18 Again; you can believe it is that good. I mean, you don't trust us but it's @abs-oluteM recommendeding it to you first, we just echo her good recommendation. And you trusted her the most! 


    Yeah, technically that is true and she recommended me a bunch of good ones. But that's such a time commitment. :pandasleep:  And I don't like the premise. I would watch it purely for Roh Jeong-eui. 


    8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Or should we also ask Stroppyse if she has seen it?  :eeeee:


    :pandascared: Oh no. Don't get her involved in this. Now I'm scared.:pandascared:



    8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Yeah I agree Kill It was disappointing. It had a good premise to be honest and I was initially intrigued with Jang Ki Yong having blue eyes. But who knows those blue eyes never come in play in the plot! The show put two beautiful people together and didn't both to give me any romance (worse than Happiness)! :pandarage2: What a waste.


    I remember so many weird scenes at the end. It was so hilarious and so dumb. :laugh: I remember the first half was actually quite decent, but around the second half everything went downhill. 


    Roh Jeong-eui was so wasted aswell at the end. Sigh, at least Nana was cute throughout the drama.

    • Haha 6
  7. @Alice WonderlandAm I Darka on your list? You really rushed it :laugh:Hey my name's not SO complicated :pandasad:


    1 hour ago, Chocolate said:

    Didn’t most people do this? 🤔😂


    Nope, unless you call my cat family. :laugh:So I can tell you all in advance, you cannot cross me. 


    On 12/23/2021 at 7:34 AM, SnowBlob said:

    1st (25/12): 

    Member who spent one of their meals on the 25th of December with his/her friends or families


    Mhmmm, so to be a little strategic, I should take a name from the mid area first, so who of those four would fit this description. 


    I think I go with



    @bairamaYou surely spent a meal with your friends and families. You're a family person after all. So think you're my pick for the 1st clue. 


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  8. So, can I do a noona greeting too?  :pandapopcorn:Although technically some aren't exactly noonas. 


    8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    It's less than 30 mins - a quick one ^ ^

    Merry X'mas ~ cheers ~ I'm drinking Coca Cola now hahaha

    Yeah I figured, I put it in my watch later list. Perfect thing to watch before sleep. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    It's not body switching. He became young. Honestly, her role is meatier there than in this one. It's a really good drama. Oh and also meatier than Kill It. AND she's sassy.


    Nyaaaaaa :pandasleep: But watching 16 episodes on an already finished drama all on my own? That's so totally not me :pandasipsip:


    Kill it was bad. Didn't I forget to mention it? The end was so, SO bad. Her role wasn't great at all, she was cute back then though. I liked her. (Surprise)

    Sassy you say.....mhm......:pandasipsip: But getting young again is kinda like body switching with all the usual tropes and gags. 


    Have to admit the scene was pretty cool though. But watching an old drama? Aigooooo~ :pandadisgusted:


    4 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    Well, he is. Despite of he is part of BTS, I fall more for his sweet husky voice, the melody and its lyrics is in english. My brain doesnt need much effort to translate it twice. And that is also the power of BTS. Haha


    She's good in 18 again, and her role is better than here.


    I love the OST. He is really good. I just didn't know him, his name, his occupation and his voice. So basically when I read his name I was like: "Who's that and why has his OST so many views?" 

    He even crushed ITunes in over 70 countries and set a few records. :laugh:


    Sigh...not you too. :scaredpanda2:


    3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Yeah guys, tell @Dhakra! LOL!

    :pandarage2: Stawp it!~ At least Tofu didn't tag me, so I don't know who she is talking to. :lenny:







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  10. 1 hour ago, Tofu said:

    BTS is the only boyband I follow besides the fictional band, Luna. Haha! 


    Yeah, I reacted the same. I know a lot of girlgroups, but I had no clue V is part of BTS. I guess the drama gets a lot more attention now.


    1 hour ago, Tofu said:

    The group's Christmas greeting. =)


    Holy freaking smokes is Roh Jeong-Eui beautiful. When she smiled I hat to put on sunglasses. :pandacool:




    Wait.....WAIT.....WAAAAAAIT.....I know her........I have seen Roh Jeong-Eui before. OH MY GOD........She played along Nana and Jang Ki-Yong in "Kill it". She was the second lead and I had a major crush on her back then aswell. :pandawhat: No freaking way. 

    Omg I cannot believe I saw her in a drama before. She changed quite a lot since then. 


    Nana, Jang Ki Yong, And Noh Jung Ui Share Final Thoughts Before Conclusion  Of “Kill It” | Soompi


    Girls changing their hair color.  How to confuse men:scaredpanda2: 


    @mademoiselleYeah I am Team NJ now I guess :laugh::pandasipsip:

    • Haha 7
  11. 1 hour ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    I dont know how much I have played this since it was released a few hours ago. Love love love this ost the most!! 


    I was surprised to see how many views it received after just half a day, until I realized, oh, V is a vocal of BTS. :laugh:I really don't know much about Boygroups.


    2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:



    Gosh, NJ's actress is SO pretty. I want to see more BTS scenes of her. :pandaxmas: She's so pretty, she could really be an idol. 

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  12. 37 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

    Hahaha, I think you declared Happiness your best drama or fave of the year or something but ditch it so quick after a couple of episodes of Our Beloved Summer. How can you be so sure though?


    Because 'Our Beloved Summer' is touching my heart-strings and is a genre I am an absolute sucker for. I can relate to the Main Lead, the music is fantastic, some scenes are pure art. It's such a soft, touching drama, it feels like you fly through every episode.

    Happiness was amazing and thrilling, no question, it had me on the edge of the seat at times, but OBS is probably the closest thing I ever got to Fairy. They are both totally different genres, which probably are my two favorite genres overall, but I always liked slice of life oriented dramas with a little melodramatic touch a bit more. 

    And the music is so good :pandapopcorn: If the second lead gets likeable now, it's the perfect drama for me. 


    Happiness upside is, it's already over so I know everything about it. If I crown OBS my fav drama and the second half gets bad, I am the dumb one. :laugh:




    D24 | A drama that deserved more recognition (for 2021): :pandathink: Lost. I guess. 




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  13. 3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    OST 5 is out!


    I can't praise the OST too much. It's been a very, very long time since I loved so many songs from a single drama. The OST is absolutely perfect. Totally going to buy it when it gets released. I have to keep my eyes open. The music choices in this drama are off the charts. :pandajustright:

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  14. 12 hours ago, JenL said:

    Glad to see I'm not the only one who forgot! :laugh:


    I thought the same :laugh:


    12 hours ago, JenL said:

    Hahaha, so you would never try something outside of your expectations and like it??? :thinking:


    Nope. :pandapopcorn: Many people tried, but by now they know that drama that are out of my comfy zone aren't my cup of tea. I have a long list of things in a drama that I do not like. 


    12 hours ago, JenL said:

    This seems to be very popular and well liked...should I watch? :popcorn:


    Absolutely. It's such a nice, beautiful watch. The OST is fantastic, the story is nice. I thought after Happiness it couldn't get any better, but 'Our Beloved Summer' feels like it was written for me. Only a few nuances missing to make it perfect. 

    • Like 3
  15. Like @JenL, I completely forgot about the list, so I will do a catch-up aswell. :pandapopcorn:


    D10 | Favorite Character: Mhmm, tough choice. Of all time would be way too hard to decide, so I with this year and my favorite character is probably Sae Bom of Happiness. She kicked ass. 


    D11 | Actress with the weirdest make-up: Definitely Madam Lim of Taxi Driver


    Lee Je Hoon Plays An Offbeat Game Of Seduction To Expose A Scam In “Taxi  Driver” | Soompi


    D12 | Your Guilty Pleasure Drama of 2021: You Raise me Up, I don't know why I watched and finished it. 


    D13 | A Drama You Dropped: Idol: The Coup


    D14 | An Actress You Discovered This Year: Quite a lot actually, but I guess the most impact on me had Cha Ji Yeon. Her performance as Ms.Baek in Taxi Driver was stunning.

    Special Shoutout to my favorite second leads this year: Hackergirl Go Eun (Pyo Ye Jin), perfect wife Kyung Eun (Kim Hyo Jin) and supermarket girl Bo Ram (Han Da Sol).


    D15 | Best chemistry: This is a toughie, probably Sae Bom and Yi Hyun in 'Happiness'. But Yeon Su and Choi Ung have fantastic chemistry aswell. But after giving it some time now, I think Sae Bom and Yi Hyun is a no brainer.


    D16 | A picture of my favorite scene: First I thought about Kim Do Gi posing as rich kid in Taxi Driver, but most recently a scene made me so happy, music was on point, like it always is in this drama and it was just such a beautiful shot.

    Yeon Su seening Choi Ung draw for the first time.




    D17 | A character you want to feed: What the :laugh: Ahm......probably NJ? Or Naeun of Taxi Driver? No, I think I go with NJ. She's a beauty. 


    D18 | An older drama you watched in 2021: A new one? None, I rarely do that. I watched Fairy though for like the 5th time or so.

    D19 | A drama that needed less episodes: You Raise Me Up


    D20 | A drama that needed more episodes: Lost. Seriously, the pacing was so off, in some episodes you felt like nothing is happening. When the drama was halfway through you felt like you just watched two episodes. And when things finally get interesting, the drama is over.


    D21 | A drama you watched you normally would not: None, I am very picky.


    D22 | Best produced drama in 2021: Our Beloved Summer. Absolutely fantastic so far.


    D23 | A Drama best viewed by binging: I never binge, so...I don't know.....maybe Lost? Because four episodes feel like one?



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  16. 38 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    Yup. True. It was mainly how she felt but also she saw that he was just happy to go with her flow instead of desiring something for himself. I understand how she felt then - she had so much to shoulder for a such a young girl. And though she should have shared her concerns with him instead of breaking up like that cold turkey, I cannot blame her. Who among us can say we truly knew what we were doing or how we should handle problems when we're still adulting


    But prior to this I wouldn't have thought the reason she felt inferior, and later on admitting her pride, was the reason she broke up with him. Choi Ung was happy with what he had, he said himself, during the time she broke up with him, he felt like he has at his happiest. Since his family also runs a few very, very successful restaurants, I guess money was never an issue for him.  

    But YS felt actually at the exact opposite, she loved him for sure, but pretty much everything was taken away from her due to her and her grandma being poor. They had to work hard for everything. Choi Ung could live a careless life, because he never lost anything. YS was responsible for so many things, she knew her education is mandatory for the outcome of her and her grandma's future. Choi Ung could do whatever he wanted.

    So it was like she said, they lived in different worlds and since she was too proud to admit and tell him, she broke up, swallowed the pain and tried to make sure her future is secured. 


    I can accept that too. But I also feel his pain.


    46 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    This episode had me shedding plenty of tears.


    The scene between Ji Ung and Choi Ung made me even sadder. Seeing how they grew to each other, how much generousity Choi's family shared with him. Preparing meals and boxes for him, it's was like they secretly adopted him and had a second son. I almost cried when he told the photographer to make sure that his two sons should look great.


    49 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

    ooo looks like in the preview the road to them getting back together is not easy


    Great, YS & CU seems to walk on a bumpy road, facing obstacles on their way back to get together again. NJ make's a move and seems to be able to say different sentences than usual. But it looks like NJ is whispering something into his ear instead of kissing him on the cheek. Maybe this will give her a bit more depth.  

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  17. 12 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    Lols, this is hard for you, cuz you keep setting yourself to fall for SLS. While, myself always have smooth way to naturally fall for the main OTP. The male lead here is mesmerizing. He's not that typical badboy that dramaland loves to tell. So no SLS for me. I ever suffered from SLS in some other dramas, but not many. 


    As to your wish, I felt that SLS was brewing slowly through Ji Woong. He just loves YS quietly in his own way all these years and I bet it's still going on until now.


    I wouldn't say I desperately try to fall for SL's, but usually I can relate to them more often, cause they try. It always feels like everything falls in place for First leads and it naturally comes together. I like the OTP here, I think they fit and root for them, I just wish NJ would bring something to the table that would put some doubt into this thought process.


    I hope Ji Ung gets his little romance with cutter girl. She seemed to be interesting in him, maybe if he will get over YS, he might find room for her in his heart. They seem to be a good fit.


    8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

    oh boy ...are we reopening a can of worms here? Gals, don't edge Dhakra on about his SLS. :laugh:

    So far NJ's role seems to be just to create jealousy in YS. LOL


    Well, the year is already over, our annual Shi Ho/SLS discussion is on the horizon. Second Leads are the better partners on paper, cause they try!


    Yeah, and probably just for a short moment. After seeing them in front of her house, it felt like NJ's scene was completely forgotten already and every sort of jealousy was floating away.




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  18. 4 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    I dont remember any second female lead  appears to be nice and kind-hearted when it comes to love rival. They're mostly irritating and tiring. :laugh: not all but mostly.


    I can think of many, but I guess @abs-oluteMwould strongly disagree with all of my choices. :laugh:Second leads are misunderstood most of the time. Sadly NJ's role is so weak, that we don't understand anything yet. First of all, what is her purpose in the drama so far. 


    8 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    nd for NJ, as long as she doesn't become clingy and obsessesive over her one sided crush/love, she is okay. She is the lonely super star as I see. She likes to be loved by many, but one single woong makes an exception. She probably could be best friend with Woong but not as love interest.


    But that would at least give her a purpose other than "Oh I was just here, although I am busy. I normally don't do that. Okay bye. *drives off*". If she actually becomes clingy, obsessive or a disturbance in any way, that that's either relatable or not. At least we can see her hand then and what she brings to the table. As of now her sole purpose is to be as an extra name that needs to be paid from the filming company. 

    If she is lonely and wants to find love, then please writer-nim, let us now and give her some depth. I can see her being the supportive, lonely superstar who takes care of a new rising artist and falls in love with him along the way. Let her be the counterpart to YS. "Poor" YS, who dumped him vs "Rich" NJ, who takes care of him and supports him the way he is. 


    Ofc Choi Ung will end up with YS, because I'm not the writer, but gimme at least something to satisfy my SLS. 

    • Haha 5
  19. 10 hours ago, Tofu said:

    Adding to the NJ narrative here, I think the moment she starts to have a purpose, her character would already be so irrelevant her "purpose" would not matter...at least not to me. I already skip her scenes. :idk:


    I still haven't give up hope yet, I refuse to believe her character is written so plain and one-sided. I agree to @Alice Wonderland, I feel like 50% of her lines are about herself wondering why CU doesn't treat her like the rest of the world does. She sees herself an the epicenter of attention, so everytime someone doesn't give her full attention, it looks like she is utterly hurt in her pride. 

    This was fun during the first two or three episodes, but now it gets boring. 


    But we have 10 episodes left, so she better start to make a move herself and cause some trouble. 

    Not cheering for the second lead feels so wrong for me.  


    2 hours ago, Alice Wonderland said:

    :laugh: I wonder why is second female lead always written so unlikeable.


    :pandathink: I don't know what you are talking about :laugh: I feel like second leads are more likeable than most first leads. 

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