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Work Later Drink Now 술꾼도시여자들 [2022-2023]

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@abs-oluteM I too had a hard time when Si Won characters is appearing on the screen because of his facial hair.. When I thought his appearance in She was pretty could prepare me for this.. my goodness no.. my eyes :CubShy:


I'm up to ep 5 and it's interesting to see how the girls history of becoming friends. Ji Yeon and Ji Goo are so different from each other and now I understood that because of So Hee being the bridge and peace maker among the three, they could stand each other drunk antics lol .. but it's sweet to see that Ji Goo is always ready to help Ji Yeon. She hated the idea for being the emergency contact of hers but she's always be the first one to respond. And despite thr numerous ' mistakes ' that Ji Yeon made to gain the attention of her friends, they are always ready to run and help her.. Such a warm friendship.  


And just how tight their bond that even Ji Goo mom dreamed about her daughter's friends and had a bad feeling because of her nightmare.. 


Romance between So Hee and Bok Gu is still unclear and I hope they can speak to each other without alcohol influence for once to make it clear and not in work area too.. 


Sigh hearing those songs, brought me back to the golden era of kpop 2010 - 2011 :BulbaOWO: those times are good indeed ...

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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Oh episode 6 was quite interesting and I could relate a little with So Hee. When I was still a newbie, I was eager to finish my work so that I could go home early, but got held instead with additional works. I could relate with the disappointing and frustrating feelings at that time.. 


In episode 6 we moved back a little to few years ago before So Hee works as a writer, Ji Goo as origami live broadcaster and Ji Yeon as a yoga instructor. Back then, they were all quite success in their own path. I never imagined that Ji Goo was a teacher in high school. Whoa even if she's a cool teacher she really looked as someone that you can't just mess. 


This 30 ++ minutes format sometimes can be a blessing or frustrating. When it ended just in time when the story was getting interesting, I felt a little bit mad. The 30 mins format was a blessing when you want to watch something but you don't really have much time to spare. Within the 30 mins the writer and director can deliver something for the viewers without wasting any time. They really packed it within the time frame. 

  • Insightful 1

Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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I am up to eps 7 now @LaLa


For a show that I was expecting to just give me a good laugh,  eps 7 sure got me crying. Ji Goo's story and her trying to save her student was the most emotional I have felt. It was hard but so real. When Ji Goo dived on reflex to save her student , it was the most selfless act I have seen. So to find out that she still died ( I am assuming she didn't survive the impact or that she tried to kill herself again) was really heartbreaking. Ji Goo is actually the most caring of the lot. She's always the first to respond in the crisis. 


I have come to love the show a lot because of these girls. As crazy as they are with their binge drinking,  and they do it as a form of escapism from the harsh realities , they are actually a lot stronger and courageous than they give themselves credit for. Because they stood up for themselves and what they believed in , they lost their jobs but gained new opportunities. 


Also I was so surprised over So Hee and PD-nim's first encounter. So happy to see Si Won with no facial hair. Looks like he's always liked her from the start. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Am done with eps 8. A walk down memory lane of the girls' first loves.

And we find out how much PD-nim really likes So Hee. Though I think his hygiene habits need a serious makeover :shocked:.  I do like the idea of them pairing up.


LSB & CSW did a photoshoot for 1st Look






Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@LaLa why was she so touched at the end? That he asked her out for a movie?

I know from reading that So Hee's father will pass away and our PD-nim will attend the funeral. And oh my he's finally cleaned up. Thank god :laugh:. Ji Goo goes meet her family whom she has not seen for years


Ohh he looks better without the facial hair


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I watched ep 7 during the weekdays but fall asleep before I could write my thoughts in here.. and I just caught up until ep 9... 


Okay about your questions regarding the video, yes the man asks Ji Yeon for to watch a movie when the sky is bright. I guess since I haven't seen this scene yet, it will be in episode 10? Maybe the reason why Ji Yeon felt touch because how he initiated the next step? In ep 8, Ji Yeon shared that she's mostly the one who asked the man for the next step after they spent time together. Most men back out because they already achieved their goal for sleeping with her and didn't see a serious future with Ji Yeon. However this man is different. He explained via text and by the looks that they spent time drinking all night until dawn at Ji Yeon's favorite bar, it shows that he also interested in her. 



Gosh I didn't sign up for crying fest in this drama. :letalQQ: Even tough I found the craziness of these women sometimes a little bit too much, I enjoyed watching them getting drunk and mukbang to forget about their sorrow about life or just being there for each other.


Ep 7 showed us about the women's past but I really invested in Ji Goo's past as a teacher. I liked her cool and blunt way as a teacher, but I guess because she's inexperience enough, she didn't realize the sign for her student until it's too late. And it really made an enormous impact later in her life. I guess some of her advice towards her student was something that she wished she could do, but couldn't because the expectation from her overbearing mother. When she was grieving about her student's death, the way her mother still pushing her wishes and dreams to Ji Goo.. whoaa I want to slap her mother silly.:pandaroar:

It's just relief that Ji Goo with that temper of hers just moved back and later ran away from home... Not choosing a dark path like what her student did. 


Ep 8.. It's a bittersweet one. That ahjumma of the bar owner gave some wise advice for our girls. She was there when the women experienced the failed love when they were young and she was there when they are in 30s with various state of love life among the three. Her advice as someone who has felt the fail in love and starting a new life gave an insight to the girls' love life.. 


Ep 9.. Wah.. this episodes is really.. Aigoo the heaviest so far but also the warmest. I really hope that the friendship between the girls would never be broken. They have gone a lot together. As So Hee stated in her voice over when she narrated her story, Ji Yeon really looked so mature in here. Among the three she was the most experienced enough with the funeral process. She didn't want So Hee to take care of the trivia matter when she's not in her state of mind, so she mostly take care of it. Ji Goo, her presence alone was already a source of strength for the two of them, but when she's willing to contact the family that she wants nothing to do with, it just showed that to Ji Goo, So Hee's stability in facing the farewell of her father is the more important than her cold war with her family, especially with her mother. And Buk Gu. The sweet Kang Buk Gu. He's caring for her from afar and staying with her for the whole 3 days. 


Watching ep 9 brought some memories and thoughts.. My first and foremost thought whenever I found drama with tight friendship between the leads is if only I could also have the same friendship like that in real life.. Funeral scenes would never be easy and the older we get, the more often we will have to attend or hear about the funeral of someone we knew..  Sigh ep 9 is really the heaviest so far..


Now I want to give a really big applause for our three leading heroine for their fantastic acting. I don't think I  have ever watched Lee Sun Bin's works before this, but I have to say she's doing really well. Jung Eun Ji and Han Sun Hwa.. Wahh these two I have known them since their idols days and some of their side while they were doing variety, however these two have grown so much as an actress. Thumbs thumbs thumbs thumbs for them :1000:

  • Clapping Hands 2

Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Ep9 may very well be my favourite so far @LaLa. In spite it being So Hee's father's funeral, there were plenty of things that touched my heart. Both Ji Yeon and Ji Goo , like always, took charge and became the support system that So Hee badly needed. Dealing with the death of a loved one can be very hard , and in these days where family size is shrinking ( So Hee had no siblings she could consult) the decisions have to be made alone and you can feel really lost. So having them just pulling her along and making sure that both her and mother were coping warmed my heart. Plenty of tears from me.


PD-nim's involvement was the one that surprised me. As it has been shown bit by bit, we now find out how much he likes So Hee. Looks like he's always had a soft spot for her since he 1st saw her comedian audition. It was really sweet of him to make sure she got safely to the funeral hall & making arrangements with the cab driver for her to be fed & to sleep. And of course he ended up being one of the pall bearers. I really do hope that the romance will take off. Both have feelings - that I am certain.


SiWon's OST


1 hour ago, LaLa said:

Watching ep 9 brought some memories and thoughts.. My first and foremost thought whenever I found drama with tight friendship between the leads is if only I could also have the same friendship like that in real life.. Funeral scenes would never be easy and the older we get, the more often we will have to attend or hear about the funeral of someone we knew..  Sigh ep 9 is really the heaviest so far..

Sending hugs for this...

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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First off I am so excited that Season 2 is going to be a possibility now, and I hope that they bring back all 4 of them.


Ep 10


 I really like that Ji Goo is somewhat reconnecting with her family ever since she called her dad to conduct So Hee's dad's funeral service. While things don't go off as smoothly during the family dinner , it was still nice to see her reuniting with them. I am very curious about the You Tuber guy she was supposed to meet . Her little brother is a fan , and his brother was the one who badmouthed her on her YT channel. LOL....I hope they get to meet for real.


And Ji Yeon found a man whom I think is a keeper. He was so sweet . I was tickled at the fact that he could outdrink her and that he likes her for who she is ( not just for her body) . They had such an honest conversation and their relationship I think will work - just feels like she found her soulmate. 



Ep 10 also continues with So Hee's grieving for her father. It has finally hit her so hard that sleep has become impossible making her unable to function. The other two as always are her pillar of support especially Ji Goo who tried hard to get her to rest. On the way to work in a zombie like state, PD-nim saw her and got her into his car. She finally slept. I love how sweet he was sacrificing his day to let her sleep. He took her home since she couldn't seem to get up  and fed her etc. She also finally dreamt of her father while sleeping on his bed which I take it as closure that she needed after his death.


What I wasn't expecting though was that they would sleep together again. LOL . Don't know if her sub-conscious is kicking in but she pretty much pounced on him and I am guessing because he likes her too that it lead to them having sex again. But man, what's with that intern/  ex gf doing at his place in the morning? Why is she still living there? 


Ep 11 - I need you soon!


Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@LaLa I am done with all the episodes and what a ride this has been . This show is such an underrated gem with international viewers , though I know that the domestic viewers especially the target market of 2049 segment loved it and TVing saw increased subscriptions thanks to it.


Recaps & thoughts for the final episodes


At the end of eps 10 we saw that So Hee woke up after a very good rest ( and they did sleep with each other again , or more like she pounced on him . LOL) , to find that the ex ( the intern at the office)  was still at his place. The misunderstanding was cleared up very quickly as PD-nim told her that intern has a habit of showing up at his place when she is super drunk , and he didn't have the heart to turn a single girl away as it was too late in the night. However there was nothing going on between them. We find out too that intern was pregnant;  So Hee initially thought it was PD-nim's baby only to find out it wasn't his. But this also became a catalyst for her to realise her feelings for him.


On the career front , it was  the last season for the show they were working on. While So Hee was immediately scouted to write for another programme, she was angry with the head writer because she felt it unfair to the other junior writers . So she demanded that they also be given replacement jobs. This created a big argument at a team dinner between So Hee and the head writer. It was also here that PD Kang told So Hee that they should work on a new programme together. It was such a comical scene especially because of Kang's reactions, so much so that So Hee to shut him up, agreed to work together. 


Meanwhile Ji Yeon's story was the one that made me cry. At the end of eps 9, I was so happy for her that she seems to have found the perfect guy, Ji Yong. We saw a bit more twist to it as the guy is a widower with 3 boys. However JiYeon took it in her stride -  she  was going to marry him anyway and seems to get a long well with his sons. But fate can be cruel sometimes. Ji Yeon was diagnosed with 2 or 3rd stage cancer, and had to go for surgery quickly with a 50% survival rate. Sadly Ji Yong and her broke off due to this as his wife too had suffered and died of cancer;  he didn't think he could go through this again.


The girls find out about Ji Yeon's cancer, and initially thought she was joking. But of course when they realised it was true, you can imagine how tough it was to come to terms with it. I love Ji Yeon here. As afraid as she was , she was indeed a cup half full person trying to look at the bright side - joking about what sort of reconstructive surgery she could get to enlarge her breast size. She was trying to be as optimistic as she could not just for her but for the other two. It isn't only the girls who were worried for JY. Mr Bar Owner was as well. I just love how good he is to the girls and tolerates their crazy binging all the time. 

And this is one of the best things about this drama - how these girls understand each other & are each other's support system. They don't judge or question the hurting friend , and just gives the person space & time needed to heal or come to terms with their own struggles.  This was something Ji Goo noted in her monologue about how her  BFFs never questioned her decision to switch to this hermit life that she's chosen. They just waited for her to find peace with herself. Ji Goo's arc was pretty satisfying as she finally met Mr Nice Paper ( I could not recoginise that it was Yoon Shi Yoon! ) and found her calling as she successfully launched her webtoon. 


Ji Yeon's surgery was not easy but she recovered. While at the hospital Ji Yong did come by a few times as he regrets his decision to not stand by her. But I love Ji Yeon's self worth because she didn't go back to him immediately, and instead tells the nurse (Han Do Kwan cameo)  that they will start dating today (in front of Ji Yong ). So what will become of this ? Will there be a love triangle? Perhaps this will be explored in S2.


And finally my favorite pairing had the most interesting twist . So in the last episode of their show, they could not find a guest to come.  PD Kang had the craziest idea of having So Hee show off her talent of opening beer bottles with just about anything. And that she did, all dressed up with her face covered in blue tights. The show was funny but the highlight was the ending credits where Kang confessed to SH about how he feels for her. It was no wonder Kang didn't let anyone else edit the show. SH was bewildered and so the two met. He told her that she is the only one who can get him sexually excited ( even intern says that he is lacking in this department) and instead of a romantic proposal, he asked her to be his sex partner ! I was laughing my head off at the irony. But the thing is this - Kang really does like her . He is just one quirky person and always does things against the flow. What he really meant was the he wanted her to be his sex partner forever ( proposal to get married ) but somehow left out the "forever" bit . So what lies ahead for the two is unclear as So Hee isn't going to have a man who just wants her for sex. 


The ending scene where all the girls get ready for Christmas dinner at their favourite bar  with all their love interests present suggests that there will be plenty of things to explore if Season 2  happens.  Please do let it happen. 

  • Party! 1

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I just found the time to binge the last 2 episodes today.. almost 10 days since the last episodes of season 1 aired and only now I had the time to catch up. And boy I'm going to miss this show so much. With the craziness of the girls when they're drunk but also their tight friendship and warm support they give for each other. 


The definition of friends and best friend forever that I have always found in fiction can be found in here. And as I said before in my previous post, having a friendship like these three are something that I wished to have... Well probably minus the alcoholic part because I don't think my stomach and liver can stand those booze lol. How I wished we could get more back story for each girl and their development because their arcs have so much potential to be developed for a deep story, but I guess the short and tight airing time, might be a good way to just show the important part of the stories. 


And while I also agree that it such a pity that it didn't get the recognition from the international viewers because the restrictions and unavailability for the international broadcast, in some way I kind of feel relief. If they aired this in public channel, they need to edit so much of the scenes and it might make the drama lose some of their unique colours. Since the main target are the K audience and it got the hot response, I guess the casts and production team reached their target. International viewers might not understand or relate with the drinking habits that the girls have. I'm just happy that I can watch it through the dark sites and still can enjoy it. Tving really just exclusively target the SK audience for now, which made it difficult to access many goodies over there. 


I hope all the main casts and supporting casts especially the potential lover will accept the offer for season 2, and we can continue the story from the last scene, about the Christmas date. I am so excited to see Ji Goo and Mr Nice paper guy who's played by Yoon Shi Yoon hahaha.. thanks for accompanying me and opening this thread @abs-oluteM hopefully we'll see each other soon and talking about work later drink now season 2 soon! 

  • Party! 1

Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

You remember this actress ?


I recognized her... I knew she was in both My love from the star (just appeared for few episodes because her character got killed by the villain) and Oh my Venus as the second female lead.. I don't think I ever watched her recent works after that.. 


I wonder what kind of character she will have in the series.. I am satisfied enough that the main casts of season 1 coming back as a whole.. and adding YSY is as fixed cast is also a good thing. 

  • Clapping Hands 1

Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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On 11/8/2022 at 11:13 PM, LaLa said:

. I don't think I ever watched her recent works after that.. 

Did you watch Good Casting? I think we watched together right? She was there too - the one with the kid.


New poster


Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Did you watch Good Casting? I think we watched together right? She was there too - the one with the kid.


Ah right.. I forgot that she was in there too. Yes yes I remember her character and the drama. 


Ohh new poster.. how do you think the episode will last this time? The last season was for 12 episodes yes? 

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Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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11 hours ago, LaLa said:

Ohh new poster.. how do you think the episode will last this time? The last season was for 12 episodes yes? 

It doesn't say on the sites. So I am assuming it is same as last season

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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New teaser about the upcoming season 2


The girls leave the city to the mountain.. I wonder if the writer got inspired from theie spin off journey of the three actresses of their hiking variety :laugh: I never read the webtoon so I didn't know.


And my goodness Si Won facial hair and hairstyle :CubShy: Has he become a mountain man or what?


  • Haha 1

Currently Watching List:

K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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