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Everything posted by peperomia

  1. I watched episodes 25-30 in one go. Maybe because I did so, the angst I felt when Qiu Yan left Li Yiang was short-lived because she realized she was wrong later. However, I totally agree that her reasons for leaving were not fully justified. When she told him, he had not officially confessed to her yet, but given everything they have been through together and how much he put at risk for her, she should have known her decision would break his heart. Later before she leaves, they confessed their feelings to each other. At this point, if not stay, it would be more logical if she tried to work something out with him – like a long-distance relationship. Still together while she is traveling and writing her book, and he is still at his post. When they parted ways, she said to herself that if Li Yiang asked her to stay, she would. I have mixed feelings about this. Yes, he could have, but she was determined to leave – it is a hard ask from him. I totally agree the scenes between Qin Xuan and Qiu Min were very difficult to sit through. However, all along, I did believe that he deserved an explanation from Qiu Yan which he finally got it from her. She was quite honest too. LOL. To snap out of his mopiness and move on, he needed to know that she had used him and her feelings toward him was not love. She told him he needed look to the future. I think it is good that he refocused his energy and found a purpose in the Ministry of War. Also, after all this, it was also good to see his friendship with Li Yiang is still there. I always thought there was more to Liang Yi’s father’s death. The mastermind knew Li Yiang’s inability to resist taking part in re-investigating this would be his weakness and set-up a trap on him. What I do not understand is why Liang Yi ran off and became a fugitive. I guess he thought the chances of proving his innocence while being arrested were slim. Anyway, if nothing else, a good thing from Qiu Yan traveling to Northern Liang is that she was able to give him the lead that the An Ling poison is from there and connect that his father may have died of the same poison. I miss seeing them investigating together so although brief, it was nice to see them put their brains together. 4 more episodes! I plan to watch them all together. I have been burned by many costume C-dramas so I stopped having high expectations. Hoping because there was a hiccup in the middle, we will get a happy ending. Logical or not. LOL.
  2. Thanks! I bookmarked this and will try to watch it soon. I see Kim Hye Soo is in it so that's a huge plus. I did watch Voice 4 and really liked it. There was something special about it compared to the previous seasons. I think I understand the theme message you are referring to.
  3. I watched the new pair episodes back-to-back and was completely glued to the screen. Episode 8 was especially good with the interrogation scene between Ha Young and Gu Young Chun. It was amazing to watch Ha Young get into GYC’s mind (and under his skin) and he tells Ha Young everything. Ha Young asked Captain Kook why he picked him. The whole interrogation scenes show Ha Young has a gift with understanding criminals’ minds. On top of that, he trusts his instincts completely and does not waver. If not for Ha Young, Superintendent Baek would not have been able to get GYC to tell them where the bodies were buried and that he lied about being the camping knife killer as well. This part was complicated, but I think it goes back to the flashback of Captain Yoon’s promotion scene where Chief Kim whispered to her that she needs to thank to Ha Young for it. I believe all these years, she misunderstood Ha Young had told Chief Kim that he was the one who caught the culprit (not her), but Chief Kim actually heard this from the culprit when he was interrogating him. This tormented Captain Yoon because before the promotion, she told Ha Young she wanted to right the wrong, but he insisted that she was the one who arrested him. It seemed she did not know how else Chief Kim who know about what happened, except from Ha Young, so she saw him as a two-face and distrusted him. I am glad she found out the truth (coincidentally from Chief Kim's blabbering) and immediately went to clear the misunderstanding with Ha Young. The belated thank you was overdue, but it is better late than never. It is good she has requested cooperation going forward. I think each case is different and profiling GYC hit Ha Young harder. He is used to killers with lack of emotions and no sense of guilt/remorse, but he really could not believe that GYC purposely studied human anatomy to efficiently cut and mutilate bodies. He was also disgusted about the joy that GYC got out it. Same as how Captain Kook felt, I liked that Ha Young finally showed his emotional side and opened up about his hardships. It is good that after a tough day like that, they each know they are not alone in this. They have each other to share their worries and fill the void. As Ha Young had said to Captain Yoon, “Detectives are human too.” By the way, I loved the scene where Ha Young laid flowers on the grounds where they found the victims’ bodies. Most importantly, I am super relieved Ha Young's mom is alive and well! Please protect her - she is too precious.
  4. Ugh, I was so upset with that part. It should not be a way to gain his heart. The marriage was supposed to be fake, but I think they forgot it was most of the times. LOL. It gave a good glimpse of how happy they would be as husband and wife – bickering as usual yet so sweet with each other and sticking by each other’s side through thick and thin. Li Yiang’s mother is the ideal mother-in-law. Doting to her son, but also supportive of her daughter-in-law because she is a woman and wife herself. I loved the part where the mother told Qiu Yan that at first, she was ecstatic of the marriage because she wanted grandchildren, but after getting to know Qiu Yan more, she realized her son truly found happiness with Qiu Yan by his side. When Qiu Yan promised his mother that she would always stay by his side, in a way, I think she acknowledged her feelings for him. I also liked the part where Qiu Yan found Li Yiang’s drafts of the Collection of Odd Occurrences in his chest. Who knew that he wrote them!
  5. I have caught up to episode 24. I am not crazy about subplot with the pearl and the empyrean fairy, but I know it is a common plot device and royals back then strongly held onto these types of auspicious beliefs. I guess we will see where the "newlywed" couple’s out of the box ideas take us. LOL. I felt there were many times when Liang Yi’s intuition told him that Qiu Yan may be the girl he saved. If Qiu Min had not assumed herself as the fan owner and confused him, he probably would have trusted his gut completely (like he normally does) and figured it out sooner. But…I actually like the sequence of events of how he started to fall in love with Qui Yan. Not knowing she is indeed the girl, but Qiu Yan as just Qiu Yan. It was sweet to see him want to be "chained" to her longer and secretly buy the jade necklace for her. When she finally told him the truth, I enjoyed the shock on his face. Yes, Liang Yi, you should have known. She was right under your nose. LOL. I agree Qiu Yan and Qin Xuan were never meant for each other. Regardless, he is a good man so my heart hurts for the guy. He deserves better than what is happening to him.
  6. Yay, love meeting another fan of SKJ. He's one of a handful actors who I find really attractive and believe can be good in any kind role, especially in a darker/complex one like in Watcher and here. The Third Charm was an interesting one - 'til this day I still don't know how I feel about it. He made quite a hot nerd though. LOL. I believe Sae Ha's mother is in a coma too. She needs to be turned often to keep the blood flow circulating and prevent bed sores. I have to give him a lot of credit to be able to work full-time, investigate and care for his mom like he does. The journal tracking everything he needs to do for her said a whole lot. He has a lot on his shoulders and I am sure has put in great effort in learning how to read lips, hack, etc. to accomplish his goal. Whatever is his reason for catching Ghost, it does not seem to be a greedy/selfish one, but something he must achieve for his loved ones. I liked the interactions between Sae Ha and Sae Byeok. It was interesting how she was reluctant to turn over the police evidence to the Bureau, but ended up listening to him and handed it to him. The best part was when they ran into each other while night investigating Kim Ma Nok's place and purposely dined at the halmeoni's place to get intel. Their minds think alike. Also, I was surprised given how secretive he has been with his personal investigation that he was pretty honest with her with what he knows so far. Seems like it is a good sign that they will may trust and work together. There is so much mystery behind Ghost - her DNA, her hand device, her scheduled tasks on her phone and her relationship with Kim Ma Nok. The future where she comes from must be bleak. Perhaps the solar wind has done damage to the quality of life in her time. I wonder if that may be why she looks sick and devoured the cakes like they don't exist later. I agree! At least give us the standard 2 episodes per week. I was a bit frustrated where it ended. I wanted to see more. LOL.
  7. I know I mentioned the lack of a strong main plot, but I actually do not mind either. I only realized it when I could not quite explain what the story was about - except that I really enjoy the two main leads especially when they are together. Your thought that it is essentially the Pride and Prejudice style romance is on point. I have not seen Miss Truth, but I have seen Imperial Coroner and loved it to pieces. When the leads put their minds to work, they do remind me of a bit of Prince An and Chu Chu. One thing that I really appreciated about the story was although there was a childhood trope, Liang Yi and Qiu Yan did not fall for each other because of it. Qiu Yan was the first to find out that he was her benefactor from 6 years ago, but she disliked him anyway at first due to misunderstandings. Liang Yi mistaken Qiu Min as the young girl he had saved, but he grew feelings for Qiu Yan instead. I loved the scene when she finally revealed the truth to him on the mountain top. It was so beautiful and the look on his face was priceless. I think it was just a plus that they had encountered each other in past and turned out to be each other in the present. I totally missed this part. Do you recall if it was explained somewhere in episodes 1-20? No worries if not. This is my first time seeing Jeremy Tsui in a drama and I agree he is super good here. Coincidentally, I have been wanting to see Trace as well, but unfortunately, there are no signs of English subs.
  8. @SilverMoonTea I was worried I would be overwhelmed with the sci-fi stuff, but the first episode was pretty good and left me wanting to see more. I am definitely one of the viewers who appreciated that they clearly defined what grid is in the intro. LOL. When I first read about the synopsis awhile ago, it alluded there would be a ghost/supernatural being which I was not a fan of. I am relieved to know that she is actually a time traveler instead. I like it better this way. Totally agree he is handsome as ever! I was so excited to see him on screen again and in this kind of complex role. I am also curious what Sae Ha and the others do at the bureau. It does seem Sae Ha has his personal reasons for being there and why he is searching for the "ghost". I assume the others do too. I agree his imaginary gun scene suggests he is seeking revenge of some sort. I wonder if it has to do with the death of his father since he is not around and his flashback seems to indicate there was a family tragedy. Good point that there may be more to the grid than just protecting earth and the people. It did feel strange how the entire world depended on the grid so much. I am looking forward to the next episode. I hope Sae Ha and Jung Sae Byeok will work together.
  9. @SilverMoonTea Thanks for the tag! I had planned to watch this past weekend, but not yet. I will tonight and definitely check back here. I love SKJ too. Have seen almost everything of his. He was great playing two roles in Are You Human Too. My favorite role of his is in Watcher. I am not crazy about the sci-fi theme in Grid, but I will give it a try for him and since it is by the writer of Stranger.
  10. I am kind of watching this with mom when I see her on the weekends. Have seen up to ep 20. To be honest, I am mainly watching it for Jeremy Tsui and his character, Liang Yi. His voice is just so attractive. Overall, I personally think the story lacks a strong main plot and I wish they would have developed the second leads in a different direction. I get frustrated with Qiu Yan’s recklessness, but I do admire her strong will and how tenacious she is in fighting for her own destiny. I also like how she loves reading investigative novels and the backstory behind it relating to her mother is touching. Her and Liang Yi are a hoot together. They are like two peas in a pod. I think that is why they bicker yet understand each other so well. I cracked up so hard when he ripped off her fake mustache and she retaliated back by doing the same. LOL. I agree Liang Yi can come across as mean at times, but I think part of it is his direct and unfiltered personality. He is a noble, but he does not necessarily carry himself like one as the typical male lead in this role normally would (if that makes any sense). Especially when it comes to love, I like how he does not hesitate at all for the sake of Qin Xuan and is honest with himself. By the way, does it seem Liang Yi may be investigating the circumstances around the death of his father? I need to go back and find it, but I sort of remember Qin Xuan mentioning to Qiu Yan that Liang Yi’s personality changed after his father died. I wonder if the story will delve into this aspect more and explain how it affected him.
  11. Thank you, both! I've seen Vincenzo (which I enjoyed a lot), but not Chief Kim. I think I have an idea of what you mean by wacky sense of humor. Will definitely give Fiery Priest a try after finishing TTD as SilverMoonTea recommended. I think that ordering makes sense. TTD is actually my first KNG drama so I have not seen Live Up To Your Name either, but I read the synopsis which seems interesting. I do like time travel/slip stories. I will put it on my list too. In the meantime, I will watch the special episodes since Eng subs are available now. (Just realized Grid is out. Might check it out this weekend.)
  12. I have not seen Fiery Priest. Would you recommend? I see a lot of mentions about it. I am drama-less at the moment so I do have some time. I thought the 3 week break would be no biggie, but it feels like eternity. LOL. Miss KNG too!
  13. To be honest, I was disappointed about the whereabouts of the 2 fingers too, though I do believe Ha Young would've pushed harder during the interrogation if he felt there was hope of finding them. The killer felt no remorse and was not capable of being honest. (I think it was definitely was premeditated, not accidental.) He was never able to find his own 2 fingers when his accident happened. He made sure the police would not never find hers either. Ha Young knew that so I think that's why he felt no point in asking what he did with them. I agree if he did, maybe us viewers would feel a bit more closure. I am getting the sense that the cases will not have full/perfect closure though. At the end of episode 6, it looked that the killer was preparing to start dismembering his victims. Maybe the 2nd reason will be covered there. I agree. This was why I was confused with her behavior in episodes 5 and 6. I thought her perspective of Ha Young and BAT was already resolved in episodes 3 and 4. They did seem to be on a better wavelength at the the scene you mentioned. Hopefully, they all will work better together from hereon. It is primarily because he had tried to arrange her with the prosecutors in exchange for their evidence. He saw her only as a woman, not as a fellow detective. He has not changed for the better at all after all this time so that is why she slapped him. She told him she thought she was over the past, but realized she was not. Slapping him was not right, but he definitely deserved it and more. Hoping by finally confronting him, she is able to move on and have a better rapport with the others who do respect her as a colleague. I really don't know how Kim Bong Shik got promoted. I am at a complete lost here. I am sure this aspect factors into her anger toward him as well. It's totally unfair.
  14. I watched to episode 6. I was not expecting the time jump, but since the Behavioral Analysis team was only given a year to prove its worth before it was to disband, it was nice to see them last through the years - even though barely. From a viewer’s perspective, they should already be a permanent asset to the police department by 2003, but I understand the politics within the organization does not help the situation. Some believe their responsibilities are simply tied to deskwork. They should not be in the field investigating the cases, which the crime squad believes it is their territory. It is a good thing there are some who support them such as Chief Heo, Superintendent Baek and Forensics, but they deserve full recognition from the organization – starting from the top. What is amazing is Captain Kook does not mind it. Of course, he wants to prove the credibility of criminal profiling and build the database, but over the years, he and his team has turned over their hard work to the crime squad without expecting any kind of merit back. They just want to do their part in solving the cases and most importantly, prevent further crime from happening. Just as much as I love Ha Young, I really admire Captain Kook’s passion, conviction, and tenacity. His ability to build and maintain his team, with limited to no resources, is quite something. Previously, we learned that he willingly took a demotion to pursue criminal profiling. Now we see him spending his own money on equipment for his team and moving heavy file cabinets all by himself. Although he constantly faces pushback from the organization, at least, he has a great team who believes in him. For his birthday, it was sweet of Ha Young to have his mom make seaweed soup for Captain Kook and to gift him a dress shirt. Love their relationship. Really cute how as opposed to smoking cigarettes to relieve their frustration from work, they have banana milk together instead! Regarding Captain Yoon, I was a bit confused in how she treated the Behavioral Analysis team in 2003. They seemed to work well together in episodes 3 and 4. What happened over the years? They took many steps back. I wasn’t expecting the backstory of her and Ha Young either. After how he had saved her life, it is too bad she cannot get past her insecurities and yet has a complex from it. Even if it is due to mistreatment as a female in the profession, he had spoken up for her before. She should recognize that he is different and not like the others. I do believe she has good intentions as a detective. She needs to change some of her ways though. The current killer is interesting. In episodes 5 and 6, he is targeting rich/elderly couples in affluent neighborhoods. However, a few years ago, a victim of his seemed to be a young lady at the end of episode 4. We did not see him kill her, but it alluded so. He keeps changing his M.O. and has sporadic cooling periods which makes it difficult to profile him. Episode 6 ended with a new killer so it seems his case may take place through more of the series. Last and least, Kim Bong Shik is so annoying. He really kills the mood. I am not sure why Ha Young started wearing suits. It could be for the interviews, but I noticed he is wearing them even while investigating the crime scenes. He looks good though! Yes, the cinematography and BGM is superb. The snowfall is absolutely beautiful. I really like the shot of Ha Young at the bus stop looking and smiling at the family in hanbok. Oh, I thought the 2 fingers were still missing at the close of the case. When they realized the killer had 2 missing fingers himself, Ha Young seemed to conclude that they will likely never find them. The killer never intended them to. I need to re-watch this part again. Happy Lunar New Year! I hope you are enjoying your long break. I celebrated with my family over the weekend. LOL. I got that impression of KNG from the BTS. Since the show is on a break now and I am not watching much else, I will try to check the variety show. I saw Lee Sun Kyun is also in it. I like him too!
  15. It was such a beautiful finale! Definitely one of the best endings I've seen in awhile. I thought the timing of when Chae Ran confessed to Ji Ung was just right. Now that he is mending his relationship with his mother, he seems to have a better perspective of life. Life is not always fair, but your happiness depends on the choices that you make of it. By letting go of the past (which also includes Yeon Su), I do think a happier and clear-minded Ji Ung will start to see Chae Ran as a woman. She is a such great gal. I cannot imagine that he will not. He did smile after her confession, so I take it as he is receptive of it. But yes, I agree it would be nice to have a bonus episode to see how they do from there. I agree with you wholeheartedly here. Throughout the story, it had shown Ung and Yeon Su had some weaker areas as individuals that both needed recognize and work on. Just as they both were on the same page with dating again, it was moving to see them both agree it was in their best of interests to pursue their individual goals and to discover themselves. It was the perfect balance of selfish and selfless at the same time (if that makes any sense). I appreciated the writing’s focus was not solely on the romance, but the importance of self-discovery and growth. It made their second chance all that more meaningful. It sent a great message.
  16. He kept digging himself a bigger hole. He's so hilarious. Gosh, in the Lunar New Year Special preview, they teared up watching the ending together. I remember Junho and Seyoung said they cried when the read the last script for the first time.
  17. I forgot to mention one more thing from episode 4. I was watching some of the BTS and everyone looks like they are having fun filming the drama. Kim Nam Gil is such a lively person in real life - so opposite from his onscreen personality. LOL. @abs-oluteM Hope you have the chance to catch up soon. The next case seems really good so I am happy to know we will get to see it this weekend before the break. 3 weeks is a long time, but this drama is worth the wait. Glad it's getting the buzz!
  18. LOL...seriously, what was he saying, eh? Do tell us more! Both Junho and Seyoung are so adorable individually and together. Hope they really do pair up for another project one day.
  19. Episodes 3 and 4 were good. I was relieved the tension between the investigation and behavioral analysis teams was short-lived. It did not take long for Captain Yoon to recognize Captain Kook and Ha Young’s strengths. It was nice to see the two teams quickly work together (with no ego) and even have a meal together toward the end. In some ways, I feel Ha Young and Captain Yoon are similar in personalities. Both don’t care for the nonsense and chatter that goes on at the station. They just want to focus and fulfill their sense of duty as detectives. I love Ha Young so much. It was a thoughtful gesture to correct motel owner that Captain Yoon is not just a miss, but the lead detective on the case. She may be a woman, but she deserved the respect as well. He doesn’t openly express it, but he treats each case with such heart and drive. You can tell how badly he wanted to catch the culprit when he placed the photo of Lee Soo Hyun in his police academy book in the page that read “Our Pledge”. It was as if he was making a promise to her that he will for her and her family. It’s a shame they didn’t find her remaining 2 fingers. Ha Young seemed regretful of that during and at the close of the case. Nevertheless, it was very kind of him to leave flowers and return her photo to her family. Was anyone else afraid something bad was going to happen to Captain Kook when he was walking home drunk and bumped into the man who we later find out is the Daesung serial killer? I was so nervous during that scene! It’s going to be devastating when Captain Kook finds out the killer re-purposed his lost badge to lure his next victim. As the Daesung serial killer is the most wanted person by the Korean police and his behavior does not seem to fit the general behavioral categories, the next case should be good. I am not surprised Ha Young wasted no time in drawing up the investigation board!
  20. Thank you, @abs-oluteM! Will definitely watch soon.I've been reading good things about it.
  21. Oh, this reads like a really interesting one - especially if it is based on American Psycho. I am excited that Kim Young Kwang is the male lead. I can actually picture him portraying a sociopath with DID very well. Looking forward to it!
  22. Okay…I enjoyed episode 14 more than I did with 13. Like many here, I am struggling with Ji Ung’s unrequited feelings for Yeon Su after so many years. To be honest, if it were me, knowing that she was my best friend’s ex and is his girlfriend today, I would put my feelings for Yeon Su to rest. I really hope Ji Ung can get there. I like Chae Ran, but I also like NJ. It never occurred to me for a possible pairing with NJ, but I thought they seemed to understand each other. Also, for the first time in a while, Ji Ung seemed to smile a little during their dinner conversation together. But gosh, what a bomb that Ji Ung's mother dropped on him. I feel so bad and sad for him. His mother too. I feel like there has to be her side of the story for everything. I hope the finale will delve into it. He needs closure on this too. Ung wondered if he may be immature or unreliable, but I do not think so. He wants to know the reason for their break-up, not just out of curiously, but so he can prevent the same mistake from happening again. He really wants to make their relationship lasting. That his goal. As he said, he will spend the rest of his life with Yeon Su. The part where Ung was secretly walking Yeon Su home from work (without her knowing) melted me. In case doing so might have overwhelmed her, he did it silently. When she finally admitted to him that she actually wanted him to, he then revealed himself to her. So sweet. I think by her acknowledging to him that she did not want him to in past was because she did not want it to be a burden is a start for her to be honest/open with him. It is perfectly okay to share burdens with each other. That is part of being in a relationship together. She will not be able to change completely overnight, but I think by Ung being patient and showing that she can rely on him through actions, she will get there. Yes, I thought it could be Ung's biological father too. I actually wanted to see this happen and for them to finally meet again. If he is lurking in secret, he may not have bad intentions. He probably just wants to know how his son is doing, etc. (Maybe like the story in When the Camellia Blooms.)
  23. Thanks for sharing this! I was looking up the book and found out there was an American drama series based on it also named Mindhunter. It was released by Netflix and still available on there. There are 2 seasons (total of 19 episodes). I plan to check out both the book and Netflix series. Very true. I like how Chief Kook has a trailblazer mindset in how he envisions crime-solving should be in Korea and he knows bringing Ha Young along that path with him can make it happen. Signal was excellent. I am (anxiously) waiting for season 2.
  24. I really liked Ha Young's interactions with Yang Yong Chol too. I think Ha Young knew Yong Chol didn't have anyone close to him which is why he always met up with him in the family room. For this reason, Yong Chol felt a strange closeness with him and was willing to give him insight without further money. Even with the backlash when the public found out Ha Young went to get help from a convict, he didn't care and said he would do it again as long as the real culprit was caught. Such a stand-up detective. I agree with you about Captain Park. The thing that I did like about him was that he expedited the fingerprinting of the scissors and did not tamper with anything, despite knowing the repercussions if he was indeed wrong about Bang Ki Hoon. Yay, I am glad you were able to start it. I love Kim Nam Gil here too. His character is well thought-out. His ability to connect to people is really great to watch I am excited for this happen. It is nice to see Ha Young warm up to this new specialty over the early episodes. I like his relationship with Chief Kook. He seems at ease with him and they seem to share the same beliefs in approaching crime-solving. Thanks for pointing this out. Ha Young as a child at the end of episode 1 did remind me of Ba Reum, but I did not take note of how they are total opposites in empathy. I am relieved there are no signs he is anything like Ba Reum. LOL.
  25. Episode 2 was really good as well. The drama reminds me a lot of Criminal Minds. @UnniSara If you happened to watch episode 2 already, it will answer your question about the fingerprint.
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