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Everything posted by stroppyse

  1. I didn't typo it. Not everyone in the company would be fully aware of the CEO's personal life, though I'm sure there are plenty of rumors. NS meant to infer that OHY as JH's mother was probably MY's wife as well. It's meant to create some doubt within the company as to what the real relationship status between OHY and MY is and cast both MY and SR in a bad light for having an affair. NS is a weasel, but he can be a cunning weasel, as shown by how much he's gotten away with. Frankly, it makes me respect SR less that she dated NS for so long and even wanted to marry him. SR from the earliest episodes was a selfish brat, especially the way she treated TJ, though she seems to have matured a lot since then. Guess MY is also good for SR as well. Is this really true? He's now fired from Deep Cosmetics, but he still has a job with Mint thanks to OHY? Though, now that he's of no help with the Mint/Deep partnership, I look forward to seeing OHY kick NS to the curb. I'm looking forward to the scene where JH says that she and NS will get married as soon as possible, only for OHY to scoff that she doesn't want JH to marry NS. Not to mention, NS visiting with flowers, hopefully for him to be rejected. It will be fun seeing them turn on each other.
  2. Yep yep! @UnniSara, I really love the gifs you're making for this thread! Thank you!
  3. JH had already been scolded by her father that they were at work, and she should maintain professional decorum. So, when her mother told NS to leave since MY had just told her that if NS continued to work on the project that MY would cancel the whole partnership, JH probably couldn't bring herself to say anything. However, I do agree that JH is now being portrayed as being pretty stupid. Totally! I loved it that she had even taken a hammer to smash the framed picture. That whole scene was pretty satisfying actually. For MY to ask why NS wasn't out at the factory, only for NS to say that he was working for Mint now, even though he hasn't even officially quit Deep Cosmetics, and for MY to respond that NS is fired so he doesn't have to worry about resigning. And, then for MY to say that he's pulling out of the Mint partnership if NS works on the project. And, OHY having no compunctions about telling NS to leave. I think that OHY understands that NS is a leech and definitely not rich enough to support her daughter (or herself). Plus, knowing that MY doesn't care for NS, and thus that being yet another obstacle towards her getting back into MY's life means that NS is disposable as far as OHY is concerned. NS was being his normal weasel self anyway, letting everyone know that OHY was JH's mother and thus MY's wife as well. Of course, once NS understands that he's really out, then he'll definitely want to get back at OHY. Both of them are weasels. OHY is definitely faking being ill. Look at the way she conveniently starts coughing when she has an audience who she wants something from. And her collapse in front of SR was so done for effect. I like the idea of OHY and NS turning on each other. I think the break up of MY and SR will pressure MY into doing something about OHY. Not sure if he knows all the things that OHY has been pulling, like going to see SR's family and giving them the wedding picture, etc. I think that for JH's sake, MY has been holding back, but hopefully, he'll take steps to get OHY out of his life even if she continues to be in JH's. Btw, I do think that JH needs to know the truth about not being her father's birth child, regardless of whatever else may happen. JH knows that her mother abandoned her and her father, but she should also be aware that her father chose to keep her even knowing that she was the child of her mother's infidelity. JH is old enough to hear the truth, and perhaps it'll help her grow up some.
  4. I hate to say it, but I also think that SJ might die in this drama. SJ sacrificing himself for YY/MRN may be the only way for DJ's family to accept KJ as YY's partner and MRN's stepfather. Even though SJ may have been the reason that DJ died, for SJ to sacrifice himself for DJ's family would be the ultimate atonement. It would be devastating for KJ, but he would understand SJ's mindset in wanting to save YY/MRN as well, especially given that SJ has even already signed over all of his stock to YY.
  5. YY asks if the reason that KJ broke up with her is because of SJ, since SJ had said so to HM while drunk. Also, she suspects that the man asking about her late husband and visited his columbarium was SJ, since she knows that KJ had also asked about that to the nurse who used to work with her late husband. KJ says he's not sure why SJ may have been doing all that, but that it has nothing to do with why they broke up, and asks YY to not come looking for him again. In terms of the noble idiocy thing, it's irritating to be sure, especially since he's hurting both YY and MRN with his current actions. However, I don't think it's simple noble idiocy. KJ is determined to find out the entire truth of the matter, including HH and WS involvement so that SJ doesn't suffer all the consequences himself. Before that happens, KJ doesn't want to tell YY anything of what he suspects, though in Friday's episode, KJ does say to himself that he will confess it all to YY later. I think the reason that he's refraining from telling YY the truth for the time being is because she would feel an obligation to tell her in-laws or have to live with the devastating truth in secret while he works it out. I think if he asked her for time to find out the truth, she would give it to him, but then she would be in conflict with not giving her late husband's family more information about their son's death that they so desperately want. It's also clear that KJ feels as if their relationship is no longer viable, not when his family is responsible for her husband's death, especially not living within the in-law household, so he's treating her harshly thinking that her love could turn to hate instead, especially since he's expecting her and her in-laws to hate him when the truth finally comes out.
  6. Right?! I was also happy that YY jumped out of the way of the car, and then was able to defend herself from WS who was trying to strangle her to death. I have to admit that I get tired of the heroine who must be saved by someone else trope. I can understand that in his shock over the involvement of WS, HH, and SJ in DJ's death, KJ just became super protective over MRN and YY. To be fair to KJ, he's gone through a number of shocks regarding his family, namely SJ not being his birth brother and being very upset and agitated and finding out that WS who was a person who KJ had fond memories of being a friend of the family as well as their driver being SJ's birth father and having attempted to kill YY. KJ is probably unsure at this point who he can trust, even if it's SJ. We know that SJ is a decent, albeit weak, person, but KJ doesn't know what SJ may or may not do as the child of HH and WS, both of whom have attempted to harm YY. Yes, some time to himself, as well as a chance to get over his personal pains of workplace betrayal and disappointment, not to mention his wife who only showed her concern over losing their income source. At least, CY's situation has caused HM to reflect on things and finally give up on KJ rather than continuing to blindly rage against it and do stupid thing after stupid thing in an attempt to trap him to her side. Also, it was sweet of her to give her father some spending money. One other nice thing that the writer did in the talk that HM has with her father is for her to tell her father that she knows that he's still rich, but that she wanted to give him some spending money. This may be the first thing that HM did which was actually nice and I appreciated it. HM's interaction with her mother, however, was a bit blech. So, the mother is supposed to be crying despite herself, but she's still going on about how she doesn't need her husband and is so much happier without him. HM tells her to stop having a fight about their respective pride, but honestly, if that's the predominant element in HM's parents' relationship, then they probably do need some time apart. Plus, the mother really needs to stop her frantic shopping.
  7. I think the whole cheating on him the entire time they were seeing each other, being engaged, and getting married is something to be angry about. At least that's what MY tells SR as the reason they got divorced shortly after JH's mother gave birth to JH. Reading a bit more into it, JH's mother probably knew that she was pregnant by another guy when she married MY. Otherwise, there would be no reason for MY or JH's mother to be sure that JH wasn't MY's child regardless of JH's mother's cheating status if the possibility that MY could be the father was there. So, the ex marries MY knowing that she's pregnant with another man's child, continues to cheat on him with other men, births JH, and then decides that it's not the life she wants and abandons both of them. MY probably didn't know where the ex went even since he probably would have thought a child should be with her mother. It's only not wanting to abandon the child and thus raising her himself that caused him to grow to love JH. I think it's plenty reason to think of his ex as being a totally manipulative selfish monster that he doesn't want anything to do with.
  8. Preview translation KJ: Se Jun, you’re not involved in the incident with Young Yi’s husband’s accident, are you? KJ: That day, the man who went looking for you, nurse. Is it this man? HH: You said you would take care of it quickly, so why haven’t you contacted me? WS: It would all be okay if only Lee Young Yi were gone. YY: Why did the ajusshi want to meet so far away? WS: It’s not too late. I’ll send you off properly, so just go without resisting. YY: Ajusshi? WS is just nuts if he thinks that killing YY is going to solve anything. I mean, YY is going to be KJ's wife and is someone that SJ also knows, as WS well knows. Either WS is just totally bonkers stupid, or the writer is. This plot point doesn't make much sense to me at all, though I assume the idiocy is written in to either kill time or drive some other point home? I just see SJ getting more and more desperately unhappy. At least HM isn't entirely an unfeeling monster like her mother. HM showed some concern for her father and scolded her mother for her unfeeling words towards her father. Still, this needs to be a wake up call for both HM and her mother rather than than lamenting about how to fund their stupidly extravagant shopping lifestyle.
  9. Translation for the preview SJ Mother: Please find a person for me. SJ Manager: Who is this person? SJ Mother: Young Shik’s mother PD Cha: How are you here…? JW: I can’t live in the same house with you any more, dad. YS: What? JW: Who in the world were you trying to get revenge on by using me?!? (YS punches JW) JW’s Mom: Husband! Husband! Why are you being like this?! PD Cha: What are you doing?! SR Mother: What in the world are you running around doing?! SR: Mom! Why are you being like this? GW: Cho Nam Soo must have said something. NS: This should be of some help. JH Mother: With Jang Hyeong Jung and my husband, let’s have a meal together. HJ: You’re crazy. HJ Mother: Hyeon Jung’s friend gave you a present? SR Mother: Because of you, your father has collapsed. SR: Really? No real idea, but I think NS prepared presents for the grandmothers for JH's mother to give to GW to give them. GW doesn't know who JH's mother is really, so probably didn't know that JH's mother was referring to MY when she said "my husband". HJ really should have filled GW in on what was going on with SR and MY. However, the presents may be meaningful to SR's grandmother? Anyway, JH seems determined to become an evil witch like her mother.
  10. The preview for ep 96 is interesting. HM's mom yells at HM's dad about how they are going to live from now on (since he's lost his job). CY yells back that he's provided for them for so many years, and that if that's the way they're going to treat him, then they can just live by themselves. It was really awful that HM and her mom are still only concerned about themselves. To be honest, HM doesn't say anything in the preview, however her face seems to be angry and upset just like her mother rather than showing any concern. Maybe HM and her mother will learn to value things rather than shopping and than just throwing things out without even bothering to actually wear/use them? Feel really badly for SJ. With a mother and a birth father like the ones he has, it seems SJ is just an instrument for those two to get money. Too bad for them that SJ has a conscience.
  11. Yes, JH's bio mom confirmed that JH is not MY's daughter. JH's mother is threatening to tell JH and then have both of them leave forever if MY doesn't accept her as well. Wow, what a mother. She's using her daughter until the very end, and the daughter is gullible enough to see her mother's smirking and stuff and her father completely upset, and she still sides with the bio mom who abandoned her. Yeah. I'm all for JH leaving with her mom and seeing what kind of life she'll have with a selfish woman who only knows her own desires. Once she understands how much her father did for her, and never made her feel as if she wasn't his, they can start a new, more understanding relationship. JH is old enough to figure things out, even if she's being depicted as a selfish, easily manipulated scatter brain now.
  12. I'm actually okay with no romance, as long as the interactions are good and make sense. Especially given what @mademoiselle wrote below. If the best they can do is be CP and concubine, I'm okay with just a good friendship and working relationship instead of angst filled melo.
  13. Wow! This could be really cool! As long as it's not a Hong Sisters drama. I know that there are fans of AoS here, so won't say much except that I won't be fooled into starting another Hong Sisters drama ever again. And based on that drama, I would probably be on Team Jun if they are rivals. Heck, I'm also still a Luna! (Of course, I'm primarily ARMY though.) Though, I don't like the idea of chaebol families. This isn't 'The Heirs' redux, is it?
  14. It's the amount of money that is at stake. I think he wanted half of HH's stake in the company. That is a lot more money than any money the family would offer to him as a friend of the family. That's why he pretends to be offended whenever anyone else tries to give him money. And, the scene where he asks SJ to say the real reason they met up was basically a veiled threat to HH. I agree with your statement about the caution, but I don't agree that KJ loves YY a lot more than YY loves him. I think YY also loves KJ a lot, it's just that YY has a lot more baggage that she is knowingly carrying, meaning her husband's family, MRN, her relatively lower social status to KJ, the opposition that KJ's parents had to her. However, it's the strength of her feelings that causes her to not be able to let KJ go, even when her family was causing such a fuss all the way around. And as it is, YY is still being cautious about her answers to her in-laws for fear of causing them pain over silly comparisons that shouldn't be made such as whether YY loved DJ more or KJ more. Anyway, without being certain of her feelings, it would have been much easier to just let him go. Omg! I laughed so hard reading this. I agree that HM just keeps going lower and lower. However, at least CY's mother knows about his forced resignation, and while she hasn't told CY's wife, her scolding has hopefully caused the wife to wonder what is actually going on with her husband. Perhaps in finding out what her husband is going through, both the wife and HM can get their heads out of whatever delusion that both of them are stuck in.
  15. I don't remember her as being annoying. I will have to check this one out for PHS. I gave his last drama 'Soundtrack' a miss, despite loving and rewatching 'Happiness' a number of times. I think his chemistry with his FL really matters. So, how is it so far?
  16. Totally on board with almost everything you said, the exception is that of the three of them living together. JH recognized that she would move out if MY were to get married. It would have taken a lot of adjustments for all of them. MY and SR probably couldn't be as affectionate as they might have given that JH would be in the house also, and JH herself would probably be uncomfortable at times, even if all of them got along well. However, I do resent that they are making JH so dumb and thoughtless before, whereas her character had always seemed a bit naive but still intelligent and thoughtful. Why the heck would she turn over all of her thinking to a known two-timer like NS, even if she did still really like him.
  17. Bangtantv released some behind the scenes footage of Jin's performance of 'The Astronaut' in Buenos Aires last year. So happy the Argentine ARMY were so welcoming. Love the relationship between Jin and the guys in Coldplay.
  18. I'm with you on this one. I really hate that in these dramas a bio parent can demand so much from their children even if they've abandoned them or done worse to them. That's not realistic. Giving birth isn't the end all and be all, the nurturing of the child matters as much if not more than the act of giving birth. Both JH's mom and JW's mom abandoned their children, but seem to expect something from them now that they're grown up. Ugh. Neither of these story lines make me happy. I feel badly for JW however, because not only did his birth mom abandon him, but his father used him to get money from SJ's mom. No matter how much YS protests that he did it for JW, it doesn't change the fact that YS is a scum who used a baby for his own revenge purposes. Plus, YS was clearly snickering inside all that time about how he had pulled one over on his aunt. I don't care about JH any more once she started running roughshod over her father's feelings. This is the man who raised her and loved her all that time, giving her respect and support. However the best she can do is throw tantrums, ignore his wishes, and decide that the only thing that matters is what she thinks she wants. Ugh.
  19. Coldplay performed 'The Astronaut' live on the US tv show "Saturday Night Live". They even had Wootteo hanging out next to the drum kit just like in Buenos Aires. They did a fantastic performance... but, I miss Jin. I hope he is well. Even more interesting, Coldplay's second song that they performed was a mash up of 'Human Heart' and 'Fix You'. And, of course, BTS did a cover of 'Fix You' on their MTV Unplugged performance. So here is Coldplay on "SNL". And, here is BTS' cover of 'Fix You' long before anyone even dreamed that Coldplay and BTS would ever collab.
  20. That is a totally great scene. It was also nice that they talked about how to address each other, as well as that being together made them all feel supported. Actually, MY gave SR a ring that is meant to indicate that he will always be with SR. It was SR who proposed to MY. And, then JH and her mother walked in before MY could give his answer. Also, there is a scene where SR asks MY why he and JH's mother separated. MY answered by saying that JH's mother had been seeing other men even after they were married. So, as soon as JH was born, they got divorced. From the preview, it seems that JH's mother is sick. Guess that's why she's really back in Korea, because she wants her daughter and MY to take care of her? Also, I'm so disgusted by YS. He keeps lying and lying to everyone, including his own family. I guess he's trying to do damage control, but seriously. Both he and SJ's mother make me totally sick.
  21. I never thought that JW was YS' bio son. YS didn't know who JM was when she came to the photography studio to say that she was pregnant with SJ's son. Now, it's really curious as to who the father is. I still can't help but wonder if it's not SJ's father's child.
  22. Oh, so the ex must have a second failed relationship since she came back to SK alone. Part of me feels sorry for JH since she's being used as a pawn by NS and now it seems likely she'll be a pawn for her mother. Then again, JH should smarten up and stop being used by untrustworthy people while taking it out on the people who have supported her.
  23. I'm curious to know why she's so sure that she can get MY back. Also, does this mean that she's twice divorced then? Once from MY and once from the overseas guy she's married? The actor playing NS does that self-satisfied smirk so well! It just makes me anticipate the moment when he realizes that he has nothing, including JH. And, if he really did have any feelings for JH, perhaps knowing that he's caused her so much pain will cause him to reflect on himself? Nah, he will probably just go on the hunt for his next victim, blaming his misfortune on everyone but himself. Oooooh! Maybe NS and JH's mother will end up together?????
  24. Preview translation of ep 39 GW: If you’re uncomfortable living in our family home, we can go outside to live. HJ: Actually, it’s more fun to live here than I had thought. TJ Father: Hopefully, Ji Woo won’t be too hurt. TJ: I think that the key is with the cousin. JW: You knew that I wasn’t Lee Sang Joon’s son, didn’t you? JW: Whose son am I? HJ: Shin Moo Young has a woman who loves him. JH Mother: Too bad for that woman. She’s about to lose Shin Moo Young to me. TJ Father: I wonder if it won’t be too uncomfortable to become one family. So, JH's mother shows up on the scene and is pretty shameless I guess. It does look as if JH is going to live with her mother or grandmother ultimately. She's become an utter thoughtless brat all of a sudden. It's good that SJ isn't the father, but I do feel badly for JW since he's been a pawn being used by his family. What a shock for him to learn his parentage the way he has. And, YS is just evil!
  25. KJ asked YY how dinner with SJ went. YY mentioned that SJ had suddenly left before they could eat, and that she had tried to call him but he wasn't answering his phone. KJ worried whether SJ had been contacted by SWS, but only said to YY that probably something with work had come up. Yes, from the preview it seems as if EH figures out that KJ had received DJ's corneas.
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