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Everything posted by JenL

  1. @abs-oluteM oh yay! Looking forward to seeing KTO star opposite her! Oh an unrelated note, are you only watching what's in your signature??? That's the lightest schedule I've seen you take on ever!!!
  2. I'm looking forward to this soooooo much. PEB is pretty muhc my favourite Korean actress. I feel like she picks very good roles and she is very, very natural in her acting. I also feel like she's tried and succeeded in so many characters from quirky housemate to loud tomboy sports manager to soft, demure musical student. Also I think I like her friendly image. And she's pretty And Kang Tae Oh!!! Yayyyy is he the main lead this time?
  3. Hello @stroppyse @ktcjdrama and @UnniSara! I'm so glad to see you all join this thread and watch this drama. Episode 1-2 First thing first, my baby Lee Jae wook is back and he's going to be magical The acting is pretty spot on with both the leads - I think they're both expressive and can do cool/ teasing and slapstick humour in equal balance. I always enjoy how much of a tease LJW can be with his characters - both haughty, but also genuinue and sincere in affections. JSM is also very good at keeping the continuity of the coolness of Naksu, though she's also very comical as Mu Deok as well. Also their chemistry together is good....But I'm wondering what will happen with the soul swapping...It seems like Jang wook will like Naksu who still has something from her past history for Seo Yul. So Jang Wook likes Naksu rather than Mu-Deok? Whatever happened to original Mu-Deok's spirit because I'm sure she won't have the same personality if she's still alive! But they burnt the body?! I loved reading though all your theories...I think I agree with @stroppyse's theory in that I feel like these stories are often ironic and I feel there's going to be this twist where Jang Gang thought Jang Wook was not his son, but it'll probably have turned out to be his real son or some twisted fate like this. A lot of magical stories like to be centred on self-fulfilling prophercies, where you create your own doom by trying to play God and thinking you will find a wa to avoid doom. I actually think the special effects look pretty good for this series. Sometimes I am less than impressed when I watch fantasy series even when they're big budget, but this one seems to be very continuous and consistent with the magic so far. I feel like I have more thoughts, but Winter is making me so sleepy, so I'll revisit tomorrow!
  4. I think so. At first I was also puzzled with the structure, but then I felt like it was folding a lot of different elements into the story so just when you think you know what's going to happen, it shifts and you're left wondering about something else. Good summary of all the mysteries! I feel like the sister of the stalker is pretty crazy. She scares me a lot. The policeman is also really fishy. At first I thought he was just derpy, but now I feel like he has a hidden dark past. It feels like the rage of his actions was more than just a normal person's anger? I agree - they look so pretty together. I feel like they're a whole beautiful species on their own! While the rest of us are...just average I like MGY. I'm not sure what it is...I feel like even though she's quite pretty, she can do girl-next-door very well Hahahaha Yes, I actually think he's quite handsome too I'm not sure when it started because although I really liked Hotel Del Luna, I didn't think he was hot then. Maybe it was because the second lead was Lee Do Hyun, who I instantly liked. But when I saw him in Beyond Evil, I was like, yessss, he has grown better looking And now he's quite a looker here! YES! Grandma and mum are so funny. I love that they may or may not have killed before. There's something about the femme fetale/ female killers that I think works really well in dark comedies like this one I agree with you - it's like a mixing pot of all those genres! I think it's weird, but also enjoyable. Or at least I still get hooked in because I'm not sure what's going to happen Hahahaha, is this abandoning a common move? This feels pretty plausible in come ways. Or maybe it's just that connection because it seems like they were friends and the sister would protect Da Hyun. But it seems like Da Hyun already had a crush on Gye Hoon....so somehow she was already tied with the fate of these siblings? Do I sense a shipping thread about to be made in the near future @SilverMoonTea?
  5. @Chocolate Abs is correct! I am watching because it's my Oppa, Lee Jae wook You should come watch too! Do you like fantasy/ comedy/ romance? It's fun so far. Like nothing to take too seriously, but I'm enjoying the first couple of episodes. @abs-oluteM Whaaaat!!! I didn't realise it was going to be so long! Not that I'm complaining. More LJW for me Hello! Nice to meet youuuu
  6. This seems pretty doable for me! I'm more likely to watch anything that's short at the moment! Yeah I heard Bolin was going to be a sleezy lawyer for this one and Puff's character looked very sloppy. But it seems fun? Hopefully they have goood cast chemistry together? BTW, where are you watching this?
  7. Hahahaha yes! And that's why I can't write them all down or it would be like a book I also think I'm a pretty slow talker, so 57 mins is very much me just talking slowly But then again I think most podcasts are for an hour, drama related or otherwise...there's another drama podcaster whose episodes are 1.5 hours long... I find her podcasts a bit rambley though. My favourite ones are 30-60 mins long with thoughtful structured content...which I hope mine is
  8. Eng Subs for Lee Jae Wook's BTS (from his fan group)
  9. Episodes 1-3 Hahaha I'm catching up, so I haven't read your post proper @mademoiselle but I also came to the conclusion that this series reminds me of Beyond Evil with the creepy neighbourhood where there's a lot of secrets and the suspected killer in the same guy from Beyond Evil Actually, I've got to stop watching this so late at night because it's creeping me out...mainly it's the suspense and the walking back at night and being stalked scenes since this show isn't actually that gory yet. Also when Gye Hoon looked out the window and the ex-paino-teacher-turned-beggar was staring in, I was majorly creeped out!!! I like the chemistry between the leads...it's so cute to see their midnight dinner dates and the way he looked when he saw her without an umbrella and after she fought with her mum...I think I'm starting to fall for him in a big way and he will bump up a rank in the Oppa Tiers BUT their relationship is a weird one! I mean, if Da Hyun turns out not to be Gye Hoon's sister, will they like each other??? It's so weirddddd to like someone that you once suspected might have had some tiny chance of being your sibling! Ugh, it's messing with my mind!!! I feel like the friend has the right idea, stealing their hairs and forcing a DNA test. It's the only way to be sure! The one thing that bothers me, that might be addressed in future episodes but hasn't been yet...is why the neighbourhood people don't really seem to recognise Gye Hoon and why he doesn't seem to know them either...even though it's literally the same people which you see in that shaman ceremony from his childhood after his sister disppeared. I mean, if Da Hyun's mum was already living in the neighbourhood, wouldn't he have known she had a kid even if he didn't know her well? Also, wouldn't they have known his name when he moved back? Sure he was a kid when he lived there, but I feel like the neighbours are nosy enough ajummas that they would have pieced together the past. I'm just confused is all! Still, I'm really enjoying this series because it has such a weird unconventional way about it. I can't tell what's going to happen next! And so I'm quite intrigued. I also feel like the characters react in really strange ways. Like would you hang out with someone who had the fridge with the body if you couldn't yet find the body? They're just so quirky that I'm going along for the ride
  10. Press conference (not subbed, unfortunately, but 1 hr is a long time for anyone to sub)
  11. Ah, that's right! I have a very vague memory about him winning a talent competition. I was thinking about it and I have honestly never watched any of his dramas except Doom at your Service....I think enough time may have passed now so I'll probably watch Shopping King Louis sometime soon since I really like NJH as well ( I have gotten over the ending rage I felt with DDSSLLS and nostalgia means that I only remember the good part of drama that are worth remembering which means I will stop boycotting the writer's dramas. I think )
  12. Hahahaha I just watched the first episode and you remember how I said I don't know what this drama is about? I still don't quite know what it's about @abs-oluteM I agree with @Tofu This is by the far one of the weirdest dramas I've ever seen. But I'm enjoying the storyline which is full of mystery and thriller elements. They put the stalker in the first episode sooo at least that's out of the way Also the visuals for this drama is nice...both YJG and MGY are very stunning
  13. I know so little about him except that he's pretty But i'm keen to watch his next drama
  14. Episodes 7-16 I finally finished this! So I don't mind the last episode because it did tie up all the storylines ok and the tone was a lot nicer...BUT there was a looooong period of angst beforehand and a lot of annoying characters for most of the series. I thought the sister had way more character development than the other characters, which is surprising because when she first came out she was soooo dislikeable, though I felt bad for her situation because it really was Tae Yang's fault that she lost everything. The family dynamics with Tae Jun's mum, sister and himself were the strongest part to this drama honestly. But it was a happy ending all around. It took some time for the team to have some team spirit, but eventually they pulled together. The main couple clarified their feelings and all the side couples were cute. Overall, I wish this series had been better because I like Chae Jong Hyeop so much...but I can't lie, I really didn't feel any chemistry between the leads. There was no romantic tension or build up to the romance, and the passion was lukewarm at best. It felt like they were saying the lines and going through the motions, rather than portraying these feelings. Chae Jong Hyeop had the loved up expressions down pat, but can't say the same for Park Ju Hyun....it just felt like there wasn't a weight to her words and emotions. And for this reason, I found it hard to get into her character. The other thing is that her character was written with this annoying stubborness to make bad choices then grovel that I felt it difficult to back her completely. I actually thought the second couple had a much more belivable chemistry than the first couple And Kim Moo Joon played a pretty good jerk-turned-soft in Yook Jung Hwan. I prefered watching scenes with him and Chae Jong Hyeop more than the main couple! I also wish the sports had been better shot for screen and better integrated in the storyline. I felt like this story was about a fairly mediocre badminton team that wasn't that ambitious either? I mean, not every story has to show the althetes becoming Olympians and best friends, but it would have been nice if it had showed their progression in team bonding more clearly (rather than going from hating to suddenly liking for no reason) and showed them improving in the episodes...like the games were often a bad edit of random shots, with no build up of the scores to show which team was winning/losing. All in all, I didn't hate this drama, since I love Chae Jong Hyeop, and I watched it all (so it can't have been terrible- terrible). But I guess I was expecting a lot more and was disappointed because this drama did not deliver. Oh well, at least that's another one off the list. It was still romantic-centric....but then it went into angst, breakup land. Nothing was really achieved as a badminton team at the end. It's like the Park Park couple were shown to have potential (newspapers writing about their skills etc etc) and were on their way to stardom seeing as the show ends with them playing doubles against the second lead couple who are very strong players...but as a team, it seems like they were mediocre at best. One of the team players replaced the coach as the coach left to be a national coach. But the team captain didn't get his contract renewed and he dropped out willingly to run he's dad's spoon business I mean, I will give his drama points for its realism since I think many athletes do not get to Olympics level, so this seemed realistic. But as a sports drama, very little good sports was shown, so it felt a little pointless. Even as mediocre as they were, they could have shown their games and sportmanship better (but the show did not do this. Sigh)
  15. He singssss????? His English sounds pretty good, is he fluent?
  16. Hahahaha what's with this awkward pic ? \ Hahahaha, oh no. It's going to be makjang
  17. Cast: Kim Se Jeong Choi Daniel Nam Yoon Su Ko Chang Seok Jang Sung Yoon Kim Gab Soo Son Dong Woon Nam Bo Ra Park Ho San Im Chul Soo Plot: The story is about a woman who struggles together with her coworkers to mature into a true webtoon editor after joining the webtoon editorial department. On Ma Eum, who enters the webtoon editorial department after beating all odds. She has a large appetite, a great sense of smell, and cauliflower ears typical of a fighter as a former standing member for the judo national team. On Ma Eum had to quit her athletic career when an unfortunate accident during a match tore her ankle ligament, but she begins to dream anew when she coincidentally delivers food to the webtoon editorial department. Adapted from the Japanese manga series "Juhan Shuttai!" by Matsuda Naok. Plot from Naver, Soompi and Asian Wiki
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